"Ukrmetallurginform" Scientific and Technical Agency", Ltd出版的,似乎不是SCI。The aim of our project is creation of the community of all people who are art and part in metallurgical and mining industry. We are going to broaden fundamentally the topics of our Internet resource publishing the articles of the scientists and experts not only from CIS countries but also foreign colleagues, who deal both with basic researchers and practical studies in the material engineering.The main peculiarity of our web site is free access to publications, translation (at author's pleasure) of the articles into foreign languages (primarily into English).Such approach will broaden the readership and the quantity of authors and also will contribute to establish business and professional connections between metallurgists, miners and metallophysicists all over the world.We are sure such approach will contribute an increase of the citation index of our authors and publications.The other peculiarity of our web site is the absence of ongoing editorial board; the reduction is fulfilled in the format of subject specialist scientific disputes. We organize personal blogs and provide modernization of our web site visualization with the help of computing technologies
1,现在是信息化时代,我们大部分人都拥有着电子产品,相较于以前的投稿方式的匮乏,现代社会中的投稿方式不可谓不多。首先使用的投稿方式就是通过电子邮箱进行投稿。 2
向期刊投稿论文步骤如下: 1、投稿期刊的等级区分: 大家经常说的省级和国家级期刊,其实就是他们的主办单位不同,国家级的期刊主办单位就是由国家机构或者中央机构主办
可以投稿的杂志有《中国青年》、《作品》、《东方文学》。 1、《中国青年》 这是一本95岁的杂志,永远和青年在一起,笃信思考的力量,澎湃生活的热望。有坚守,有改变
1,现在是信息化时代,我们大部分人都拥有着电子产品,相较于以前的投稿方式的匮乏,现代社会中的投稿方式不可谓不多。首先使用的投稿方式就是通过电子邮箱进行投稿。 2