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Biosensors in food, medicine, environmental testing and many other fields have a wide range of applications, in recent years, the development of increasingly sophisticated。One of many biosensor for immunization on clinical research, it can significantly shorten the testing time, and easy to operate and difficult to pollution。The main thesis of this study the clinical diagnosis of hepatitis B virus immunosensor preparation, the use of sparse matrix (-SH) can form a stable with the Au-S bond, fixed at first thiourea on gold electrode, and then the use of cross-linking agent glyoxal hepatitis B antibody (HBsAb) fixed on the electrode to form the monolayer, made for the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) Immunosensor current。Through cyclic voltammetry to examine the electrochemical properties of electrodes. The sensor produced a simple, convenient operation, short response time, high sensitivity, can be used to detect hepatitis B surface antigen。Studies have shown that the sensor detection range of 5-200ug / L, detection limit is 0.1 ug / L。

327 评论


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344 评论


With the development of knowledge economy, people's living standards have greatly improved, for health, led to the emergence of medical and health services and more strong, in vitro diagnostic reagents as an important part of medical supplies, has its enormous market potential, each production enterprises have mushroomed in all around the country, new products constantly, the domestic and international market, and the impact of this phase is associated with the lack of intellectual property. Using relevant legal economics, economics theory, is to study the legal theory and method of legal issues, it is not only related to relevant legal value has philosophical sense of legal theory, but also involves specific legal problems and almost all sectors, including intellectual property. Domestic law in introducing law of intellectual property economy class, but not involved in vitro diagnostic reagents, especially in the field of intellectual property law analysis is almost zero. This paper explains economic growth and intellectual property rights of economic relations between in vitro diagnostic reagents, intellectual property, the existing social cost and benefit the necessity and restrictive in three aspects for intellectual property protection and the use of in vitro diagnostic reagents and urgency of the problem, and reveals the in vitro diagnostic reagents fields of intellectual property law system, and puts forward the practical requirements for future improvement suggestion, the rationality of in vitro diagnostic reagents in intellectual property related legal system, and provides the reference for future studies.Objective: HBeAg quantitative detection in chronic hepatitis b antiviral treatment has important scientific significance and economic value, the graduation topic selection, guangzhou was antibody engineering technology Co., LTD. Is developed "hepatitis b virus e antigen (HBeAg) quantitatively kit (time-resolved immunofluorescence)", through the representative for a certain amount of research, clinical samples to assess the clinical application of test, and its effectiveness and safety to provide important basis. Methods: according to the clinical diagnostic reagents clinical research technique guiding principles for design, according to the design of clinical epidemiology, randomized controlled "three principles" and the blind, the design of the test results and diagnostic kits and re-checked results compared to assess the clinical application of kit. Results: the testing results and comparison of diagnostic kits and review kit, sensitivity achieved respectively, specificity of reco-very and 99.7%, for 100% on 0.988 index of 0.997 and greatly, and + LR, consistent 0.10 - LR less rate 99.3%, kappa value and 99.8 per cent for 0.986 (P < 0.05), and the correlation coefficient r = 0.930 (P = 0.00). Conclusion: the kit, accurate, reliable and stable, safe, convenient with high value of clinical applications.

223 评论


Biosensors, which have evolved gradually in recent years, have a bright application prospect in various fields such as foods, medicine, environment monitoring, etc. Among those biosensors, the immunology sensors, which are widely applied in clinical research, are capable of reducing test time significantly, besides, they are easily handled and not vulnerable to contamination. This article mainly focused on the preparation of the immunosensors for the clinical diagnosis of HBV. Utilizing the stable Au-S bond formed by the Mercapto group and gold, thiourea was bonded to the gold electrode, in subsequent steps, glyoxal crosslinker was utilized to bone HBsAb to the electrode, forming a monolayer. Thus, an amperometric immunosensor was prepared for the detection of HbsAg and the electrochemical properties of the electrode were examined by the cyclic voltammetry method. The abovementioned sensor, which is of short response time and high sensitivity, is easy to prepare and operate for the detection of HbsAg. Further research proves that the sensor has a detection range of 5-200ug/L, and a detection limit of 0.1ug/L. PS:请仔细核对专业名词。。。

208 评论



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