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Dayan Pagoda located in Xian, Shaanxi Province in southern China Grace Temple.Grace Temple is a 22-year-dynasty (AD 648).Prince Li Zhi weep Bonaventure to commemorate the Queen's recompense for bringing us up and construction, was named "Grace Temple."At that time, there were 13 Department courtyard housing reached 1,987,Please go home and learn from the Indian monk Xuan Zhuang auspices of the Treasury Temple, a famous painter Classic, in this splendid murals drawn off,This shows the most ambitious.Tang 6th three years (1652), tells us in the West to build covered tower were Grace Temple.for storage of the classics brought back from India.According to the tower were "Ci'en Temple Sanzang Master Biography" Magadha state records : a Buddhism.As long as we have a spot plume from the community, died from a fall on the ground.With this incarnation of the Buddha is that the monks decided to build a tower Dayan, thus also known as Yanta, also called the Wild Goose Pagoda.Dayan Pagoda built when the early side of the five-storey tower blocks topsoil center, after the transformation of the seven-story-square pavilion.Tang further into the calendar year 2001 of 10 storeys of the Ming Dynasty and also increase the characters brick towers outside.High-mast is 64 meters, the typical structure of imitative wood, the bottom line the doorway of a beautifully carved figurines,West said the family plans to Amida Buddha, a magnificent temple carved map.Tap the bottom, where the brick niches, stone tablets containing a two links : The "big" and the "orderly place of worship, as if as if the holy church, orderly mind,"Dan Tang Dynasty calligrapher both of multi-book.Dayan Pagoda is a famous scenic spot in the Tang Dynasty and therefore have a lot of the charm of that in mind,Title milestone in the Ming and Qing dynasties have only 200 links.So far, Yanta building is a symbol of the ancient city of Xi'an, lies the Painting.In 1961 the State Council issued the first batch of national key units to be protected.大雁塔坐落于中国陕西省西安市南部的慈恩寺内。慈恩寺是唐贞观二十二年(公元648年),太子李治为纪念亡母文德皇后以报答养育之恩而修建,故名"慈恩寺"。当时,共有十三处院落,房屋达一千九百八十七间,并请赴印度取经回国的高僧玄奘主持寺务,著名的画家阎立本、吴道子都在此绘制过壁画,可见规模之宏大。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘在寺内西院建塔,名慈恩寺塔,用以存放从印度带回来的经籍。现在的塔名是据《慈恩寺三藏法师传》中记载:摩揭陀国有一僧寺,一日有一只大雁离群落羽,摔死在地上。僧众认为这只大雁是菩萨的化身,决定为大雁建造一座塔,因而又名雁塔,也称大雁塔。大雁塔初建时为砖表土心五层方塔,后改造为七层方形楼阁式,唐大历年间再改为十层,到明代,又以砖面加砌唐塔之外。现塔身通高64米,每层为仿木结构,底层门楣有精美的线刻佛像,西门楣为阿弥陀佛说法图,图中刻有富丽堂皇的殿堂。塔底层南门内的砖龛里,嵌有两通石碑:《大唐三藏圣教序》和《大唐三藏圣教序记》,均为唐代大书法家褚遂良书丹。大雁塔在唐代就是著名的游览胜地,因而留有大量文人雅士的题记,仅明清时期的题名碑就有二百余通。至今,大雁塔仍是古城西安的标志性建筑,也是闻名中外的胜迹。国务院于1961年颁布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。

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Dayan Pagoda is located in the dacien temple in Chang'an city of Tang Dynasty (now south of jinchangfang city in Xi'an,Shaanxi Province).


In the third year of Yonghui (652) of the Tang Dynasty,Xuanzang was responsible for the construction of the Dayan Pagoda,which was preserved by the Buddhist statues which were brought back to Chang'an by the Silk Road of Tianzhu Sutra.


The first five floors were added to the ninth floor. Later, the number and height of the tower were changed several times.

Finally, it was fixed as the seven storey tower. The height of the tower was.

517 meters,and the side length of the bottom layer was 25.5 meters.






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参观大雁塔 从西安火车站向南,出和平门直行约4公里,有一个大慈恩寺。这是唐太宗李世民的第九个儿子——太子李治,为了纪念他的母亲文德皇后,在原隋朝无漏寺的旧址上动工兴建的。文德皇后在李治只有九岁时就英年早逝。为了追念他的母亲,李治把这个寺院取名为“慈恩”。我们今天所看到的寺院,只是当年大慈恩寺的一部分——西塔院。还未走进寺院,远远就可看见一座高耸入云的楼房式砖塔。这就是我国著名、世人皆知的大雁塔。相传当年李治为其母建好慈恩寺后,曾邀请当年西天取经归来的唐玄奘(也就是《西游记》里的唐僧)在这里主持寺务。为了安置唐玄奘从西天(即古印度)取回的佛经,李治为他修建了一座宝塔,也就是大雁塔。此塔由唐玄奘亲自督造,仿印度式结构。从此,唐玄奘一直在这里一边主持寺务,一边翻译他从古印度带回来的佛经。他翻译的佛经,共有75部,1335卷。在这里,他写出了著名的《大唐西域记》等传世之作。

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