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☆近年来共发表论文和研究报告40余篇,其中5篇被EI收录,参与编写手册1部,即将出版专著1部。☆1996年获国家“八五”科技攻关重大科技成果奖1项。☆1991年获江苏省煤炭工业科技进步三等奖1项。☆2001年获山东省科学技术进步一等奖1项。☆2001年获煤炭工业十大科学技术成果奖1项。☆1995年被评为江苏省教委国家“八五” 科技攻关先进科技工作者

332 评论


截至2013年,在国内外各类刊物发表论文70余篇,其中被SCI期刊收录30余篇,在中文核心期刊发表科研论文30余篇。主编专业书1部,参编教材和专业书2部。获授权发明专利8项,其中第一发明人7项。发表文章(*,通讯作者)Xie,NN., Wang, C., Ao J., Li, B.*. Non-gastrointestinal-hydrolysis enhances bioavailability and antioxidant efficacy of casein as compared with its in vitro gastrointestinal digest. Food Research International, 51 (2013) 114–122. IF, 3.15Li, YW., Li, B.*. Characterization of structure-antioxidant activity relationship of peptides in free radical systems using QSAR models: key sequence positions and their amino acid properties. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 318 (2013) 29–43. IF, 2.21Ao, J., Li, B*.. Stability and antioxidative activities of casein peptide fractions during simulated gastrointestinal digestion in vitro: Charge properties of peptides affect digestive stability. Food Research International, 52 (2013) 334–341, IF, 3.15.Xie, NN., Zhou, T., Li, B.* Kefir yeasts enhance probiotic potentials of Lactobacillus paracasei H9: The positive effects of coaggregation between the two strains. Food Research International, 45 (2012) 394–401. IF,3.15Ao, J., Li, B.* Amino acid composition and antioxidant activities of hydrolysates and peptide fractions from porcine collagen. Food Science and Technology International, 2012, 18:425-434. IF, 0.681.Wang, C., Li, B.*. Separation and identification of Zinc-chelating peptides from Sesame protein hydrolysate using IMAC-Zn2+ and LC-MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 134(2012)1231-1238. IF, 3.655Chen, M., Li, B.*. The effect of molecular weights on the survivability of casein-derived antioxidant peptides after the simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 16 (2012) 341–348. IF, 3.03Liu, CC., Zhou, T., Li, B.*. Gastrointestinal tolerance and adhesion to Caco-2 cells of Lactobacillus paracasei H9 in presence of its exopolysaccharide. African Journal of Microbiology Research, Accepted. IF, 0.54.Li, Y.W., Li, B.*, He, J.G, Qian, P. Structure-activity relationship study of antioxidative peptides by QSAR modeling: the amino acid next to C-terminus affects the activity. Journal of peptide science, 2011,17(6), pp 454-462.Li, Y.W., Li, B.*, He, J.G, Qian, P. Quantitative structure-activity relationship study of antioxidant peptides by using different sets of amino acids descriptors. Journal of Molecular Structure, 998(2011)53-61.Chen, G., Luo, Y.C., Ji, B.P., Li,B.*, Su, W., Xiao, Z.L., Zhang, G.Z. Hypocholesterolemic effects of Auricularia auricula ethanol extract in ICR mice fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. J Food Sci Technol-Mysore,, 2011,48(6):692–698. IF,0.477.Li, Y.W, Li, B.*. Quantitative structure-activity relationship study of radical scavenging peptides based on ORAC method by using different sets of amino acids descriptors. CMBB 2010 (2010 First International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology. 国际会议论文(EI收录), 2010.12. 25-26. 齐齐哈尔,中国. Vol.3, P251-257.Luo, Y.C.; Li, B.*; Ji, H.; Ji, B.P.; Ji, F.D.; Chen, G.; Tian, F. Effect of soybean varieties on the fibrinolytic activity and sensory characteristics of douchi. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2010,34;Suppl. 2;457-469Yang, ZW; Zhou, F; Ji, BP*; Li, B*; Luo, YC; Yang, L; Li, T . Symbiosis between Microorganisms from Kombucha and Kefir: Potential Significance to the Enhancement of Kombucha Function. Appl Biochem Biotechnol., 2010, 160(2):446-455.Zhou, T., Li, B.*, Peng, C., Ji, B.P., Chen, G., Ren, Y.L. Assessment of the sequential simulated gastrointestinal tolerance of lactic acid bacteria from kefir grains by response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science. 2009,74(Nr.6), M328-334; (SCI, IF, 1.489).Luo, Y.C., Chen, G., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Guo, Y., Tian, F. Dietary Intervention with AHP, a Functional Formula Diet, Improves Both Serum and Hepatic Lipids Profile in Dyslipidemia Mice. Journal of Food Science. 2009, 74(06), H189-195. (SCI, IF,1.489)Zhao, L., Ji, B.P, Li, B.*, Zhou, F., Li, J.H., Luo, Y.C. Immunodulatory effects of aqueous extract of Velvet antler (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus) and its simulated gastrointestinal digests on immune cells in vitro. Journal of food and drug analysis. 2009, 17(4), 282-293. (SCI, IF,0.471)Luo, Y. C., Chen, G., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Guo, Y., Tian, F. Evaluation of antioxidative and hypolipidemic properties of a novel functional diet formulation of Auricularia auricula and Hawthorn. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 2009, 10, 215–221. (SCI, IF, 1.474).Tian, F., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Zhang, G.Z., Luo, Y.C. Identification and structure-activity relationship of gallotannins separated from Galla chinensis. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2009, 42, 1289-1295. (SCI, IF, 1.887).Tian, F., Li, B.*, Ji, B.P., Yang, J.H., Zhang, G.Z., Chen, Y., Luo, Y.C. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of consecutive extracts from Galla chinensis: The polarity affects the bioactivities. Food Chemistry, 2009, 113 (1): 173-179. ( SCI, IF, 3.052)Luo, Y. C., Li, B.*, Ji, H., Ji, B.P., Ji, F.D., Chen, G., Tian, F. Effect of soaking and cooking on selected soybean variety for preparation of fibrinolytic Douchi. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2009, 46(2), 104–108. ( SCI, IF, 0.221).姜良萍,李博*,王婵,罗永康. 鲢鱼源多肽锌的制备工艺对其抑菌活性的影响。食品科技,2013, 38(02):125-129.刘丛丛,纪凤娣,李博*. 接种与调酸发酵对白菜中亚硝酸盐含量的影响,食品工业科技,2013,34(10):215-218,234.刘丛丛,纪凤娣,姜良萍,李博*,罗永康.副干酪乳杆菌H9复合涂膜技术对草鱼的生物保鲜作用. 食品科技,2013,38(11):146-152.张淼,李博*,钱平.食品中油脂提取及过氧化值检测方法的优化. 食品工业科技, 2011.32(12):497-508.陈敏,敖静,李博*. 分子量对酪蛋白多肽抗氧化活性的影响. 食品工业科技, 2012.09:95-99.肖龙恩,钱平,董新娜,李博*. 压缩饼干硬度临界值的确定以及加速试验条件下硬度的变化规律. 食品科技, 2012, 37(05):52-56.董新娜,李博*,钱平,肖龙恩,张晓娟. 能量棒贮藏期稳定性及其货架期预测. 食品科技, 2012,37(06):182-185.孟祥升,李博*. 副干酪乳杆菌及其胞外多糖的抗氧化性研究. 食品科技, 2012.10 .授权发明专利:李博,汪婵. 芝麻蛋白源金属螯合肽与肽微量元素螯合物及其应用. 专利号:ZL 201110159456.9李博, 籍保平, 陈峰. 源自胶原蛋白的抗氧化肽及其用途. 专利号: ZL201010141974.3.李博, 籍保平, 陈峰. 一种源自胶原蛋白的抗氧化肽混合物及其制备方法和用途. 专利号: ZL200610000996.1.李博, 任雅丽, 籍保平, 韩辉. 一种开菲尔冻干菌粉及其制备方法和应用. 专利号: ZL200610112456.2.籍保平,田文礼,李博,吴薇,杨志伟. 一株葡糖酸醋酸杆菌及其应用。专利号ZL200410091488.X.李博, 籍保平. 一种发酵豆腐及其制作方法. 专利号: ZL200410037595.4.李博, 籍保平, 谷大海. 复合凝固剂及制作方法和用该凝固剂制作的豆腐及方法. 专利号: ZL200410037594.X. .“浓缩苹果汁酿制苹果酒关键技术的研究”获教育部技术进步奖二等奖(第4完成人);2004年2月。证书号: 2003-184。

341 评论


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    王子恭贺 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
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    澳洲博士申请条件如下: 1.学位要求:本科以上学历或硕士毕业。 2.均分:80以上。 3.GRE320+或GMAT650+。 4.语言要求:托福 88以上或雅思

    傻喵喵123 6人参与回答 2023-12-07
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    1、书法论文《当代文化背景下帖学书法的复兴》,中国文学艺术界联合会主办,第七届中国文联文艺评论奖三等奖,国家级, 2010-11;2、杨建军《入则重规叠矩,出则

    后来后来510 2人参与回答 2023-12-09
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    考生根据个人实际情况填写,也可以填毕业论文情况,如尚未开题、已经答辩等。可以按照如下方式填写: 1、2020年毕业的考生,如还没开始写论文,可以写:2020年7

    溪爱Mr彬 5人参与回答 2023-12-06
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    1.大直径导线的结构与性能研究 1999.10 电力建设(全国中文核心期刊,获自然科学优秀论文一等奖)2.多股导线的股线防滑分析 2000.11 电力建设(全国

    贵州米粉 2人参与回答 2023-12-07