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我的网站,看一下网站文章题目列表就知道是否专业原创法律英语翻译网站2010年10月文章一览217 Foreign company与foreign-based company有何区别及foreign的翻译216谈法律(英语)文书中的标点符号(2)书名号的英译215“变更名称”中的“变更”可以译为alteration吗?214经典优秀恐怖片惊悚片推荐213女性电影推荐212优秀经典同志电影片推荐之女同志电影211转载资料库变更域名 网址 9月文章列表 转载文章一览2010年10月67常用法律英语词汇笺注(13)P-W 完66 《美国民事诉讼法译序》中的词汇翻译部分 转载65 日常及专业法律英语常用短句集锦 转载64 专利翻译63 怎样做中国的自由译者62如何阅读美国的法律引证61常见法律英语词汇笺注(9) 60常见法律英语词汇笺注(10)59 常见法律英语词汇(12)58 专利文献某些惯用语和句子的译法57被遗忘三十年的法律精英56“自由贸易区”该如何翻译55答陈老师有关“Civil Action”一问 54 first cousin once removed 的翻译 转载53社会呼唤高质量涉外法律翻译作品 -----小议法律翻译的标准 52论“民事法律行为”命名的谬误51美国证券法律蓝本对实务界、法律英语和翻译学的价值 转载资料库文章一览2010年9月共50篇原文地址: 50与法律有关的名人名言49从“翻译法律”到“法律翻译”———法律翻译主体“适格”论 节选 48英语法律文本中主要情态动词的作用及其翻译 47国际合同涉及的担保物权种种! 46法律英语证书(LEC)全国统一考试样题45论债的更新44法律文书翻译三步曲 43软件许可协议翻译1首部 42TRADOS新手必读(一) 转载41我国法律名称英译现状述评 申海平 40我的法律翻译之路 转载自 天涯社区39翻译市场准入之我见 作者 boffin 38天涯法律英语论战37《法律语言与翻译》创刊暨征稿启事36大陆法对英美法上LIEN制度的误解及LIEN的本意探源(上)转载35大陆法对英美法上LIEN制度的误解及LIEN的本意探源(下)转载34jury是裁判团,而不是陪审团 转载33如何阅读英文案例 转载322007~2008我国翻译服务领域现状浅析31创业板IPO存量发行法律制度研究 30一个句子结构的讨论(与IPO有关)29还是政府最大方——法律英语译审最低千字千元 不知都是哪些专家。正文无内容 链接见 国务院办公厅关于做好行政法规英文正式译本翻译、审定工作的通知27“拆迁”一词作为法律词语的英译问题(转)26第三届UIBE杯法律英语翻译大赛初赛试题25法律翻译的困难 转载24《中华人民共和国合同法》部分条款英语译文研究 转载23《现代知识产权法的演进:英国的历程(1760-1911年)》译跋22关于美国律师资格考试制度的考察报告 作者:吕宫思21西方“新东方”--美国纽约州律师速成60天小记(1) 转载20西方“新东方”--美国纽约州律师速成60天小记(2)转载19西方“新东方”--美国纽约州律师速成60天小记(3)转载18西方“新东方”--美国纽约州律师速成60天小记(4)转载17法律英语翻译招聘 2010年16常见法律英语词汇笺注(八)15常见法律英语词汇笺注(二)14用Trados的点滴经验13略论英美法律语言中的求同型近义词 杨颖浩12规范性法律文件名称英语翻译若干问题的思考 转11因特网在翻译中的妙用 作者 李长栓10with or without the passage of time该如何翻译什么意思9纽约律师考试各类资料小总 转载8《知识产权法的经济结构》译后记 转载7是“补偿”、“赔偿”还是“免责”?---浅谈indemnity一词的中文表述6法律英语(2) 作者:魏焕华(《英语世界》杂志)5法律英语(1)作者:魏焕华(《英语世界》杂志)4法律英语翻译之 “法人”英语译名的确定 转载3揭穿***法律英语培训班的(转载)2法律翻译人才招聘信息一览 2006年1法律英语论文一览 本文禁止转载(除非另有声明)本文来源于刘素林法律英语翻译 , 原文地址: 本人法律翻译新网站2010年9月文章一览转载资料库变更域名网址 欢迎各位浏览。210宋雷的《英汉法律用语大词典》,国内最好的法律词典?209我出的“思想道德修养与法律基础”试题A卷下208我出的“思想道德修养与法律基础”试题A卷上207老刘解读英文合同(4)合同首部之consideration206老刘解读英文合同(3)合同首部之witnesseth205delegation/delegate与novation/novate的区别204孙万彪《英汉法律翻译教程》笔记之一 assingnment/transfer 203孙万彪《英汉法律翻译教程》笔记 之二 breach and infringement 全202孙万彪《英汉法律翻译教程》笔记 之三 confidentiality 201孙万彪《英汉法律翻译教程》笔记 之四 definition and interpretation200孙万彪《英汉法律翻译教程》笔记之五 governing law and dispute resolution199孙万彪《英汉法律翻译教程》笔记 之六 第八章insurance198 做好法律英语翻译工作的前提 付费文档199 本站文章一览2010年8月共36篇197 你是否遇compensation就译“赔偿”?196 证券术语1 存量发行含义及其翻译195 陈世美雇凶杀妻——必要或可取的情况下neccessary or desirable194 谈《A序列优先股购买协议》中的一个句子的理解193 法庭口译资料下载192 一英文句子该如何理解和翻译的讨论191 翻译杂谈 两则190 我们该如何悼念189 挣钱不过是享受翻译乐趣的副产品 兼谈新学期计划188 与翻译有关的国家标准 下载 不定期更新187 法律金融证券英语翻译转载资料库已经开通网址 欢迎各位浏览。186 中国法律的篇章结构体系用语——立法法释义 本人法律翻译新网站2010年8月文章一览185 在某论坛对招募伙伴贴回复的回复184 法、法律、法案词义辨析及其英文翻译183 与专业者合作,人生一大快事182 优秀经典同志电影片推荐 之男同志电影181 the appeal is allowed, allowing the appeal 啥意思180 如果有一份54万字的业务放在你的面前——招募法律和金融英语翻译高手179 美国法律法规下载(不定期更新)附美国法典简介 178 非法律专业人士在翻译法律文书时易犯的错误177 美国2010年金融监管改革法目录翻译11—16编176 美国2010年金融监管改革法目录翻译第10编175 美国2010年金融监管改革法目录翻译8—9编174 成为有钱人的20种捷径(下)173 成为有钱人的20种捷径(上)172 美国2010年金融监管改革法目录翻译5—7编171 美国2010年金融监管改革法目录翻译3—4编170 美国2010年金融监管改革法目录翻译第1—2编169 法 律 英 语 课 程 设 计 初 探168 法律英语词汇翻译中存在的若干问题167 Queen’s Bench 女王/王座/后座/御座/皇座/皇家?法庭/法院?166 孙万彪 汉英法律翻译教程 下载165 代扣代缴车船税的翻译164 法律英语/翻译培训调查结果 付费文档163 王道庚《新编英汉法律翻译教程》中的all...not162 谈法律文书中“于”的用法161 从《李文说理》中的文字看国人中文水平之差160法律英语翻译吹毛求疵之3 当事人?当事方?缔约方?缔约人?(上)159 infee simple=轻易收取资财?158 “法院”和“法庭”是不同的157 从Nationwide Building Society的翻译看翻译常犯的错误——望文生义156 从贵州警察枪击两村民看法律语言分析的重要性155 法律英语/翻译 学海无涯 人生苦短154 “甲方乙方”该如何翻译153 纽约律师考试2008复习要点 下载152 本站文章一览2010年7月共25篇151法律英语翻译文章(3)“法人”英语译名的确定150 烟台旅游指南 本人法律翻译新网站2010年7月文章一览149 绿色建筑:生态 节能 减废 健康 图书推荐148 中英文合同起草审查写作方面的书籍推荐147 说下某英文合同的草拟水平146 The Office of Fair Trading 公平贸易局?公平交易局?145 给《南方周末》挑错144 美国金融改革监管法 全文下载143 翻译,法律文书存在问题的发现者142 出资、股份、股权、股本、股票的区别联系及英文翻译(2)出资(转让)的英文翻译 141 美国金融监管改革法相关资料下载140 出资、股份、股权、股本、股票的区别联系及英文翻译(1)出资(转让)139 北大没怎么——对《北大怎么了》一文的不同观点 138 老刘解读英文合同(2)英文合同的结构 概述137 法律英语翻译点评3 评《英语笔译实务二级》中的翻译136 孙万彪 英汉法律翻译教程 下载135 与投票有关的一些术语的英文翻译134 judgment-proof该如何翻译133 我的理想史——谨以此文献给在职业上找不着北的同学132 奥斯卡历届最佳影片一览131 法律英语翻译点评2 评《中国法律透视》中的翻译130 “还欠款*元”是啥意思(上)129 涉外法律函电英文写作范例 下载128 起诉书与起诉状的不同及其英文翻译127 谈juridical acts 的翻译126 经典优秀政治电影片推荐125 美国合同法简介系列(5)要约与承诺概述 之概念 本人法律翻译新网站文章一览2010年6月网站地址 124 站长简介与简历及对本人培训能力疑问的答复下略

302 评论


O. J. Simpson murder case辛普森杀妻案The O. J. Simpson murder case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in history,[1] in which O. J. Simpson, former American football star and actor, was brought to trial for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Simpson was acquitted in 1995 after a lengthy trial, the longest jury trial in California history.[2]Simpson hired a high-profile defense team led by Johnnie Cochran and F. Lee Bailey. Los Angeles County believed it had a solid prosecution case, but Cochran created in the minds of the jury the belief that there was reasonable doubt about the DNA evidence (then a relatively new type of evidence in trials),[3] including that the blood-sample evidence had allegedly been mishandled by lab scientists and technicians.[4] Cochran and the defense team also alleged other misconduct by the Los Angeles Police Department. The televising of the lengthy trial riveted national attention on the dramatic case. By the end of the criminal trial, national surveys showed dramatic differences between most blacks and most whites in terms of their assessment of Simpson's guilt.[5]Later, both the Brown and Goldman families sued Simpson for damages in a civil trial, which has a lower standard of proof for determining responsibility.[citation needed] On February 5, 1997, the jury unanimously found there was a preponderance of evidence to find Simpson liable for damages in the wrongful death of Goldman and battery of Brown. In its conclusions, the jury effectively found Simpson liable for the death of his ex-wife and Ron Goldman.[6] On February 21, 2008, a Los Angeles court upheld a renewal of the civil judgment against him.这个案子很经典,上面的一段是wiki上的英文案例,你可以找一些关于这个的中文资料,然后选择一个角度(比如种族歧视与陪审团制度的矛盾、毒树之果原则、媒体和舆论与司法公正的矛盾等等),或者一篇参考的中文文章(很多中国的法律人也会研究这个案子,发表一些观点),自己写或者翻译一篇英文论文出来就是了。下面引用一段英文资料,有个人在提问,为什么法院在刑事诉讼中判决辛普森无罪,但是在民事诉讼中又判决他赔偿自己妻子死亡赔偿金。 Jeralyn Merritt对这个问题进行了简略的回答。我想你大一的论文,字数要求不会太多,所以参考一下他这段答复吧。如果字数不够就把上面wiki的资料加一些进去,简单的交待一下案情。Q. I am a high school government student, and I have a question that has been bothering me that my teacher refuses to answer. In the O.J. Simpson case I know that the state jury did not find him guilty on the charge of murder, but the federal court did on the charge of wrongful death. What is the difference and why were they able to do that? -- Geni A. O.J. Simpson was charged with first degree murder in the state court in California. The jury found him "Not Guilty." A "not guilty" verdict means the state failed to prove the charges "beyond a reasonable doubt", which is the standard of proof in all criminal prosecutions. Criminal cases are brought on behalf of the citizens of a particular state or federal district, not by the victims or their families.After O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in the criminal case, the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman sued him in the state (not federal) court in California for wrongfully causing their deaths. Civil lawsuits for wrongful death are tried for money damages, not to put the defendant in prison. Civil cases are brought in the name of individuals, not in the name of the State.Different evidence was introduced in the O.J. Simpson civil and criminal trials. For example, although O.J. Simpson denied it, evidence was presented in the civil trial that O.J. Simpson owned a pair of Bruno Magli shoes that matched shoeprints left at the murder scene.O.J. Simpson exercised his constitutional right against self-incrimination and chose not to testify in the criminal trial. All defendants in criminal cases have this right. In the civil trial, O.J. no longer had such a right because he had been found not guilty of murder and could not be tried again for it. He had to testify when the opposing side called him as a witness. Thus, the jury in the civil case got to hear O.J's testimony while the criminal jury did not.In the criminal case, the jury got to see that the glove left at the scene of the crime did not fit O.J. Simpson. This experiment was not repeated for the civil jury. The jury in the criminal trial got a far stronger portrayal of the problems with the DNA and other scientific evidence in the case, and the poor management of the crime scene, than did the civil jury. And the criminal jury got to hear the false testimony of Los Angeles police officer Mark Furman, who later admitted lying and pleaded guilty to perjury.Finally, the burden of proof in criminal and civil cases is different. In criminal cases, the standard is "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." There is also a presumption of innocence that stays with the defendant until and unless the jury returns a guilty verdict. In civil cases, the standard of proof is "by a preponderance of the evidence," which essentially means "more likely than not," or put another way, proof by 51% or more.The jury's verdict in the civil case was not that O.J. Simpson was guilty of murder, but that he was liable for (which essentially means responsible for causing) the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.In light of the different evidence presented, burdens of proof and ultimate issues the juries were called upon to decide, the verdicts in the criminal and civil trials were not really all that inconsistent. -- Jeralyn Merritt

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