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重新启动后异常终止( 09年2月20号22点22分59秒)标签: 杂谈标签: 杂谈 If a job terminates abnormally, the checkpoint/restart facilities allow you to restart the job, as follows:如果工作异常终止,检查/重新启动设施让您重新启动的工作,具体情况如下: * Automatic step restart, that is, restart by the system from the beginning of a job step.自动重新启动的步骤,也就是重新启动该系统从一开始的工作步骤。 * * Automatic checkpoint restart, that is, restart by the system from a checkpoint within a job step.自动检查点重新启动,也就是重新启动了系统内的一个检查站的工作步骤。 * * Deferred step restart, that is, restart at a later time from the beginning of a job step.递延步骤重新启动,也就是说,重新启动在稍后时间从开始工作的第一步。 * * Deferred checkpoint restart, that is, restart at a later time from a checkpoint within a job step.递延检查站重新启动,也就是说,重新启动在稍后的时间内从一个检查站的工作步骤。 *Restarts are controlled by:重新启动控制: * RD parameters on JOB and EXEC statements.路参数对工作和主管的发言。 (Restart is not supported for started tasks; do not use the RD parameter on the JOB statement for a started task.) (重新启动,不支持开始任务;不使用的RD参数就业声明的开始工作。 ) * * Checkpoints, if written.检查站,如果书面。 Each time a CHKPT macro is executed, a checkpoint is written.每一次CHKPT执行宏观调控,是写一个检查站。 * * The job journal, which is only required for an automatic restart.杂志的工作,只需要自动重新启动。 In a JES3 system, the programmer can code a JOURNAL parameter on the JES3 //*MAIN statement to control whether JES3 creates a journal for the job.在JES3系统,程序员可以代码期刊参数对JES3 / / *主要发言控制是否JES3创造了杂志的工作。 * * In deferred restarts, a RESTART parameter on the JOB statement for the restarting job and a SYSCHK DD statement to identify the data set containing the checkpoint written in response to the CHKPT macro.递延重新启动,重新启动参数对就业报表重新就业和SYSCHK日的声明,以确定数据集包含检查书面响应CHKPT宏。 (Restart is not supported for started tasks; do not use the RESTART parameter on the JOB statement for a started task.) (重新启动,不支持开始任务;不使用参数重新就业的声明开始的任务。 ) *Use of Restart : Either form of restart saves having to execute the job from its beginning. 使用重新启动 :任何形式的重新启动节省了执行工作从一开始。 If the job is long, restarting can save a lot of time and computer resources.如果是长期的工作,重新启动可以节省大量的时间和计算机资源。For more information about restarting, see DFSMS/MVS Checkpoint/Restart .欲了解更多有关重新启动,见DFSMS /泡点/重新启动 。Examples : 例如 : //J1 JOB ,'B. MORRISON',RD=RNC / / J1工作, '湾莫里森'路=基站 //J2 JOB ,'H. MORRILL' / / j2环球通信工作, '阁下莫里尔' //S1 EXEC PGM=TESTING,RD=R / /一Exec的铂族金属=测试,路= R //S2 EXEC PGM=TESTED,RD=NC / /二Exec的铂族金属=测试,路=数控

205 评论


1537-744X 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版) 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版) 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版) SCI影响因子(2010) Impact Factor: 1.524 ; Rank: 3432 属于open access SCI。

80 评论


我用一个软件无损磁盘分区,结果分了几次都不能,而且现在开机会出现abnormal termination(异常终止)后再进入用户登录,请问怎么解决啊?我用Acronis也出现了这个问题。虽然分区问题解决了,但是总留下这个abnormal termination很不爽。 最后总算知道了解决方法: 到注册表里面 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager 找到右边的叫做BootExecute的键,应该在(默认)下面。 打开它,找到...partnt的行,删除!,具体名字不记得了,反正包含partnt什么的,好像是partnt结尾。 删除确定以后,按F5刷新,关掉注册表编辑器,重起,就应该没有那个讨厌的abnormal termination了。 我在删除...partnt的同时还将acronis卸载了。这个应该不是关键。 如果找不到partnt什么的,可能你不是用的acronis,那就把BootExecute的内容全部清空(之前可以先备份一下)。然后F5刷新、重起。

190 评论


RD parameters on JOB and EXEC statements. (Restart is not supported for started tasks; do not use the RD parameter on the JOB statement for a started task.) Checkpoints, if written. Each time a CHKPT macro is executed, a checkpoint is written. The job journal, which is only required for an automatic restart. In a JES3 system, the programmer can code a JOURNAL parameter on the JES3 //*MAIN statement to control whether JES3 creates a journal for the job. In deferred restarts, a RESTART parameter on the JOB statement for the restarting job and a SYSCHK DD statement to identify the data set containing the checkpoint written in response to the CHKPT macro. (Restart is not supported for started tasks; do not use the RESTART parameter on the JOB statement for a started task.)

121 评论


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  • jes期刊怎么投稿

    重新启动后异常终止( 09年2月20号22点22分59秒)标签: 杂谈标签: 杂谈 If a job terminates abnormally, the c

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