☆近年来共发表论文和研究报告40余篇,其中5篇被EI收录,参与编写手册1部,即将出版专著1部。☆1996年获国家“八五”科技攻关重大科技成果奖1项。☆1991年获江苏省煤炭工业科技进步三等奖1项。☆2001年获山东省科学技术进步一等奖1项。☆2001年获煤炭工业十大科学技术成果奖1项。☆1995年被评为江苏省教委国家“八五” 科技攻关先进科技工作者
在国内外学术刊物上发表了科研论文260多篇,其中有120余篇(次)被SCI、EI、ISTP收录,授权国家发明专利10余项,获湖北省科技进步一等奖2项,二等奖2项,三等奖5项。近期代表性论文如下: Pan P, Wu S, Xiao Y, et al. A review on hydronic asphalt pavement for energy harvesting and snow melting. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 48: 624-634. Cui P, Wu S, Xiao Y, et al. Inhibiting effect of Layered Double Hydroxides on the emissions of volatile organic compounds from bituminous materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015. Chen Z, Wu S, Xiao Y, et al. Effect of hydration and silicone resin on Basic Oxygen Furnace slag and its asphalt mixture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015. Pang L, Liu K, Wu S, et al. Effect of LDHs on the aging resistance of crumb rubber modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 67: 239-243. Pan P, Wu S, Xiao Y, et al. Influence of graphite on the thermal characteristics and anti-ageing properties of asphalt binder. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 68: 220-226. Shaopeng Wu, Guojun Zhu,Gang Liu and Ling Pang. Laboratory Research on Thermal Behavior and Characterization of The Ultraviolet Aged Asphalt, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95(2):595-599. Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Peiliang Cong, Jianying Yu, Xiaofeng Luo. Flammability and rheological behavior of mixed flame retardant modified asphalt binders,Fuel, 2008,87 (1): 120-124 8. Shaopeng Wu, Ling Pang, Liantong Mo, Yongchun Chen, Guojun Zhu. Influence of aging on the evolution of structure, morphology and rheology of base and SBS modified bitumen , Construction and Building Materials, 2008,23(2):1005-10109. Shaopeng Wu, Qunshan Ye, Ning Li. Investigation of rheological and fatigue properties of asphalt mixtures containing polyester fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 2008, 22(10): 2111-211510. Shaopeng Wu, Jian Qiu, Liantong Mo. Investigation of temperature characteristics of recycled hot mix asphalt mixtures, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2007.51 (3): 610-62011. Shaopeng Wu,Yongjie Xue, Qunshan Ye. Utilization of steel slag as aggregates for stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures, Building and Environment, 2007,42 (7):2580-258512. Shaopeng Wu, Peiliang Cong, Jianying Yu, et al. Experimental investigation of related properties of asphalt binders containing various flame retardants, Fuel, 2006, 85 (9): 1298-130413. Yongjie Xue, Shaopeng Wu, Haobo Hou, Jin Zha. Experimental investigation of basic oxygen furnace slag used as aggregate in asphalt mixture, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006,138 (2): 261-26814. Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Zhonghe Shui, Zheng Chen. Investigation of the conductivity of asphalt concrete containing conductive fillers, Carbon, 2005, 43 (7): 1358-1363 1、上下层布式水泥混凝土路面的研究,湖北省科技进步三等奖,20002、新型沥青抗剥离剂的制备与应用,湖北省科技进步三等奖,20043、钢渣沥青混凝土的研究与应用,湖北省科技进步三等奖,2004
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