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The differences betweeen Chinese value and western value viewed from the moviesWhen it comes to the classical movies of China, i will think of two movies first of all.And i think the two movies have some similarities. The first is To live, and another is Farewell my Concubine.Both of them involve some sensitive periods of China.And i think that when we talk about the chinese value, we cannot omit our history included the social upheaval in the old society. I did not go through that period but we can touch something as our own feelings in both of the two movies,expecially the former one,which talks about an ordinary family's life during these periods. Moreover, the latter one also involves a sensitive issue of homosexuality, which is subversive for the traditionally conservative ideas of China. And let me think of the western movie -- Brokeback Mountain.But i haven't watched it, so i can hardly comment on it.Anyway,as Ang Lee said, there is a brokeback mountain in everyone's heart. And i think love is not about the differences between Chinese value and western value. Love is equal to everyone in the world.When it comes to the classical movie of western country, i can only think of also two movies, The Shanshank Redemption and Forrest Gump.I watched few western movies. So i can hardly choose one to represent the western value.When i was watching the moive -- The Shanshank Redemption, i was only enjoying its exceptional plot and think little about its value. What only i mentioned is the institution of law of American at that time. Behind the democracy, it is difficult to avoid some flaws. The latter one -- Forrest Gump is famous so that everyone has watched it. And it comes also to some periods of USA just like To live. But it is more as background than as its topic.And the hero's experience is so magical and his love to jane is moving.In sum, it's hard for me to choose only one movie to resprent China or western countries. And i really need time to think about the deep ideas of the movies rather than only attracted by the exterior plot.

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