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1In the first study to look at what happens over the years to the billions of pounds of plastic waste floating in the world's oceans, scientists are reporting that plastics — reputed to be virtually indestructible — decompose with surprising speed and release potentially toxic substances into the water.2Chemicals are an important aspect in our economy and serves with many uses. However, when chemicals are not properly used they can create a problem with global security. There is the threat of chemical spills and also a possible use by terrorists. Many chemicals are stored and processed at numerous facilities. If terrorists were to attack any chemical plants in the United States it would kill more than 2 million people. There is also a long-term threat of contamination that will affect both people and the environment. These chemicals can contaminate the water and cause many illnesses to people. In 1962, Rachel Carson informed the public about the horrible effects that DDT had on the environment and health problems of humans. But it took 10 years for the United States to ban this compound. But not all chemicals pose a security threat. To reduce the use of chemicals facilities are required to provide the public with annual chemical releases. This has allowed our society to force these facilities to use these chemicals better and safer. The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants came into effect in May 2004. This treaty would ban or restrict the production and use of 12 hazardous chemicals. There will always be an abundance of chemicals but their use needs to be lowered to make them less of a threat. 3A captain of a ship drunkenly crashes a massive oil tanker along a reef and changes the physical and emotional world forever. Chemical spills are major problems that plague the environment. Strict government regulation is trying to aid with this problem, but governmental leaders face many challenges. Disposal of harmful chemicals is often difficult and costly. Since chemical waste has destroyed the environment, steps are being taken to prevent further pollution. 看看,参考一下吧:

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有机化学英语论文Abstract In this work the effects of the microporosity and chemical surfaceof polymeric adsorbents on adsorptive properties of phenol wereinvestigated. Textural parameters of four kinds of polymeric resins namely AB-8 D4006 NKA-II and D16 resin were separately measuredby ASAP 2010. The surface chemistry of these polymeric resins was determined by means of inverse gaschromatography (IGC) and diffusereflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Static equilibrium adsorption experiments were carried out to obtain theisotherms of phenol on the polymeric resins. It was shown that NKA-II and AB-8 resin possessed relatively high BET surface areas andmicropore volumes while D4006 and D16 resin possessed comparatively low BET surface areas and micropore volumes. The results of IGCexperiments revealed that NKA-II resin had extraordinary high specific component of the free energy of adsorption both for polar acetone andbenzene probe and thus extraordinary strong surface polarity compared to the other polymeric resins. It was also found that the isotherm ofphenol on NKA-II was much higher than that on the other polymeric resins due to its strongest surface polarity and largest micropore volumeamong four kinds of resins. These experimental observations indicated that adsorption of phenol on the polymeric resins depended greatly ontheir microporosity and surface chemistry. The well-developed microporosity and the strong surface polarity would improve the adsorptionof phenol on the polymeric resins. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Polymeric resin; Phenol; Porosity; Surface chemistry; Inverse gas chromatography

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我来写吧:Nowadays,people across the globe are paying more and more attention to their health conditions and what we bring about to the natural environment. 然后写化学品对人类的危害:1.食品中的有害添加剂影响人类健康;2.化学品影响水质和空气质量;3.不当化学品影响药物质量。再写化学品对环境的影响。字数差不多够了。(主要是太晚了。要不然就帮你写完了)

349 评论


In nowadays, chemical products play a more important role in people's everyday life than ever before. As some people enjoy the convinience brought by artificial chemical products, more people begin to concern about the consequence after excessive use of chemical products. Many researches have shown the fact that chemical products are not as perfect as people used to believe; in fact, the harmful consequences of using particular chemical products are rapidly influence our environment and people's health.我认为开头这样就可以了,接下来就是主体,1楼列的几个可当作论点。每个一段。

214 评论


相信很多人会遇到这样一个类似的问题,那就是在英文论文写好之后,却苦于找不到国内经常使用的论文发表期刊有哪些。下面是根据多年的经验总结出来的其中比较受欢迎的期刊,希望对您有一定帮助。至于查重可以了解一下paperfree。谢谢!zAcademic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(English Edition)Acta Geologica SinicaActa Mathematica ScientiaActa Oceanologica SinicaActa Pharmacologica SinicaActa Seismologica SinicaADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESApplied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese UniversitiesBiomedical and Environmental SciencesCell ResearchChemical Research in Chinese UniversitiesChina WeldingChinese Annals of Mathematics,Series BChinese Chemical LettersChinese Geographical ScienceChinese Journal of AeronauticsChinese Journal of Astronomy and AstrophysicsChinese Journal of Cancer ResearchChinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringChinese Journal of GeochemistryChinese Journal of Integrative MedicineChinese Journal of LasersChinese Journal of Mechanical EngineeringChinese Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyChinese Journal of Polar ScienceChinese Journal of Reactive PolymersChinese Journal of Sexually Tuansmitted InfectionsChinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition)Chinese Medical JournalChinese Medical Sciences JournalChinese Quarterly Journal of MathematicsChinese Rice Research NewsletterChinese Science BulletinCommunications In Theoretical PhysicsEarthquake Engineering and Engineering VibrationElectricityForestry Studies in ChinaGeo-spatial Information ScienceHigh Technology LettersHunan Agricultural Science & Technology NewsletterInternational Journal of Plant Engineering and ManagementJournal of Beijing Institute of TechnologyJournal of Central South University of Technology(English Edition)Journal of China University of GeosciencesJournal of China University of Mining and TechnologyJournal of Chongqing University(English Edition)Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyJournal of Electronics(China)Journal of Environmental SciencesJournal of Forestry ResearchJournal of Geographical SciencesJournal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)Journal of HydrodynamicsJournal of Iron and Steel Research,InternationalJournal of Materials Science & TechnologyJournal of Nanjing Medical University(English Edition)Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)Journal of Rare EarthsJOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITYJournal of Shanghai Second Medical UniversityJournal of Shanghai University(English Edition)Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Englis Edition)Journal of Systems Engineering and ElectronicsJournal of Systems Science and ComplexityJournal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJournal of Tropical MeteorologyJournal of University of Science and Technology BeijingJournal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition)Journal of Zhejiang University(Science)Nuclear Science and TechniquesNumerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities English SeriesPedospherePlasma Science and TechnologyProgress in Natural ScienceRare MetalsReproduction & ContraceptionScience In China (Chemistry)SCIENCE IN CHINA (Earth Sciences)Science In China (Information Sciences)Science In China (Life Sciences)Science In China (Mathematics Physics Astronomy)Science In China (Technological Sciences)Semiconductor Photonics and TechnologyThe Chinese-German Journal of Clinical OncologyThe Journal of China Universities of Posts and TelecommunicationsTransactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsTransactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaTransactions of Tianjin UniversityTsinghua Science and TechnologyWuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences

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