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In the concept, “the culture” comprehensive, may explain that for the humanity the material wealth which and the spiritual wealth sum total creates in the society historical development process. If according to the domestic and foreign cultural science expert, the scholar recognized “three levels to say” the division, the culture might divide into material, the system, the spiritual three levels. The material culture is the surface layer, the system culture is an intermediate deck, the energetic culture, namely ideology's culture is in-depth. The author concerns traditional culture, referring in particular to ideology culture. China's traditional culture, summarizes includes people's value idea, the thinking mode, the ideal personality, the moral emotion, the etiquette custom and the literary arts various aspect content approximately. “the advertisement” this word is a ship comes the word, stems from Latin Adteurture, its primary meaning is the attention and the induction meaning, latter evolves for English Advertise. In the 1770s, Japan presented “the advertisement which” corresponded with the Advertise significance a word, in the early 19th century spread to our country.although the China “the advertisement” a word appears late, but the ad campaign originates really early. According to the extrapolation, the initial advertisement should the source in the primitive trade activity. When people transaction, has the exchange desire, and has the motive which disseminates this desire, therefore then must have the city sound which calls (puffing advertising). the culture is a generalized thing, for example, the language, the psychology, the literature, the philosophy, the habits and customs also involve the clothing, the custom and so on some borders even are the totem signifying things. According to this kind of analysis, the Chinese has lost how many, perhaps nobody said clearly. Had a look at today's China traditional culture to change how many, the fountain pen replaced the writing brush, the western-style clothing to replace the Chinese tunic suit, the cigarette to replace tobacco pipe ...... a convention traditional culture is the product which the history transformed, was the new old culture in compromises radically with defending stubbornly, was the mainstream culture and the edge culture absorption takes mutually. Hundred years ago, China appears “east study west gradually” China and the West culture blends is the peaceful way, slowly evolves the imperialism to Chinese economy plundering, in the culture “the colonization”, pure violence. This is in several thousand year Chinese culture development process one obvious “the crease”. “crease”, although conspicuous, that scabs were actually an eyesore.

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我啊 你是上的吗我是山地

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