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315 评论


首先公开一个公开的秘密,其实很多译员都是使用机器翻译的,先用机器翻译做一遍,之后再修改,当然,也包括我在内。机器翻译确实很有发展前景。十年前,我那时还在读研究生,各种翻译软件基本上还都是以死译为主,比如网易词典翻译、百度翻译、谷歌翻译等,给出的翻译译文不忍直视,生拉硬扯把意思翻译出来,甚至那句话本来就不正确。当今,AI技术不断进步,语料库的不断扩充,机器翻译的质量已经逐步提升。例如原来都是死译,现在已经会切分一部分比较简单的意群了。当然,对于比较复杂的句子,以及文学类翻译,机器翻译依然不够理想。目前,机器翻译有利于对文稿进行初步加工,起码可以减少一部分阅读时间和输入时间。简而言之,对于实用文体的翻译,机器翻译的确做到了一部分的辅助作用。然而,作为市场中的翻译,要有起码的职业道德。无论是什么商业化翻译,尤其是纯技术类资料,肯定不能只是机器翻译了事。尤其是政府文件和技术资料,没有谁会放心用机器翻译的译文直接来应用。而且,在机器翻译的基础上进行修改,很多时候改动的也非常多,这个我有亲身经历。去年,我曾经做了一个月的网络小说翻译,单价其实不高,单纯就是为了做汉译英,我喜欢汉译英。我首先用了机器翻译,发现结果一塌糊涂,还不如自己直接写来的快。需要提一句的是,北京大学早在几年前就开设了计算机辅助翻译专业(CAT),这个动向值得关注。因为,这正是机器翻译并非一无是处,而是前途光明的象征之一。总之,机器翻译不可能全盘否定,当然也更不能全部依托,把它作为辅助,是唯一正确的选择。译员也不必担心自己有一天会被淘汰,这几乎是不可能的,万一等到了那一天,人类就会灭亡了。 相信我,做翻译吧,我们可以相互交流。

241 评论



163 评论


Waiting for his not laugh, but grim death. At the carnival, Mengtelisuodai black thick mask, wearing acape, this dress is a symbol of death (Monterey shuttle is really Fu spit Nuttall death, he will lead the world from hell). In the novel, the carnival is a symbol of life and the world; and the tomb is a symbol of death and hell. Torches in their hands more and more weak, but also a symbol of Fu spit Nuttalllight of life in extinguishing. It is worth mentioning that, Monterey shuttle family crest and motto. It is so big a human foot, gold, lined with a sky blue. Take a step on the broken from the snake, snake teethbite the heel. The motto is: who hurt me, must be punished. All of these are the symbol of revenge.Death, death, hell, revenge, all of these are firmly seize the reader's heart, let a person with one's hair standing on end.Then, reflect the irony: the hero's name Fu Tu Nuttall (Fortunato) and English Fo rtunate (lucky) are similar in pronunciation. And Fu breathing support but not lucky, culminating in the carnival is that heis a friend enemy murder. Secondly, the last bottle of wine in one gulp of Fortunato brand Degre F(De Grave), is a white Wine from France Bordeaux. G rave in the English 'was in the grave, but Fortunato didn't know he was to his grave. A strong contrast between his relaxed mentality and he will face death and Mengtelisuo vicious psychological, grabbing the reader's curiosity. The irony of the reader in contrast to the grotesque deep theme experience more profound, more intense this fear ofrepressive atmosphere feeling.The most important is the story of a murderer, the mind clear, calm, no ordinary people commit crimethe cramped and uncomfortable. He step by step into the cellar enemy, will the enemy waist tied inniches with chains, ready to be alive suffocated walls. When the wall nearly half, / I ceasedm ylabours and sat down upon the bones0 (I simply for their live, sat down on the pile of bones), to appreciate the enemy give dying kicks, murder process as enjoy the process of revenge. After thecrime, he has no fear and guilt, only said: /M y heart g rew s ick0 (felt a bit sick), and w as on / It:account o f the dampness of theca tacombs0 (this is due to the tombs that moisture.). This and the reader to death and ideas inherent in revenge of the formation of a strong contrast, the irony of the resulting. Here the use of irony not only reflect the sick and twisted mind Avenger hatefulpsychological, but also to the greatest extent let readers have a fear.Fortunato wore the hat on the bell five times in the paper of the Communist Party of china. First appeared in the carnival night, Mengtelisuo encounter with Fortunato. The author put on FortumNuttall made simple description, this is the times of heavy ink is one of the few description. Fortunato was dressed as a clown, wearing a motley articles / tights, wearing a pointed hat round, tied withbells. He was in high spirits, a bit tipsy, under the Mengtelisuo inducement, too late to changeclothes, was unable to hold oneself back to pull to the tomb pit inspection Mengtelisuo wine. Arrangesuch a background for his final muddleheaded buried pit bottom end increased credibility. The second time was Fortunato one foot deep shallow foot walk in the dark, dank tombs is issued when the sound of the bell, which render the atmosphere of the Gothic horror story. Third and fourth isFortunato drink warm in the Mengtelisuo inducement, leisurely shaking his head out the sound of the bell and the fifth time when Fortunato is trapped in the depths of the vault lock, struggle helplesslyout the sound of the bell. Here, the author does not use any adjectives describe trapped lockFortunato fears and his hopeless struggle. His fear and struggle implied in his hat out of the bells.The first four times the sound of the bell is actually for the last time as foreshadowing, he this good use of technique preparation before and after care, make the story more compact, complete, also left the infinite space for readers to imagine.In the story the Terry shuttle hypocrisy advised Fu spit Nuttall back, because he coughed so hard.

140 评论








207 评论



87 评论


无论什么样的翻译机器,或者是会学习、会思考的机器人,都有一个共同的弱点,那就是它们不会有感情,或者不会有人的七情六欲。就目前为止互联网上一些知名搜索引擎提供的翻译服务来看,比如谷歌以及国内的搜索等等,已经非常接近人工翻译。谷歌翻译的优点主要是英文法文之间,或者是法语西班牙语之间的翻译,而国内搜索的强项应该是英汉或者汉英互译。但是,前面说了,是非常接近,而且这种翻译只能是科技论文或者说科普读物,而充满着人类情感的文学作品,如诗歌(散文、小说等等文体,机器就只能是机器了。那么,照此下去,是不是人们不需要学习外语了呢?当然不是。外语还是要学的,特别是日常生活用语,因为日常生活中交流,喜怒哀乐是机器表达不了的。这里就会涉及到有个文体学的知识,比如怎么去表达自己的爱慕、羡慕、仰慕、妒忌、怨恨、仇恨、渴望等等细腻的感情。这些都是机器难以办到的。不过仅仅是应付工作,有个翻译机或者翻译笔已经足够。因为翻译成你的母语以后,再怎么蹩脚,连猜带蒙也能够明白个八九不离十 。结论是,外语一定要学;但是千万不要h将外语当成了专业。

351 评论









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  • 机器翻译论文发表

    去淘宝找人翻译啊~~~~搜索 毕设 翻译 出来一大堆!!

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