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52. Skew differential operator algebras of twisted Hopf algebras Adv. Math., 183 (2004), 80-126. ( 美国 , SCI)51. Quiver Hopf algebras ( 与 F.van Oystaeyen 合作 ) J. Algebra 280(2004), 577-589. ( 美国 , SCI)50. D-Koszul algebras ( 与 E.L. Green, E. Marcos, R. Martinez-Villa 合作 ), J. Pure Appl. Algebra 193 (2004), 141-162. ( 荷兰 , SCI).49. Generalized Taft's algebras ( 与黄华林 , 陈惠香合作 ) Algebra Colloquium 11:3 (2004), 313-320. ( 中国 , SCI)48. Construct biFrobenius algebras via quivers ( 与王艳华合作 ) Tsukuba J. Math.28(1)(2004), 215-221. ( 日本 )47. Monomial Hopf algebras ( 与陈小伍、黄华林、叶郁合作 ) J.Algebra 275(2004), 212-232. ( 美国 , SCI)46. Koszul modules and modules with linear presentations ( 与 E. L. Green and E. Marcos 合作 ), Comm. Algebra 31(6)(2003), 2745-2770. (美国 , SCI)45. Finite groups with grahps containing no triangles ( 与方明合作 ) J. Algebra 264(2003), 613-619. ( 美国 , SCI)44. Quivers and Hopf algebras ( 与 Fred van Oystaeyen 合作 ) In: Nonlin. evolution equations and Dynamical sys., Proc. ICM 2002 Satellite Conf.,World Scientific, 2003, 121-134. ( 黄山 ICM 卫星会议论文集 )43. Generalized Green's classes J. Algebra 250(2002), 709-730. ( 美国 , SCI)42. Higher Koszul modules ( 与叶郁合作 ) 中国科学 (A)(32)(11)(2002), 1042-1049. ( 中国 , SCI)41. Higher Koszul complexes ( 与叶郁合作 ) 中国科学 (A)(32)(9)(2002), 819-829. ( 中国 , SCI)40. Triangular decomposition of affine composition algebras ( 与黄华林合作 ) Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 23(2)(2002),137-147.( 中国数学年刊英文版 )39. Colored Ringel-Hall algebras: Applications to quantized Borcherds superalgebras ( 与李立斌合作 ), Proc. 9-th Inter. Conf. Rep. alg. (Editors: D.Happel, 张英伯) , 北京师大 出版社 , 2002, 308-320. ( 北京国际会议论文集 )38. Minimal generators of Ringel-Hall algebras of affine quivers ( 与张英伯 , 郭晋云合作 ) J. Algebra 239(2001), 675-704. ( 美国 , SCI)37. Weight property for ideals of U_q(sl_2) ( 与李立斌合作 ) Comm. in Algebra 29(11)(2001), 4853-4870. ( 美国 , SCI)36. Twisted Hopf algebras ( 与李立斌合作 ) In: Representations of Algebras Proc. International Conf. on Algebra in Sao Paulo, Brazil Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 224 (2002), 269-282 Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Basel. (巴西国际会议论文集 )35. Representations as elements in affine composition algebras Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353(3)(2001), 1221-1249. ( 美国 , SCI)34. Infinite quivers and cohomology groups In: Trends in Mathematics Proc. International Symposium on Ring Theory, Kyongju, South Korea, 1999 Published by Birkhause, Boston, 2001, 427-440. ( 韩国国际会议论文集 )33. Quantum adjoint actions for U_q(sl_2)( 与李立斌合作 ) Algebra Colloquium 7:4(2000), 363-379. ( 中国 , SCI)32. Vanishing of the first Hochschild cohomology In: Proc. International Conf. on Representation Theory in Shanghai Published by 高等教育 -Springer 出版社 , 421-428, 2000. ( 上海国际会议论文集 )31. PBW-basis of the composition algebra of the Kronecker algebra J. reine angew. Math. 527(2000), 97-116. ( 德国 , SCI)30. Twisted Hopf algebras, Ringel-Hall algebras, and Green's classes ( 与李立斌合作 ) J. Algebra 231(2000), 713-743. ( 美国 , SCI)29. Indecomposables in the composition algebra of the Kronecker algebra Comm. in Algebra 27(10)(1999), 4633-4639. ( 美国 , SCI)28. O-algebras with three simple modules J. Pure Applied Algebra 142(1999), 183-197. ( 荷兰 , SCI)27. Indecomposables as elements in affine composition algebras ( 与张顺华合作 ) J. Algebra 210(1998), 614-629. ( 美国 , SCI)26. Composition algebras of affine type J. Algebra 206 (1998), 505-540. ( 美国 , SCI)25. The Hochschild homology of a truncated basic cycle Algebra Colloquium 5:1(1998), 77-84. ( 中国 , SCI)24. Selforthogonal radical algebras In: Canadian Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. 24 (1998), 563-569 Published by Amer.Math.Soc.-Canad.Math.Soc.( 加拿大国际会议论文集 )23. A criterion of quasi-heredity and the characteristic modules Manuscripta Math. 93(1997), 129-135. ( 德国 , SCI)22. An equality on Hochschild homology ( 与刘绍学合作 ) 科学通报 42(8)(1997), 624-627.( 中国 , SCI)21. Ringel - Hall algebras of standard homogeneous tubes Algebra Colloquium 4:1 (1997), 89-94. ( 中国 , SCI)20 . Characteristic modules of quasi-hereditary algebras with three simples ( 与林亚南合作 ), 科学通报 42(6)(1997), 450-453. ( 中国 , SCI)19. Hochschild cohomology of a truncated basic cycle 中国科学 (A)40(12)(1997), 1272-1278. ( 中国 , SCI)18. Triangular decomposition of the composition algebra of the Kronecker algebra J. Algebra 184 (1996), 159-174. ( 美国 , SCI)17. Quasi-hereditary algebras and tilting modules Comm. in Algebra 24(12) 1996, 3707-3717. ( 美国 , SCI)16. Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras in China ( 与刘绍学合作 ) In: Lecture Notes in Pure and App. Math. Vol. 181 (1996), 159-179 Published by Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel. ( 论文集 )15. 截面代数的 Hochschild 上同调群 中国科学 (A) 24(11)(1994), 1121-1125.14. 弱直向代数的 Hochschild 上同调群 科学通报 39(22)(1994), 2025-2027.13. Hochschild homology of truncated algebras ( 与刘绍学合作 ) Bull. London Math. Soc. 26(1994), 427-430. ( 英国 , SCI)12. One class of representations of trivial extensions of iterated tilted alg. ( 与肖杰合作 ), Tsukuba J. Math. 17(1)(1993), 131-141. ( 日本 )11. On the Hochschild homology groups of some finite dimensional algebras ( 与刘绍学合作 ), In: Canadian Math. Soc.Conf. Proc. 14(1993), 353-360. Published by Amer. Math. Soc.- Canad. Math. Soc. ( 加拿大国际会议论文集 )10. Directing components of Auslander-Reiten quivers 中国科学 (A)(36)(1993), 265-274. ( 中国 , SCI)9. Some results concerning wild tilted algebras In: Proc. of the First China - Japan - Korea International Conf. on Ring Theory Pub. by Okayama University Press, Japan, (1992) 180-182. ( 中日韩国际会议论文集 )8. 倾斜代数的 Auslander-Reiten 序列, 数学季刊 3(1992), 58-65.7. Endomorphism algebras of preprojective partial tilting modules 科学通报 37(22)(1992), 1857-1860.6. Separating tilting modules ,科学通报 37(12)(1992),975-978.5. 倾斜代数的一类单点扩张 (I) , 数学学报 34(5)(1991), 710-717.4. 倾斜代数的一类单点扩张 (II) , 数学学报 34(4)(1991), 566-574.3. 半单算子与半单类, 数学杂志 10(2)(1990), 145-149.2. 环的 $(k,l,m,n)- 根 ( 与蔡传仁合作 ) ,数学研究与评论 9(2)(1989), 207-210.1. 根类的极小生成子 ,扬州师范学院学报 9(2)(1989), 7-10.

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