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一、毕业论文选题:1、学生必须紧密联系本专业基本理论,结合毕业实践撰写毕业论文。运用专业知识,书写与所修专业相关的论文,包括理论探讨、临床观察、病案讨论。2、论文选题要新颖。选题正确、论点正确、论据可靠、书写规范。二、毕业论文书写要求1、文题 准确得体、简短精炼。符合语法和逻辑原则,准确表达论文的中心内容。2、摘要(或提要),介绍论文的“目的、方法、结果、结论”。字数300字左右。3、关键词 从论文标题、提要或正文中选取最能表达论文的关键内容或有某种特殊意义的词2-8个。4、正文 体现论文的论点、论据、论证,是论文的核心部分。要求①论点明确;②论据充分、可靠,具有科学性;③论证合理,数据准确、可靠,材料真实;④文字精炼,语言准确,条理清楚,书写工整。5、字数3000字以上,文字简洁,语句通顺,标点符号使用正确,使用规定的简化汉字。6、成教部将聘请专家对论文进行形式审查。凡不符合上述要求者,将予以退回重写或修改,直至形式审查合格,才可提交论文答辩,严禁抄袭与弄虚作假。否则不能按时毕业。三、装订顺序:1、封面:2、毕业设计(论文)任务书:3、开题报告:4、中文摘要和关键词:摘要的字数在200至300字之间,关键词在3至5个之间5、英文摘要和关键词:根据中文摘要和关键词翻译6、目录:应有小节对应的页码7、正文8、参考文献9、谢辞四、打印规范:1、论文以A4标准页面排版(21*29.7cm),1.5倍行距,字体、字号要求如下:标题用粗黑体:一级标题三号,二级标题小三号,三级标题四号;正文用宋体小四号。2、章节序号(标题序号):(1)按照正式出版物的惯例,标题编号顺序规定如下:1、1.1、1.1.1……(2)论文标题一律从“1、”开始。3、图表标号:图1.1 图1.2 图2.1 图2.2…… (与图名称一起标在图正下方,用5号宋体,如:图1.1 GDP按年度增长率)表1.1 表1.2 表2.1 表2.2…… (与表名称一起标在表正下方,用5号宋体,如:表1.1 职工情况一览表)4、中文摘要和关键词:摘要:※※※※ 关键词: ※※※※;※※※※;※※※※其中摘要和关键词这两个词用宋体加粗,小四号,摘要内容和关键词内容用楷体小四号。5、英文摘要和关键词:参照中文摘要和关键词;用Times New Roman体;6、论文正文:空二行后书写正文,正文和第一段为“引言”,但不加小标题。7、参考文献列示格式(5号宋体):书籍格式:(编号)作者,作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版时间期刊格式:(编号)作者,作者.文章题目[J].期刊名,年份(期数):起页码~止页码报纸格式:(编号)作者,作者. 文章题目[N].报纸名,年月日,第几版注意:网络文献一般不作为参考文献8、正文必须打上页码,页码格式为“第X页,共X页”;居中打印(5号宋体);9、所有论文请用WORD打印。

335 评论


The nurse is called "angels in white"'ah by people being protecting people's body and mind health. Front emergency treatment job social nature has been strong to the emergency call nurse Er Yan , the yard , has given first aid treatment to each aspect using personal influence relating to society , has stepped out of the pure medical science field, except special field technology, synthetical quality has brought forward higher call for to the nurse. The character working strained , designs that the disease is various complicated, the scene gives first aid treatment to environment difference , the disturbance factor is many , manpower and material resources is limited, emergency treatment nursing job technology contents are high , special field is strong, require that relativity nursing team's is stable. With emergency call medical treatment system building-up and perfect , be because of the specially appointed the character working and intensity, the nurse has needed to bear the gigantic spirit , mentality pressure in the process of yard front emergency treatment sometimes , has affected it's the mass physically and mentally healthy and working thereby. Among them the most outstanding problem is human relations sensitive-rization , body-rization , extremely anxious , hostile. The source analyses 1 pressure That 1.1 stays in the first ding-dang is that amount of work is very big , change shifts many, amount of work is saturated. The night shift makes circadian rhythm chaos , the long range stay up late , is short of the rest and sleep, bring about human body physiology disorder, and strain easy to happen, the nerve behavior effect to person is also very grave. 1.2 prolongs with protecting age's , work experience of a lot of nursing staff increases by also with that , on-time worries about that the error accident appears more as being longer but,; When guiding to protect a life, be afraid that problem appears but produce mentality pressure. 1.3 comes from the incomprehension nursing the director , doctor and colleague; Nurse's pursuing advanced studies the chance is few , welfare benefits and social position are not tall , make oneself nurse's value and reality contradiction happened. 2 answers way Incline that 2.1 gives human resources, appropriate increase section inner nurse manning quotas , lighten whose work load; Improve a work environment at the same time , adopt a personnel alternating system , relieve actuating pressure when necessary. Macroscopic view the head nurse is responded to be ready for a nurse mix, arrange an order rationally. "Principle is a basis as far as possible in the job with person" , being ready for "the people-oriented " administration , nurse is "to show solicitude for person " , is also that person is shown solicitude for at the same time". 2.2 reinforces psychological quality training , improves psychological quality and mentality being able to bear by the force. The nurse responds to an institute unhurried face pressure , adopt actively to loosen artifice, creating a cushy job atmosphere for self , help body and mind health to raise working efficiency.有点语法错误,请谅解

139 评论



303 评论


这里面有很多医学方面的论文 你看一下哪个适合你吧 自己好好找找

186 评论


assessment is the gathering of information about a patient's physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual status.--------------Stage one of the nursing processAssessment is the first stage of the nursing process in which the nurse should carry out a complete and holistic nursing assessment of every patient's needs, regardless of the reason for the encounter. Usually, an assessment framework, based on a nursing model is used.The purpose of this stage is to identify the patient's nursing problems. These problems are expressed as either actual or potential. For example, a patient who has been rendered immobile by a road traffic accident may be assessed as having the "potential for impaired skin integrity related to immobility".Components of a nursing assessmentNursing historyTaking a nursing history prior to the physical examination allows a nurse to establish a rapport with the patient and family. Elements of the history include:[1]health status course of present illness including symptoms current management of illness past medical history including family's medical history social history perception of illness [edit] Psychological and social examinationThe psychological examination may include;Client’s perception (why they think they have been referred/are being assessed; what they hope to gain from the meeting) Emotional health (mental health state, coping styles etc) Social health (accommodation, finances, relationships, genogram, employment status, ethnic back ground, support networks etc) Physical health (general health, illnesses, previous history, appetite, weight, sleep pattern, diurinal variations, alcohol, tobacco, street drugs; list any prescribed medication with comments on effectiveness) Spiritual health (is religion important? If so, in what way? What/who provides a sense of purpose?) Intellectual health (cognitive functioning, hallucinations, delusions, concentration, interests, hobbies etc) [edit] Physical examinationA nursing assessment includes a physical examination: the observation or measurement of signs, which can be observed or measured, or symptoms such as nausea or vertigo, which can be felt by the patient.[2]The techniques used may include Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation and Percussion in addition to the "vital signs" of temperature, blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate, and further examination of the body systems such as the cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.[3][edit] Documentation of the assessmentThe assessment is documented in the patient's medical or nursing records, which may be on paper or as part of the electronic medical record which can be accessed by all members of the healthcare team.[edit] Assessment toolsA range of instruments has been developed to assist nurses in their assessment role. These include:[4]the index of independence in activities of daily living [5] the Barthel index[6] the Crighton Royal behaviour rating scale[7] the Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly[8] the general health questionnaire [9] the geriatric mental health state schedule[10] Other assessment tools may focus on a specific aspect of the patient's care. For example, the Waterlow score deals with a patient's risk of developing a Bedsore (decubitus ulcer), the Glasgow Coma Scale measures the conscious state of a person, and various pain scales exist to assess the "fifth vital sign".

180 评论


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