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道家思想作为中国古代最主要的思想流派之一,“无为”思想是在特殊的历史背景下产生的。下面是我带来的关于道家的无为思想论文的内容,欢迎阅读参考!道家的无为思想论文篇1 摘要: “无为”是道家最基本的精神之一,是一种精神境界。无为的本质就是“无为而无不为”。 关键词:道家;无为 “无为”是道家最基本的精神之一,是一种精神境界,它与“道法自然”的价值取向是完全一致的。“无为”的精神境界就是“道法自然”的价值取向的直接体现。无为的本质就是顺应自然的变化,使事物保持其天然的本性,不人为造作,达到“无为而无不为”。 “为学日益,为道日损,损之又损,以至于无为,无为而无不为”(《老子》四十八章),老子认为做学问要天天的增加知识,而体道则要天天削减私欲,损之又损,就达到无为、无为便可以无不为,如果不妄为,那就没有什么事情做不成。 “人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”(《老子》二十五章),这是老子五千言讲的主要问题。天地万物是由道创生的,而道则要依法于最高的准则“自然”,人要依法地、天、道,便必须也依法自然。道常无为而无不为,这个“无为而无不为”,便是“自然”的体现。 在个人修炼上老子提倡自然“无为”。“是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存,非以其无私邪?故能成其私”(《老子》七章),老子认为“无为”便是无私,不争先,置身度外,因为无私,才能达到自己理想的目的。“生而不有,为而不恃,功成而弗居,夫唯弗居,是以不去”(《老子》二章》),“无为”便是事成后不占有,不自恃,不居功,因为不居功,其功劳不会失去。“功成身退,天之道”(《老子》九章),“无为”就要功成身退,这是天道。“天之道,不争而善胜”(《老子》七十三章),“夫唯不争,故无忧”(《老子》八章),无为就是不争,不争便能取胜而又没有祸害。“知足不辱,知止不殆,可以长久”(《老子》四十四章),“故知足之足常足”(《老子》四十六章),“无为”就是知足,知止,这样便长满足,可以长久。“圣人无常心,以百姓心为心”(《老子》四十九章),“无为”就是没有自己的私心,以百姓心为心。 在治国安邦方面,老子用“无为”思想来诠释他的政治哲学。“民之饥,以其上食税之多,是以饥。民之难治,以其上之有为,是以难治。民之轻死,以其上求生之厚,是以轻死”(《老子》七十五章),老子说统治者为了满足私欲而做出祸害百姓,违反天道的行为,所以使百姓饥饿,国家难治。“天下神器不可为也,为者败之,执者失之”(《老子》二十九章),是说统治者采取“有为”的原则去治理天下,所以只会失败。“无为”便是指去除私欲,顺着民心,顺着天道去处事的原则。“道常无名,朴,虽小,天下莫能成也,王侯若能守之,万物将自宾”(《老子》三十二章),治理天下的人,要是能遵守天道的无为,则万物将自宾从,自化育。“我无为而民自化,我好静而民自正,我无事而民自富,我无欲而民自朴”(《老子》五十七章),“无为”便是好静,无事,无欲,人民便会顺化,纯正,富足,纯扑。“取天下常以无事,及其有事,不足以取天下”(《老子》四十八章),“无为”便是无事,不制造逆民心,违天理的事端,无事才可以取天下。“是以圣人无为故无败,无执故无失……以辅万物之自然而不敢为”(《老子》六十四章),“无为”就是顺从、辅助自然的发展,而不敢干预。 老子把“道”区分为“天之道”和“人之道”,其中含有自然法则和人类法则相比较的意味。老子说:“天之道,损有余而补不足。人之道,则不然,损不足以奉有余。孰能有余以奉天下,唯有道者。”所以,老子主张“人之道”应当效法“天之道”,复归于“不争”“不言”,“无私”“无为”的自然本性。 庄子继承了老子的思想,同样认为道有“天道”与“人道”之别,他明确地指出:“何谓道?有天道,有人道。无为而尊者,天道也;有为而累者,人道也。”这里,“无为”同样是指天然的意思,而“有为”则是指人为的意思。庄子经常用寓言和比喻来说明天然和人为。在他看来,牛马生就了四只脚,这就叫做天然;而用绳索套住马头,拴住牛鼻子,这就叫做人为。所以他说:“无以人灭天,无以故灭命,无以得殉名。谨守而勿失,是谓反其真”(《庄子·秋水》),就是说,不要以人为去毁天然,不要以造作去灭性命,不要以有限之得去殉无穷之名。如此谨慎地持守下去而不要有所闪失,这就叫做回归本真。《庄子·应帝王》中有一则寓言:相传南海的大帝叫阚,北海的大帝叫忽,中央的大帝叫浑沌。阚和忽常常在浑沌之地相聚,浑沌非常友善地接待他们,阚与忽为了报答浑沌的恩德,见它没有七窍,便为他凿七窍。于是,他们每天凿出一窍,过了七天,七窍凿成了,而浑沌也死去了。寓言通过阚和忽出自好心而做了坏事,来强调天道自然无为,反对把人的意志强加给天地万物。 在庄子看来,人与天地万物都有其自然的本性,然而世人往往违背其本性,偏要人为造作,卖弄机巧聪明,迷恋繁文缛节,追求浮躁虚华,不仅使物的真性丧失了,而且也使人自身所固有的自然的本性丧失殆尽。在此方面,《庄子·马蹄》一文阐述得最为详明。《马蹄》一文开门见山,从马的自然本性说起。马蹄可以踏霜雪,毛可以御风寒,吃草饮水,跷足而跃,这就是马的真性。等到后来出了个伯乐,他扬言:“我善于治理马。”于是给马烧烙印记,梳剪鬃毛,修刻蹄子,络套马头,然后用绳索把它们拴在一起,用栅栏把它们编在一起,这样一来,马就死了十之二三。再加上饿它、渴它,急速地驱使它,没完没了地调治它,前面有轭头、嚼子和缰绳的牵制,后面有皮鞭的威逼,这样整治下来,马就死了超过半数。伯乐治马,陶匠治土,木匠治木,他们所治之物不同,但他们利用智慧技艺进行人为造作的结果却相同,使得所治之物都丧失了自身的自然本性。在庄子看来,圣人、伯乐及工匠们都有各自不同的智慧和才能,而恰恰是这些智慧和才能造成了人和物自然本性的丧失。所以,庄子认为,工匠们的罪过就在于他们用机巧的手艺破坏了物的纯朴本性,把物变成了器皿;伯乐的罪过就在于他用纯熟的治马术泯灭了马的真性。而圣人的罪过就在于他毁弃了人的自然本性。从中我们可以体悟到道家一贯主张“绝圣弃智”的良苦用心。 《庄子·养生主》中的寓言“庖丁解牛”里为梁惠王宰牛的厨师,他手起刀落,一招一式,就像和着音乐节拍跳舞一样,而且游刃有余,干净利索。梁惠王连连称赞,不解其技艺为何如此高超。厨师讲了一大通道理,究其解牛秘诀只是八个字:“依乎天理”,“因其固然”,也就是遵循事物内在的规律性。可见,道家的“无为”思想的实质在于:反对违背人的本性和违背自然法则的肆意妄为。其宗旨在于,消解人与自然的对立,达到人与自然的和谐统一。 我们可以看到,道家主张无为,始终是在努力消除现实生活中的两种对立:一是现实社会中违背人性的纲常法度与人的自然本性的对立,二是凭借有限的知识妄自尊大的人与自在无为的大自然的对立。庄子主张“不以心捐道,不以人助天”(《庄子·大宗师》),是说不要以心智去违背自然之道,不要以人为的造作去帮助自然,乃至毁灭自然。但在现实社会中,人们往往凭借那么一点点非常有限的片面的知识,仰仗着自己几乎无法控制的现代科学技术,便自以为是世界的主宰。人们为了追求自身的发展,满足日益膨胀的功名利禄的需要,肆无忌惮地掠夺自然,狂妄自大地扬言要征服自然,于是破坏了自然的生态平衡,造成了环境的严重污染,甚至直接威胁了人类自身的生存。这都是违背自然之道、不按自然规律办事的必然结果,它与道家的“自然无为”的思想恰恰相悖。 参考文献: [1]陈鼓应.《老子注释及评价》中华书局,1984年版. [2]陈鼓应.《庄子今注今译》中华书局,1984年版. 道家的无为思想论文篇2:《浅谈老子“无为”思想》 【摘要】“时势出思想”,“无为”作为老子思想的核心内容,是特殊的历史境遇和个人生活经历的共同缔造而成的。“无为”本身看似不具可行性,但当将其提升到“无不为”的境界时,“无为”却时时处处都发挥着不可估量的现实意义。 【关键词】老子;无为;无不为 “无为”成就了老子,撑起了道家。“为无为,则无不治”、“明白四达,能无为乎”、“道常无为而无不为”、“上德无为而无以为,下德无为而有以为”。 一、“时势出思想” “无为”思想是在特殊的历史背景下产生的,“时势造英雄”,时势也可以缔造出伟大的思想。老子生活在春秋末期,这一时期“井田制”的公田制度已渐趋瓦解,随之出现的是具有私人性质的私田,打破了原先的经济秩序。这是老子思想产生的经济基础。 春秋末期没有实际意义上的商业,土地就成为生产生活的唯一保障,那么“私田”的分配意味着什么?即:为了争夺土地无休止地发动频繁的战争,这可以作为“无为”思想产生的社会基础。 这是奴隶主的时代,阶级本质使统治者大肆搜刮民脂民膏,鱼肉百姓,以满足自身的奢侈生活,而使民不聊生,此为“无为”思想产生的政治环境。 此外个人生活经历对其思想的形成有着重要的作用。一方面,老子生活在社会的最底层,他受到的压榨最为严重。“不反抗,不奢求,逆来顺受”的劣根性得到了最直接的流露,生活境遇促成了其思想;另一方面老子丰富的知识储备、非凡的生活阅历也催生了其思想。 二、“无为”思想的可行性探究 “无为”:“无”否定副词,不、没有;“为”动词,做、干,两个字合并后的解释就是客观上的静止、不动、任其自由发展的意思。这是我们的理解,但是老子的“无为”是怎样的,是否具有可行性呢? 从社会学角度看是不可行的。“人是社会中的人,社会是由人组成的”,人作为社会性动物,在生活中的很多需要是可以通过交换来实现的,这才是社会效率的体现。我们是不可能,也没有必要去苛求自给自足的境界。如此我们就会很自然的与其他的人、事、物打交道,也就是我们现在所认为的交往,即“为”。所以“无为”作为一种理想,并不具备可行性。 从人类学角度看,这同样是没有什么立论依据的。“存在就是合理”,人类的存在也就有其必然性和合理性。从他的诞生开始就在社会中担任一定的角色,承担着人生活在这个世界上的责任,即“为”。从这个角度我们也不难理解它的不可行性。 既然“无为”是不可行的,那么老子的“无为”又该怎样去界定呢?我们通过通读原文可以找到很好的例证,老子的“无为”恰恰表达的是“无不为”、“有为”的意蕴。 “无为”是老子的核心思想,但其与“无不为”有辩证关系。一方面,“无为”为“无不为”提供了良好的心态基础。“无为”不是什么都不做,而是要保持一种“无欲”、“无求”、“不争”的平和心理状态,“不尚贤,使民不争;不贵难得之货,使民不为盗;不见可欲,使民心不乱。”,“常使民无知无欲,使夫智者不敢为也。为无为,则无不治”,真正做到不与之而不强取之,只有保持这样一种心态,才能在主观上获得逍遥自在的生活,同时也在客观上达到了“无不治”的主观诉求,正可谓一石二鸟,一箭双雕也;另一方面,老子在把“无不为”设定为一个终极目标的时候,就不可避免的需要把“无为”作为前提和限定性条件。 “无为”理解为“无不为”可以从三个方面进行解读,他们分别为“无为”思想产生的初衷,产生的过程,产生的效果。 从“无为”思想产生过程来看,仍摆脱不了“有为”的束缚。在《老子》的第二章中就首先提出了“无为”。“无为”即“处无为之事”,“行不言之教,万物作焉而不辞,生而不有,为而不恃,功成而弗居”。这是老子对“无为”的初步解释。“夫唯弗居,是以不去”:唯,只有、只要;弗,否定副词,不的意思;居,占有、把持;是,代词,这,“有为”的代词;以,因此;不,否定副词;去,离开。整句话可以理解为:只有不占有、不把持、不居功,这种“为”才会永远存在。以“无为”开头,却以“有为”作结:常无为而无不为。 从“无为”思想产生效果来看,老子的这一思想在当时并没有产生多大效用,反倒是在以后的朝代里发挥了积极地作用。汉高祖深知百姓对流离失所生活的恐惧和对安定生活的向往,于是浩瀚中国历史上出现了“无为”思想的第一次真正践行。此后的汉武帝、汉景帝以及后来的唐朝、清朝的各个皇帝都对这一思想进行了很好的诠释。 三、“无为”思想的现代阐释和应用 留意一下我们的国家不难看出“无为”思想对国之大计的敦促作用,尤其是在惠民政策和 教育 方面。 在惠民政策方面,70年代末80年代初的改革开放,打开了国门,90年代的国企改革,打开了企业自由发展的锁链。税费改革,对农民的直接补贴,城镇居民最低生活保障,就业政策的实施,也意在保证人民的基本生活。对此很多人会认为这种干预有悖于“无为”的不干涉,不参与,不占有,不把持的精神。这是对“无为”的曲解,真正的“无为”并不否定干预,而是强调这种干预要顺应民意,保证民生。“于有为中似无为”才是“为”的最高境界。 教育同样是这样的道理,教育是针对人进行的,好的教育方式就是要尊重被教育者的心理诉求,而不是一味用固定的模式去加工所谓人才。正如一部名为《雾都孤儿》的小说中讲述的那样,孩童的成长是要“顺其自然”,这也契合了老子的“无为”。现代社会越来越重视个性的培养,小到具体的家庭,大到国家的 政策法规 ,都无不在为孩子的教育谋划着更为人性化的,以需求为导向的未来之路,都是在顺其“自然”天性而为之。这是老子思想在教育界的印证。 生活处处皆老子,生活时时皆老子。生活就是要以“无为”的心理境界行“无不为”之事,“昔之得一者:天得一以清,地得一以宁,神得一以灵,谷得一以盈,万物得一以生,侯王得一以为天下贞” 。 【参考文献】 [1] 史向前.老子“无为”精神新探.安徽大学学报[J].1997(1) [2]陈代湘.老子“无为”思想另解.湘潭大学学报[J] 1996(1) 道家的无为思想论文篇3:《试谈道家“无为”思想》 【摘 要】“无为”思想是整个道家学术体系当中最为重要的范畴之一。从它出发,道家构建了其自身对于人生观、社会形态等多个方面的理论构建,对于当时及后世都产生了极为深远的影响。 【关键词】无为;道家;《老子》 作为中国古代最主要的思想流派之一,道家思想在中国 传统 文化 的整体构建和后世影响中都占据着举足轻重的地位。围绕着“道”、“自然”、“无为”等这些道家思想的核心范畴,在不同的历史时期,通过对于自身理论体系的不断阐释解读,使得道家思想对于整个中国乃至世界的文化和社会进程都发挥着重大影响。而在道家所包含的众多思想观点当中,“无为”又是其整个理论体系中最为基础也是最为重要的范畴之一。本文试图通过对于“无为”自身含义的解析及其所倡导的人生观、社会形态和当代影响等方面的论述,对道家的“无为”思想做出一次简要解读。 一、“无为”的具体含义 作为道家思想体系中最重要的范畴之一,“无为”的概念在相关的道家原著当中被多次提及,其中《老子》当中共有12处提到“无为”,如在第三章当中所出现的“是以圣人之治:虚其心,实其腹,弱其志,强其骨。常使民无知无欲,使夫智者不敢为也。为无为,则无不治。”可以看到,这是一句对于“无为”的方式和功用的阐述,如果能够合理恰当地遵循“无为”的具体法则,就会达到天下无不治的理想状态,既然在道家的思想体系当中“无为”具有如此重要的作用,那么它又具备哪些具体含义呢? 从字面来看,“无为”是对于“为”的否定,而它所传递出来的表面意思似乎旨在要求人们不要有所作为,无所事事,但事实并非如如此。“无为”并不是“无所作为”,而是告诉人们在行事的过程当中要更多的遵循自然法则和事情的发展规律,尊重事物的本性,不要将个人的意志凌驾于自然规律之上,从而导致违背初始意愿的情况发生。 因此可以看出,“无为”思想实际上主要包括遵循自然法则和尊重行事规范两个方面,即崇尚天道与人道。对于崇尚天道,在《老子》当中就已经有“道法自然”,“天地生万物,然生而不有,为而不恃,长而不宰”等叙述,重在要求人们尊重自然规律,维护人与自然界之间的和谐状态。而在崇尚人道方面,道家也提出了“辅万物之自然,而不敢违也”的论述,即人类之间的相互活动也应该遵循行事规范,如同天道般自然无为。只有顺应了这种原则,将纷繁复杂的社会制度予以简化,才可以保持民风淳朴以到达维护社会平衡的目的。 二、“无为”所倡导的人生观 探讨“无为”所倡导的人生观,实际上就是研究这一思想对于社会中的个人生活所产生的影响及意义。《老子》第二十五章当中有这样的表述:“有物混成,先天地生。寂兮廖兮,独立不改,周行而不殆,可以为天下母。吾不知其名,字之曰道,强为名之曰大。大曰逝,逝曰远,远曰反。故道大,天大,地大,王亦大。域中有四大,而王居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。”老子认为“人法地,地法天”,人道应当和天道相互统一,既然天道是自然无为的,那么人道也应该遵循事物的原有规律和发展趋势,避免人为的干扰和阻挠,从而达成人道的“无为”。这一观点无疑对人们的处世态度产生了深刻的影响,因为“无为”应该顺应自然,所以更多的喻示人应该随遇而安。 “无为”倡导的人生观同样表现在“贵柔守弱”当中。在一般人的 思维方式 里,刚强和柔弱碰撞之时往往是前者战胜后者,而道家的思想则恰恰相反。《老子》第七十八章当中有:“天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,其无以易之。弱之胜强,柔之胜刚,天下莫不知,莫能行”, 总结 起来就是“柔弱胜刚强”。在老子看来,柔弱就是与天最相匹配的原则,也是人们在行事当中可以所处的最为有利的位置。柔弱不光体现在身体和精力之上,更多的可以运用到思维与行事当中。正是因为有了柔弱所蕴含的无穷生命力,所以才使得人们在思考问题的过程当中具有更多的灵活性和变通性,摆脱思维僵化、头脑束缚的困境,从而达到更加稳定的局面。 三、“无为”所倡导的社会形态 “无为”对于社会形态所造成的影响最为典型的代表就是老子所提倡的“小国寡民”的理想王国。而对于这一社会形态的相关内容在《老子》第八十章当中有这样的描述:“小国寡民。使有什佰之器而不用,使民重死而不远徙。虽有舟舆,无所乘之;虽有甲兵,无所陈之;使人复结绳而用之。甘其食,美其服,安其居,乐其俗。邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死,不相往来。” 可以看出,老子对于自己这种“小国寡民”的理想王国有着详尽的描述,在这种社会形态当中,人民安居乐业,民风简洁淳朴,社会的发展也顺应自然无为的理想。但是对于这一模式的设想,历来却伴随着不少争议。 不可否认,道家这种“小国寡民”的理想社会形态纵然有着自己的独特价值诉求,但结合实际,却是一种封闭且不符合实际的乌托邦式的王国。建立这种理想社会的基础是当时低下的生产力,贫乏的物质条件和简陋的生活方式,物质条件的极度匮乏必然导致资源的流动和分配不均,从而产生掠夺、等级分化等一系列社会现象,从现实的角度出发,这一社会形态有着天生的缺陷。但这并不代表着“小国寡民”的社会状态形态对于我们社会的形成演变没有指导意义。在价值指导层面,它仍然提出了一种理想的社会目标,引领者人们的价值取向,从这个层面来说,这种社会形态的产生依然对于我们曾经的社会形态的构建产生过重要影响。 四、“无为”思想对于当代所产生的影响 “无为”思想虽然早在两千多年前就已经出现在典籍当中供人们学习,但时至今日,它的影响力以及所蕴藏的内涵对于我们当下社会依然会产生很多积极的意义。 在人类历史尤其是近两百年的发展当中,伴随着工业革命、电器革命、信息革命等一系列影响人类生存状态并且影响深远的事件的完成,我们的文明程度超越了历史上任何一个相同的周期。今天,我们被巨大的物质文明所包围,在生活变得快捷高效的同时,也产生了一些始料未及的问题。 在高速发展的现代世界当中,我们的物质文明变得前所未有的高度发达。但在这种疯狂发展的背后,很大程度上却是以违背自然规律行事作为代价。随着人类与自然界之间的和谐关系逐步被打破,人类所面临的自然界所带来的惩罚和潜在危险也与日俱增。 如何解决这种背离事物客观发展规律所带来的矛盾。正如道家的“无为”思想所强调的那样,如果我们能够做到“不争”、“无为”,像水那样安于低下的地位,反而能够达到《老子》当中“无为而无不为”的效果。而如果“贵柔守弱”、“谦下不争”的思想能够深深根植于每一个人的思想当中,那么现代社会人与人之间,人与自然之间目前这种尖锐的矛盾就能得到有效的缓解,从而达到维护社会稳定、和谐发展的目的。因此,“无为”对于当前的社会发展有着积极深远的现实意义。 【参考文献】 [1]赵馥洁.中国传统哲学价值论[M].北京:人民出版社,2009. [2]陈鼓应.老子今注今译[M].北京:商务印书馆,2003. [3]范曾.老庄心解[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2005. 猜你喜欢: 1. 道教名言名句 2. 道家励志句子语录精选 3. 道教名言名句格言大全 4. 中国传统文化思想汇报 5. 道家经典语录翻译大全

摘 要: 本文以小说《雾都孤儿》的主人公奥利弗的遭遇为线索,探究作品中所体现的狄更斯的仁爱思想,并分析其产生的根源,从而揭示狄更斯企图用他的文学作品来宣扬仁爱思想并达到缓解社会矛盾、促进社会和谐的目的。

关键词: 《雾都孤儿》 狄更斯 仁爱思想 善与恶





在情节的设计上,狄更斯也非常巧妙,当奥利弗陷入困境时,总会有人站出来帮他渡过难关。在奥利弗去伦敦的路上,一名男子给他面包和奶酪,一个老太太给他食物并对他说一些善意的话。而这些帮助了奥利弗的人实际上也在过着艰苦的生活,而当他们看到别人有了麻烦,他们会无私地伸出援手。当奥利弗偷盗被抓又发烧时,一个好心的先生布朗洛,将他带回了家悉心照顾,这使得奥利弗感到非常温暖,喜欢待在这个家里。不幸的是,好景不长,奥利弗又回到了贼窝。奥利弗被迫跟着赛克斯去偷盗而被枪射中。可赛克斯是一个自私的人,他只在乎自己。当奥利弗因受伤就要死了的时候,贾尔斯先生和一些仆人找到他,露丝小姐和梅丽太太撒谎帮晕倒的奥利弗医治伤口,试图帮他摆脱警察的追捕,并无微不至地照顾着他。 当费金再次使奥利弗陷入险境时,南希拯救了他。小说中这些情节的巧妙设计都反映了狄更斯对弱者的同情,突显了他的仁爱思想。

《雾都孤儿》的结局告诉我们,善有善报,恶有恶报。狄更斯让我们看到一个有他的信仰支撑的圆满的结局。在他眼里,一个人的出身并不重要,无论何时何地,我们只需要保持我们的善良与纯真。更重要的是,我们应该保持我们纯洁的灵魂,找到通往幸福的道路。年幼的奥利弗遭受了很多苦难,但他始终洁身自好,最后在布朗洛先生和露丝小姐的帮助下继承了财产。 而对于小说中的丑恶现象,狄更斯给了他们悲惨的命运。小偷头子费金被悬挂在木架上。赛克斯在跑道上滑倒,用绳子勒死了自己。杰克因偷鼻烟壶被流放。班布尔先生丢了他在济贫院的工作,最终什么也没有得到。




当时的社会道德环境也影响着狄更斯的仁爱思想。在19世纪,坚持和追求道德的英国为狄更斯奠定了仁爱思想的社会基础。狄更斯生活在维多利亚时代,人道主义的想法是非常受欢迎的。整个社会在各个领域都充满了道德追寻。维多利亚时代坚持道德至善,追求善良和正义。随着欧洲启蒙运动深入生活,唯物主义思想被广泛传播,科学技术逐步发展,人们开始更多地关注孩子。人们承认,孩子有独立的人格。 教育 是每个孩子都应该有机会获得的。这也是在《雾都孤儿》狄更斯所面临的社会问题。

此外,狄更斯信奉____。基督____平等、爱和救赎的精神也为狄更斯的仁爱思想奠定了基础。维多利亚时代蕴含着丰富的宗教 文化 。狄更斯从基督____到了很多,并把基督____神贯穿于他的作品中。作为一个作家,他的宗教信仰必然会影响他在作品中对人物形象的塑造。在狄更斯的作品中,我们不难发现,仁爱思想和人道主义思想经常有所体现。





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The work of the protagonist Oliver is an orphan, and grew up in the courtyard of the poor relief, others have been subject to discrimination. Because the extremely ill-treatment and fled to London, into Zeiwo, called by the beating, growing up, I do not know how much to eat suffered. While growing up in such an environment, but there is a Buddha Orie good heart, no matter by how much pain he did not want to do bad things is the greatest determination. He was Shouen people will never forget can not thank the benefactor. Although he is subject to a number of well-intentioned people and the sympathy of the adoption, such as Bulang Lu President, Lennart Meri wife, but the thieves, the group still did not miss him, and his half-brother also wish to kill him. Oliver's fate is tragic, but he's also been well-intentioned people to help identify his life, and the heritage. He has been the fate of the final change is expected to become a useful person to society. This works in Orie wrote at the beginning of the Buddha in relief of the poor house, in Charles Dickens described the living conditions of the poor house when a very ironic way: "Every child has a bowl of thin gruel, and that can not be increased only once To important public holiday, with the exception of a bowl of porridge outside in order to increase two and a quarter ounces of bread. They do not need to eat the Zhou Wan never wash, the children always scraping bowl of the spoon sauce residue has been driven Zeng Ming-Liang Shuo bowl. Scraping bowl of the matter is completed, they sit there and stare at large Tongguo helplessly, as if they are able to block a piece of brick stoves have to swallow it. This is a heinous and Tian Zhao They also own and finger , Ba Wangzhe a splash a few drops from child star to porridge. "Can be seen from the lives of those orphans how poverty, hunger throughout the day in the state, and no hope of Tianzhao his little finger, Bawang Zhao splash over the Congee child stars. One can imagine the children's life is very tragic, and Orie on the Buddha in such an environment. It is in the form of novels by Dickens to reflect the dark reality of the society and capitalist society under the lives of people of how poverty, poor life as works written by the same. Charles, known as the Victorian age eyes, because the novel in the form of the observed things with the novel in the form of re-emerged. That is why this works is the content of the true reflection of society at that time, and I think that the author describes the relief of the poor orphans living with a very vivid image of the language, a sharp way to expose the community The dark. Dickens wrote in the book a few years ago, the British Parliament adopted a new method of relief, cancellation of poor relief, but the poor directly to the port to house the poor relief. Dickens described the relief of the poor house at the time of poor relief is a true portrayal of the hospital. Poor relief in the hospital in no democracy, no freedom, only to be abused, hungry cold, a Mianhuangjishou months, fell to the ground at all times as likely to die, and the Diocese of those officers, those who Explorer, but eat a fat Head of the brain fertilizer, the full spirit. Dickens works in the hospital for the poor relief vivid description is a reflection of social problems. Some people think Charles Dickens's works this is a serious literary works, it works because it made a deep social problems, social development and progress is of great historical significance. In this work successfully in Dickens depicts a series of characters, such as the Diocese of General bampur, thieves old man and head of the Jewish charity school students Noah, the bandit Powu Monks, and so on. Did not have to portray a lifelike, life-like image. However, the most successful works portray the character or the protagonist Oliver and the woman stole Nancy. Oliver was born with a moral people, know how to map Temple has been reported. He ate a lot a lot of suffering, but in the end, finally met a good man. Whether Bulang Lu President, Lennart Meri, or his wife or Miss Meri, Orie Fodu treated as ordinary family, even though he is a "thief" who are sympathetic to him, his adoption, and that he receive a good education, and finally get Qing his life, his legacy fight back. Oliver described the events of all, I admire the most is the sixth chapter say when he was struggling to resist mocking the incident, as the authors put it, "On the surface I have described is not so small Important, but in fact he was Oliver's future development and are indirectly affected, and has had a major change. "Oliver in the poor house while growing up, there will be no freedom itself, to be disposal, but he A very strong self-esteem, Noah in the face of personal attacks, he was extremely excited. Noah and because of Oliver's mother died of a vicious insult to his indignation, blood boiling. "He immediately jumped up, an overturned the tables and chairs, and then Noah caught the pipe, to exhaust the body's effort to shake in fury of Noah, Noah has been a bit of teeth chattered issue of noise, and then He gathered together a whole body of Noah's efforts to blow hard, straight knocked him to the ground. "Oliver reaction puzzled me, common sense, he has been a quiet, modest, though by non - Who has abused a dejected from the juvenile Gan unlucky, but at the moment cohesion of the whole body strength Noah beat. What is the strength of his courage to make such a decision, perhaps it should not be "decided" it, a strong sense of anger so that he has lost his reason, he does not allow other people to his mother in the slightest insulting. While Oliver's mother, his memory, the memory never know his mother look like. However, the mother has been accompanied by a sense of respect for him. So, when Noah insult his mother, Oliver showed no emotion before. The incident was the result of Oliver was beaten up and detained. Charles Dickens wrote in the details below, not only for paving the way, but also a deeper portrait of the heroine works Oliver's image, in order to safeguard the dignity of the mother, just go ahead Many scholars think that works in a portrait of the most successful characters is Nancy, while Oliver to work for the main character, but from the social psychology and psychoanalysis point of view, the role of Nancy greater practical significance. Nancy is a psychological complex young women, from childhood growing up in the Group of thieves, no one knew her life, she entered the post-Zeiwo did not have any good people, of course, the final Bulang Lu also met with President Lennart Meri and Miss But then it was too late. Finally, her tragic death at the hands of the bandits Sykes, her fate is tragic, as in the real world into a triad of orphans after the end of the same. Nancy seen through the group of thieves all the ugly things, that her aversion treacherous, vicious, ruthless cruelty, inhuman things, but she is also the Group of thieves have a certain feeling, and want to leave. She has sympathy for Oliver, as for their treatment as his younger brother, in times of crisis to disregard their own safety to come forward and saved him, but he will have to personally Oliver thieves onto the road. She envied culture and education, the warmth of the family women, but because of her own humble status Yingshang Qu dare not, dare not wish for such a happy life. She is the heart of the conflict, when Bulang Lu and President Lennart Meri Miss advised her to leave the Group of thieves over a new leaf, she refused their offers of help, although she had a yearning for this kind of life. Nancy contradictions from her in to see if the original: "I do not want to do it! I do not want to do it! Though he is the devil, and he even told me yet more vicious than the devil, but I do not want to do ... then another ... One reason is that his life of crime is life, I am also live in sin, we are together for many years to live such a life, so I can not betray them, not to mention some of them may have betrayed me, but They did not sell out, even though they are bad people. "Her inner conflict is real, in line with the general psychological normal. There are a lot of female juvenile offenders, once on the wrong may be similar to that of Nancy ideological contradictions: both want to leave the crime associates also want to leave. Although Nancy Sykes hated doing, but he can not do without, it was of the view that Nancy is not reasonable, but in any case, her actions are all true. Psychological and ideological problems is in itself a complex issue as it is not possible to use simple methods can be resolved. Nancy Oliver, and this is the work of the two most representative figure, which is undeniable. Dickens portrayed in these two figures also spent a wonderful way. However, I would like to talk about is the image of another person Monks. Monks is Oliver's half-brother, who was extremely cruel, to be his brother's property destroyed at the expense of their own younger brother. I think Charles Monks at the describing the act when a clever arrangement. Monks and the role is a reflection of society at that time some of the children of the nobility EXILE. Monks is a smart, he knows how to ease access to his brother's property. Monks at the Dickens portrayed the characters can be on step-by-step. First of all, Monks is to look at the class when Mr. Bull appeared, the first author of the text did not mention him, so I read in class, Mr. Bull to meet the guests unfamiliar with the plot, on intuition told me that this works The plot will reach another climax. The mysterious people coming out, is scheduled to have a good, but I did not expect this so-called mystery is who would be Oliver's brother, but did not expect the paper after he had played such an important role. Charles gave the Monks "smart" in mind, set up a seamless clothing plans, and the Monks in the implementation of this plan are not thieves with Lin Yu co-leader of the Jewish old man, can be called up for the purpose of the unscrupulous. Finally, the plan is brought to light, Monks also ended in defeat. I think the Charles Oliver's brother wrote a greedy, ruthless, shameless, on the one hand, the work can culminate in the story, on the other hand, fully demonstrated the reality of society in order to achieve the purpose of the fire regardless of the tragic family Phenomenon. The author of this sharp touch of irony at the time the fire agency, while at the same time want to wake up those sad people, they wake up the conscience and consciousness, to awaken the consciousness of all the people. After reading the novel, I was not quiet for a long time. Oliver is a strong, kind-hearted, intelligent and brave and innocent boy, but experienced a difficult life, the ultimate storm, ushered in a happy life. And we are now living in the honey tank in Waterloo-fu, has often complained that always satisfied. But we have thought about, there are many poor children, are faced with the loss of loved ones, vagrancy of life, perhaps in the face of dropping out of school and the plight of the hungry. They are filled with love of life, looking forward to a bright classrooms, a yearning for delicious food or warm clothing. In the face of these eager children live in poverty, we can turn a blind eye to it? Can not stand idly by? When I read Dickens to write about the lives of the poor orphan house, my mind flashed always saw on television pictures of refugees in Africa. The old social life of the poor are poor, hungry cold it is not unusual things, and in the 21st century, in this era of civilization, hunger, fear, the cold remains. In that Oliver had been abused, beaten by the circumstances, and when I do not think of the often seen in the streets and show those begging children. These shabby heard that the children into a gang is organized, whether it be money or show has been begging for money, hard or stolen money, but also turned over to their "head." This is the civilized society? The fate of the children, their lives, and works of Charles Dickens orphan Oliver's life, what difference does? Oliver is lucky, good people can encounter. But in reality those organizations into the unknown children, their fate will be how well-intentioned people can encounter it? I do not think so, they may be ending as it works in Nancy, or died of starvation and disease. This is the so-called civilized society, the inevitable result. The more social progress, the more human civilization, and those bad elements are, the more furious, and unfortunately into the hands of their children, the more tragic fate. Therefore, we need love to help those in the midst of the people to help them out, ushering in a happy life. The works I think of many real-life scenarios, I touch on a lot. Now, I'd like to go back to Dickens's art and writing in order to charm. Dickens is the Victorian representative of the critical realism, written in the book when he was a youth, when he hopes to use his novel of social reform, but his community is not enough understanding of the profound, at the time of the ruling class also With the hope of a better place. In this work also reflects his idea. Under normal circumstances, the best realism in the novel, the story is often in a specific environment under the action of the history of the development of character, that is, Gorky said "some kind of character typical of the history and composition of growth." However, Charles Dickens, his informal set of any cell, the number of coincidence want to arrange the number of coincidence. If Oliver for the first time with the thieves took to the streets to be out of pocket, he is a friend of his late father before his death, Mr. Bulang Lu; thieves in his second head hostage Sikes under the burglary of the stolen happens to be his pro-aunt Ruth Merritt family; Also, due to his messenger haste to go and hit those who have the means哥哥蒙克斯him, and the Monks are let in the collision, he is looking for his brother. This is a series of coincidence in the sense just can not be justified in any case, however, Dickens's own rich imagination and clever idea, in the specific circumstances described in the breath of life and full of passion, so that readers can not breathe when reading a tension , That would have been far-fetched, unnatural circumstances has no choice but to believe, and have a great interest in this, can not wait to read down. This is the art of Dickens World charm. In addition, from a political perspective, this work made orphans of the social status of this very real problem, and, as well as the issue directly related to the issue of the quality of officials, community organizations, as well as a number of law in all sectors of the people's psychological tendencies And a long mental illness issues. Dickens has pointed out that one of these problems, but he thought of a way to solve these problems is not realistic. This is because the youth of his community not to understand the profound. With his wealth of experience of society, the society is also a deeper understanding of his ideas are slowly maturing, which, in his later works will be able to be reflected. Charles to use his vast and profound language to give the reader sometimes laughing, sometimes knowing smile, they are sometimes shed tears of laughter or pain and numbness of helpless laughter. However, no matter what kind of laughter, given all the capitalist society of endless irony.




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Oliver Twist Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded. For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself. To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people’s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness’, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest. Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‘Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.’ That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness. 雾都孤儿 雾都孤儿》,其中最著名的作品的查尔斯•狄更斯的《反映,是一种新型的悲惨的现实,在18世纪的英国的生活。 作者自己出生在一个贫穷的家庭写这本书在他二十几岁时为了揭示丑陋的面具的残酷的罪犯,让恐怖和暴力隐藏在狭窄的,肮脏的街道在伦敦。 这本小说是的英雄,《雾都孤儿孤儿,谁被投进了的世界充满着贫穷和犯罪。他遭受巨大的痛苦,如饥饿、干渴、殴打和虐待。在阅读《悲惨的经历的小奥利弗,我感到震惊的是他的痛苦经历。我觉得为了可怜的男孩子,但同时我厌恶邪恶和残酷Fagin帐单。使我松了口气,写在所有最好的故事,最终征服了魔鬼,奥利佛善过上了幸福美满的生活结束。一个最吸引我的计谋是盗窃,小奥利弗被允许这种康复照顾夫人Maylie和玫瑰开始了一种新的生活。他去散步,与他们,或玫瑰念给他听,他努力学习功课。他感到他先前留下的世界永远犯罪和困难和贫穷。 怎能一个小男孩已经遭受苦难保持纯洁的压迫身体和心灵吗?原因是处于善性品德之中。我认为这是最重要的信息的小说中隐含Dickens-he相信善良能战胜一切困难。虽然我并不认为善良是无所不能的,我却相信,那些都是善良的过的更幸福的人比那些是愚昧无知。 对我来说,处于善性的品德是其中一个最必要的个性的一个人。善良是给人类就像鱼儿离不开水一样。谁是没有良善是一个完全无用的人。相反,正如著名的老话所说:“香味的手总是待在给玫瑰”一样。给你推荐一个网站,超棒!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

《雾都孤儿》是一部非常成功的作品,是狄更斯这位享誉盛名的代表作之一,它揭露了隐藏在伦敦狭小、肮脏的偏僻街道里的恐怖和暴力,也展示出了18世纪伦敦罪犯的真实面目;同时,狄更斯还试图说明:善良最终能够克服一切艰难险阻。《雾都孤儿》不仅吸引了评论家和公众的注意,同时它背后潜藏着的那一种强烈的情感不仅打动了与他同时代的读者,也深深地打动了我。《雾都孤儿》中主人公的英文名字为Oliver Twist,而Twist其英文意思是“扭曲,曲折,使苦恼”,这暗示着主人公Oliver的一生很坎坷,要经历很多的痛苦。在这个对社会进行抗议的情节剧式的小说中,奥利弗被当作一个主人公,其目的不是要触动我们的文学敏感性,而是要打动我们的情感。奥立弗·退斯特出生于19世纪30年代英国的一所济贫院,他妈妈用冰冷而毫无血色的嘴唇怜爱地在孩子的额头亲了一下后倒过去,咽了气。没父没母的奥立弗的童年过得极其凄惨,最初的9年是生活在一个管理不善的孤儿院,之后被转到收容成年人的济贫院。济贫院是维多利亚时期中产阶级建立的用来收养穷孩子的机构,因为人们认为穷人的身上有固有的恶习,穷人的家庭造就了这样的恶习,为了阻止这样的恶习产生,所以穷人夫妻就要分开,以阻止他们生孩子,从而减少下层社会的人。但可以这样形容当时的济贫院:济贫院给穷人提供的是慢性挨饿的机会,而在街头则是快速饿死。奥利弗和他的小伙伴们忍受着“慢性饥饿的折磨”。曾给我留下一个特别深刻印象的镜头是:一天晚上吃饭时,一个小孩子跟其他小孩子说,如果不给他多吃一碗粥,说不定会吃了谁。孩子们都很害怕,于是抓阄决定谁输了就要为那个孩子多要点吃的来。奥立弗输了,于是午饭后,其他孩子坚持奥立弗在晚饭时多要点食物。他的请求震惊了当局,结果使他们出5英镑作为酬金,要人把他从他们手上带走。因而可见,《雾都孤儿》是对维多利亚时期穷人的社会境遇的严厉批判。《雾都孤儿》的起势情节是:绝望之中的奥立弗在黎明中出逃,奔向伦敦,在伦敦城外,又饿又累的他遇到了一个与他相仿年纪的男孩—杰克,杰克让他住在自己的恩人费金的住处——实际上是一个窃贼之家,费金这个“枯瘦如柴的犹太老头”兼职为犯罪头头专门训练孤儿为他偷东西。经过几天的训练,奥立弗和其他两个小孩被派去偷东西。当奥立弗看到他们偷了一个老绅士的手绢的时候,吓得拔腿就逃,他被抓住了,但勉强地躲过了指控,没有因偷盗被定罪。布朗罗先生,就是手绢的被偷者,把发烧的奥立弗带回家中护理,让他恢复健康,原本以为黑暗的生活会远离他而去,但是费金贼帮里的两个大人赛克斯和他的情人南希把奥立弗抓住,并送回费金那里。在《雾都孤儿》中,颇具争议性问题的人物是南希。南希在道德上的复杂性在几位主要人物中是很独特的。南希自幼便是一个小偷,饮酒无度,而且是一个妓女,她所陷入的罪恶为她的社会所不齿,但当她牺牲自己的生命去保护奥立弗这个她并不是很熟悉的小孩时,她的行为又是最为高尚的。正因为南希,奥立弗被狄更斯掩藏下的真实身份才有了渐渐浮出水面的一刻。随后,费金派奥立弗去帮助赛克斯抢劫。奥立弗被那家的仆人用枪击中,赛克斯弃下受伤的奥立弗逃跑了。上天可怜善良的奥立弗,他被住在那里的梅莱太太和她漂亮的养女露西收留了。奥立弗开始了一种新生活。他常常与露西和梅莱太太外出散步,有时露西读书给他听,他也努力地学习功课。他觉得自己好像永远把罪恶,艰辛和贫困的世界抛在背后了。小说中,梅莱太太和露西所担任的母性角色使奥立弗第一次生活在正常的家庭当中,在她们母亲般的关爱下,奥立弗在乡下度过了美好的夏天。并且在梅莱一家的帮助下,布朗罗先生和奥立弗又团聚了,并消除了彼此间的误会。随后,布朗罗先生找到孟可思,追问奥立弗的真实身世,真相终于大白。原来孟可思是奥立弗同母异父的,和费金一起密谋陷害奥立弗,使之声名狼藉,并且是病态的,品行不端的坏兄弟,而且还查明了露西是奥立弗的亲生阿姨。小说的最后总结了狄更斯的道德和宗教观念:如果没有强烈的爱,没有博爱之心,如果对以慈悲为准则,以博爱一切生灵为最高标志的上帝不知感恩,那是绝对得不到幸福的,因而,有罪恶的得到了严厉的惩罚,穷凶恶及的人物到最后仍承担着罪恶,相应的,好人终究有好报,布朗罗先生收养了品性善良,道德高尚,宽容仁慈的奥立弗,他们和梅莱一家一起回乡下,从此过着幸福的生活。


我也是写这个 正找材料呢 交流交流哦

Oliver Twist Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded. For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself. To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people’s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness’, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest. Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‘Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.’ That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness. 雾都孤儿 雾都孤儿》,其中最著名的作品的查尔斯•狄更斯的《反映,是一种新型的悲惨的现实,在18世纪的英国的生活。 作者自己出生在一个贫穷的家庭写这本书在他二十几岁时为了揭示丑陋的面具的残酷的罪犯,让恐怖和暴力隐藏在狭窄的,肮脏的街道在伦敦。 这本小说是的英雄,《雾都孤儿孤儿,谁被投进了的世界充满着贫穷和犯罪。他遭受巨大的痛苦,如饥饿、干渴、殴打和虐待。在阅读《悲惨的经历的小奥利弗,我感到震惊的是他的痛苦经历。我觉得为了可怜的男孩子,但同时我厌恶邪恶和残酷Fagin帐单。使我松了口气,写在所有最好的故事,最终征服了魔鬼,奥利佛善过上了幸福美满的生活结束。一个最吸引我的计谋是盗窃,小奥利弗被允许这种康复照顾夫人Maylie和玫瑰开始了一种新的生活。他去散步,与他们,或玫瑰念给他听,他努力学习功课。他感到他先前留下的世界永远犯罪和困难和贫穷。 怎能一个小男孩已经遭受苦难保持纯洁的压迫身体和心灵吗?原因是处于善性品德之中。我认为这是最重要的信息的小说中隐含Dickens-he相信善良能战胜一切困难。虽然我并不认为善良是无所不能的,我却相信,那些都是善良的过的更幸福的人比那些是愚昧无知。 对我来说,处于善性的品德是其中一个最必要的个性的一个人。善良是给人类就像鱼儿离不开水一样。谁是没有良善是一个完全无用的人。相反,正如著名的老话所说:“香味的手总是待在给玫瑰”一样。给你推荐一个网站,超棒!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

《雾都孤儿》是一部非常成功的作品,是狄更斯这位享誉盛名的代表作之一,它揭露了隐藏在伦敦狭小、肮脏的偏僻街道里的恐怖和暴力,也展示出了18世纪伦敦罪犯的真实面目;同时,狄更斯还试图说明:善良最终能够克服一切艰难险阻。《雾都孤儿》不仅吸引了评论家和公众的注意,同时它背后潜藏着的那一种强烈的情感不仅打动了与他同时代的读者,也深深地打动了我。《雾都孤儿》中主人公的英文名字为Oliver Twist,而Twist其英文意思是“扭曲,曲折,使苦恼”,这暗示着主人公Oliver的一生很坎坷,要经历很多的痛苦。在这个对社会进行抗议的情节剧式的小说中,奥利弗被当作一个主人公,其目的不是要触动我们的文学敏感性,而是要打动我们的情感。奥立弗·退斯特出生于19世纪30年代英国的一所济贫院,他妈妈用冰冷而毫无血色的嘴唇怜爱地在孩子的额头亲了一下后倒过去,咽了气。没父没母的奥立弗的童年过得极其凄惨,最初的9年是生活在一个管理不善的孤儿院,之后被转到收容成年人的济贫院。济贫院是维多利亚时期中产阶级建立的用来收养穷孩子的机构,因为人们认为穷人的身上有固有的恶习,穷人的家庭造就了这样的恶习,为了阻止这样的恶习产生,所以穷人夫妻就要分开,以阻止他们生孩子,从而减少下层社会的人。但可以这样形容当时的济贫院:济贫院给穷人提供的是慢性挨饿的机会,而在街头则是快速饿死。奥利弗和他的小伙伴们忍受着“慢性饥饿的折磨”。曾给我留下一个特别深刻印象的镜头是:一天晚上吃饭时,一个小孩子跟其他小孩子说,如果不给他多吃一碗粥,说不定会吃了谁。孩子们都很害怕,于是抓阄决定谁输了就要为那个孩子多要点吃的来。奥立弗输了,于是午饭后,其他孩子坚持奥立弗在晚饭时多要点食物。他的请求震惊了当局,结果使他们出5英镑作为酬金,要人把他从他们手上带走。因而可见,《雾都孤儿》是对维多利亚时期穷人的社会境遇的严厉批判。《雾都孤儿》的起势情节是:绝望之中的奥立弗在黎明中出逃,奔向伦敦,在伦敦城外,又饿又累的他遇到了一个与他相仿年纪的男孩—杰克,杰克让他住在自己的恩人费金的住处——实际上是一个窃贼之家,费金这个“枯瘦如柴的犹太老头”兼职为犯罪头头专门训练孤儿为他偷东西。经过几天的训练,奥立弗和其他两个小孩被派去偷东西。当奥立弗看到他们偷了一个老绅士的手绢的时候,吓得拔腿就逃,他被抓住了,但勉强地躲过了指控,没有因偷盗被定罪。布朗罗先生,就是手绢的被偷者,把发烧的奥立弗带回家中护理,让他恢复健康,原本以为黑暗的生活会远离他而去,但是费金贼帮里的两个大人赛克斯和他的情人南希把奥立弗抓住,并送回费金那里。在《雾都孤儿》中,颇具争议性问题的人物是南希。南希在道德上的复杂性在几位主要人物中是很独特的。南希自幼便是一个小偷,饮酒无度,而且是一个妓女,她所陷入的罪恶为她的社会所不齿,但当她牺牲自己的生命去保护奥立弗这个她并不是很熟悉的小孩时,她的行为又是最为高尚的。正因为南希,奥立弗被狄更斯掩藏下的真实身份才有了渐渐浮出水面的一刻。随后,费金派奥立弗去帮助赛克斯抢劫。奥立弗被那家的仆人用枪击中,赛克斯弃下受伤的奥立弗逃跑了。上天可怜善良的奥立弗,他被住在那里的梅莱太太和她漂亮的养女露西收留了。奥立弗开始了一种新生活。他常常与露西和梅莱太太外出散步,有时露西读书给他听,他也努力地学习功课。他觉得自己好像永远把罪恶,艰辛和贫困的世界抛在背后了。小说中,梅莱太太和露西所担任的母性角色使奥立弗第一次生活在正常的家庭当中,在她们母亲般的关爱下,奥立弗在乡下度过了美好的夏天。并且在梅莱一家的帮助下,布朗罗先生和奥立弗又团聚了,并消除了彼此间的误会。随后,布朗罗先生找到孟可思,追问奥立弗的真实身世,真相终于大白。原来孟可思是奥立弗同母异父的,和费金一起密谋陷害奥立弗,使之声名狼藉,并且是病态的,品行不端的坏兄弟,而且还查明了露西是奥立弗的亲生阿姨。小说的最后总结了狄更斯的道德和宗教观念:如果没有强烈的爱,没有博爱之心,如果对以慈悲为准则,以博爱一切生灵为最高标志的上帝不知感恩,那是绝对得不到幸福的,因而,有罪恶的得到了严厉的惩罚,穷凶恶及的人物到最后仍承担着罪恶,相应的,好人终究有好报,布朗罗先生收养了品性善良,道德高尚,宽容仁慈的奥立弗,他们和梅莱一家一起回乡下,从此过着幸福的生活。

买本雾都孤儿的蓝星导读,就是那种双语的小蓝本,虽然写得很浅显,但故事和人物分析挺全面的,就算你以前没读过这部小说,用它就行,省时间最大的问题就是定题,要看你的指导老师严不严了,一定把论点范围缩小再缩小,具体再具体在学校提供给你们的文献库多多下载文献资料,雾都孤儿的的文献很多,能下载到你想吐,但这样不愁没得写 还有问题可以联系我


The work of the protagonist Oliver is an orphan, and grew up in the courtyard of the poor relief, others have been subject to discrimination. Because the extremely ill-treatment and fled to London, into Zeiwo, called by the beating, growing up, I do not know how much to eat suffered. While growing up in such an environment, but there is a Buddha Orie good heart, no matter by how much pain he did not want to do bad things is the greatest determination. He was Shouen people will never forget can not thank the benefactor. Although he is subject to a number of well-intentioned people and the sympathy of the adoption, such as Bulang Lu President, Lennart Meri wife, but the thieves, the group still did not miss him, and his half-brother also wish to kill him. Oliver's fate is tragic, but he's also been well-intentioned people to help identify his life, and the heritage. He has been the fate of the final change is expected to become a useful person to society. This works in Orie wrote at the beginning of the Buddha in relief of the poor house, in Charles Dickens described the living conditions of the poor house when a very ironic way: "Every child has a bowl of thin gruel, and that can not be increased only once To important public holiday, with the exception of a bowl of porridge outside in order to increase two and a quarter ounces of bread. They do not need to eat the Zhou Wan never wash, the children always scraping bowl of the spoon sauce residue has been driven Zeng Ming-Liang Shuo bowl. Scraping bowl of the matter is completed, they sit there and stare at large Tongguo helplessly, as if they are able to block a piece of brick stoves have to swallow it. This is a heinous and Tian Zhao They also own and finger , Ba Wangzhe a splash a few drops from child star to porridge. "Can be seen from the lives of those orphans how poverty, hunger throughout the day in the state, and no hope of Tianzhao his little finger, Bawang Zhao splash over the Congee child stars. One can imagine the children's life is very tragic, and Orie on the Buddha in such an environment. It is in the form of novels by Dickens to reflect the dark reality of the society and capitalist society under the lives of people of how poverty, poor life as works written by the same. Charles, known as the Victorian age eyes, because the novel in the form of the observed things with the novel in the form of re-emerged. That is why this works is the content of the true reflection of society at that time, and I think that the author describes the relief of the poor orphans living with a very vivid image of the language, a sharp way to expose the community The dark. Dickens wrote in the book a few years ago, the British Parliament adopted a new method of relief, cancellation of poor relief, but the poor directly to the port to house the poor relief. Dickens described the relief of the poor house at the time of poor relief is a true portrayal of the hospital. Poor relief in the hospital in no democracy, no freedom, only to be abused, hungry cold, a Mianhuangjishou months, fell to the ground at all times as likely to die, and the Diocese of those officers, those who Explorer, but eat a fat Head of the brain fertilizer, the full spirit. Dickens works in the hospital for the poor relief vivid description is a reflection of social problems. Some people think Charles Dickens's works this is a serious literary works, it works because it made a deep social problems, social development and progress is of great historical significance. In this work successfully in Dickens depicts a series of characters, such as the Diocese of General bampur, thieves old man and head of the Jewish charity school students Noah, the bandit Powu Monks, and so on. Did not have to portray a lifelike, life-like image. However, the most successful works portray the character or the protagonist Oliver and the woman stole Nancy. Oliver was born with a moral people, know how to map Temple has been reported. He ate a lot a lot of suffering, but in the end, finally met a good man. Whether Bulang Lu President, Lennart Meri, or his wife or Miss Meri, Orie Fodu treated as ordinary family, even though he is a "thief" who are sympathetic to him, his adoption, and that he receive a good education, and finally get Qing his life, his legacy fight back. Oliver described the events of all, I admire the most is the sixth chapter say when he was struggling to resist mocking the incident, as the authors put it, "On the surface I have described is not so small Important, but in fact he was Oliver's future development and are indirectly affected, and has had a major change. "Oliver in the poor house while growing up, there will be no freedom itself, to be disposal, but he A very strong self-esteem, Noah in the face of personal attacks, he was extremely excited. Noah and because of Oliver's mother died of a vicious insult to his indignation, blood boiling. "He immediately jumped up, an overturned the tables and chairs, and then Noah caught the pipe, to exhaust the body's effort to shake in fury of Noah, Noah has been a bit of teeth chattered issue of noise, and then He gathered together a whole body of Noah's efforts to blow hard, straight knocked him to the ground. "Oliver reaction puzzled me, common sense, he has been a quiet, modest, though by non - Who has abused a dejected from the juvenile Gan unlucky, but at the moment cohesion of the whole body strength Noah beat. What is the strength of his courage to make such a decision, perhaps it should not be "decided" it, a strong sense of anger so that he has lost his reason, he does not allow other people to his mother in the slightest insulting. While Oliver's mother, his memory, the memory never know his mother look like. However, the mother has been accompanied by a sense of respect for him. So, when Noah insult his mother, Oliver showed no emotion before. The incident was the result of Oliver was beaten up and detained. Charles Dickens wrote in the details below, not only for paving the way, but also a deeper portrait of the heroine works Oliver's image, in order to safeguard the dignity of the mother, just go ahead Many scholars think that works in a portrait of the most successful characters is Nancy, while Oliver to work for the main character, but from the social psychology and psychoanalysis point of view, the role of Nancy greater practical significance. Nancy is a psychological complex young women, from childhood growing up in the Group of thieves, no one knew her life, she entered the post-Zeiwo did not have any good people, of course, the final Bulang Lu also met with President Lennart Meri and Miss But then it was too late. Finally, her tragic death at the hands of the bandits Sykes, her fate is tragic, as in the real world into a triad of orphans after the end of the same. Nancy seen through the group of thieves all the ugly things, that her aversion treacherous, vicious, ruthless cruelty, inhuman things, but she is also the Group of thieves have a certain feeling, and want to leave. She has sympathy for Oliver, as for their treatment as his younger brother, in times of crisis to disregard their own safety to come forward and saved him, but he will have to personally Oliver thieves onto the road. She envied culture and education, the warmth of the family women, but because of her own humble status Yingshang Qu dare not, dare not wish for such a happy life. She is the heart of the conflict, when Bulang Lu and President Lennart Meri Miss advised her to leave the Group of thieves over a new leaf, she refused their offers of help, although she had a yearning for this kind of life. Nancy contradictions from her in to see if the original: "I do not want to do it! I do not want to do it! Though he is the devil, and he even told me yet more vicious than the devil, but I do not want to do ... then another ... One reason is that his life of crime is life, I am also live in sin, we are together for many years to live such a life, so I can not betray them, not to mention some of them may have betrayed me, but They did not sell out, even though they are bad people. "Her inner conflict is real, in line with the general psychological normal. There are a lot of female juvenile offenders, once on the wrong may be similar to that of Nancy ideological contradictions: both want to leave the crime associates also want to leave. Although Nancy Sykes hated doing, but he can not do without, it was of the view that Nancy is not reasonable, but in any case, her actions are all true. Psychological and ideological problems is in itself a complex issue as it is not possible to use simple methods can be resolved. Nancy Oliver, and this is the work of the two most representative figure, which is undeniable. Dickens portrayed in these two figures also spent a wonderful way. However, I would like to talk about is the image of another person Monks. Monks is Oliver's half-brother, who was extremely cruel, to be his brother's property destroyed at the expense of their own younger brother. I think Charles Monks at the describing the act when a clever arrangement. Monks and the role is a reflection of society at that time some of the children of the nobility EXILE. Monks is a smart, he knows how to ease access to his brother's property. Monks at the Dickens portrayed the characters can be on step-by-step. First of all, Monks is to look at the class when Mr. Bull appeared, the first author of the text did not mention him, so I read in class, Mr. Bull to meet the guests unfamiliar with the plot, on intuition told me that this works The plot will reach another climax. The mysterious people coming out, is scheduled to have a good, but I did not expect this so-called mystery is who would be Oliver's brother, but did not expect the paper after he had played such an important role. Charles gave the Monks "smart" in mind, set up a seamless clothing plans, and the Monks in the implementation of this plan are not thieves with Lin Yu co-leader of the Jewish old man, can be called up for the purpose of the unscrupulous. Finally, the plan is brought to light, Monks also ended in defeat. I think the Charles Oliver's brother wrote a greedy, ruthless, shameless, on the one hand, the work can culminate in the story, on the other hand, fully demonstrated the reality of society in order to achieve the purpose of the fire regardless of the tragic family Phenomenon. The author of this sharp touch of irony at the time the fire agency, while at the same time want to wake up those sad people, they wake up the conscience and consciousness, to awaken the consciousness of all the people. After reading the novel, I was not quiet for a long time. Oliver is a strong, kind-hearted, intelligent and brave and innocent boy, but experienced a difficult life, the ultimate storm, ushered in a happy life. And we are now living in the honey tank in Waterloo-fu, has often complained that always satisfied. But we have thought about, there are many poor children, are faced with the loss of loved ones, vagrancy of life, perhaps in the face of dropping out of school and the plight of the hungry. They are filled with love of life, looking forward to a bright classrooms, a yearning for delicious food or warm clothing. In the face of these eager children live in poverty, we can turn a blind eye to it? Can not stand idly by? When I read Dickens to write about the lives of the poor orphan house, my mind flashed always saw on television pictures of refugees in Africa. The old social life of the poor are poor, hungry cold it is not unusual things, and in the 21st century, in this era of civilization, hunger, fear, the cold remains. In that Oliver had been abused, beaten by the circumstances, and when I do not think of the often seen in the streets and show those begging children. These shabby heard that the children into a gang is organized, whether it be money or show has been begging for money, hard or stolen money, but also turned over to their "head." This is the civilized society? The fate of the children, their lives, and works of Charles Dickens orphan Oliver's life, what difference does? Oliver is lucky, good people can encounter. But in reality those organizations into the unknown children, their fate will be how well-intentioned people can encounter it? I do not think so, they may be ending as it works in Nancy, or died of starvation and disease. This is the so-called civilized society, the inevitable result. The more social progress, the more human civilization, and those bad elements are, the more furious, and unfortunately into the hands of their children, the more tragic fate. Therefore, we need love to help those in the midst of the people to help them out, ushering in a happy life. The works I think of many real-life scenarios, I touch on a lot. Now, I'd like to go back to Dickens's art and writing in order to charm. Dickens is the Victorian representative of the critical realism, written in the book when he was a youth, when he hopes to use his novel of social reform, but his community is not enough understanding of the profound, at the time of the ruling class also With the hope of a better place. In this work also reflects his idea. Under normal circumstances, the best realism in the novel, the story is often in a specific environment under the action of the history of the development of character, that is, Gorky said "some kind of character typical of the history and composition of growth." However, Charles Dickens, his informal set of any cell, the number of coincidence want to arrange the number of coincidence. If Oliver for the first time with the thieves took to the streets to be out of pocket, he is a friend of his late father before his death, Mr. Bulang Lu; thieves in his second head hostage Sikes under the burglary of the stolen happens to be his pro-aunt Ruth Merritt family; Also, due to his messenger haste to go and hit those who have the means哥哥蒙克斯him, and the Monks are let in the collision, he is looking for his brother. This is a series of coincidence in the sense just can not be justified in any case, however, Dickens's own rich imagination and clever idea, in the specific circumstances described in the breath of life and full of passion, so that readers can not breathe when reading a tension , That would have been far-fetched, unnatural circumstances has no choice but to believe, and have a great interest in this, can not wait to read down. This is the art of Dickens World charm. In addition, from a political perspective, this work made orphans of the social status of this very real problem, and, as well as the issue directly related to the issue of the quality of officials, community organizations, as well as a number of law in all sectors of the people's psychological tendencies And a long mental illness issues. Dickens has pointed out that one of these problems, but he thought of a way to solve these problems is not realistic. This is because the youth of his community not to understand the profound. With his wealth of experience of society, the society is also a deeper understanding of his ideas are slowly maturing, which, in his later works will be able to be reflected. Charles to use his vast and profound language to give the reader sometimes laughing, sometimes knowing smile, they are sometimes shed tears of laughter or pain and numbness of helpless laughter. However, no matter what kind of laughter, given all the capitalist society of endless irony.

Oliver Twist一、英国作家狄更斯的名著。关于狄更斯和他的小说艺术,心里早有一些想法,趁写这篇前言之便,说出来,就正于广大狄更斯爱好者。狄更斯生于英国朴茨茂斯的一个贫苦家庭,父亲是个海军小职员,10岁时全家被迁入债务入监狱,11岁起就开始承担繁重的家务,12岁时被迫辍学到鞋油作坊当学徒,饱受侮辱,从而对工人阶级的生活和苦难有所了解,尤其对不幸的儿童产生了深厚的同情。16岁时,他在律师事务所当缮写员,走遍伦敦大街小巷,广泛了解社,后又担任法庭速记员和新闻记者,熟悉了议会政治中的种种弊端。当时他为伦敦几家报纸拟稿。狄更斯发表1836年底的第一部长篇小说、讽刺资产阶级民主虚伪性的〈匹克威克外传〉就取得了惊人的成就,使他一举成名。此后34年中,他共写了十几部长篇小说。24岁时和凯瑟琳女士结婚,由于性格和趣味上的差异,给他的创作,特别是晚年生活带来不幸。他一生除了刻苦写作外还喜欢戏剧,曾亲自参加演出和导演,举办过朗诵会。1870年6月他在写作小说〈艾德温。德鲁德之谜〉时,由于劳累过度,谇然逝世。葬于伦敦斯敏斯特教堂。狄更斯在小说中无情地揭露和鞭挞了资本主义社会的黑暗和虚伪。1838年和1839年,他发表了〈雾都孤儿〉和〈尼古拉斯。尼可贝〉,描写了资本主义社会穷苦儿童的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所和学校教育的黑暗。狄更斯是英国最伟大的小说家之一,英国现实主义文学的杰出代表,对世界文学有巨大的影响。《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯第二部长篇小说。这位年仅二十五岁的小说家决心学习英国现实主义画家威廉•荷加斯(William Hogarth,1697一1764)的榜样,勇敢地直面人生,真实地表现当时伦敦贫民窟的悲惨生活。他抱着一个崇高的道德意图:抗议社会的不公,并唤起社会舆论,推行改革,使处于水深火热中的贫民得到救助。正因为如此,狄更斯历来被我国及前苏联学者界定为“英国文学上批判现实主义的创始人和最伟大的代表”。对此,我有一些不同的见解:文学艺术是一种特殊的社会意识形态,它必然是社会存在的反映。但是,我们决不能把反映现实的文学都说成是现实主义文学,把“现实主义”的外延无限扩展。事实上,作家运用的创作方法多种多样,因人而异,这和作家的特殊气质和性格特点密切相关。狄更斯的创作,想象力极为丰富,充满诗的激情,他着意渲染自己的道德理想,处处突破自然的忠实临摹,借用一句歌德的话:它比自然高了一层。这和萨克雷、特洛罗普等坚持的客观。冷静、严格写实的方法有显著的区别。试以《雾都孤儿》为例,(一)个性化的语言是狄更斯在人物塑造上运用得十分出色的一种手段。书中的流氓、盗贼、妓女的语言都切合其身份,甚至还用了行业的黑话。然而,狄更斯决不作自然主义的再现,而是进行加工、提炼和选择,避免使用污秽、下流的话语。主人公奥立弗语言规范、谈吐文雅,他甚至不知偷窃为何物。他是在济贫院长大的孤儿,从未受到良好的教育,所接触的都是罪恶累累、堕落不堪之辈,他怎么会讲这么好的英文呢?这用“人是一切社会关系总和”的历史唯物主义观点是无法解释的。可见,狄更斯着力表现的是自己的道德理想,而不是追求完全的逼真。(二)在优秀的现实主义小说中,故事情节往往是在环境作用下的人物性格发展史,即高尔基所说的“某种性格、典型的成长和构成的历史”。然而,狄更斯不拘任何格套,想要多少巧合就安排多少巧合。奥立弗第一次跟小偷上街,被掏兜的第一人恰巧就是他亡父的好友布朗罗。第二次,他在匪徒赛克斯的劫持下入室行窃,被偷的恰好是他亲姨妈露丝•梅莱家。这在情理上无论如何是说不过去的。但狄更斯自有天大的本领,在具体的细节描写中充满生活气息和激情,使你读时紧张得喘不过气来,对这种本来是牵强的、不自然的情节也不得不信以为真。这就是狄更斯的艺术世界的魅力。(三)狄更斯写作时,始终有一种“感同身受的想象力”(Sympathetic imagination),即使对十恶不赦的人物也一样。书中贼首、老犹太费金受审的一场始终从费金的心理视角出发。他从天花板看到地板,只见重重叠叠的眼睛都在注视着自己。他听到对他罪行的陈述报告,他把恳求的目光转向律师,希望能为他辩护几句。人群中有人在吃东西,有人用手绢扇风,还有一名青年画家在画他的素描,他心想:不知道像不像,真想伸过脖子去看一看……一位绅士出去又进来,他想:准是吃饭去了,不知吃的什么饭?看到铁栏杆上有尖刺,他琢磨着:这很容易折断。从此又想到绞刑架,这时,他听到自己被处绞刑。他只是喃喃地说,自己岁数大了,大了,接着就什么声音也发不出来了。在这里,狄更斯精心选择了一系列细节,不但描绘了客观事物,而且切入了人物的内心世界,表现了他极其丰富的想象力。他运用的艺术方法,不是“批判现实主义”所能概括的。我倒是赞赏英国作家、狄更斯专家乔治•吉辛(George Giss-ing,1857—1903)的表述,他把狄更斯的创作方法称为“浪漫的现实主义”(romantic realism)。我认为这一表述才够准确,才符合狄更斯小说艺术的实际。小说的主人公奥利弗。特威斯特,是一名生在济贫院的孤儿,忍饥挨饿,备受欺凌,由于不堪棺材店老板娘、教区执事邦布儿等人的虐待而独自逃往伦敦,不幸刚一到达就误入贼窟。窃贼团伙的首领费金千方百计,企图把奥利弗训练为扒手供他驱使。奥利弗跟随窃贼伙伴“机灵鬼”和贝茨上街时,被误认为他偷了一位叫布朗洛的绅士(恰巧是他父亲生前的好友)的手绢而被警察逮捕。后因书摊老板证明了他的无辜,说明小偷另有其人,他才被释放。由于他当时病重昏迷,且容貌酷似友人生前留下的一副少妇画像,布朗洛收留他在家中治病,得到布朗洛及其女管家比德温太太无微不至的关怀,第一次感受到人间的温暖。窃贼团伙害怕奥利弗会泄露团伙的秘密,在费金指示下,塞克斯和南希费尽心机,趁奥利弗外出替布朗洛归还书摊老板的图书的时候用计使他重新陷入了贼窟。但当费金试图惩罚毒打奥利弗的上时候,南希挺身而出保护了奥利弗。费金用威胁、利诱、灌输等手段企图迫使奥利弗成为一名窃贼,成为费金的摇钱树。一天黑夜,奥利弗在塞克斯的胁迫下参加对一座大宅院的行窃。正当奥利弗准备趁爬进窗户的机会向主人报告时,被管家发现后开枪打伤。窃贼仓惶逃跑时,把奥利弗丢弃在路旁水沟之中。奥利弗在雨雪之中带伤爬行,无意中又回道那家宅院,昏到在门口。好心的主人梅丽夫人及其养女罗斯小姐收留并庇护了他。无巧不成书,这位罗斯小姐正是奥利弗的姨妈,但双方都不知道。在梅丽夫人家,奥利弗真正享受到了人生的温馨和美好。但费金团伙却不能放过奥利弗。有一天一个名叫蒙克斯的人来找费金,这人是奥利弗的同父异母兄长,由于他的不肖,他父亲在遗嘱中将全部遗产给了奥利弗,除非奥利弗和蒙克斯是一样的不肖儿女,遗产才可由蒙克斯继承。为此蒙克斯出高价买通费金,要他使奥利弗变成不可救药的罪犯,以便霸占奥利弗名下的全部遗产,并发泄自己对已去世的父亲的怨恨。正当蒙克斯得意洋洋的谈到他如何和帮布尔夫妇狼狈为奸,毁灭了能证明奥利弗身份的唯一证据的时候,被南希听见。南西见义勇为,同情奥利弗的遭遇,冒生命危险,偷偷找到罗斯小姐,向她报告了这一切。正当罗斯小姐考虑如何行动时,奥利弗告诉她,他找到了布朗洛先生。罗斯小姐就和布朗洛商议了处理方法。罗斯小姐在布朗洛陪同下再次和南西会面时,布朗洛获知蒙克斯即他的已故好友埃得温。利弗得的不肖儿子,决定亲自找蒙克斯交涉,但他们的谈话被费金派出的密探听见。塞克斯就凶残的杀害了南西。南西之死使费金团伙遭到了灭顶之灾。费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。与此同时,蒙克斯被布朗洛挟持到家中,逼他供出了一切,事情真相大白,奥利弗被布朗洛收为养子,从此结束了他的苦难的童年。为了给蒙克斯自新的机会,把本应全归奥利弗继承的遗产分一半给他。但蒙克斯劣性不改,把家产挥霍殆尽,继续作恶,终被锒铛入狱,死在狱中。邦布尔夫恶有恶报,被革去一切职务,一贫如洗,在他们曾经作威作福的济贫院度过余生。在这本书中,奥利弗、南希、罗斯小姐都是善良的代表,他们都出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他们的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他们堕落或彻底堕落,发而更显示出他们出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。最后,邪不胜正,正义的力量战胜了邪恶,虽然南希最后遇难,但正是她的死所召唤出来的惊天动地的社会正义力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之灵,注定了邪恶势力的代表——费金团伙的灭顶之灾。因此在小说中,南希的精神得到了升华,奥利弗则得到了典型意义上的善报。而恶人的代表——费金、蒙克斯、邦布尔、塞克斯无不一一落得个悲惨的下场。





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买本雾都孤儿的蓝星导读,就是那种双语的小蓝本,虽然写得很浅显,但故事和人物分析挺全面的,就算你以前没读过这部小说,用它就行,省时间最大的问题就是定题,要看你的指导老师严不严了,一定把论点范围缩小再缩小,具体再具体在学校提供给你们的文献库多多下载文献资料,雾都孤儿的的文献很多,能下载到你想吐,但这样不愁没得写 还有问题可以联系我

关于狄更斯和他的小说艺术,心里早有一些想法,趁写这篇前言之便,说出来,就正于广大狄更斯爱好者. 《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯第二部长篇小说.这位年仅二十五岁的小说家决心学习英国现实主义画家威廉·荷加斯(William Hogarth,1697一1764)的榜样,勇敢地直面人生,真实地表现当时伦敦贫民窟的悲惨生活.他抱着一个崇高的道德意图:抗议社会的不公,并唤起社会舆论,推行改革,使处于水深火热中的贫民得到救助.正因为如此,狄更斯历来被我国及前苏联学者界定为"英国文学上批判现实主义的创始人和最伟大的代表".对此,我有一些不同的见解:文学艺术是一种特殊的社会意识形态,它必然是社会存在的反映.但是,我们决不能把反映现实的文学都说成是现实主义文学,把"现实主义"的外延无限扩展.事实上,作家运用的创作方法多种多样,因人而异,这和作家的特殊气质和性格特点密切相关.狄更斯的创作,想像力极为丰富,充满诗的激情,他着意渲染自己的道德理想,处处突破自然的忠实临摹,借用一句歌德的话:它比自然高了一层.这和萨克雷,特洛罗普等坚持的客观.冷静,严格写实的方法有显著的区别. 试以《雾都孤儿》为例,(一)个性化的语言是狄更斯在人物塑造上运用得十分出色的一种手段.书中的流氓,盗贼,妓女的语言都切合其身份,甚至还用了行业的黑话.然而,狄更斯决不作自然主义的再现,而是进行加工,提炼和选择,避免使用污秽,下流的话语.主人公奥立弗语言规范,谈吐文雅,他甚至不知偷窃为何物.他是在济贫院长大的孤儿,从未受到良好的教育,所接触的都是罪恶累累,堕落不堪之辈,他怎么会讲这么好的英文呢?这用"人是一切社会关系总和"的历史唯物主义观点是无法解释的.可见,狄更斯着力表现的是自己的道德理想,而不是追求完全的逼真.(二)在优秀的现实主义小说中,故事情节往往是在环境作用下的人物性格发展史,即高尔基所说的"某种性格,典型的成长和构成的历史".然而,狄更斯不拘任何格套,想要多少巧合就安排多少巧合.奥立弗第一次跟小偷上街,被掏兜的第一人恰巧就是他亡父的好友布朗罗.第二次,他在匪徒赛克斯的劫持下入室行窃,被偷的恰好是他亲姨妈露丝·梅莱家.这在情理上无论如何是说不过去的.但狄更斯自有天大的本领,在具体的细节描写中充满生活气息和激情,使你读时紧张得喘不过气来,对这种本来是牵强的,不自然的情节也不得不信以为真.这就是狄更斯的艺术世界的魅力.(三)狄更斯写作时,始终有一种"感同身受的想象力"(Sympathetic imagination),即使对十恶不赦的人物也一样.书中贼首,老犹太费金受审的一场始终从费金的心理视角出发.他从天花板看到地板,只见重重叠叠的眼睛都在注视着自己.他听到对他罪行的陈述报告,他把恳求的目光转向律师,希望能为他辩护几句.人群中有人在吃东西,有人用手绢扇风,还有一名青年画家在画他的素描,他心想:不知道像不像,真想伸过脖子去看一看……一位绅士出去又进来,他想:准是吃饭去了,不知吃的什么饭?看到铁栏杆上有尖刺,他琢磨着:这很容易折断.从此又想到绞刑架,这时,他听到自己被处绞刑.他只是喃喃地说,自己岁数大了,大了,接着就什么声音也发不出来了.在这里,狄更斯精心选择了一系列细节,不但描绘了客观事物,而且切入了人物的内心世界,表现了他极其丰富的想像力.他运用的艺术方法,不是"批判现实主义"所能概括的.我倒是赞赏英国作家,狄更斯专家乔治·吉辛(George Giss-ing,1857-1903)的表述,他把狄更斯的创作方法称为"浪漫的现实主义"(romantic realism).我认为这一表述才够准确,才符合狄更斯小说艺术的实际. 最后还要讨论一下E.M.福斯特在他的名著《小说面面观》中对狄更斯人物塑造的贬低.据他说,狄更斯只会塑造"扁形人物",而不会塑造"浑圆人物",在小说艺术上属于"较低层次".事实真是这样吗?试以《雾都孤儿》中的南希为例,作一番研究分析.我认为,南希这个人物有无比丰富,复杂的内心世界,远比E.M.福斯特所称羡的一切"浑圆人物"更富于立体感和活跃的生命力.南希是个不幸的姑娘,自幼沦落贼窟,并已成为第二号贼首赛克斯的情妇.除了绞架,她看不到任何别的前景.但是,她天良未泯,在天真纯洁的奥立弗,看到往日清白的自己,同情之心油然而生.她连奉贼首之命,冒称是奥立弗的姐姐,硬把他绑架回贼窟时,内心充满矛盾.归途中,她和赛克斯谈起监狱绞死犯人的事,奥立弗感觉到南希紧攥着他的那只手在发抖,抬眼一看,她的脸色变得煞白.后来,她冒着生命的危险偷偷地给梅莱小姐和布朗罗通风报信,终于把奥立弗救了出来.梅莱和布朗罗力劝南希挣脱过去的生活,走上新生之路,但南希不忍心把情人赛克斯撇下.赛克斯在得知南希所作所为后,他只能持盗匪的道德标准,把南希视为不可饶恕的叛徒,亲手把她残酷地杀害.狄更斯在给这两个人物取名时是有很深的用意的,南希(Nancy)和赛克斯(Sikes)英文缩写是N和S,正是磁针的两极.他俩构成一对矛盾,既对立又统一,既相反又相成,永远不可分离.南希离不开赛克斯,宁愿被他杀害也不肯抛弃他;而赛克斯也离不开南希,一旦失去她,他就丧魂失魄,终于在房顶跌落,脖子被自己的一条绳子的活扣套住而气绝身死.南希的形象复杂,丰富又深刻,不但不是"扁平"的,而且达到极高的艺术成就. 狄更斯的小说经得起各种现代批评理论的发掘和阐释,不断产生发人深省的新意,将永久保持读者的鉴赏兴趣和专家们的研究兴趣


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