Under the new current economic condition, the culture is enterprise'ssoul, is the enterprise core competitive ability importantconstituent. Engulfs the entire world in at present the new economicaltide and our country join WTO under the big background, the harborprofession survival external environment and internal management hasall had the huge change, also welcomed the rare developmentopportunity, simultaneously also was facing keen competition and thestern challenge. Is listed the third Qingdao port as China, must wantin take high tech, the network and the information industries as themain strut, take the whole world economic integration as thedevelopment characteristic new economical time survival development,constructs the new enterprise culture which adapts with thisimperative. This article has analyzed under the new current economic condition theQingdao port enterprise in the production management newcharacteristic, and in this foundation, has analyzed the new economythe challenge and the renewal request which proposed to the Qingdaoport enterprise culture construction, and elaborates the correspondingsolution countermeasure with own viewpoint. Finally in thisfoundation, proposed constructs conforms to the new economicalcharacteristic take "to be able this" as the core three dimensionalenterprise culture new pattern tentative plan.
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