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编译 | 李言

Nature , 29 April 2021, Volume 592 Issue 7856

《自然》 2021年4月29日,第592卷,7856期

天文学 Astronomy

X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from two previously quiescent galaxies


作者:R. Arcodia, A. Merloni, K. Nandra, J. Buchner, M. Salvato, et al.







Quasi-periodic eruptions (QPEs) are very-high-amplitude bursts of X-ray radiation recurring every few hours and originating near the central supermassive black holes of galactic nuclei. Here we report observations of QPEs in two further galaxies, obtained with a blind and systematic search of half of the X-ray sky. The optical spectra of these galaxies show no signature of black hole activity, indicating that a pre-existing accretion flow that is typical of active galactic nuclei is not required to trigger these events. Indeed, the periods, amplitudes and profiles of the QPEs reported here are inconsistent with current models that invoke radiation-pressure-driven instabilities in the accretion disk. Instead, QPEs might be driven by an orbiting compact object. Furthermore, their observed properties require the mass of the secondary object to be much smaller than that of the main body, and future X-ray observations may constrain possible changes in their period owing to orbital evolution.

化学 Chemistry

Transition from an atomic to a molecular Bose–Einstein condensate


作者:Zhendong Zhang, Liangchao Chen, Kai-Xuan Yao & Cheng Chin




陷阱的几何形状和分子的低温有助于减少非弹性损失,确保热平衡。从状态方程测量,我们确定分子散射长度为+ 220( 30)玻尔半径(95%置信区间)。我们还研究了强耦合条件下的解对动力学,发现在费什巴赫共振附近的动力学时间尺度符合统一极限。


Molecular quantum gases (that is, ultracold and dense molecular gases) have many potential applications, including quantum control of chemical reactions, precision measurements, quantum simulation and quantum information processing. Here we report the preparation of two-dimensional Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) of spinning molecules by inducing pairing interactions in an atomic condensate near a g-wave Feshbach resonance. The trap geometry and the low temperature of the molecules help to reduce inelastic loss, ensuring thermal equilibrium. From the equation-of-state measurement, we determine the molecular scattering length to be + 220( 30) Bohr radii (95% confidence interval). We also investigate the unpairing dynamics in the strong coupling regime and find that near the Feshbach resonance the dynamical timescale is consistent with the unitarity limit.

Direct observation of chemical short-range order in a medium-entropy alloy


作者:Xuefei Chen, Qi Wang, Zhiying Cheng, Mingliu Zhu, Hao Zhou, Ping Jiang, et al.







Here we discover that, using an appropriate zone axis, micro/nanobeam diffraction, together with atomic-resolution imaging and chemical mapping via transmission electron microscopy, can explicitly reveal CSRO in a face-centred-cubic VCoNi concentrated solution. Our complementary suite of tools provides concrete information about the degree/extent of CSRO, atomic packing configuration and preferential occupancy of neighbouring lattice planes/sites by chemical species. Modelling of the CSRO order parameters and pair correlations over the nearest atomic shells indicates that the CSRO originates from the nearest-neighbour preference towards unlike (V Co and V Ni) pairs and avoidance of V V pairs. Our findings offer a way of identifying CSRO in concentrated solution alloys. We also use atomic strain mapping to demonstrate the dislocation interactions enhanced by the CSROs, clarifying the effects of these CSROs on plasticity mechanisms and mechanical properties upon deformation.

Direct assessment of the acidity of inpidual surface hydroxyls


作者:Margareta Wagner, Bernd Meyer, Martin Setvin, Michael Schmid & Ulrike Diebold







For mineral surfaces, the acidity is estimated by semi-empirical concepts, such as bond-order valence sums, and increasingly modelled with first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. At present, such predictions cannot be tested—experimental measures, such as the point of zero charge, integrate over the whole surface or, in some cases, inpidual crystal facets. Here we assess the acidity of inpidual hydroxyl groups on In2O3(111)—a model oxide with four different types of surface oxygen atom. We probe the strength of their hydrogen bonds with the tip of a non-contact atomic force microscope and find quantitative agreement with density functional theory calculations. By relating the results to known proton affinities of gas-phase molecules, we determine the proton affinity of the different surface sites of In2O3 with atomic precision.

地球科学 Geoscience

Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century


作者:Romain Hugonnet, Robert McNabb, Etienne Berthier, et al



在此,我们揭示了冰川质量在21世纪早期加速流失的模式。我们的研究显示,2000-2019年期间,冰川每年损失267 160亿吨,相当于观测到的海平面上升的21 3%。

我们发现,质量损失的加速度为每年每10年48 160亿吨,这解释了观测到的6%至19%海平面上升的加速度。特别是,冰盖外围的冰川变薄的速度在过去20年里翻了一番。目前,与格陵兰岛或南极冰原分别相比,冰川的质量损失更大,速度相近或更快。



Here we reveal the accelerated, albeit contrasting, patterns of glacier mass loss during the early twenty-first century. We show that during 2000–2019, glaciers lost a mass of 267 16 gigatonnes per year, equivalent to 21 3 per cent of the observed sea-level rise. We identify a mass loss acceleration of 48 16 gigatonnes per year per decade, explaining 6 to 19 per cent of the observed acceleration of sea-level rise. Particularly, thinning rates of glaciers outside ice sheet peripheries doubled over the past two decades. Glaciers currently lose more mass, and at similar or larger acceleration rates, than the Greenland or Antarctic ice sheets taken separately. By uncovering the patterns of mass change in many regions, we find contrasting glacier fluctuations that agree with the decadal variability in precipitation and temperature. These include a North Atlantic anomaly of decelerated mass loss, a strongly accelerated loss from northwestern American glaciers, and the apparent end of the Karakoram anomaly of mass gain.

Plume-driven recratonization of deep continental lithospheric mantle


作者:Jingao Liu, D. Graham Pearson, Lawrence Hongliang Wang, et al.







The mantle roots of cratons are renowned as being long-lived, stable features of Earth’s continents, but there is also evidence of their disruption in the recent and more distant past. Here we study kimberlite-borne mantle xenoliths and seismology across a transect of the cratonic lithosphere of Arctic Canada, which includes a region affected by the Mackenzie plume event 1.27 billion years ago. We demonstrate the important role of plume upwelling in the destruction and recratonization of roughly 200-kilometre-thick cratonic lithospheric mantle in the northern portion of the Slave craton. Using numerical modelling, we show how new, buoyant melt residues produced by the Mackenzie plume event are captured in a region of thinned lithosphere between two thick cratonic blocks. Our results identify a process by which cratons heal and return to their original lithospheric thickness after substantial disruption of their roots.

89 评论


编译 | 李言

Nature , 8 April 2021, Volume 592 Issue 7853

《自然》 2021年4月8日,第592卷,7853期

天文学 Astronomy

Five carbon- and nitrogen-bearing species in a hot giant planet’s atmosphere


作者:Paolo Giacobbe, Matteo Brogi, Siddharth Gandhi, Patricio E. Cubillos, et al.




氰化氢和这两种分子都在HD 209458b的大气中被发现。HD 209458b是一个被充分研究过的热木星(平衡温度在1500 k左右),曾经检测出氨,但随后被否认。

在此,我们报告HD 209458b的观察结果,显示存在水、一氧化碳、氰化氢、甲烷、氨和乙炔,每个分子5.3到9.9个标准偏差。辐射和化学平衡的大气模型表明,探测到的物质具有富碳化学成分,碳氧比接近或大于1,高于太阳的值(0.55)。

根据现有的关于大气化学与行星形成和迁移情景的模型,这可能表明HD 209458b在远离目前位置的地方形成,随后向内迁移。


Previous observations of hot Jupiters as they transit in front of their host stars have revealed the frequent presence of water vapour and carbon monoxide in their atmospheres; this has been studied in terms of scaled solar composition under the usual assumption of chemical equilibrium. Both molecules as well as hydrogen cyanide were found in the atmosphere of HD 209458b, a well studied hot Jupiter (with equilibrium temperature around 1,500 kelvin), whereas ammonia was tentatively detected there and subsequently refuted. Here we report observations of HD 209458b that indicate the presence of water ( H2 O), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), methane (C H4 ), ammonia (N H3 ) and acetylene ( C2H2 ), with statistical significance of 5.3 to 9.9 standard deviations per molecule. Atmospheric models in radiative and chemical equilibrium that account for the detected species indicate a carbon-rich chemistry with a carbon-to-oxygen ratio close to or greater than 1, higher than the solar value (0.55). According to existing models relating the atmospheric chemistry to planet formation and migration scenarios, this would suggest that HD 209458b formed far from its present location and subsequently migrated inwards.

考古学 Archaeology

Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari


作者:Jayne Wilkins, Benjamin J. Schoville, Robyn Pickering, Luke Gliganic, et al.








The archaeological record of Africa provides the earliest evidence for the emergence of the complex symbolic and technological behaviours that characterize Homo sapiens. However, stratified Late Pleistocene sites with good preservation and robust chronologies are rare in the interior of southern Africa, and the coastal hypothesis therefore remains untested. Here we show that early human innovations that are similar to those dated to around 105 thousand years ago (ka) in coastal southern Africa existed at around the same time among humans who lived over 600 km inland. We report evidence for the intentional collection of non-utilitarian objects (calcite crystals) and ostrich eggshell from excavations of a stratified rockshelter deposit in the southern Kalahari Basin, which we date by optically stimulated luminescence to around 105 ka. Uranium–thorium dating of relict tufa deposits indicates sporadic periods of substantial volumes of fresh, flowing water; the oldest of these episodes is dated to between 110 and 100 ka and is coeval with the archaeological deposit. Our results suggest that behavioural innovations among humans in the interior of southern Africa did not lag behind those of populations near the coast, and that these innovations may have developed within a wet savannah environment.

材料科学 Material Science

Entropic evidence for a Pomeranchuk effect in magic-angle graphene


作者:Asaf Rozen, Jeong Min Park, Uri Zondiner, Yuan Cao, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, et al.




使用局部和全局电子熵测量,我们发现,在每摩尔单胞填充近一个电子时,电子熵显著增加到约每单胞1 k B。这个巨大的过量熵被指向其磁源的平面内磁场淬灭。可压缩性随电子密度的变化而急剧下降,伴随着费米能级的重置回到狄拉克点附近,标志着两相之间的清晰边界。




In the 1950s, Pomeranchuk predicted that, counterintuitively, liquid 3He may solidify on heating. This effect arises owing to high excess nuclear spin entropy in the solid phase, where the atoms are spatially localized. Here we find that an analogous effect occurs in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Using both local and global electronic entropy measurements, we show that near a filling of one electron per moiré unit cell, there is a marked increase in the electronic entropy to about 1 k B per unit cell ( k B is the Boltzmann constant). This large excess entropy is quenched by an in-plane magnetic field, pointing to its magnetic origin. A sharp drop in the compressibility as a function of the electron density, associated with a reset of the Fermi level back to the vicinity of the Dirac point, marks a clear boundary between two phases. We map this jump as a function of electron density, temperature and magnetic field. This reveals a phase diagram that is consistent with a Pomeranchuk-like temperature- and field-driven transition from a low-entropy electronic liquid to a high-entropy correlated state with nearly free magnetic moments. The correlated state features an unusual combination of seemingly contradictory properties, some associated with itinerant electrons—such as the absence of a thermodynamic gap, metallicity and a Dirac-like compressibility—and others associated with localized moments, such as a large entropy and its disappearance under a magnetic field.

Isospin Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene


作者:Yu Saito, Fangyuan Yang, Jingyuan Ge, Xiaoxue Liu, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, et al.




值得注意的是,在超晶格填充因子 1附近,高温时电阻率出现峰值,而在低温极限时则没有出现相应的相。倾斜磁场的磁输运和面内磁矩的热力学测量表明,电阻率峰值与系统发展为有限同位旋极化的有限场磁相变有关。这些数据提示了一种波梅兰丘克型机制。



Here we show that a similar mechanism describes the finite-temperature dynamics of spin and valley isospins in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Notably, a resistivity peak appears at high temperatures near a superlattice filling factor of 1, despite no signs of a commensurate correlated phase appearing in the low-temperature limit. Tilted-field magnetotransport and thermodynamic measurements of the in-plane magnetic moment show that the resistivity peak is connected to a finite-field magnetic phase transition at which the system develops finite isospin polarization. These data are suggestive of a Pomeranchuk-type mechanism, in which the entropy of disordered isospin moments in the ferromagnetic phase stabilizes the phase relative to an isospin-unpolarized Fermi liquid phase at higher temperatures.

Diversity-oriented synthesis of polymer membranes with ion solvation cages


作者:Miranda J. Baran, Mark E. Carrington, Swagat Sahu, Artem Baskin, Junhua Song, et al.







Here we describe a persity-oriented synthetic strategy for microporous polymer membranes to identify candidates featuring FVEs that serve as solvation cages for lithium ions (Li+). This strategy includes persification of bis(catechol) monomers by Mannich reactions to introduce Li+-coordinating functionality within FVEs, topology-enforcing polymerizations for networking FVEs into different pore architectures, and several on-polymer reactions for persifying pore geometries and dielectric properties. The most promising candidate membranes featuring ion solvation cages exhibited both higher ionic conductivity and higher cation transference number than control membranes, in which FVEs were aspecific, indicating that conventional bounds for membrane permeability and selectivity for ion transport can be overcome.

地球科学 Geoscience

A 200-million-year delay in permanent atmospheric oxygenation


作者:Simon W. Poulton, Andrey Bekker, Vivien M. Cumming, Aubrey L. Zerkle, Donald E. Canfield & David T. Johnston



早期大气氧化发生在以多次全球冰期为标志的长期极端气候不稳定时期,氧浓度最初上升到目前大气水平的 10- 5 以上的时间则推定为24.3亿年前。然而,随后大气氧含量的波动一直持续到大约23.2亿年前,这代表了大气中不可逆氧化的估计时间。


因此,在大约2亿年的时间里,氧气水平在目前大气水平的 10- 5 的阈值上下波动。永久的大氧化事件比目前估计的晚了大约1亿年。


Early atmospheric oxygenation occurred over a protracted period of extreme climatic instability marked by multiple global glaciations, with the initial rise of oxygen concentration to above 10- 5 of the present atmospheric level constrained to about 2.43 billion years ago. Subsequent fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen levels have, however, been reported to have occurred until about 2.32 billion years ago, which represents the estimated timing of irreversible oxygenation of the atmosphere. Here we report a high-resolution reconstruction of atmospheric and local oceanic redox conditions across the final two glaciations of the early Palaeoproterozoic era, as documented by marine sediments from the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Using multiple sulfur isotope and iron–sulfur–carbon systematics, we demonstrate continued oscillations in atmospheric oxygen levels after about 2.32 billion years ago that are linked to major perturbations in ocean redox chemistry and climate. Oxygen levels thus fluctuated across the threshold of 10- 5 of the present atmospheric level for about 200 million years, with permanent atmospheric oxygenation finally arriving with the Lomagundi carbon isotope excursion at about 2.22 billion years ago, some 100 million years later than currently estimated.

247 评论


编译 | 未玖

Nature , 11 February 2021, VOL 590, ISSUE 7845

《自然》 2021年2月11日,第590卷,7845期

物理学 Physics

A quantum enhanced search for dark matter axions 量子增强搜索暗物质轴子 作者:K. M. Backes, D. A. Palken, S. Al Kenany, B. M. Brubaker, S. B. Cahn, A. Droster, et al. 链接: 摘要 在暗物质轴子搜索中,量子不确定性表现为一个基本噪声源,限制了用于探测的正交可观测值的测量。对暗物质的研究很少接近这个极限,到目前为止也无人超越。研究组利用真空压缩来突破量子极限寻找暗物质。通过制备一个压缩状态下的微波频率电磁场,并以近乎无噪声的方式读出压缩正交曲线,研究组可在质量范围内将轴子的搜索速度提高一倍。在16.96-17.12和17.14-17.28微伏的轴子剩余能量窗口中,研究组没有发现暗物质存在的证据。突破量子极限带来了一个基础物理 探索 的时代,与接近量子极限的收益递减相比,降噪技术将带来极大益处。

A universal 3D imaging sensor on a silicon photonics platform 基于硅光子学平台的通用三维成像传感器 作者:Christopher Rogers, Alexander Y. Piggott, David J. Thomson, Robert F. Wiser, Ion E. Opris, Steven A. Fortune, et al. 链接: 摘要 精确的三维(3D)成像对于机器绘制地图和与物理世界交互至关重要。由于难以为每个像素提供电子和光子连接,以前的系统限制在20个像素以下。研究组演示了一个由512个像素组成的大规模相干探测器阵列在3D成像系统中的操作。利用光子和电子电路单片集成的最新进展,将密集的光学外差探测器阵列与集成的电子读出结构相结合,可直接扩展到任意大的阵列。双轴固态光束转向消除了视野和距离之间的任何权衡。在量子噪声极限下,研究组的系统仅使用4毫瓦的光时,在75米的距离可达到3.1毫米的精度,比现有固态系统在该距离内的精度高出一个数量级。未来使用最先进的组件缩小像素尺寸,可为消费者相机传感器大小的阵列提供超过2000万像素的分辨率。该研究成果为低成本、紧凑和高性能的3D成像相机的开发和普及铺平了道路,这些相机可应用于从机器人技术和自主导航到增强现实和医疗保健等领域。

材料科学 Materials Science

Tunable strongly coupled superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene 魔角扭曲三层石墨烯中可调谐的强耦合超导 作者:Jeong Min Park, Yuan Cao, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi & Pablo Jarillo-Herrero 链接: 摘要 魔角扭曲双层石墨烯仍然是唯一一种可重现强超导性的体系。研究组在魔角扭曲三层石墨烯(MATTG)中实现了莫尔超导体,它比魔角扭曲双层石墨烯具有更好的电子结构和超导性能。测量霍尔效应和量子振荡作为密度和电场的函数,研究组能够确定系统在正常金属状态下的可调谐相界。零磁场电阻率测量表明,超导性的存在与每个莫尔晶胞中两个载流子所形成的破缺对称相密切相关。研究组发现超导相被抑制,并被限制在部分环绕着破缺对称相的范霍夫奇点处,这很难与弱耦合Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer理论相吻合。此外,该系统广泛的原位可调谐性使其能够达到超强耦合状态,其特征是金兹堡-朗道相干长度达到平均粒子间距离,以及非常大的TBKT/TF值,超过0.1。观察结果表明,MATTG可电调谐至接近二维玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的交叉点。研究结果建立了一系列可调谐莫尔超导体,它们有可能彻底改变人们对强耦合超导的基本认识和应用。

Facile route to bulk ultrafine-grain steels for high strength and ductility 一种大规模制备高强度高塑性超细晶钢的简易方法 作者:Junheng Gao, Suihe Jiang, Huairuo Zhang, Yuhe Huang, Dikai Guan, Yidong Xu, et al. 链接: 摘要 亚微米晶粒尺寸的钢通常具有较高的韧性和强度,这使其在轻量化技术和节能战略方面具有广阔的应用前景。迄今为止,超细晶(UFG)合金的工业制备通常依赖于扩散相变的控制,因此仅限于制备奥氏体-铁素体相变的钢。此外,这些UFG钢有限的加工硬化和均匀延伸阻碍了其广泛应用。研究组报道了一种在Fe-22Mn-0.6C孪晶诱导塑性钢中大量制备UFG结构的简易方法,即通过微量铜合金化,以及30秒内相干无序富Cu相的晶内纳米析出控制再结晶过程。快速而大量的纳米析出不仅阻止了新的亚微米级再结晶晶粒的生长,而且还通过齐纳钉扎机制提高了所获得的UFG结构的热稳定性。此外,由于析出相完全的相干性和无序性,在载荷条件下,析出相与位错的相互作用较弱。这种方法能够制备晶粒尺寸为800 400纳米的完全再结晶UFG结构,而不会引入有害的晶格缺陷,如脆性颗粒和晶界偏析。与未添加Cu的钢相比,UFG结构的屈服强度提高了一倍,达到710兆帕左右,均匀延展性为45%,抗拉强度为2000兆帕左右。这种晶粒细化的概念亦可扩展到其他合金系统,并且制造工艺较易应用到现有的工业生产线。

Thermally reconfigurable monoclinic nematic colloidal fluids 热可重构单斜向列相胶体液 作者:Haridas Mundoor, Jin-Sheng Wu, Henricus H. Wensink & Ivan I. Smalyukh 链接: 摘要 迄今为止,除简单结构外,具有很少或没有对称操作的结构已被证明仅是固体的一种性质,而不是它们的完全流体凝聚态对应物的性质,尽管这种对称性在理论上被考虑并在磁胶体中被观察到。研究组证明了在由分子棒组成的向列相主体中分散高各向异性的带电胶体盘,为观察许多低对称相提供了一个平台。根据盘的温度、浓度和表面电荷,研究组发现向列相、近晶相和柱状组织的对称性从单轴转向正交和单斜。随着温度的升高,研究组观察到了从低序状态到高序状态、以及重入相的异常转变。最重要的是,研究组证明了可重构单斜相胶体向列相序的存在,以及低对称性自组装的热控制和磁控制的可能性。研究组的实验结果得到了向列相主体中圆盘间胶体相互作用的理论模型的支持,并有望为在具有不同形状和尺寸的构建块的系统中实现许多低对称凝聚相及其技术应用提供一条途径。

化学 Chemistry

Complex structures arising from the self-assembly of a simple organic salt 简单有机盐自组装形成的复杂结构 作者:Riccardo Montis, Luca Fusaro, Andrea Falqui, Michael B. Hursthouse, Nikolay Tumanov, Simon J. Coles, et al. 链接: 摘要 虽然分子自组装已经被广泛研究,但理解控制这种现象的规则仍具有挑战性。研究组报道了一种简单的氨吡啶盐酸盐结晶为四种不同的结构,其中两种采用了不寻常的自组装组成了氯离子和吡啶离子的多面体团簇。这两种结构代表了刚性有机小分子的Frank–Kasper(FK)相。尽管FK相在60多年前就已在金属合金中发现,但最近已在几类超分子软物质和金纳米晶体超晶格中观察到FK相,并持续至今。在这些体系中,原子或分子的球形组件被组装成配位数为12、14、15或16的多面体。该文报道的两种FK结构是从致密液相结晶出来的,显示出一种在刚性有机小分子中通常无法观察到的复杂性。通过低温电子显微镜对前驱体致密液相的研究,揭示了球形聚集体的存在,其尺寸在1.5到4.6纳米之间。这些结构,连同用于制备它们的实验程序,引起了人们对其形成的有趣猜测,并为有机晶体材料的设计开辟了不同的视角。

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    编译 | 李言 Nature , 29 April 2021, Volume 592 Issue 7856 《自然》 2021年4月29日,第592卷,7856

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