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首页 > 论文发表 > 已发表论文撤稿怎么写申请

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问题一:老板逼着撤稿,请大家帮忙撤稿信怎么写 既然已经接受了就是好事啊,你再投别的刊物不一定接受呢。 这样比较难办啊。既然已经接受了就是好事啊,你再投别的刊物不一定接受呢。 就跟老板说不能撤稿了 同意andloani(站内联系TA)老板要啊,有没有人知道这种情况下撤稿的后果,想让老板知道严重性。jlc夜雨(站内联系TA)后果很严重啊andloani(站内联系TA)老板想让我跟杂志说什么数据有问题要修改,我实在不知道要怎么说才好,我也觉得肯定会有不好后果的。thinkpader(站内联系TA)这样整确实是影响非常的差的 问题二:为什么转载的新闻要求删除还需要原网站出撤稿函 是人家让你删呢 还是你让人家删??? 人家让你删,没个证明没个通知的,你也不能说删就删啊 你让人家删,你啥证明也没有,随便是个活人就让人家网站删除信息???那不乱套了!!! 问题三:小论文投错期刊了,怎么写撤稿信 怎么投的怎么发撤稿信,直接说明撤稿就行,没有太多讲究的、原上草论文 问题四:小论文投错期刊了,怎么写撤稿信 直接通过投稿路径撤稿就行了。原上草论文 问题五:已经发了撤稿信,什么时候可以重新投 您的稿件已经被审阅,请参考附录的审稿意见。 我(应该是杂志的审稿编辑)也评估了您的论文,并认同审稿委员的意见。 我认为您的论文不适合被推荐发表在Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing。 并且根据审稿委员的意见,我们不对您的稿件作进一步的修改考虑。 兄弟别泄气,虽然已经GG了。但是这里丝毫没提到退稿的原因,如果不是原创性前瞻性之类的问题,再找另一家杂志投递吧~~ 问题六:给编辑部写撤稿信后一般需要多久才能投其他期刊 直接电话联系会比较好,不地以后再投这个期刊接受的可能性比较小了。 问题七:撤稿信没有回复怎么办 继续发撤稿信 问题八:三年前投的没有送审的论文,再投其它期刊需要写撤稿信吗 1.通过人物的语言写人。人物的语言要充分个性化的,能表现人物的出身、教养、经历和性格,让人读了如闻其声,如见其人。 鲁迅先生指出:“人物语言的描写,能使读者由说话看出人来。”这就是说从人物语言的描写中看出人物的鲜明特点。要达到这种境界需要做到以下两点:

243 评论


比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is XXX.We are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / analysis.Thanks for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's recommendations.But my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!比较“通用”的原因:提交的稿件还不完善,有一些错误,需要补充试验等,所以需要撤回。Dear Editor,We submitted a manuscript to the journal XXX two months ago. The submission ID is XXX.We are sorry to tell you that we have to withdraw this manuscript. The current result about the part of XXXX (具体的实验内容)needes to be validated by more experiments and data. To make sure this manuscript is reliable and repeatable, we need to carefully revise it.或者:We are sorry to tell you that we want to withdraw this manuscript. To make our study more comprehensive and informative, we want to do more experiments / data collection / data analysis / analysis.Thanks for your time!I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXXDear Editor,I submitted a manuscript (submission ID XXX) to the journal Euphytica a few days ago. Although it was rejected, the Submission Editorial Advisor Ken Cheng suggested four other journals to submit. We really appreciated his recommendations. After further careful revisions, we decided to submit the manuscript to Genetica, one of ken's recommendations.But my assistant accidentally submitted the revised manuscript to Euphytica again and the submission ID is XXX. So, we have to withdraw this manuscript from Euphytica. Sorry for this inconvenience!Thanks for your time! I really appreciated your help!Best regardsDr. XXX写在最后:一般来说,我们上边的撤稿邮件都是编辑在找到审稿人之前,比如我们刚提交不久就发现有些问题,所以赶紧撤稿;或者是提交都两个来月了,稿件还是迟迟没有进入到审稿程序,我们等不及了,所以赶紧撤稿。最好不要在稿件被审稿期间撤稿,毕竟都已经等到这一步了!

145 评论


  • 已发表论文主动申请撤稿

    投出去的论文怎么撤稿介绍如下: 1.如果需要撤稿,可以通过邮箱,编辑信息内容发送给负责的编辑部门,请求撤稿。 2.还可以通过电话号码直接打电话到编辑部,告知编辑

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  • 已发表论文撤稿怎么写申请书

    问题一:老板逼着撤稿,请大家帮忙撤稿信怎么写 既然已经接受了就是好事啊,你再投别的刊物不一定接受呢。 这样比较难办啊。既然已经接受了就是好事啊,你再投别的

    吃肉肉变胖子 3人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 论文已发表撤稿申请

    投出去的论文怎么撤稿介绍如下: 1.如果需要撤稿,可以通过邮箱,编辑信息内容发送给负责的编辑部门,请求撤稿。 2.还可以通过电话号码直接打电话到编辑部,告知编辑

    八彩虹624 4人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • 已发表论文申请撤稿

    投出去的论文怎么撤稿介绍如下: 1.如果需要撤稿,可以通过邮箱,编辑信息内容发送给负责的编辑部门,请求撤稿。 2.还可以通过电话号码直接打电话到编辑部,告知编辑

    伊斯忐忑 5人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 已发表的论文申请撤稿了


    细舆媚砜 3人参与回答 2023-12-10