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这里有几个万字的论文: of Globalization, both theoretically and practically, can be observed in different economic, social, cultural, political, finance, and technological dimensions of the world. Globalization brought about a new world order and is gradually reaching new heights, integrating all the fields to form a cohesive network. The Impact of Globalization has crossed the economy to influence all phases of human life challenging their national and individual particularities. Globalization impact has touched all political, cultural, economic, and ideological dimensions. With the onset of the western democratic system the Impact of Globalization on politics is visible. In economic globalization the impact ranges from production, consumption, commercial exchange, and distribution. In the cultural domain, globalization had its impact on the imagination, idealism, theories, thought process, and practices of humankind. However, the Impact of Globalization had the best possible results on the Information and Communication system. This globalization of information is observed with the globalized telecommunications and information technologies operating in today's world. For instance, the satellite TV channels, cellular phones, broadband, Internet, and so forth. All these have successfully transformed the world into a global village. The globalization of information is also proved from the usage of the most popular language, English, in the Internet. Moreover, there is the diminished use of paper with the spread of the new globalized information technology. Today, at present only few international news agencies dominate the total information system, such as, the Associated Press and the United Press of USA, Reuters of Great Britain, and Agence France Presse of France. Another Impact of Globalization is in the field of Science, with the introduction of new fresh attempts in scientific research and capabilities of invention. In this, the nations like the United States of America, the European Union, and Japan have reached heights. This globalization of science leads to the fusion of scientific data and rules to form a uniform network of database. The Impact of the Globalization of economy, politics, information, and technology, results in the globalization of culture. The present day TV channels, movies and advertisements are open to all parts of the world imparting modern education. This again transforms the values, ethics, religion, and thought processes of the mankind as a whole. The best outcome of the globalized culture is the evaluation and improvement in the status of women. Another significant change is the demand for equal rights by the emerging "third gender" in today's world. According to them against global human right system, there should be division of humankind into three genders along with the males and females. The Impact of Globalization on culture is also observed in the discussions held at the World Intellectual Property Organization, in which the Americans requested the original bearer of all types of intellectual items, like books, songs, scripts, to give up their copyrights for large private groups. However, this was countered by the European Union countries and on the other hand accepted by Great Britain. Again, France, one of the European countries, got engaged in a movement for the grant of cultural exclusiveness in the fields of audio-visual and cinematic production. 不知找的方向对不对呢

134 评论










再说了,这些投稿步骤,都可以交给专业的论文公司如英论阁www.enago.cn处理。总结来说, 发表英文论文没有想象中的那么难。

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