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发表论文100余篇,其中国际SCI期刊35篇,主要代表作有:(1) Lu Z.T., Wang, Z.L.*, Liu D.J.(2012). Study on low-strain integrity testing of pipe-pile using the elastodynamic finite integration technique. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics; DOI: 10.1002/nag.2122.(2) Wang, Z.L.*, Zhou, N.Q., Wang, J.G.(2012). Using Hopkinson pressure bar to perform dynamic tensile tests on SFRC at medium strain rates. Magazine of Concrete Research; 64(8): 657–664.(3) Wang, Z.L.*, Shi, Z.M., Wang, J.G., etc.(2011). On the strength and toughness properties of SFRC under static-dynamic compression. Composite Part B: Engineering; 42(5): 1285–1290.(4) Wang, Z.L.*, Wang, J.G., etc.(2010). A simple numerical scheme for evaluating impact-induced compression damage in concrete plate. Magazine of Concrete Research; 62(11): 795–801.(5) Wang, Z.L.*, Wu, L.P., etc.(2010). A study of constitutive relation and dynamic failure for SFRC in compression. Construction and Building Materials; 24(8): 1358–1363.(6) Wang, Z.L.*, Konietzky, H., Shen, R.F. (2010): Analytical and numerical study of P-wave attenuation in rock shelter layer, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 30(1/2):1–7.(7) Wang, Z.L.*, Wu, J., Wang, J.G. (2010): Experimental and numerical analysis on effect of fibre aspect ratio on mechanical properties of SRFC, Construction and Building Materials; 24(4): 559–565.(8) Wang, Z.L.*, Yang, Y.H., Wang, J.G.(2010). A numerical study on effect of combined wave loadings in concrete slab, Acta Geotechnica; 5(3):169–175.(9) Wang, Z.L.*, Konietzky, H.(2009): Modelling of blast-induced fractures in jointed rock masses, Engineering Fracture Mechanics; 76(10):1945–1955.(10)Wang, Z.L.*, Konietzky, H., etc. (2009): Coupled finite element and discrete element method for underground blast in faulted rock masses, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 29 (6): 939–945.(11)Wang, Z.L.*, Li, Y.C., etc.(2008): A method for evaluating dynamic tensile damage of rock, Engineering Fracture Mechanics; 75(10): 2812–2825.(12)Wang, Z.L.*, Li, Y.C., Zhang, T., et al.(2008): A study on mechanical properties of carbon/phenolic composites. Mechanics of Materials; 40(4/5):418–426.(13)Wang, Z.L.*, Li, Y.C., etc.(2007). Numerical analysis of blast-induced wave propagation and spalling damage in a rock plate, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences; 45(4):600–608.(14)Wang, Z.L.*, Li, Y.C., Shen, R.F. (2007): Numerical simulation of tensile damage and blast crater in brittle rock due to underground explosion, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences; 44(5):730–738.(15)Wang, Z.L.*, Li, Y.C., etc. (2007): A study of tensile damage and attenuation effect of perforated concrete defense layer on stress waves, Engineering Structure; 29(6):1025–1033.(16)Wang, Z.L.*, Li, Y.C., etc. (2007): Numerical study on craters and penetration of concrete target by ogive-nose steel projectiles, Computers and Geotechnics; 34(1): 1–9.(17)Wang, Z.L.*, Wang, J.G., etc. (2006): Attenuation effect of artificial cavity on air-blast waves in an intelligent defense layer, Computers and Geotechnics; 33(2): 132–141.(18)王志亮*,诸斌(2012):径向不耦合爆破中聚苯乙烯泡沫吸能数值研究,《同济大学学报》;40(7):1020–1026。(19)王志亮*,诸斌(2012):钢纤维混凝土三轴压缩下的强度和韧度特性,《建筑材料学报》;15(3):301–305。(20)阳栋,王志亮*(2012):基于无限元和波场分离法的地震响应数值分析,《同济大学学报》;40(8):1129–1134。(21)王志亮*,郑田中,李永池(2007):岩石时效损伤模型及其在工程爆破中应用,《岩土力学》;28(8):1610 -1615。(22)王志亮*,王建国,等(2006):单临空面岩体中爆破诱发损伤的数值分析,《岩土力学》;27(2):219–223。(23)王志亮*,李永池(2005):考虑土体侧胀性的路堤沉降计算探讨,《岩石力学与工程学报》;24(10):1772–1777。(24)王志亮*,郑明新,等(2005):求前期固结应力的数学模型研究及应用,《岩土力学》;26(10):1587–1590。(25)王志亮*(2004):无单元伽辽金法解固结问题,《岩石力学与工程学报 》;23 (7):1141–1145。(26)王志亮*,徐庆华(2004):无网格法在静载下土体二维固结问题中的应用,《岩土工程学报》;26 (1):152–154。

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周家汉中国科学院力学研究所研究员周家汉, 中国科学院力学研究所研究员。男,生于1941年11月1日,宜昌人。中国科学院力学研究所研究员,中国工程爆破协会副理事长,公安部聘全国工程爆破技术人员培训考核专家组成员。长期从事爆破理论和爆破技术应用的研究工作,总结大量工程实际经验和分析研究,发表论文五十余篇,完成了数百项大大小小的爆破拆除工程。曾两次获得中国科学院科技进步二等奖和全国科学大会科技成果奖。参加“爆破安全规程”的编写和审查定稿,负责编制建设部委托的《爆破工程消耗量定额》(GYD-102-2008)。监测总结大量建筑物拆除爆破时塌落振动传播规律,提出的建筑物塌落振动速度计算公式已被国内外爆破工程师广泛用于爆破拆除工程设计计算。研究列车运行振动对环境的影响,为修建焦枝铁路复线保护洛阳龙门石窟文物、北京地铁六号线避绕紫禁城等项目进行了科学论证,为我国古建筑物及设施的保护和安全距离的确定提供了科学依据。[

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