我的论文也是企业并购,企业并购有很多方面,不知你要哪一方面的。以下是我引用的外文文献:关于并购绩效的:1、Jensen&Ruback(1983)在总结13篇文献的研究成果后指出,成功的兼并会给目标公司股东带来约20%的反常收益,而成功的收购给目标公司的股东带来的收益则达到30%。Jensen M.C.,R.S.Ruback.The market for corporation control:the scientific evidence.Journal Financial Economics,1983,(1):323-329.2、Schwert(1996)研究1975~1991年间1814个并购事件后指出,目标公司股东的累计平均超常收益为35%。K.Schwert.Mergers as a Means of restructuring Distressed Firms:An Empirical Investigation.Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1996,(29):1405-1419.3、Agrawal,Jaffe&Mandelker(1992)研究了并购后的业绩。他们采用一个包含美国937起兼并交易和227起要约收购交易的更大样本,发现收购企业的股东在兼并完成后五年间都损失了财富的10%。Agrawal,A.J.F.Jaffe,G.N.Mandelker.The post-merger performance ofacquiring firms:a re-examination of an anomaly.Journal of Financial LVIL,1992,(4):115-146.并购动机方面的:Shimizu et al.(2004)从公司并购动机理论的出发点、公司并购动机理论的一般和具体等方面对公司并购动机理论进行较系统的多层次分析[1]。其总结的一般理论有:规模经济理论,主要是对横向并购进行解释;交易费用理论,是对纵向并购进行解释;代理问题和经理主义理论;价值低估理论。具体理论包括:Weston et al.(2000)提出的“协同效应”理论[2],认为并购会带来企业生产经营效率的提高,最明显的作用表现为规模经济效益的取得,常称为2+2>4的效应;市场份额效应;经验——成本曲线效应;财务协同效应。[1]Shimizu,K.,Hitt,M.A.,Vaidyanath,D,Pisano,V.Theoretical Foundations of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions:A Review of Current Research and Recommendations for the Future.Journal of International Management,2004,(10):307-353.[2]Fred Weston,Juan Siu,Brian ohnson.Takeovers,Restructuring&CorporateGovernance.Prentice Hall:New Jersey,2000.不只三个外文文献了,其实有作者观点的外文文献很好找的,去下载并购方面的硕博士论文,论文中都有国内外文献综述部分。
[1]Shimizu,K.,Hitt,M.A.,Vaidyanath,D,Pisano,V.Theoretical Foundations of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions:A Review of Current Research and Recommendations for the Future.Journal of International Management,2004,(10):307-353.[2]Fred Weston,Juan Siu,Brian ohnson.Takeovers,Restructuring&CorporateGovernance.Prentice Hall:New Jersey,2000
With the advent of the knowledge-based economy, such as private high-tech enterprises have sprung up to meet the rise, and rapid development. Private high-tech enterprise of science and technology innovation as a major force. at the national and regional economic growth plays a vital role. However, the private high-tech enterprises with a small scale, risk determines the characteristics of private high-tech enterprises have many inherent deficiencies. Main features : Firstly, the private high-tech enterprises generally smaller scale, use of raw materials and products output was relatively small, resulting in the production and higher costs; Secondly, As the private high-tech enterprises have limited strength, it is difficult to establish an effective distribution channels; Again, As more managers for the technology, in management philosophy constraints hampering enterprise development is also a major factor. Due to mergers and acquisitions of enterprises to provide an impetus for continued growth, and mergers and acquisitions will be corporate life cycle of one of the eternal theme, So often merger will give enterprises to maximize long-term returns. Text is divided into five chapters. The first part of private enterprises merger synergies the significance of the study, as well as domestic and foreign-related aspects of doing a survey. Chapter II of the private high-tech enterprises to conduct theoretical defined and proposed merger synergies and funding synergies concept. Chapter III of private high-tech enterprises to follow on the merger synergies theoretical research results, Merger synergies for the management of synergies, operating synergies, financial synergies, intangibles of synergies and industrial synergies for analysis. Chapter IV of private high-tech enterprises that merger synergies were the main problem is not properly handled merger synergies with the many external to -. Chapter V address the problem made some suggestions in order to improve the private high-tech enterprises merger synergies.
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