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1. Fulong Wu, Chris Webster,Shenjing He and Yuting Liu, 2010. Urban Poverty in China. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press. ISBN:1847209696,259 pages2. Samara, Tony, He, Shenjing, Chen, Guo (eds.) 2013 Locating the right to the city in the Global South: Transnational urban governance and socio-spatial transformations, London and New York, Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-63564-6, 316 pages 1. He, Shenjing, Chen, Guo (guest editors), Special issue: Interrogating unequal rights to the Chinese city, Environment and Planning A 44(12)2. He, Shenjing, Lily Kong, George CS Lin (guest editors), Special issue: State, Market and Society: China’s New Urban Space, Urban Geography (forthcoming)3. He,Shenjing, George CS Lin (guest editors) Special issue: Producingand Consuming China's New Urban Space: State, Market and Society, Urban Studies (forthcoming)4. 何深静, 中国新城市空间的生产与演变,《人文地理》专栏主持,20125. 何深静,大事件与城市发展,《规划师》论坛主持, 2010(12) 1. He, Shenjing, 2013 Evolving enclave urbanism in China and its socio-spatial implications, the case of Guangzhou, Social and Cultural Geography (forthcoming).(SSCI)2. He, Shenjing and Chen, Guo, 2012 Interrogating unequal rights to the Chinese city, Environment and Planning A 44(12): 2794–2800(SSCI)3. He, Shenjing, 2012 Two waves of gentrification and emerging rights issues in Guangzhou, China, Environment and Planning A 44(12): 2817–2833(SSCI)4. Qian, Junxi and He Shenjing (corresponding author) 2012 Rethinking social power and the right to the city midst China’s emerging urbanism, Environment and Planning A 44(12): 2801–2816 (SSCI)5. Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing (corresponding author) & Wu, Fulong 2012. Housing Differentiation under Market Transition in Nanjing, China, The Professional Geographer 64(4)554–571(SSCI)6. He, Shenjing, Liu, Yuting, Wu, Fulong, & Webster, Chris 2010 “Social groups and housing differentiation in China’s urban villages: An institutional interpretation” Housing Studies 25(5), pp 671 - 691. (SSCI)7. He, Shenjing 2010 “New-build gentrification in central Shanghai: demographic changes and socioeconomic implications”. Population, Space and Place 16(5): pp 345–361. (SSCI)8. He, Shenjing, Wu, Fulong, Webster, Chris &. Liu, Yuting. 2010 “Poverty concentration and determinants in China's urban low-income neighbourhoods and social groups”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34(2) pp 328-349.(SSCI)9. Wu, Fulong, He, Shenjing & Webster, Chris. 2010 “Path dependency and the neighbourhood effect: urban poverty in impoverished neighbourhoods in Chinese cities” Environment and Planning A 42, pp 134-152 (SSCI)10. Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing, Wu, Fulong & Webster, Chris. 2010 “Urban villages under China’s rapid urbanization: unregulated assets and transitional neighbourhoods”. Habitat International 34(1), pp 135-144. (SSCI)11. He, Shenjing, Liu, Yuting, Webster, Chris & Wu, Fulong. 2009 “Property rights redistribution, entitlement failure, and the impoverishment of landless farmers in China” Urban Studies 45(9), pp 1925-1949 (SSCI)12. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong. 2009 “China’s emerging neo-liberal urbanism, perspectives from urban redevelopment”. Antipode 41(2), pp 282–304(SSCI)13. Liu, Yuting, Wu, Fulong & He, Shenjing. 2008 “The making of the new urban poor in transitional China: market versus institutionally based exclusion”. Urban Geography 29 (8) pp 811-834(SSCI)14. He, Shenjing, Webster, Chris, Wu, Fulong & Liu, Yuting. 2008 “Profiling the urban poverty in a Chinese city: the case of Nanjing” Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1(3), pp193-21415. He, Shenjing, Liu, Yuting, Wu, Fulong & Webster, Chris. 2008. “Poverty incidence and concentration in different social groups in urban China, a case of Nanjing”. Cities 25 (3), pp121-132. (SSCI)16. Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong. 2008. “Urban pauperization under China's social exclusion: A case study of Nanjing”. Journal of Urban Affairs 30(1), pp21-36. (SSCI)17. He, Shenjing 2007. “State-sponsored gentrification under market transition, the case of Shanghai”. Urban Affairs Review 43(2), pp171-198. (SSCI)18. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong 2007. “Socio-spatial impacts of property-led redevelopment on China’s urban neighbourhoods”. Cities 24(3), pp194-208. (SSCI)19. He, Shenjing, Zhigang Li and Fulong Wu 2006 “Transformation of Chinese Cities, Geographers’ Perspectives”. China Information 20(3), pp429-56.20. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong 2005. “Property-led redevelopment in post-reform China: a case study of Xintiandi redevelopment project in Shanghai”. Journal of Urban Affairs 27(1), pp 1-23. (SSCI)21. Wu, Fulong & He, Shenjing 2005. “Changes in Traditional Urban Areas and Impacts of Urban Redevelopment: A Case Study of Three Neighbourhoods in Nanjing, China”. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 96(1), pp 75-95. (SSCI) 1. He, Shenjing 2009. “Book review: Smart Urban Growth for China. Edited by Yan Song and Chengri Ding” International Planning Studies.2. He, Shenjing 2008. “Book review: Urban China in Transition. By John Logan (Ed)” City and Community 7(4), p399. (SSCI)3. He, Shenjing 2007. “Book review: Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China. By S. Li and H. Sato (Eds.)” China Information 21 (3).4. He, Shenjing 2006. “Book review: Emerging Land & Housing Markets in China. By C. Ding and Y. Song (Eds.)” Urban Studies 43 (1), pp241-2. (SSCI)5. He, Shenjing 2006. “Book review: China’s Urban Transition. By John Friedmann”. China Information 20 (2), pp326-9. 1. Liu Yuting & He, Shenjing 2010. “Chinese urban villages as marginalized neighbourhoods under rapid urbanization” in Fulong Wu & Chris Webster (Eds.) Marginalization in urban China: Comparative perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp177-200.2. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong 2007. “Chapter 10: Neighbourhood changes and residential differentiation in Shanghai” in Fulong Wu (Ed.) China's Emerging Cities: The Making of China’s New Urbanism. London: Routledge, pp185-209. 1. 何深静、钱俊希、徐雨璇、刘斌,2012 乡村绅士化的时空特征及其演变——基于广州小洲村的实证研究,地理学报。(CSCD)2. 陈嘉平、何深静 (通讯作者),2012 广州旧城区传统绅士化现象及其机制研究——以荔湾区逢源耀华社区为例,人文地理(CSSCI)3. 何深静、钱俊希、吴敏华,2011, “学生化”的城中村社区—基于广州下渡村的实证分析,地理研究30(8),1508-1519。(CSCD)4. 何深静、钱俊希、邓尚昆,2011,转型期大城市多类绅士化现象探讨—基于广州市六个社区的案例分析,人文地理 2011 (1),44-49。(CSSCI)5. 何深静、刘玉亭、吴缚龙、Chris Webster,2010,中国大城市低收入邻里及其居民的贫困集聚度和贫困决定因素,地理学报65(12),1464-1475。(CSCD)6. 何深静、袁振杰、李洁华,2010,广州亚运会旧城改造项目对社区居民影响研究,规划师, 2010(12),21-27。7. 何深静、刘玉亭2010,市场转轨时期中国城市绅士化现象的机制与效应研究,地理科学30(4),493-502。(CSCD)8. 何深静、刘玉亭、吴缚龙,2010,南京市不同社会群体的贫困集聚度、贫困特征及其决定因素,地理研究,29(4),703-715。(CSCD)9. 刘玉亭、何深静,2009,英国的社区规划及其对中国的启示, 规划师, 2009(3),85-89。10. 刘玉亭、何深静,2009,城市低收入住区的产生机制及其影响研究,南方建筑,2009(6),79-81。11. 何深静、刘玉亭,2008,中国城市贫困的国际研究新进展,国际城市规划, 2008(4),7-11。 (CSSCI)12. 刘玉亭、何深静,2008,中国大城市农村移民居住问题的国际研究进展, 国际城市规划, 2008(4),19-23。(CSSCI)13. 何深静、刘玉亭,2008,房地产开发导向的城市更新—我国现行城市再发展的认识和思考,人文地理 2008(4),6-11。(CSSCI)14. 刘玉亭、何深静,2008,论城镇体系理论框架的新走向,城市规划2008(2),41-44。(CSSCI)15. 刘玉亭、何深静,2007,市场转型期南京市的住房分异,中国人口科学,2007 (6) (CSSCI)16. 刘玉亭、何深静,2007英国的住房体系和住房政策,城市规划 2007(8) ,54-63。(CSSCI)17. 刘玉亭、吴缚龙、何深静、李志刚,2006,转型期城市低收入邻里的类型、特征和产生机制:以南京市为例,地理研究2006 (3) (CSCD)18. 刘玉亭、何深静,2005南京城市贫困群体的日常活动时空间结构,中国人口科学,2005(7)(CSSCI)19. 何深静、刘玉亭,2005,邻里作为一种规划思想:其内涵及现实意义,国际城市规划,2005 (3) (CSSCI)20. 李志刚、吴缚龙、何深静,2004,打造城市规划的黄金时代—彼得霍尔的城市世界, 国际城市规划2004 (4) (CSSCI)21. 刘玉亭、何深静、陈果,2003,国外城市贫困问题研究,现代城市研究,2003(1)22. 刘玉亭、何深静,2003,国内城市贫困问题研究,城市问题,2002(5)23. 何深静、于涛方、方澜,2002,城市更新中社会网络的保护与延伸,人文地理,2002(1) (CSSCI)24. 刘玉亭、何深静,2001,反思新时期我国城市发展的几个问题,现代城市研究,2001(5)25. 何深静、刘斌、刘玉亭,中国城市老城区公共住房升级改造探讨,中国名城,2012(10) 1. Wenner Gren symposium Crisis, Value, and Hope: Rethinking the Economy September 14-20, 2012, Sintra, Portugal (invited speaker)2. International Symposium on the Production and Mutation of China’s New Urban Space: State, Market, and Society, 17-18 Dec. 2011, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. (organiser)3. 2011 annual conference of Urban Geography Committee, The Association of Chinese Geographers, 8-9 August, 2011, Wuhu, Anhui Province, China. (Invited speaker)4. Urban and Regional Development Forum, 27th September 2010, Guangzhou Geographical Research Institute, Guanghzou, China. (invited speaker)5. International Conference on China and the Future of Human Geography, 26th – 28th August 2010, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (organiser)6. 9th International Symposium – International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA), 3rd – 6th August 2010, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (reviewer)7. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, 14 – 18 April 2010, Washington DC, US (session organiser)8. The fourth China-Japan-Korea Geographical Conference, 9-11 December 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghzou, China.9. 2009 Symposium of the Academic Committee of Foreign Studies in Urban Planning & The Journal of Urban Planning International, 4 -6 December 2009, Chongqing, China10. DFG-SPP projects meeting – 2009 Guangzhou workshop: Urban Informality in PRD – The state, key actors, determinants and trends, 23th November 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (organiser)11. The Second Sino-German Symposium on Geographical Higher Education, Research and Application, 21-22 November 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghzou, China. (organiser)12. The International Symposium on 'Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places For New Uses', 12-16 October, Istanbul, Turkey.13. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, 22 – 27 March 2009, Las Vegas, US14. The 5 International Conference of the Research Network of Private Urban Governance and Gated Communities, 30 March- 2 April 2009, Santiago, Chile15. International Conference on Contemporary Urban China Research, 6 – 8 January, 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghzou, China16. International Sociologist Association - Research Committee 21 Tokyo Conference 2008: Landscapes of Global Urbanism, 17-20 December 2008, Tokyo, Japan17. Workshop on “Dealing with our industrial pasts, lessons from Germany and China” 29-30 November 2008, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (organiser)18. Workshop on Informal Dynamics of Global Cities, 13-14 November 2008, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China19. Workshop on Comparative Urban Marginalization and Poverty Studies” 12 -13 June 2008, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (organiser)20. Workshop on New Town Planning and Self-Organisation, focusing on China, 27-28 May 2008 International Newtown Institute, Almere, the Netherlands. (Invited speaker)21. International Symposium on Planning, Law and Property Rights II, 13th -15th February 2008, Warsaw, Poland22. “Perspectives on Development V: A University of Wales Colloquium ‘Global and Local Agendas’” 23 – 25 January, 2008, Gregynog Hall, Newtown, Powys, Wales, UK (Invited speaker)23. International Conference on China’s Urban Land and Housing in the 21st Century, 13-15 December 2007, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.24. International seminar on ‘New-Build Gentrifications: Forms, Places and Processes’, 15 -16 November 2007, the Institute of Geography, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. (Invited speaker)25. International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, 28-30 June 2007, Cardiff, UK. (organiser).26. Workshop on ‘City B/lights: Narratives of Historical Representation and Physical Regeneration’ Centre for East Asia, University of Bristol, 28 February 2007, Bristol, UK. (Invited speaker)27. Annual Conference of Royal Geographical Society with The Institute of British Geographers, 31 August- 2 September 2005, London, UK. (Acted as coordinator for organizing conference sessions).28. Annual Conference of American Association of Geographers, 5th-9th April 2005, Denver, CO, USA.29. UCRN Conference, Cities in China, The Next Generation of Urban Research: Part 3, 12th-14th Dec. 2004, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.30. Urban China studies seminar, Oct. 2004, Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle WA, US.31. International Geographical Congress, 16th -20th Aug. 2004, Glasgow, UK.

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亲你好,海洋学领域国际知名期刊Frontiers in Marine Science在线发表了由上海交通大学海洋学院张召儒副教授、周朦教授与合作者的研究论文“ Spatial Variations of Phytoplankton Biomass Controlled by River Plume Dynamics Over the Lower Changjiang Estuary and Adjacent Shelf Based on High-Resolution Observations ”。文章提出包含冲淡水锋面动力过程在内的一系列中小尺度过程是调控长江口及邻近陆架海域浮游植物量变化和藻华爆发的关键机制,为我们重新审视河口近海生态系统动力学提供了新的视角与启示。文章在线发表后浏览量已达595次。文章发表于 Frontiers in Marine Science ,该期刊2019年影响因子为3.661。动力过程是调控河口和近海区域浮游植物量时空变化的重要因素。以往研究多是基于大面站调查结果,强调浊度和光限制的变化、地形诱导的上升流和黑潮次表层水入侵等中-大尺度过程对长江口附近海域浮游植物量和藻华发生的主导作用。本研究于2017年7月首次在长江口海域利用集成多传感器的拖曳式走航观测系统Acrobat(图1),获取了从河口到陆架海域的物理及生态要素的高时空分辨率观测断面(图2),在此基础上揭示了中-小尺度上的冲淡水锋面过程对长江口海域藻华爆发的控制作用,其中的关键因素包括锋面对物质的辐聚效应、真光层深度的变化及冲淡水扩散状态变化对浮游植物停留时间的延长等。该航次由张召儒副教授担任首席科学家,周朦教授参与航次并担任技术指导,航次参与人员还包括上海交通大学钟贻森老师、高咏卉副教授及周朦教授团队成员,华东师范大学吴莹教授及其团队成员,同济大学许惠平教授团队。图1. 项目团队于2017年7月在长江口邻近海域开展的海上调查航次,该航次综合利用了近海拖曳式走航观测系统Acrobat、表层水走航系统、漂流浮标、站位采样等多种观测方式。图2. 长江口南槽至陆架海域断面水文、层结频率、有色溶解有机物、浊度、光合有效辐射、叶绿素浓度、营养盐和表层溶解氧等参数的高时空分辨率分布特征。文章指出,长江口邻近海域的浮游植物量空间变化受多重尺度动力过程的影响,其中冲淡水锋面过程对藻华的爆发起到决定性作用。初级生产力的出现起源于长江冲淡水主锋面所致的垂向层结及其对泥沙悬浮的抑制和对光照条件的改善,营养盐最大水平梯度发生在该区域,但其浓度的迅速下降主要由淡水和海水的混合所致。长江口藻华发生于冲淡水主锋面的露头位置(称之为表锋面),漂流浮标结果(图3)显示该位置存在显著的物质辐聚效应,是导致浮游植物汇聚和藻华发生的重要因素;同时,辐聚导致下降流的产生,进一步增加了真光层的深度;此外,锋面外海一侧存在波动信号,伴随了冲淡水运动由超临界状态向亚临界状态的转变,增加了冲淡水及其携带的浮游植物在表锋面附近的停留时间,为藻华的发生进一步提供了有利的条件(图4)。图3. 航次中在长江口北港外侧释放的5个表层漂流浮标在124°E以西的漂流轨迹与速度。图(A)和(C)揭示了冲淡水表锋面附近流动状态的改变及其物质辐聚效应。图4. 多重尺度物理过程对长江口邻近海域浮游植物量及相关生物地球化学过程的调控作用与机理。本文第一作者为上海交通大学海洋学院长聘教轨副教授张召儒,通讯作者为上海交通大学周朦教授和张召儒副教授,合作者还包括上海交通大学钟贻森老师、高咏卉副教授、张瑞峰副研究员、Walker Smith教授,以及华东师范大学的张国森和江山博士。该研究由国家自然科学基金重点项目“长江口冲淡水的对流、扩散和物质转换综合过程”(41530960)资助,上海交通大学海洋学院周朦教授为该项目负责人,参加单位包括上海交通大学、华东师范大学和同济大学。张召儒,上海交通大学海洋学院长聘教授副教授,博士生导师。2007年本科毕业于中国海洋大学,2013年博士毕业于美国德克萨斯农工大学,2014年至今任职于上海交通大学海洋学院。研究领域包括近海动力学、极地海洋-海冰动力学和海洋物理-生态耦合过程,目前已经在Progress in Oceanography, JGR-Oceans, Climate Dynamics,Ocean Modelling和Frontiers in Marine Science等期刊发表SCI论文18篇。担任海洋学领域知名国际期刊Journal of Marine Systems责任编委,美国地球物理学会期刊AGU Advances总编遴选委员会委员和Ocean Sciences Meeting主席遴选委员会委员。

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