Short Communications (Letters) are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results on the science, applications and processing of materials which warrant rapidpublication. In considering a manuscript for publication, particular attention will be given to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, the clarity of the presentation andthe validity of the conclusions. There is a strict four-page limit to printed articles. Manuscriptsmust not exceed 2000 words plus three figures and one table. This includes everything: the title,authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, body of the manuscript, acknowledgements, references,figure captions, etc. The maximum number of figures is strictly limited to five. If the maximum of4 figures is used, then the total number of words must be reduced to 1800. If the maximum of 5figures is used, then the total number of words must be reduced to 1600. If more than 5 figures areused, the manuscript will be rejected. The manuscript submitted for review should not exceed8 pages (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables and figure captions). ShortCommunications need to report a concise but exhaustive Material and methods section included inthe main text.
研究方向,是技术专业背景下,比较具体的研究主题。根据学科,自己擅长兴趣,社会关注等因素进行选择。填写论文研究方向的原则:一、应与兴趣相合一个人在日常生活里,没有兴趣的事,不会去做,如勉强去做,也会做不好。写论文的情形跟做事一样,能符合自己的兴趣才有可能写好。二、应考虑自己的能力在就读大学的这段期间内,是否有能力作某个论题的研究,也应好好考虑。论题如涉及太多外文文献,就要考虑自己的能力是否能胜任。三、范围应大小适中一般讨论论文写作的书,都强调论题不宜太大,或论题要小,笔者以为研究方向的大小应有其伸缩性,Gocheck论文检测系统认为,研究方向大小的选择,应以研究时间的长短、数据的多寡作为考虑的首要因素。四、资料是否容易取得一篇论文的好坏,除写作者的能力外,另一部分的因素是资料是否充足。当我们在选择研究方向时,就应把资料是否容易取得,列为重要的考虑因素。五、应能推陈出新一般论文写作规范,都强调论题要新,意思是前人可能没有研究 或研究的水平不高。
Short Communications (Letters) are intended as brief reports of significant, ori
研究方向是指研究者在科学研究中所关注的特定领域或问题。在撰写研究方向时,一般可以参考以下几个方面: 1. 研究背景:简述研究领域的发展历程、现状及存在的问题,说