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The creations of art work is a kind of complications of spirit activity and produce creation activity.Its including 2 dress save and with each other is the aspect in the watch mutually:While being to observe social activities, experience with appreciate beauty understanding;Two is the medium material of the usage material and technical skill means to appreciate beauty this kind of understanding performance to come out, make its thing turn.So, an oil painting work then want a big stage for experience twos before become art object, the former is creations of conceive outline a movable stage, the latter be an art creations of inform a movable stage.This kind of creations activity is a kind of the process which pursue an art the United States.So, how of be the work a real art work?Does the work ability which perhaps say what kind have an art value? Susan-Lang's space say:"The art is mankind the sign form of the emotion of creation, the whole art all creation come out of performance mankind emotion of consciousness form, this kind of creation come out of the form provide our sense organses to the consciousness or provide us imagination, but it the thing for express be mankind's emotion."A real art work have to satisfy two basic condition:Must be mankind labor and intelligence while being it of creation thing, two is it have to ability to person with spirit of delectation feeling, then have to appreciate beauty value.

303 评论



284 评论


Art of creation, is a complex mental activities and production activities. It includes two clothing to survive, the exterior aspects of each other: First, the observation of social life, experience and aesthetic awareness; Second, the use of the material means of media materials and techniques will be demonstrated by such aesthetic awareness so that it materialized. In this way, a painting as a work of art before, they have gone through two major phases, the former is the idea of creative activity phase, which is art created to convey the activities of phase. This creative activity is a process of the pursuit of artistic beauty.So, what are the real works of art do? Or what kind of work that has artistic value?Susan - Langer said: "Art is the symbol of human emotion forms of creation, all art is created by the performance of the perceptual form of human emotion, which is a form created for our perception of the senses or for us to imagine , and the performance of what it is human emotion. "a true works of art, two basic conditions must be met: First, it must be human labor and wisdom of creation, and second, it must give people the spirit of the pleasant feelings, which have aesthetic value

80 评论



125 评论


1、新美术 2、装饰 3、美术研究 4、美术观察 5、美术 6、南京艺术学院学报.美术与设计版 7、世界美术 8、美苑 以上这些都是中文核心。发表有二种形式,一直接向杂志社投稿,二通过代理发表。

186 评论


综合性艺术类核心期刊表1 文艺研究2 艺术百家3 民族艺术绘画,书法,工艺美术类核心期刊表1 美术研究2 美术3 美术观察4 装饰5 书法研究6 美术 & 设计7 世界美术8 中国书法摄影艺术类核心期刊表1 大众摄影2 中国摄影音乐类核心期刊表1 中国音乐学2 音乐研究3 中国音乐4 中央音乐学院学报5 人民音乐6 黄钟7 音乐艺术 舞蹈类核心期刊表1 舞蹈2 北京舞蹈学院学报 戏剧艺术类核心期刊表1 戏剧艺术2 中国戏剧3 戏剧4 剧本5 戏曲艺术6 戏剧文学7 中国京剧8 四川戏剧9 上海戏剧 电影、电视艺术类核心期刊表1 电影艺术2 当代电影3 世界电影4 中国电视5 北京电影学院学报6 电影文学7 电影8 电影评介9 电影新作10 当代电视

288 评论


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