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在自然资源管理、环境管理技术、地理信息系统、遥感技术领域内发表论文40余篇/部。SCI、EI收录论文Brook, T., and R. Liu, et al, 2001,Panda's Habitat at Wolong Nature Reserve, Science, Vol. 293 27 July, 2001Wear, D. R. Liu, , 1999. Effects of Population Growth on Timber Management and Inventories in Virginia, Forest Ecology and Management, 118 (1999)107-115Liu, R. and L. P. Herrington, 1994. The Expected Cost of Uncertainty in Geographic Data. Journal of Forestry, Special Issue: Biometrics, Vol. 94, No.12, 27- 31.Liu, R., 1994. The Effects of Spatial Data Errors on the GIS-Based Forest Management Decisions, A doctorate dissertation published by State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, pp.209, U.M.I. Dissertation Services, U.M.I. 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106Brook, T., and R. Liu, et al, 2001,Panda's Habitat at Wolong Nature Reserve, Science, Vol. 293 27 July, 2001刘锐,1987,土地质量评价的理论与方法探讨 ,《中国农业工程学报》,Vol. 3, 1987, pp. 51-59Liu, R., 1999. Virginia's Tree Census, Why the Need? Why Now? Virginia Review, Special Issue of Environment & Quality Life, Vol. 77, No.1, January, 1999, Chester, Virginia其它部分发表科研报告、国际学术会议论文Liu, R.,2005,Land Degradation Monitoring and Combating in Dryland of Western China, Symposium on Developing International Partnerships for China’s Environment,Washington, DC, U.S.A.刘锐,2006,探索资源保护与社区和谐发展的新模式,已提交《自然资源》,2006。刘锐等,2006,《省(区)综合生态系统管理信息中心建设指南》,国家林业局/中国-全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治伙伴关系研究咨询报告。刘锐,2006,《省(区)综合生态系统管理信息中心数据共享协议》,国家林业局/中国-全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治伙伴关系研究咨询报告。刘锐,2006,自然保护区与社区和谐发展的几点思考,国家林业局世界银行管理办公室研究咨询报告。刘锐,2006,自然保护区社区发展与非木材林产品的可持续利用,国家林业局世界银行管理办公室研究咨询报告。刘锐,2006,全球生物多样性热点地区及其研究进展,已提交《自然资源》,2006段文霞,朱波,刘锐等,2006,退耕还林中柳杉林生态系统的碳储量动态研究,《北京林业大学学报》已接受,2006。刘锐,2004,中国林业发展要走市场经济之路,《人民日报》海外版,2004年5月27日第八版。刘锐、佘剑鸣,2002, 加速建设数字四川,《四川侨报》,2003,1月22日。Liu, R., E. Michel, 2001,The Design and Development of Data Warehousing System for the Resources and Environmental Data, Research Report, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Washington DC, USALiu, R., J. Brunner and T. Tsui, 2000. Biodiversity in Crisis, The Hengduan Mountains of Southwest China, (published in Chinese and English), pp.12, Conservation International, Washington DC, October 2000.Zhong, Shenxian, R. Liu, Diane Chang and T. Tsui, 2000. Biodiversity Hotspots, Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions, A Conservation International's Hotspots Map translated and edited in Chinese, Beijing, China, November 2000Liu, R., 1999, A Powerful Information Tool for Conservation, Research Report of Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, Washington DC,Liu, R., 1999, Virginia Department of Forestry Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Mapping Support Components, A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1999Liu, R., 1998. An Object-Oriented Solution for a Forest Temporal GIS, In Proceedings of the Geoinformatics'98 International Conference, Spatial Information Technology Towards 2000 and Beyond, pp. 511-520, June 17-19, 1998, Beijing, China.Liu, R. and D. Wear, 1997. The Use of GIS to Estimate the Effects of Population Growth on Sustainable Forestland, In Proceedings of GIS AM/FM ASIA '97 and GeoInformatics '97, Mapping the Future of Asia Pacific, CPGIS, CAGIS, Taipei, TaiwanLiu, R., 1998.,Assessing Virginia's Forest Resource Land Base,Virginia Forests, Winter, 1998, pp.12-16.Liu, R. and J. Scrivani, 1996. An Integration of GIS and Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) Data for Forest Land Use Assessment in Virginia. In Proceedings of Geoinformatics '96, International Symposium on GIS & Remote Sensing: Research, Development & Applications, West Palm Beach, Florida, Vol.2, 432-441.Liu, R.,1998,Geographic Information Systems: Standards and Guidelines for Virginia Department of Forestry,A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1998Liu, R.,1998,Guidelines for Forest Fire Risk Analysis with GIS, A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1998Liu, R. and John Scrivani, 1997,Virginia Forest Land Assessment, pp. 25. A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VirginiaLiu, R., 1997,Virginia's Forest Resource Land Base: Can it sustain our quality life for the 21st century? A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VirginiasLiu, R. and Jay Stevens, 1997. User's Guide, Forest Parcel Mapping with GIS, pp.36, A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1997.Liu, R.,Digital Geospatial Data Catalog ,A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1997.Liu, R. and Jay Stevens, 1997. User's Guide for Forest Mapping with MapInfo, A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1997Liu, R. and Jay Stevens, 1996,Report on the Virginia County-Based Forest Parcel Mapping Operational Test, Status, Issues and Possible Solutions,A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, Virginia,Liu, R. ,1995,Guidelines, Operating Procedures and Standards Using GIS for Forest Land Assessment, A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VirginiaLiu, R., et al, 1994,Using GIS to Assess Land Availability for Commercial Forest in the Commonwealth of Virginia, A Research Report of Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VirginiaLiu, R., 1994,Basic Concepts of Coordinate Systems and Map Projections, A Research Report, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York刘锐,L.P. Herrington,1993, 空间数据误差对于森林资源管理决策的影响,《地理信息系统的发展与展望》,中国科学出版社Liu, R., 1993. An Evaluation of the Methods for Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Using GIS Technology in the Natural Resources Management, A Research Report, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York, pp 44, May 1993.Liu, R., 1990. An Application of Geographic Information System Techniques on the Soil Capability Classification. A master thesis published by State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y., August 1990. pp. 125.刘锐,1989,中国农业土壤监测信息系统研究,《中国农业部研究报告1989》,中国农业部刘锐,1987,回归分析确定土地质量评价因素权重的探讨,《西南农业大学学报》,Vol. 9, No.4, December 1987.刘锐,1985,农业地域类型分区方法初探,《西南农业大学学报》,Vol. No.2, May, 1985刘锐,1985,黄河三角洲东营市土地资源调查报告,《中国农业部研究报告1985》,中国农业工程研究院刘锐,1984,华北地区盐碱地改良初探,《中国农业工程研究院研究报告》,中国农业工程研究院刘锐,胡先志,1984,青海省柴达木盆地农业土地资源开发可行性研究报告,《中国农业部研究报告1984》,中国农业工程研究院刘锐等,1984,青海省柴达木盆地都兰县土壤资源调查报告,《中国农业部研究报告1984》,中国农业工程研究院刘锐,1983,中国的农业灌溉系统,在世界银行灌溉项目培训班上的发言报告《中国农业工程研究院研究报告》,中国农业工程研究院

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