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1、MSC=Master of Science,缩写为MSc,理学硕士,是指对于硕士研究生阶段专攻理科方向(如数学、物理、天文学等专业)的学生的一种专业上的称谓。

2、MPhi=Master of Phisolophy,研究硕士,一般来说,课程要求学生完成课堂、研究、考试、论文和答辩才可以颁授相关学位,是一个仅次于哲学博士或工程博士的学位,其地位类近其他大学的哲学硕士、文学硕士和科学硕士。

3、PHD=Doctor of Phisolophy也就是常说的博士,这里的philosophy指的不是哲学。因为哲学是一切科学之母,所以博士被称做PHD。












参考资料  百度百科-PhD百度百科-MSC

258 评论


感觉这篇论文可以给你参考下:Abstract 摘要 In 21st century, intellectual capital has been paid an unprecedented attention and it is crucial for competitiveness of enterprises. As the core strength for survival of an enterprise, management of knowledge workers determines the success of an enterprise. How to retain knowledge workers, how to develop a human resources management system and measures fitting with the characteristics of knowledge workers to enhance the engagement of knowledge workers becomes one of the important issues of contemporary enterprises. The research aim was to discuss the relationship between organizational commitment and employee engagement of British knowledge workers in 21st century, based on this to bring forward recommendations on how to improve the organizational commitment and employee engagement of knowledge workers. In this study, it adopted quantitative research methods, through questionnaires to collect data. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship between knowledge workers' organizational commitment and employee engagement. The author was based on Farooqui and Nagendra’s (2014) research model and Meyer and Allen’s (1991) theory to investigate the relationship between organizational commitment and employee engagement of knowledge workers in Britain, the investigation results showed that there was a moderate correlation between affective commitment, continuance commitment and the dimensions of say, stay; there was moderate correlation between affective commitment, normative commitment and the dimension of strive in employee engagement; there was low correlation between continuance commitment and the dimension of strive in employee engagement. As affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment have been improved, the degree of engagement will be higher, showing a positive correlation between the two. This confirms that the hypothesis proposed by the author is correct. Finally, the author recommended on how to improve organizational commitment to improve employee engagement. Keywords: knowledge workers, human resource management, organizational commitment, employee engagementDedication and acknowledgements During the preparation of this dissertation, Dr. Peter Nicholls gave me great help that I sincerely appreciated. In the first meeting, Dr. Peter asked me to read materials as much as possible to narrow my dissertation topic. After I finished my first draft, he sent me the feedback with very detailed revision advice from which I benefited a lot. Besides, Dr. Peter treated me as a friend more than a teacher. His kindness and carefulness impressed me.Author’s Declaration 作者声明I declare that the work in this dissertation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the University’s Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and that it has not been submitted for any other academic award. Except where indicated by specific reference in the text, this work is my own work. Work done in collaboration with, or with the assistance of others, is indicated as such. I have identified all material in this dissertation which is not my own work through appropriate referencing and acknowledgement. Where I have quoted or otherwise incorporated material which is the work of others, I have included the source in the references. Any views expressed in the dissertation, other than referenced material, are those of the author.Table of contentsAbstract iiDedication and acknowledgements iiiAuthor’s Declaration ivTable of contents vList of Charts and Tables viChapter I Introduction 11.1 Background 11.2 Research aims 31.3 Framework of this dissertation 4Chapter II Literature Review 52.1 Definition and characteristics of knowledge worker 52.2 Organizational commitment 82.3 Employee engagement 142.4 Summary 17Chapter III Methodology 193.1 Introduction of the chapter 193.2 Research approach 193.3 Research hypothesis 193.4 Data sampling 203.5 Data analysis 213.6 Research ethics 223.7 Limitation 22Chapter IV Results 244.1 Background information of respondents 244.2 Reliability and Validity 244.3 Descriptive statistics 254.4 Correlation analysis 274.5 Summary 33Chapter V Discussion 345.1 Organizational commitment and the dimension of say 345.2 Organizational commitment and the dimension of stay 365.3 Organizational commitment and the dimension of strive 38Chapter VI Recommendation 426.1 Enhance affective commitment 426.2 Enhance continuance commitment 446.3 Improve normative commitment 45Chapter VII Conclusion 487.1 Main points 487.2 Limitations 497.3 Further research 50References 51Appendix 56_Toc429125928Ethics form 62List of Charts and TablesChartsChart 1 Results of reliability analysis 25Chart 2: Affective commitment and say 28Chart 3: Continuance commitment and say 29Chart 4: Normative commitment and say 29Chart 5: Affective commitment and stay 30Chart 6: Continuance commitment and stay 30Chart 7: Normative commitment and stay 31Chart 8: Affective commitment and strive 32Chart 9: Continuance commitment and strive 32Chart 10: Normative commitment and strive 33TablesTable 1: The translation of level ranking of the answers 21Table 2 Descriptive statistics 25Table 3 Descriptive statistics 26Table 4 Correlations 28

124 评论


其实不管是哪一个专业的毕业论文都差不多,要想写的好自己还是需要先收集资料,然后再去做好准备,俗话·说的好,知己知彼方能百战百胜,这样才能更好的掌握如何写作英国MSC dissertation

278 评论




1、MSC=Master of Science,缩写为MSc,理学硕士,是指对于硕士研究生阶段专攻理科方向(如数学、物理、天文学等专业)的学生的一种专业上的称谓。

2、MPhi=Master of Phisolophy,研究硕士,一般来说,课程要求学生完成课堂、研究、考试、论文和答辩才可以颁授相关学位,是一个仅次于哲学博士或工程博士的学位,其地位类近其他大学的哲学硕士、文学硕士和科学硕士。

3、PHD=Doctor of Phisolophy也就是常说的博士,这里的philosophy指的不是哲学。





开始进行研究并撰写论文。此时,博士生可自称为博士候选人(Doctoral Candidate),或在个人学术资格清单上写上毕业学衔的简称加上 ABD( All But Dissertation,准博士)一词,如 Ph.D. (ABD),表示自己将获博士资历。

呈交论文并通过论文答辩 (Viva-voce)。




154 评论


1) Research Question However you approach the topic of your research, whether from the policy agenda (what change do you want to see in the world?), or focusing on a problem or a puzzle (something that you empirically observed and which unsettled your expectations), do make sure that you clearly outline your research question. A research question is a meaningful sentence that ends with a question-mark and where every word counts (Alford 1993).2) Engagement with subject literature and state of the art research Conduct a literature review. Make sure you do not only review and cite the different influential papers in your field. Try entering into a dialogue with what other (more experienced) researchers have written and demonstrate a gap in the broader scholarship that your research will address. Do not be afraid to critique (thoughtfully discuss and even criticize) the reviewed papers for their (poor) choice of case studies, or methods. Critique others’ work diligently, carefully and adhering to rigorous academic standards.3) (Critical appraisal of the) Selection of qualitative methods Carefully choose your methods and make sure you can defend and justify that choice. Make sure your methods are anchored to your research question – ultimately they are to help you find an answer to it! Explain whether you plan your data collection and how you would go about this process (selecting respondents, case studies, or cases). If you plan to rely on an existing qualitative dataset, explain its location, how it was originally collected and how you would approach it in order to address your unique research question. 4) Steps of Analysis Clearly outline the different steps of analysis, the logic of enquiry, the type of coding and theorybuilding elements of your research proposal.5) Ethical Challenges Discuss any ethical challenges that your research project might pose to your participants, or to the data. How will you mitigate these ethical challenges? The second question is as important as the first one.6) Broader real-life significance (*)2 Who are the main beneficiaries of your research project? How will you engage with them to make sure they know your work and the results of your research?还有其他问题可以+v yoyostudy_x

228 评论



87 评论


  • 发表论文发表

    怎么样发表论文: 1、想要发表论文,事先要做的就是写好一篇查重率合格,且具备一定价值的论文,论文查重率的具体要求,要根据想要发表的期刊来定,若为普通期刊,则查重

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  • 发表发表论文

    六个发表论文的流程:准备论文、投稿、审核、录用、出刊、上网。 1、准备论文:如果论文已经准备好了,按照论文找合适的期刊就好;如果论文没写好,建议还是先找合适的期

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  • 期刊投稿中的msc是什么意思

    PHD是博士,即:Doctor of Philosophy 。现在泛指所有学科的博士。MSC是理科硕士的意思。Master of Science 与之相对的有M

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    你得说明是什么领域的吧。 LZ提问是留学斑块的,那么要在留学上学来说,MSC是理科硕士 Master of Science。当然还有很多缩写。比如通讯方面MSC

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