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蒋少涌发表论文(其中带*号为SCI杂志):1. Jiang SY,Yang JH,Ling HF,Chen YQ,Feng HZ,Zhao KD,Ni P,2007,Extreme enrichment of polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-Au in Lower Cambrian black shales of South China: an Os isotope and PGE geochemical investigation. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology,254(1-2): 217-228.2. Jiang Shao-Yong,Zhao Hai-Xiang,Chen Yong-Quan,Yang Tao,Yang Jing-Hong,Ling Hong-Fei,2007,Trace and rare earth element geochemistry of phosphate nodules from the lower Cambrian black shale sequence in the Mufu Mountain of Nanjing,Jiangsu province,China. Chemical Geology,doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo. 2007.07.0103. Dai Bao-Zhang,Jiang Shao-Yong,Jiang Yao-Hui,Zhao Kui-Dong,Liu Dun-Yi,2007,Geochronology,geochemistry and Hf–Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of Huziyan mafic xenoliths,southern Hunan Province,South China: Petrogenesis and implications for lower crust evolution. Lithos,doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2007.08.010.4. Zhao K.-D.,Jiang S.-Y.,2007,Rare earth element and yttrium analyses of sulfides from the Dachang Sn-polymetallic ore field,Guangxi Province,China: Implication for ore genesis. Geochemical Journal,vol.41,no. 2,p.121-134.5. Hou M-L,Jiang Y-H,Jiang S-Y,Ling H-F,Zhao K-D,2007,Contrasting origins of late Mesozoic adakitic granitoids from the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula,east China: implications for crustal thickening to delamination. Geological Magazine,144⑷: 619-631.6. Zhao KD,Jiang SY,Ni P,Ling HF,Jiang YH,2007,Sulfur,lead and helium isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals from the Dachang Sn-polymetallic ore district in South China: implication for ore genesis. Mineralogy and Petrology,89(3-4): 251-273.7. Chen Yongquan,Jiang Shaoyong,Ling Hongfei,Yang Jinghong and Wan Defan, 2007, Isotopic compositions of small shelly fossil Anabarites from Lower Cambrian in Yangtze Platform of South China: Implications for palaeocean temperature。Progress in Natural Sciences,17⑾: 62-68.8. Yang SY,Jiang SY,Ling HF,Xia XP,Sun M,Wang DJ,2007,Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Changjiang sediments: Implications for tracing sediment sources. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,50⑽: 1556-15659. 侯明兰,蒋少涌,沈昆,连国建,刘其臣, 2007,胶东蓬莱金矿区流体包裹体和氢氧同位素地球化学研究。岩石学报,23⑼,2241-2256。10. 李艳平,蒋少涌,2007,墨西哥湾东北部海区常压与超压沉积盆地孔隙水的地球化学特征对比研究,第四纪研究,27⑸: 870-879.11. Jiang SY,Chen YQ,Ling HF,Yang JH,Feng HZ,Ni P.,2006,Trace- and rare-earth element geochemistry and Pb-Pb dating of black shales and intercalated Ni-Mo-PGE-Au sulfide ores in Lower Cambrian strata,Yangtze Platform,South China,Mineralium Deposita,41⑸: 453-467.12. Ding X,Jiang S-Y,Zhao K-D,Nakumura E,Kobayashi K,Ni P,Gu L-X,Jiang Y-H,2006,In-situ U-Pb SIMS dating and trace element (EMPA) composition of zircon from a granodiorite porphyry in the Wushan copper deposit,China. Mineralogy and Petrology,86: 29-44.13. Jiang Yao-Hui,Jiang Shao-Yong,Ling,Hong-Fei,and Dai Bao-Zhang,2006. Low-degree melting of a metasomatized lithospheric mantle for the origin of Cenozoic Yulong monzogranite-porphyry,east Tibet: Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic constraints. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,241: 617-633.14. Jiang Yao-Hui,Jiang Shao-Yong,Zhao Kui-Dong and Ling,Hong-Fei,2006. Petrogenesis of Late Jurassic Qianlishan granites and mafic dikes,Southeast China: implications for a back-arc extension setting. Geological Magazine,143 ⑷: 457-474.15. Jiang Yao-Hui,Ling Hong-Fei,Jiang Shao-Yong,Shen Wei-Zhou,Fan Hong-Hai,and Ni Pei,2006,Trace element and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of fluorite from the Xiangshan uranium deposit,SE China. Economic Geology,101⑻: 1613-1622.16. Liangshu Shu,Michel Faure,Shaoyong Jiang,Qun Yang,and Yujing Wang,2006,SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age,litho- and biostratigraphic analyses of the Huaiyu Domain in South China— Evidence for a Neoproterozoic orogen,not Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic collision. Episodes,Vol. 29 No.4,244-252.17. Zhou JC,Jiang SY,Wang XL,Yang JH,Zhao MQ,2006,Study on lithogeochemistry of Middle Jurassic basalts,from southern China represented by the Fankeng basalts from Yongding of Fujian Province. Science in China (Series D),49⑽: 1020-1031. [周金城,蒋少涌,王孝磊,杨竞红,张孟群,2005,华南中侏罗世玄武岩的岩石地球化学研究-以福建藩坑玄武岩为例,中国科学,35: 927-936.]18. 蒋少涌,赵葵东,姜耀辉,等.2006,华南与花岗岩有关的一种新类型的锡成矿作用:矿物化学、元素和同位素地球化学证据.岩石学报,22⑽: 2509-2516.19. 蒋少涌,杨涛,李亮,赵葵东,凌洪飞,2006,大西洋洋中脊TAG热液区硫化物铅和硫同位素研究. 岩石学报,22⑽: 2597-2602.20. 侯明兰,蒋少涌,姜耀辉,凌洪飞,2006,胶东蓬莱金成矿区的S-Pb同位素地球化学和Rb-Sr同位素年代学研究. 岩石学报,22⑽: 2525-2533.21. 马芳,蒋少涌,姜耀辉,倪培,凌洪飞,2006,宁芜盆地凹山和东山铁矿床流体包裹体和氢氧同位素研究. 岩石学报,22⑽: 2581-2589.22. 姜耀辉,蒋少涌,戴宝章,凌洪飞,2006,玉龙斑岩铜矿含矿与非含矿斑岩元素和同位素地球化学对比研究. 岩石学报,22⑽: 2561-2566.23. 邱检生,蒋少涌,胡 建,McInnes B I A,凌洪飞,2006,同位素年代学研究对江西会昌密坑山锡矿田成矿作用的启示. 岩石学报,22⑽: 2444-2450.24. 赵葵东,蒋少涌,姜耀辉,刘敦一,2006. 湘南骑田岭岩体芙蓉超单元的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其地质意义. 岩石学报,22⑽: 2611-2616.25. 周金城,蒋少涌,王孝磊,杨竞红,张孟群,2006,东南沿海晚中生代镁铁质岩的Re-Os同位素组成。岩石学报,22⑵:407-413.26. 姜耀辉,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,戴宝章,2006,陆-陆碰撞造山环境下含铜斑岩岩石成因-以藏东玉龙斑岩铜矿带为例。岩石学报,22⑶:697-706.27. 李艳平,蒋少涌,2006,氯同位素测量方法及其地质应用研究新进展。南京大学学报(自然科学),42⑶:87-96.28. 李艳平,蒋少涌,杨涛,濮巍,2006,海洋沉积物中孔隙水的氯同位素测量方法研究. 高校地质学报,12 ⑶: 388-391.29. 杨涛,蒋少涌,赖鸣远等,2006,连续流同位素质谱测定水中溶解无机碳含量和碳同位素组成的方法研究。地球化学,35⑹,675-680。30. 张建龙,蒋少涌,白玉英等,2006, 辽河盆地欧利坨子富钾质火山岩特征与成因探讨。高校地质学报,12⑵,271-280。31. 马芳,蒋少涌,姜耀辉,王汝成,凌洪飞,倪培,2006,宁芜地区玢岩铁矿Pb同位素研究. 地质学报,80⑵: 279-286.32. 杨涛,蒋少涌,葛璐,杨竞红,凌洪飞,吴能友,张光学,刘坚,陈道华,2006,南海北部陆坡西沙海槽 XS-01站位沉积物孔隙水的地球化学特征及其对天然气水合物的指示意义. 第四纪研究, 26⑶: 442-448.33. *Jiang S-Y,Wang R-C,Xu X-S,Zhao K-D,2005,Mobility of high field strength elements (HFSE) in magmatic-,metamorphic-,and submarine-hydrothermal systems. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,PartsA/B/C,30(17-18): 1020-1029.34. *Ling H-F,Jiang SY,Frank M et al. 2005,Differing controls over the Cenozoic Pb and Nd isotope evolution of deepwater in the central North Pacific Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 232(3-4): 345-361.35. *Zhao,K.D.,Jiang,S.Y.,Jiang,Y.H.,and Wang,R.C.,2005,Mineral chemistry of the Qitianling granitoid and the Furong tin ore deposit in Hunan Province,South China: Implication for the genesis of granite and related tin mineralization: European Journal of Mineralogy,v.17,635-648.36. *Jiang Y-H,Ling H-F,Jiang S-Y,Fan H-H,Shen W-Z,and Ni P,2005,Petrogenesis of a Late Jurassic Peraluminous Volcanic Complex and its High-Mg,Potassic,Quenched Enclaves at Xiangshan,Southeast China. Journal of Petrology,46⑹: 1121-1154.37. *Jingchen Zhou,Shaoyong Jiang,Xiaolei Wang,Jinghong Yang,Mengqun Zhang,2005,Re-Os isochron age of Fankeng basalts from Fujian of SE China and its geological significance. Geochemical Journal,39⑹: 497-502.38. *Pesquera A,Torres-Ruiz J,Gil-Crespo PP,and Jiang S-Y,2005,Petrographic,Chemical and B-Isotopic Insights into the Origin of Tourmaline-Rich Rocks and Boron Recycling in the Martinamor Antiform (Central Iberian Zone,Salamanca,Spain),Journal of Petrology,46 ⑸: 1013-1044.39. *Ling H-F,Gao J-F,Zhao K-D,Jiang S-Y,Ma D-S,2005,Comment on Molybdenum isotope evidence for widespread anoxia in mid-Proterozoic oceans,SCIENCE,309 (5737): AUG 12 2005.40. *Jiang Yao-Hui,Jiang Shao-Yong,Zhao Kui-Dong,Ni Pei,Ling Hong-Fei and Liu Dun-Yi,2005. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating for lamprophyre from Liaodong Peninsula: Constraints on the initial time of Mesozoic lithosphere thinning beneath eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin,50: 2612-2620 [姜耀辉,蒋少涌,赵葵东,等,2005。辽东半岛煌斑岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄及其对中国东部岩石圈减薄开始时间的制约。科学通报,50:2161-2168.]41. 杨竞红,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,陈永权,2005,黑色页岩与大洋缺氧事件的Re-0s同位素示踪与定年研究。地学前缘,12⑵: 143-150.42. 马芳,蒋少涌,2005,与陆相火山岩有关的铁、铜、金矿床成矿地质特征及矿床成因。地质找矿论丛,20⑷: 233-241.43. 陈永权,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,杨竞红,陈建华,2005,华南寒武纪海洋中沉积矿床及其古环境. 海洋地质和第四纪地质.25⑴: 79-84.44. 陈永权,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,潘家永,赖鸣远,2005,利用Finnigan MAT-252气体同位素质谱计分析碳酸盐氧同位素的结果校正。质谱学报,26⑵: 17-21.45. 陈道华,蒋少涌,刘坚,2005,西沙海槽表层沉积物地球化学特征及其地质意义. 海洋地质和第四纪地质.25⑵: 37-43.46. 蒋少涌,杨涛,薛紫晨,杨竞红,凌洪飞,吴能友,黄永样,刘坚,陈道华,2005,南海北部海区海底沉积物中孔隙水的C1-和SO42-浓度异常特征及其对天然气水合物的指示意义。现代地质,19⑴: 45-54.47. 杨涛,蒋少涌,杨竞红,葛璐,凌洪飞,吴能友,陈道华,2005,孔隙水中NH4+和HP042-浓度异常:一种潜在的天然气水合物地球化学勘查新指标。现代地质,19⑴: 55-60.48. 丁昕,蒋少涌,倪培,顾连兴,姜耀辉,2005,江西武山和永平铜矿含矿花岗质岩体锆石SIMS U-Pb年代学。高校地质学报,11⑶: 383-389.49. *Jiang,S.-Y.,Yu,J.-M.,Lu,J.-J.,2004,Trace and rare earth element geochemistry in tourmaline from the Yunlong tin deposit,Yunnan,China: implication for migmatitic-hydrothermal fluid evolution and ore genesis. Chemical Geology,209(3-4): 193-213.50. Jiang,S.-Y.,Yang,J.-H.,Ling,H.-F.,Yang,T.,Chen,D.-H.,Xue,Z.-C.,Ji,J.-F.,Ni,P.,2004,Search for gas hydrates in the South China Sea: A geochemical approach. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology,vol.24⑶: 103-109. (In English).51. *Yang Jing-Hong,Jiang Shao-Yong,Wang Xiao-Rong,Wang Ying,2004,Heavy metals in coastal waters from Sanya Bay,Hainan Island: Implication for Human Impact on the Estuarine Coastal Environments. Journal of Coastal Research,Special issue no. 43,171-178.52. *Ling,H-F.,Jiang,S-Y.,Feng,H-Z.,Chen,Y-Q.,Chen J-H.,& Yang,J-H.,2004,Oxygen isotope geochemistry of phosphorite and dolomite and palaeo-ocean temperature estimation: A case study from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation,Guizhou Province,South China. Progress in Natural Science,vol. 14,no.1,p. 77-84.53. *Feng,H-Z.,Ling,H-F.,Jiang,S-Y.,& Yang,J-H.,2004,13Ccarb and Ceanom excursions in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian interval in Guizhou,South China. Progress in Natural Science,vol. 14,no.2,p. 188-192.54. *Yang,J-H.,Jiang,S-Y.,Ling,H-F.,Feng,H-Z.,Chen,Y-Q.,& Chen,J-H.,2004,Paleoceangraphic significance of redox-sensitive metals of black shales in the basal Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Guizhou Province,South China. Progress in Natural Science,vol. 14,no.2,p. 152-157.55. *Shao-Yong JIANG,Cong-Xi CHEN,Yong-Quan CHEN,Yao-Hui JIANG,Bao-Zhang DAI,Pei NI,2004,Geochemistry and genetic model for the giant magnesite deposits in the eastern Liaoning province,China,岩石学报(Acta Petrologica Sinica),20⑷: 765-772.56. *Gondim AC,Jiang SY,2004,Geologic characteristics and genetic models for the talc deposits in Parana and Bahia,Brazil,岩石学报(Acta Petrologica Sinica),20⑷: 829-836.57. *de Parseval P,Jiang SY,Fontan F,Wang RC,Martin F,Freeet J,2004,Geology and ore genesis of the Trimouns talc-chlorite ore deposit,Pyrenees,France,岩石学报(Acta Petrologica Sinica),20 ⑷: 877-886.58. 邱检生,蒋少涌,张晓琳,胡建. 2004. 大别苏鲁造山带南北两侧晚中生代富钾火山岩的成因微量元素及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素制约. 地球学报,25⑵:255~262.59. 赵葵东,蒋少涌,2004,金属矿床的同位素直接定年方法。地学前缘,vol.11,no.2,p.425-434.60. 姜耀辉,蒋少涌,凌洪飞,2004,地幔流体与铀成矿作用。地学前缘,11:528-538 丁悌平、蒋少涌、万德芳、李金城、宋彪、赵敦敏,1992,华北元古宙铅锌成矿带稳定同位素研究。北京科学技术出版社,127p. Ding T-P, Jiang S-Y, Wan D-F, Li J-C, Sun B, Zhao D-M., 1992, Stable isotope study of Proterozoic Pb-Zn deposits in North China. Beijing Science and Techonology Publishing House, 127p. 丁悌平、蒋少涌、万德芳、李延河、李金城、宋鹤彬、刘志坚、姚晓梅,1994,硅同位素地球化学,地质出版社。102p.英文版:Ding, T.-P., Jiang, S.-Y.,et.al., 1996, Silicon Isotope Geochemistry, Geological Publishing House, Beijing, Ching, 125p. 韩发、赵汝松、沈建忠,Hutchinson, R.W.,蒋少涌、陈洪德,1997,大厂锡多金属矿床地质及成因,地质出版社,213页。 姜耀辉、蒋少涌、戴宝章、凌洪飞,2008,玉龙斑岩铜矿含矿斑岩成因。地质出版社。122p.

92 评论


改进了镍硫火试金及碲同沉淀富集铂族元素制样方法,并建立了ICP-MS测定铂族元素方法;取得了萨德伯里Cu-Ni-(PGE)硫化物矿床成因的新证据;提出了豆荚状铬铁矿床成因新模式;此外,在科马提岩和蛇绿岩的研究中也取得了一些新成果。发表论文200余篇,其中国际SCI论文160余篇,SCI论文被SCI论文引用近2000次,在“Lithos和“Journal of Asian Earth Sciences上合编专辑各1辑,合作出版专著2部。合著专著2部。

208 评论



克拉通是地球上古老而又稳定的大陆地块。克拉通的岩石圈地幔是金刚石的宝库,它们形成于25亿年前的太古宙和16-25亿年前的古元古代(Peslier et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2011)。克拉通型岩石圈地幔具有明显的特征:厚度巨大(可达300km)、密度较低、亏损玄武质成分、高度难熔、低温梯度低(Lee et al., 2011),而且岩石圈地幔的年龄越古老,密度就越小,密度小的原因在于其特定的化学组成。

古老的克拉通岩石圈地幔是在地球演化的早期阶段经过壳幔分异事件之后形成的,它们是原始地幔(主要由易熔的二辉橄榄岩组成)经过高程度的部分熔融,大量玄武质熔体被抽取之后残余的难熔组分(以难熔的方辉橄榄岩为主),因此,古老的克拉通岩石圈地幔具有明显富Mg、贫Fe、高度难熔的组成特征。玄武质熔体被大量抽取之后,古老克拉通岩石圈地幔的密度小于下伏的软流圈,因此,它能够像船一样长期“漂浮”在软流圈之上。克拉通的岩石圈地幔具有机械抵抗力(Arndt et al., 2009),能够防止由于地幔对流而造成的破坏,因而能够长期存在。


第一种观点(熔融模型)认为,克拉通岩石圈地幔是通过地幔物质底辟上升、地幔倒转、或者地幔柱携带地幔过渡带的物质上升并发生高程度熔融形成的(Boyd, 1989; Stein and Hofmann, 1994),因此它们代表高度亏损玄武质熔体、相对干燥、低密度的熔融残余。该模型容易被大家接受,因为它能够合理地揭示很多观测到的现象,比如岩石圈地幔的低密度现象(高程度熔融的结果)、有浮力(Boyd, 1989; Stein and Hofmann, 1994)、岩石圈的厚度与年龄具有正相关性,无水地幔橄榄岩捕虏体的发现指示岩石圈地幔具有足够的粘度而不受下伏软流圈的影响(Peslier et al., 2010)。根据该模型可以预测,在地幔物质减压熔融的过程中,由于上部地幔物质的熔体抽取程度更高,因此地幔熔融柱顶部的密度应相对较低,而岩石圈地幔底部的密度应相对较高。然而,熔融模型所预测的岩石圈地幔化学分层与其他学者的观测资料和工作模型(Lee et al., 2011)所预测的结果有很大出入。

关于克拉通岩石圈地幔成因的第二种学术观点(堆积模型)认为,古老的克拉通岩石圈地幔最初是通过俯冲的大洋地壳及其最初形成于洋中脊的亏损地幔叠置堆积而成(Helmstaedt and Schulze, 1989; Beall et al.,2018)。该模型也成功地解释了一些地质现象,比如,岩石圈地幔巨大的厚度、岩石圈地幔相对于大洋岩石圈亏损玄武质熔体,以及克拉通地区金伯利岩中产出的榴辉岩捕虏体具有大洋地壳的地球化学特征。然而,堆积模型也存在着一些问题,比如,难以解释大洋岩石圈中相对大量的古大洋地壳物质与金伯利岩地幔捕虏体中相对稀少的榴辉岩捕虏体之间的不一致性(Arndt et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2011)。此外,由于古老的俯冲板片中含有相当厚度的大洋地壳,它可能会受到板块断裂和/或板块后撤的影响而不能发生多重堆积(Perchuk et al., 2019)。

为了解决上述存在争议的科学问题,一种新的替代模型——热-机械模型被提出(Sizova et al., 2010; Perchuk et al., 2019),并在最近得到了进一步的发展。近期,Perchuk et al.(2020)在Nature上发表论文,建立了二维高分辨率岩浆-热-机械模型,通过模拟研究,他们发现:在太古代板块构造开始之后,位于俯冲大洋板块之下具有正浮力和韧性、亏损玄武质熔体的、热的地幔层,在大洋板块俯冲的过程中,不能随着大洋板块同步俯冲(图1),而是滞留于邻近的大陆板块之下,形成具有克拉通规模的粘性原始陆核。之后,随着地温梯度的下降,侵位于大陆之下具有高粘滞度的亏损地幔层也随之降温,与大陆合为一体,成为古老克拉通的岩石圈地幔。根据大陆岩石圈地幔的厚度估算表明,该模型所展示的动力学机制在古老克拉通岩石圈的主要形成时期是有效的。因此,前寒武纪时期携带高度亏损地幔层的大洋板块俯冲作用是陆下巨厚岩石圈地幔形成的先决条件,由于巨厚岩石圈地幔的存在,使得古老的克拉通在随后的板块构造过程中得以长期保存。这项研究为第二种观点提供了新的证据:古老克拉通岩石圈地幔是通过早期大洋板块俯冲引起的板片堆积形成的。


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