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[1] Liang Guo, Jun Zhao, ZonglianShe, Mingmin Lu, Yan Zong. Statistical key factors optimization of conditionsfor hydrogen production from S-TE (Solubilization by thermophilic enzyme) wastesludge. Bioresource technology,2013, 137: 51-56 (SCI,IF=4.75)[2] Liang Guo, JunZhao, Zonglian She, Changli Cao. Effect of different pretreatment onbio-hydrogen production with S-TE (solubilization by thermophilic enzyme)pretreated mariculture organic wastes (MOW). Environmental Engineering andManagement Journal. Accept (SCI, IF=1.117)[3] Liang Guo, Jun Zhao, ZonglianShe, Mingmin Lu, Yan Zong. Effect of S-TE (solubilization by thermophilicenzyme) digestion conditions on hydrogen production from waste sludge. Bioresourcetechnology,2012,117(8):368-372. (SCI,IF=4.75)[4] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li*, Guangming Zeng, Yi Zhou. Effectivehydrogen production using waste sludge and its filtrate. Energy, 2010,35(9):3557-3562 (SCI,IF=3.651)[5] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li*, GuangmingZeng, Xiaofeng Zhu, Qi Yang, and Zonglian She. Enhanced hydrogen productionfrom sewage sludge pretreated by thermophilic bacteria. Energy and Fuel, 2010,24(11): 6081-6085 (SCI,IF=2.853)[6] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li*, Xie Bo, Qi Yang, Guangming Zeng,Dexiang Liao, JingjinLiu. Impacts of sterilization, microwave and ultrasonication pretreatment onhydrogen producing using waste sludge. Bioresource technology, 2008, 99(9):3651-3658 (SCI,IF=4.75)[7] Xiaoming Li*, Liang Guo, Qi Yang, GuangmingZeng, Dexiang Liao. Removal of carbon and nutrients from low strength domesticwastewater by expanded granular sludge bed-zeolite bed filtration (EGSB-ZBF)integrated treatment concept. Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42(8): 1173-1179 (SCI,IF=2.414,并列第一作者)[8] Liang Guo, Xiaoming Li, Yi Zhou, Zonglian She. Impact of carbonatehydroxylapatite (CHAP) addition on bio-hydrogen production from microwavepretreated sludge. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2011(71-78):2903-2906 (EI)[9] Zonglian She, En Shi, Xiaohui Fu, Jian Wu, LinaJiang andLiang Guo*. Acclimation of anaerobic granular sludge and2,6-DNP removal in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors. Advancedmaterials research, 2011, 183-185: 352-361 (EI,通讯作者)[10] Zonglian She, Xiaohui Fu, Jian Wu, En Shi,Laili Zhao, Liang Guo*. Treatment of low strength wastewater and sludgecharacteristics in an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) at room temperature. proceedings2011 world congress on engineering and technology, 2011,5:721~724 (EI,通讯作者)[11] 郭亮, 李小明*, 曾光明, 杨麒, 廖德祥. 沸石在废水厌氧生物处理技术中的应用. 工业水处理, 2007, 27(1): 12-16[12] 赵珺,郭亮*,曹昌丽,王宇宁. 不同预处理条件对海水养殖废弃物发酵产氢的影响. 微生物学通报, 2012,39(9):1225-1233[13] 朱小峰,郭亮,李小明,曾光明,潘维,周屹,杨永林,汤迎. S-TE预处理污泥厌氧发酵产氢. 太阳能学报, 2010,31(10):1257-1263 (EI)[14] 谢波, 郭亮, 李小明*, 杨麒, 张昱, 杨浩, 曾光明, 刘精今. Pseudomonas sp. GL1利用不同预处理污泥产氢及其底物变化研究. 环境科学, 2008, 29(4): 996-1001 (EI)[15] 谢波, 郭亮, 李小明*, 杨麒, 杨永林, 周屹. 3种预处理方法对污泥破解效果的研究. 中国环境科学, 2008, 28(5): 417-421(EI)[16] 周屹, 郭亮, 李小明*, 谢波, 曾光明, 李宇亮, 杨麒, 刘精今. 灭菌预处理污泥及其滤液产氢发酵的比较研究. 环境工程学报, 2008, 2(10):1332-1338[17] 李宇亮, 李小明*, 郭亮, 曾光明, 杨 麒, 廖德祥. 污泥发酵制氢技术的现状和展望. 中国沼气, 2008, 26(1): 3-7[18] 李宇亮, 李小明*, 郭亮, 周屹, 曾光明, 杨麒, 廖德祥. 污泥发酵产氢中高效产氢菌Enterococcus sp.LG1的分离及产氢特性. 微生物学通报, 2008, 35(9):1373-1378[19] 杨永林,李小明, 郭亮, 贾斌, 曾光明, 唐清畅, 汤迎. 接种嗜热菌对剩余污泥的溶解效果研究. 中国给水排水, 2009, 25(17): 5~9[20] 胡劲梅, 李小明*, 杨麒, 郭亮, 曾光明, 刘倩倩. 表面活性剂加强动电技术去除污泥中铜和镉的研究. 环境工程学报, 2009, 3(3): 532-538[21] Xiao-Ming Li*, Qian-Qian Liu, Qi Yang, LiangGuo, Guang-Ming Zeng, Jin-Mei Hu. Enhanced sludge granulation in sequencingbatch reactor by Mg2+ augmentation. Bioresource technology, 2009, 100(1):59-63(SCI, IF=4.75)[22] 汤迎, 李小明*, 杨永林, 杨麒, 曾光明,郭亮,朱小峰,李焕利,潘维. 嗜热菌株AT07-1的分离鉴定及其在污泥溶解预处理厌氧发酵产氢中的应用. 环境科学学报, 2009, 29(11): 2300-2305 [1]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,李小明,曾光明,杨麒,管慧玲【发明名称】:城市污水综合处理装置[2]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,佘宗莲,马启敏,李茜【发明名称】:序批式悬浮填料生物膜污水处理装置[3]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:佘宗莲,郭亮,马启敏,李茜【发明名称】:一种悬浮填料微生物快速挂膜的方法[4]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:佘宗莲,郭亮,马启敏,周艳丽【发明名称】:内循环序批式生物膜污水处理装置[5]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,李小明,曾光明,杨麒,廖德祥【发明名称】:微波法预处理污水厂剩余污泥发酵产氢的方法及其装置[6]. 国家发明专利:【发明人】:郭亮,佘宗莲,马启敏,赵珺,卢明敏,纵岩【发明名称】:一种嗜热菌及其在发酵产氢中的应用

191 评论


[1] The therapeutic effect of PEI-Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles/pEgr1-HSV-TK/GCV associated with radiationand magnet-induced heating on hepatoma. Nanoscale. 2013, 5(3): 991-1000(SCI, IF:6.233)[2] The anti-hepatoma effect of nanosized Mn-Zn ferrite magnetic fluid hyperthermia associated with radiation in vitro and in vivo. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24,255101(SCI, IF: 3.842)[3] An Evaluation on Transfection Efficiencyof pHRE-Egr-1-EGFP in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Bel – 7402 Mediated byPEI-MZF-NPs. Journal of Nanomaterials.vol. 2011, Article ID 136052, 10 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/136052. (SCI, IF:1.675)[4] Preparation of orpiment nanoparticles andtheir effect on cultured K562 cell. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2007, 7(2): 490-496 (SCI,IF:1.987)[5] Recent Advances in Nanosized Mn-Zn Ferrite Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia for Cancer Treatment. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. (In press SCI, IF: 1.1)[6] Cytotoxiceffect of As2S3 nanoparticles on liver cancer cells.Proceedings of the first IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineeredand Molecular Systems, P: 925-929,January 18-21, 2006, Zhuhai, China (EI)[7] 雌黄纳米粒对SMMC-7721细胞的治疗作用[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 36(2): 298-302(EI)[8] 雌黄细米粒对K562细胞的体外治疗作用及其机制.纳米技术与精密工程, 2008,6(1): 14-19(EI)[9] Egr1 启动子介导的HSV-TK/GCV 联合放疗对卵巢癌细胞的治疗作用. 中华临床医师杂志. 2013,7(17):169-172[10] 产前染色体疾病诊断方法的研究. 中华妇幼临床医学杂志, 2011, 7(4): 300-304[11] 加强临床生化分析前质控提高检验质量.临床和实验医学杂志,2013,12(4): 317-319[12] 加强医院科研激励机制的建设.中华医学科研管理杂志.2009, 22(6):379-381[13] 加强医院重点学科的建设.中华医学科研管理杂志. 2010, 23(6): 406-408[14] 纳米雌黄对K562细胞端粒酶活性的影响. 实用临床医药杂志, 2007, 11(6): 5-7[15] 雌黄纳米粒的制备与表征. 电子显微学报, 2005,24(6): 604-607[16] 含砷纳米中药的研究. 江苏中医药, 2005,26(11): 73-76[17] 雄黄抗癌作用的研究进展.中国实用医药, 2007,34(13): 1-4[18] 一种纳米磁粒复合系统的制备方法,中国国家发明专利(专利号:ZL 201110173486.5)[19] 一种急救板,中国国家发明专利(专利号:ZL 201110250001.8)

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