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2.1. Seed quality evaluation 2.1.1. Mechanical damage Three replications of 100 seeds were soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min. The seeds with seed coat damage swelled visibly and were counted using a hand lens. The split (%) was obtained by passing 200 g of seed through a 4.00mm round hole sieve. The material that passed through the sieve was termed as ‘‘splits’’ and then weighed (Anonymous, 1985). 2.1 豆种质量评估2.1.1机械损伤经过3遍流程的100颗豆种在1%的漂白液中浸泡10分钟。种子以及种皮的很明显地膨胀损坏可以通过手持透镜观测到。 破裂指数通过200g的种子经4毫米圆洞筛网筛选得到。通过筛网的原料被称作“破裂”然后称重。2.1.2. Germination test Germination ability was determined according to the Association of Official Seed Analysts (Anonymous, 1981). Three replications of 100 seeds were placed in presoaked germination paper and were then placed in a seed germinator at 251C for 7 days. After 7 days, the percentage of seeds germinating normally was recorded. 2.1.2 发芽力检测发芽能力是按照官方的种子专家学会去定义的。经过3次流程的100颗豆种被放置在发芽试纸上预浸,人后在发芽力检测仪上以251C的温度放置7天。 7天之后, 发芽种子的比例被记录下来。2.1.3. Seed vigor The seed vigor tests were conducted according to the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) method (Anonymous, 1985). Sheets of paper towel with 350 seeds were kept in a seed germinator at 251C for 7 days. After 7 days, the lengths of germinated seedlings were measured in centimeters. The vigor index was calculated as vigor index ¼ 1 NX germination ð%Þ seedling length ðcmÞ; where N is the number of seeds that germinated. 2.1.3 种子的活力种子活力的检测是按照国际种子检测协会的步骤操作的。350颗豆种放在纸巾上,在种子发芽力检测仪器内以251C的温度保存7天, 7天之后, 以厘米为单位去测量种芽的长度。活力指数是按照vigor index ¼ 1 NX germination ð%Þ seedling length ðcmÞ; where N is the number of seeds that germinated.(此处由于有乱码, 无法翻译)2.1.4. Accelerated aging This test was used to predict the storage potential of seed. It combines the stresses caused by high temperature and high humidity to which seed maybe exposed. It is expected that the seed lots which record a higher level of germination in the accelerated aging test can be stored for a longer period than others. Two replications of 50 seeds were kept in perforated plastic boxes. These boxes were kept at 401C and at 100% relative humidity(r :h:) for 96 h. The germination of these lots was recorded as outlined by the ISTA (Anonymous, 1985). 2.1.4加速老化这个检测是用作预告种子的储存潜力的。 它包括也许种子露天放置时,由高温度和高湿度造成的作用。人们预计在发芽力检测中有高记录的那批种子能够在加速老化测验中比其它的种子储存的更久。经过2次流程的50颗种子保存在穿孔的盒子当中。这些盒子被放置在401C温度及100%相对湿度中96个小时。这批的发芽力被ISTA作为要点记录下来。2.2. Determination of moisture content The standard oven method outlined by the ISTA (Anonymous, 1985) was employed. Three replications of 10 g seed were kept in a hot air oven at 1021C for 24 h. At the end of this period, the samples were transferred to a desiccator for cooling. The samples were then weighed and moisture content calculated on a dry mass basis. 2.2 含水量的定义ISTA大纲中的标准加热程序被引用到这里。经过3次流程的10g豆种被保存在干烤箱中以1021C的温度放置24小时。 在检测最后, 样品被转移到干燥器中冷却。然后样品称重,并计算含水量,按照折干计算。2.3. Evaluation of damage due to free-fall To determine the effect of height of fall on the seed quality, three replications of 100 seeds, drawn from each treatment, were dropped from a height of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0m on to a cement floor or a galvanized iron floor. The dropped seeds were tested for germination and vigor as before. 2.4. Statistical analysis of data The data collected during the experiments were analyzed using ANOVA (Anonymous, 1992) to study the effects of m:c:; process stages and heights of free-fall on the parameters of seed quality. The differences in means were examined using the Tukey test of significance.2.3 由自由下落造成损失的评估为了确定下落高度对种子质量造成的影响, 经过3遍流程的100颗种子, 分别从0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0米处下落到水泥地或者镀锌铁板上,象以前一样,下落的种子被检测种子发芽力以及活力。2.4数据统计分析使用ANOVA分析了在实验当中所收集的数据,研究了含水量,加工平台以及自由下落的高度参数在种子质量方面的影响。检测方式的差异已被Tukey test of significance.验证。

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Full mechanization of rice production technologyAbstract The Application of plasma from the seeds and simple plastic tray nursery, paddy rotary mechanized and mechanized planting site preparation, field management, mechanical harvesting, the introduction of the full mechanization of rice production technologies that increase production of rice provided for reference. Keywords: Rice; full mechanization; production technology Rice is one of China's major food crops. To stabilize and increase rice production capacity, promote rice yield, income and efficiency of the section, should vigorously promote the use of full mechanization of rice production technology. A plasma seed treatment technology Plasma seed treatment technology, is the national "863" scientific research, for domestic initiative, an original innovation, reached the international advanced level in the same area. DL-2-based plasma seed processor, using high-pressure arc plasma and the combination of alternating electromagnetic field , the formation of the universe in the plasma environment inside the machine, vertical seed flow through the free fall machine, receiving light radiation, electromagnetic radiation and the combined effect of ozone, the vitality of seeds is activated, the virus is killed, ion exchange capacity increased, the enzyme conversion speed, soluble sugar and soluble protein increases, increase seed germination potential, germination rate, seedling ahead 1 ~ 3 d, increase drought resistance of crops, disease resistance. rhizobia increased the effective promotion of the late crop growth. Plant stout, growth strong increase effective tillering, promote early, improve quality, can increase the yield of 8 to 12%. Rice seeds with DL-2-based plasma seed processor treatment, current intensity should be 1.0 A, continuous processing 2. Processing within 5 ~ 12 d after sowing. Plasma can not do the descendants of the seed crop seeds. Treatment Sowing the seeds can not be repeated more than treatment, can not handle the seeds have germinated. 2 simple plastic tray seedling technology 2.1 Chuangtu prepared The best selection of mountain peat, followed by paddy field soil and dry soil; with soil quantity: the number of breeding decisions based on the amount of use of land, generally each plate Chuangtu 4 kg; paddy soil and upland soil should be added to amount to do Chuangtu peat, soil and peat were mixed with a 4:1 ratio [1]. 2.2 Chuangtu preparation Added nutritive soil, according to the proportion of requests are mixed, each plate Chuangtu nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in bed all l.0 ~ 1.5 g. of acid, pH value of 4.5 to 5.0 is appropriate. Chuangtu with water disinfection, with Nixon 1 500 times the enemy poured per plate 0.7 kg, the number of enemy Eriksson must not exceed 0.5 g. per plate promote the use of "mother agent of rice seedling nutrition soil", follow the instructions to mix well. 2.3 mechanized planting 2SB-500 automatic with a planter, or 2BD-840 push-type seeder mechanized planting, ensure the bud seed 2.3 / m2; subsoil thickness is 2.0 ~ 2.5 cm, Futuhoudu is 0.5 ~ 1.0 cm. Seedling Management 2.4 Leaf emergence to 1.5, should ensure that the day temperature 28 , can not exceed 30 , the night is not lower than 5 , 1 ~ 2 d 1 permeable water; 1.5 to 2.5 leaves, the daytime temperature should be guaranteed shed 22 , anti-high temperature leggy; 2.5 to 3.5 leaves, the day the greenhouse temperature 20 , the night of not less than 10 , day and night ventilation can be hardened; 1.5 to 3.5 leaves, the 2 times a day pouring water. respectively 1.5, 2.5 leaves and planting early, combined with water to recover pure N lg per plate after washing. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download 3 mechanical rotary technology of paddy field Paddy paddy rotary machine can be turned off to complete, machine rake, reducing mechanical operating costs, reduce operational links, labor, save time, fuel, and water saving bulb fields can be saving 30% to 50%. Its rotary operation pulverizer capacity, the surface smooth. mulching rice tight, high efficiency, low fuel consumption, a rotary plow to achieve normal operating times and the harrowing effects of the pulverizer, topsoil breathable, good water permeability, is conducive to root Development [2]. the technical requirements: First, Rotary paddy fields, generally in the local planting before (May) 20 d or so, pour fields until after the planting can be formed; Second, farming, the tail wheel tube extension Source tube length can not exceed 100 mm, while the operation should be standing hand rails frame, so coulter or too off the ground over the ridge groove, so as not to bend the inner tube; third operation, without rendering the rotary knife wound weed too much, otherwise it will consume Power and increase tractor parts wear; Fourth, removing weeds, the need to turn down the throttle, the clutch, brake handle on the "off" position, the variable speed operation of the handle and the rotary blade the handle on the neutral position, and then clear the weeds 4 mechanized planting site preparation techniques Plots to Baping, rake thin, water depth 2 ~ 4 cm, the general precipitation 1 ~ 2 d, depending on the soil may be. Rake the soil to fine, leveling, mud rotten, no debris, depth of 2 ~ 4 cm, rake take some time after the deposition, usually 1 ~ 2 d; planting a row spacing of 30 cm, spacing according to species debugging. inserted 2 to 4 / hole, 5 to 7 post-plug / hole. planting depth of 2 ~ 3 cm for the should not be too deep, so as not to affect the tiller. 5 mechanization of field management Eastern red card throwing machine can be a machine, can throwing, but also fertilizer and spraying, to prevent disease, insects, weeds and other effects [4]. 6 mechanized harvest technology of rice Mechanization of rice paddy harvest is to achieve an important element of full mechanization. Harvested by combine harvester, a complete harvesting, threshing, cleaning and other processes. Compared with the manual harvesting, mechanized harvesting of rice. Can improve productivity, reduce harvest losses to save costs, reduce labor intensity and improve production conditions of farmers. 7 References [1] Yang, Wang Chunsheng, Su Hoon Lee, et al. Alpine region mechanized cultivation of rice seeding rate on rice in different disk seedling quality and yield [J]. RICE, 2006 (5) :27-29. [2] Xia item. On the mechanization of rice cultivation techniques [J]. Agricultural Equipment & Technology, 2006,32 (4): 14. [3] Wang Zhongyou, Xu Lianxi. Friendship Farm Mechanization of Rice Cultivation Experience [J]. Modernization of agriculture, 2001 (1) :37-39. [4] Zhong-ping, cabbage, Chen Chuan, et al. City of Rice Development serve organization of [J]. Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2007,35 (7) :2104-2105. 水稻机械抛秧栽培技术摘要主要论述了水稻机械抛秧栽培技术,包括整地、育苗、抛秧密度与时间、抛秧前准备、抛秧机操作、抛秧后田间管理等内容,对推广和普及水稻机械抛秧技术、解决当前水稻旱育苗人工插秧工效低、成本高等问题具有一定的指导作用。 关键词水稻;机械抛秧;整地;育苗;抛秧机操作;抛后管理 水稻机械抛秧是实现水稻秧苗移栽的主要方法之一,具有生产成本低、效率高、灵活简单、适应范围广和分蘖早、返青快、低节位分蘖、根系发达、生长旺盛、通风透光好、有效成穗数多、产量高、经济效益显著等特点。另外,小型风力水稻抛秧机可一机多用,既能抛秧又能喷洒农药,可作为一个理想的植保机械使用,机械利用率高。为了使广大农民更好地掌握水稻机械抛秧技术,现将笔者多年来的实践经验及理论探讨加以总结,以期为该技术的更好发展奠定基础。 1整地 采用机械旋耕或机械翻耙的方法进行整地,要求耙透、磨细、整平,并深埋秸草(秆),做到田平、泥活、泥细,呈瓜皮水状态,田表面成泥浆状[1]。同一地块要达到高低不过寸,寸水不露泥,地表干净无杂物。将耕整好的秧田沉淀10~48 h,一般砂壤田沉淀10~24 h,黑黏土沉淀30~48 h。如果不经过沉淀,秧苗抛入田里后,秧苗会随活泥被吸入泥里,影响秧苗生长和低位分蘖。沉淀要始终保持田面有水,抛秧是以寸水为宜,过深容易漂秧,过浅或无水,不利于秧苗定植,之后始终保持寸水,切勿晒干田。 2育苗 水稻机械抛秧必须使用钵盘育苗,钵盘以434孔为最佳。配制好营养土,除加入保证秧苗生长的氮、磷、钾肥外,还要添加适量的矮壮素;育苗土配置要有一定黏度,最好加入20%左右黄土,以防止抛秧时秧苗土团散落[2]。播种后秧盘表面覆土要刮净,避免连根。抛秧前一天苗床浇水即增加土坨重量,又不会使秧苗过湿,有利抛秧,拔苗时将连根苗分开[3],拔下秧苗后装入丝带,每带装盘数做到心中有数,以便按大田面积抛秧。要求秧苗高度8~15 cm,一般为3叶1心,秧龄在20~25 d较为适宜。秧苗土钵含水率应为40%~60%,手指挤压不散碎为宜。秧苗根部带泥,泥要有一定的黏性,形成泥坨,便于抛出和秧苗着泥直立。秧苗质量要达到叶色深绿、健壮、长势均匀,白根缠绕,无病害、并且有弹性[4]。 3抛秧密度与时间 水稻靠有效分蘖增产,不能过多增加穴数,栽植过密容易造成通风透光不好,影响分蘖率,茎秆细软,遇风容易倒伏,造成减产。机械抛秧时要注意将定量秧苗抛撒均匀,稻田畦埂周边可适当加密。以434孔钵体盘为例,按水田行株距9 cm×4 cm计算,应抛入550盘/hm2为宜;按水田行株距9 cm×6 cm计算,应抛入400盘/hm2为宜。根据作物品种和各地实际情况确定。适时抛秧是抛秧成败的关键,不同土壤耕地后沉淀时间不同,过软过硬,都不利抛秧,一般是耙后沉淀10~24 h即可抛秧。简易确定抛秧时间就是将秧苗举过头顶,松手落下秧苗,秧苗土坨入土2/3部分为最佳时间。抛秧宁早勿晚,根据各地土壤条件灵活掌握。 4抛秧前准备 背负式气流水稻抛秧机的抛秧原理是利用发动机高速旋转时产生的强大风力气流,经通风管连接在储秧盘的圆弧形抛秧槽上,靠强劲风动气流将秧苗抛出,然后按抛物线飞行,当秧苗飞到最高点时,往下作自由落体运动。由于秧苗根部带有泥坨较重,秧苗着泥后,自由定植直立。抛秧前先检查发动机与储秧盘的连接支承架、通风管是否连接可靠,按规定比例将汽油和机油进行均匀混合,比例为20∶1;然后加入油箱,在加油时必须保持加油用具干净卫生,并远离火源。严禁操作人员打火吸烟,以防止火灾发生。启动发动机待运转正常后,进行试抛,根据实际需要调整好储秧盘抛射仰角度。大风天不能抛,原则上在三级风即应停止抛秧;下雨天不能抛秧;水层过深不能抛,应立即排水,到寸水不漏泥方可抛秧;沉淀时间过长,地板结不能抛秧;秧苗过高不抛秧。一般秧苗控制在10 cm最佳,超过12 cm时应将苗尖切除一部分,然后再抛秧。 5抛秧机操作 抛秧机作业时,一般采用梭形行走法。在无风的天气,应根据田块形状决定行走方向;如遇有风天气,应尽量顺风向平行作业,以便提高抛秧的均匀度。启动发动机时,先将风门打开1/2,待启动后再全部打开。严禁猛轰油门,以防造成拉缸事故。在开始抛秧作业前,尽量将储秧盘装足,然后根据田块大小调整好抛射距离和高度,加大油门,两手相互配合连续不断地将秧苗输送到储秧盘的圆弧形抛秧槽内。在一般情况下将储秧盘仰角调整为45°左右较为适宜。近距离抛秧或田块较小时,可采用减小油门的方法进行抛秧作业。操作手也可适当加大或减少喂入量来调整秧苗稀密程度。随时注意观察秧苗飞行方向和着落点,尽量达到稀密均匀,合乎农艺高产技术要求。有风天,应顺风抛秧,逆风补秧;利用油门控制先抛远处,然后再抛近处;少拨快送,就是每次拨苗要少,拨动速度要快,这样会使抛秧更加均匀;抛秧时要求第1遍抛秧稍稀,然后再补抛1次,这样会更均匀。 6抛秧后田间管理 抛秧后倾斜苗无需扶正,人工扶秧反而会影响秧苗扎根,尤其是抛秧后2~3 d,人工扶秧苗则会加重损伤秧苗,造成新生根折断。抛秧后始终保持田面寸水即可,7~10 d为扎根立苗期,要特别注意田间水层管理,以瓜皮水为宜;如遇降雨,田面水层过深要及时排放[5]。扎根立苗后喷施封地农药,其他田间管理按常规进行即可。 7参考文献 [1] 王振洪,张丽辉.水稻软盘育秧及抛秧技术[J].中国农村小康科技,2008(5):28-29. [2] 周丽芳,毛盛河,王小明,等.水稻免耕抛秧技术[J].内蒙古农业科技,2007(6):115-117. [3] 乔长虹,王彬.水稻机械抛秧技术[J].农机使用与维修,2008(5):89. [4] 栾静,张雪保,杨平,等.郑州沿黄稻区水稻盘育抛秧栽培技术[J].河南农业科学,2006(7):30-31. [5] 吴勇贤.有机水稻栽培技术[J].北方水稻,2010(1):41-43.

321 评论


The thermodynamic calculation is the basis of the compressor calculation. With the help of the compressor-aided design system, the ordinary compressor is able to speed up its progress in calculation, which in turn reasonablizes the design; while the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor caused errors or inaccuracy when pictures are retrieved by hand and figures are not best chosen. It is towards this problem that the compressor-aided design system for the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor is made by digitalizing all the pictures and figures. This system will simplize the calculating process of the thermodynamic non-oil lubrication compressor, enable to select data on line, retrieve pictures and figures intelligently, output, save and print them and improve the accuracy and reliability of the calculating parameters as well.Key words:compressor , thermodynamic calculation, aided design system, non-oil

237 评论


Calculation of thermodynamic calculation is the basis of the compressor. General the calculation of the compressor in heat-aided design systems have a compressor to help would greatly speed up the design process so that a more rational design. Compressor lubricating oil and has no thermodynamic calculation, the calculation in manual access map errors, data are not consistent with the calculation of the selected request, the result of incorrect calculations or inaccurate. At present there is no response to any oil-lubricated compressor-assisted calculation system. By the calculation of the required number of charts, prepared without oil lubricated compressor Thermodynamics-aided design system, simplifies the success of any oil-lubricated compressor thermodynamic calculation process, the realization of the data required to calculate the line selection, Chaturvedi smart look-up table, the output of data, save and print, and to improve the accuracy of the calculation parameters and reliability.Key words thermal calculation compressor oil-free-aided design system希望能帮到你

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