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234 评论


编译 | 未玖

Nature , 11 February 2021, VOL 590, ISSUE 7845

《自然》 2021年2月11日,第590卷,7845期

物理学 Physics

A quantum enhanced search for dark matter axions 量子增强搜索暗物质轴子 作者:K. M. Backes, D. A. Palken, S. Al Kenany, B. M. Brubaker, S. B. Cahn, A. Droster, et al. 链接: 摘要 在暗物质轴子搜索中,量子不确定性表现为一个基本噪声源,限制了用于探测的正交可观测值的测量。对暗物质的研究很少接近这个极限,到目前为止也无人超越。研究组利用真空压缩来突破量子极限寻找暗物质。通过制备一个压缩状态下的微波频率电磁场,并以近乎无噪声的方式读出压缩正交曲线,研究组可在质量范围内将轴子的搜索速度提高一倍。在16.96-17.12和17.14-17.28微伏的轴子剩余能量窗口中,研究组没有发现暗物质存在的证据。突破量子极限带来了一个基础物理 探索 的时代,与接近量子极限的收益递减相比,降噪技术将带来极大益处。

A universal 3D imaging sensor on a silicon photonics platform 基于硅光子学平台的通用三维成像传感器 作者:Christopher Rogers, Alexander Y. Piggott, David J. Thomson, Robert F. Wiser, Ion E. Opris, Steven A. Fortune, et al. 链接: 摘要 精确的三维(3D)成像对于机器绘制地图和与物理世界交互至关重要。由于难以为每个像素提供电子和光子连接,以前的系统限制在20个像素以下。研究组演示了一个由512个像素组成的大规模相干探测器阵列在3D成像系统中的操作。利用光子和电子电路单片集成的最新进展,将密集的光学外差探测器阵列与集成的电子读出结构相结合,可直接扩展到任意大的阵列。双轴固态光束转向消除了视野和距离之间的任何权衡。在量子噪声极限下,研究组的系统仅使用4毫瓦的光时,在75米的距离可达到3.1毫米的精度,比现有固态系统在该距离内的精度高出一个数量级。未来使用最先进的组件缩小像素尺寸,可为消费者相机传感器大小的阵列提供超过2000万像素的分辨率。该研究成果为低成本、紧凑和高性能的3D成像相机的开发和普及铺平了道路,这些相机可应用于从机器人技术和自主导航到增强现实和医疗保健等领域。

材料科学 Materials Science

Tunable strongly coupled superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene 魔角扭曲三层石墨烯中可调谐的强耦合超导 作者:Jeong Min Park, Yuan Cao, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi & Pablo Jarillo-Herrero 链接: 摘要 魔角扭曲双层石墨烯仍然是唯一一种可重现强超导性的体系。研究组在魔角扭曲三层石墨烯(MATTG)中实现了莫尔超导体,它比魔角扭曲双层石墨烯具有更好的电子结构和超导性能。测量霍尔效应和量子振荡作为密度和电场的函数,研究组能够确定系统在正常金属状态下的可调谐相界。零磁场电阻率测量表明,超导性的存在与每个莫尔晶胞中两个载流子所形成的破缺对称相密切相关。研究组发现超导相被抑制,并被限制在部分环绕着破缺对称相的范霍夫奇点处,这很难与弱耦合Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer理论相吻合。此外,该系统广泛的原位可调谐性使其能够达到超强耦合状态,其特征是金兹堡-朗道相干长度达到平均粒子间距离,以及非常大的TBKT/TF值,超过0.1。观察结果表明,MATTG可电调谐至接近二维玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的交叉点。研究结果建立了一系列可调谐莫尔超导体,它们有可能彻底改变人们对强耦合超导的基本认识和应用。

Facile route to bulk ultrafine-grain steels for high strength and ductility 一种大规模制备高强度高塑性超细晶钢的简易方法 作者:Junheng Gao, Suihe Jiang, Huairuo Zhang, Yuhe Huang, Dikai Guan, Yidong Xu, et al. 链接: 摘要 亚微米晶粒尺寸的钢通常具有较高的韧性和强度,这使其在轻量化技术和节能战略方面具有广阔的应用前景。迄今为止,超细晶(UFG)合金的工业制备通常依赖于扩散相变的控制,因此仅限于制备奥氏体-铁素体相变的钢。此外,这些UFG钢有限的加工硬化和均匀延伸阻碍了其广泛应用。研究组报道了一种在Fe-22Mn-0.6C孪晶诱导塑性钢中大量制备UFG结构的简易方法,即通过微量铜合金化,以及30秒内相干无序富Cu相的晶内纳米析出控制再结晶过程。快速而大量的纳米析出不仅阻止了新的亚微米级再结晶晶粒的生长,而且还通过齐纳钉扎机制提高了所获得的UFG结构的热稳定性。此外,由于析出相完全的相干性和无序性,在载荷条件下,析出相与位错的相互作用较弱。这种方法能够制备晶粒尺寸为800 400纳米的完全再结晶UFG结构,而不会引入有害的晶格缺陷,如脆性颗粒和晶界偏析。与未添加Cu的钢相比,UFG结构的屈服强度提高了一倍,达到710兆帕左右,均匀延展性为45%,抗拉强度为2000兆帕左右。这种晶粒细化的概念亦可扩展到其他合金系统,并且制造工艺较易应用到现有的工业生产线。

Thermally reconfigurable monoclinic nematic colloidal fluids 热可重构单斜向列相胶体液 作者:Haridas Mundoor, Jin-Sheng Wu, Henricus H. Wensink & Ivan I. Smalyukh 链接: 摘要 迄今为止,除简单结构外,具有很少或没有对称操作的结构已被证明仅是固体的一种性质,而不是它们的完全流体凝聚态对应物的性质,尽管这种对称性在理论上被考虑并在磁胶体中被观察到。研究组证明了在由分子棒组成的向列相主体中分散高各向异性的带电胶体盘,为观察许多低对称相提供了一个平台。根据盘的温度、浓度和表面电荷,研究组发现向列相、近晶相和柱状组织的对称性从单轴转向正交和单斜。随着温度的升高,研究组观察到了从低序状态到高序状态、以及重入相的异常转变。最重要的是,研究组证明了可重构单斜相胶体向列相序的存在,以及低对称性自组装的热控制和磁控制的可能性。研究组的实验结果得到了向列相主体中圆盘间胶体相互作用的理论模型的支持,并有望为在具有不同形状和尺寸的构建块的系统中实现许多低对称凝聚相及其技术应用提供一条途径。

化学 Chemistry

Complex structures arising from the self-assembly of a simple organic salt 简单有机盐自组装形成的复杂结构 作者:Riccardo Montis, Luca Fusaro, Andrea Falqui, Michael B. Hursthouse, Nikolay Tumanov, Simon J. Coles, et al. 链接: 摘要 虽然分子自组装已经被广泛研究,但理解控制这种现象的规则仍具有挑战性。研究组报道了一种简单的氨吡啶盐酸盐结晶为四种不同的结构,其中两种采用了不寻常的自组装组成了氯离子和吡啶离子的多面体团簇。这两种结构代表了刚性有机小分子的Frank–Kasper(FK)相。尽管FK相在60多年前就已在金属合金中发现,但最近已在几类超分子软物质和金纳米晶体超晶格中观察到FK相,并持续至今。在这些体系中,原子或分子的球形组件被组装成配位数为12、14、15或16的多面体。该文报道的两种FK结构是从致密液相结晶出来的,显示出一种在刚性有机小分子中通常无法观察到的复杂性。通过低温电子显微镜对前驱体致密液相的研究,揭示了球形聚集体的存在,其尺寸在1.5到4.6纳米之间。这些结构,连同用于制备它们的实验程序,引起了人们对其形成的有趣猜测,并为有机晶体材料的设计开辟了不同的视角。

195 评论


编译 冯维维

Nature , 22 April 2021, Volume 592 Issue 7855

《自然》 2021年4月22日,第592卷,7855期



All-sky dynamical response of the Galactic halo to the Large Magellanic Cloud


作者:Charlie Conroy, Rohan P. Naidu, Nicolás Garavito-Camargo, Gurtina Besla, Dennis Zaritsky, Ana Bonaca & Benjamin D. Johnson







Abstract: Gravitational interactions between the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the stellar and dark matter halo of the Milky Way are expected to give rise to disequilibrium phenomena in the outer Milky Way. A local wake is predicted to trail the orbit of the LMC, and a large-scale overdensity is predicted to exist across a large area of the northern Galactic hemisphere. Here we report the detection of both the local wake and northern overdensity in a map of the Galaxy based on 1,301 stars at Galactocentric distances between 60 and 100 kiloparsecs. The detection of a strong local wake is independent evidence that the Magellanic clouds are on their first orbit around the Milky Way. These data demonstrate that the outer halo is not in dynamical equilibrium, as is often assumed. The morphology and strength of the wake could be used to test the nature of dark matter and gravity.

High-entropy ejecta plumes in Cassiopeia A from neutrino-driven convection


作者:Toshiki Sato, Keiichi Maeda, Shigehiro Nagataki, Takashi Yoshida, Brian Grefenstette, Brian J. Williams, Hideyuki Umeda, Masaomi Ono & John P. Hughes







Recent multi-dimensional simulations suggest that high-entropy buoyant plumes help massive stars to explode. Outwardly protruding iron (Fe)-rich fingers of gas in the galactic supernova remnant Cassiopeia A seem to match this picture. Here we report observations of such elements—stable titanium (Ti) and chromium (Cr)—at a confidence level greater than 5 standard deviations in the shocked high-velocity Fe-rich ejecta of Cassiopeia A. We found that the observed Ti/Fe and Cr/Fe mass ratios require α-rich freeze out, providing evidence of the existence of the high-entropy ejecta plumes that boosted the shock wave at explosion. The metal composition of the plumes agrees well with predictions for strongly neutrino-processed proton-rich ejecta. These results support the operation of the convective supernova engine via neutrino heating in the supernova that produced Cassiopeia A.


Physics & Chemistry

Multistable inflatable origami structures at the metre scale


作者:David Melancon, Benjamin Gorissen, Carlos J. García-Mora, Chuck Hoberman & Katia Bertoldi



从 体育 场罩到太阳帆,人们依靠可展开性来设计大型结构,这些结构可以迅速压缩到其体积的一小部分。




From stadium covers to solar sails, we rely on deployability for the design of large-scale structures that can quickly compress to a fraction of their size. Here we draw inspiration from origami to design rigid-walled deployable structures that are multistable and inflatable. Guided by geometric analyses and experiments, we create a library of bistable origami shapes that can be deployed through a single fluidic pressure input. We then combine these units to build functional structures at the metre scale, such as arches and emergency shelters, providing a direct route for building large-scale inflatable systems that lock in place after deployment and offer a robust enclosure through their stiff faces.

A single-molecule van der Waals compass


作者:Boyuan Shen, Xiao Chen, Huiqiu Wang, Hao Xiong, Eric G. T. Bosch, Ivan Lazić, Dali Cai, Weizhong Qian, Shifeng Jin, Xin Liu, Yu Han & Fei Wei









Single-molecule imaging is challenging but highly beneficial for investigating intermolecular interactions at the molecular level. Van der Waals interactions at the sub-nanometre scale strongly influence various molecular behaviours under confinement conditions. Inspired by the traditional compass, here we use a para-xylene molecule as a rotating pointer to detect the host–guest van der Waals interactions in the straight channel of the MFI-type zeolite framework. We use integrated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy to achieve real-space imaging of a single para-xylene molecule in each channel. A good correlation between the orientation of the single-molecule pointer and the atomic structure of the channel is established by combining the results of calculations and imaging studies. The orientations of para-xylene help us to identify changes in the van der Waals interactions, which are related to the channel geometry in both spatial and temporal dimensions. This work not only provides a visible and sensitive means to investigate host–guest van der Waals interactions in porous materials at the molecular level, but also encourages the further study of other single-molecule behaviours using electron microscopy techniques.

A highly stable and flexible zeolite electrolyte solid-state Li–air battery


作者:Xiwen Chi, Malin Li, Jiancheng Di, Pu Bai, Lina Song, Xiaoxue Wang, Fei Li, Shuang Liang, Jijing Xu & Jihong Yu




然而,传统的固体电解质不适合在固态锂-空气系统中使用,因为它们对锂金属和/或空气不稳定,而且难以构建低电阻界面。作者提出了一个集成固态锂空气电池,包含一个超薄,高离子导电锂离子交换沸石X (LiX)膜作为唯一的固体电解质。





Solid-state lithium (Li)–air batteries are recognized as a next-generation solution for energy storage to address the safety and electrochemical stability issues that are encountered in liquid battery systems. However, conventional solid electrolytes are unsuitable for use in solid-state Li–air systems owing to their instability towards lithium metal and/or air, as well as the difficulty in constructing low-resistance interfaces5. Here we present an integrated solid-state Li–air battery that contains an ultrathin, high-ion-conductive lithium-ion-exchanged zeolite X (LiX) membrane as the sole solid electrolyte. This electrolyte is integrated with cast lithium as the anode and carbon nanotubes as the cathode using an in situ assembly strategy. Owing to the intrinsic chemical stability of the zeolite, degeneration of the electrolyte from the effects of lithium or air is effectively suppressed. The battery has a capacity of 12,020 milliamp hours per gram of carbon nanotubes, and has a cycle life of 149 cycles at a current density of 500 milliamps per gram and at a capacity of 1,000 milliamp hours per gram. This cycle life is greater than those of batteries based on lithium aluminium germanium phosphate (12 cycles) and organic electrolytes (102 cycles) under the same conditions. The electrochemical performance, flexibility and stability of zeolite-based Li–air batteries confer practical applicability that could extend to other energy-storage systems, such as Li–ion, Na–air and Na–ion batteries.


Climate & Ecology

Equity is more important for the social cost of methane than climate uncertainty

对于甲烷的 社会 成本而言,公平比气候不确定性更重要

作者:Frank C. Errickson, Klaus Keller, William D. Collins, Vivek Srikrishnan & David Anthoff



甲烷的 社会 成本(SC- CH4 )衡量的是向大气中排放一吨甲烷所造成的 社会 福利的经济损失。这种评估可能反过来用于成本效益分析或为气候政策提供信息。作者通过结合最近对甲烷辐射强迫计算的25%的向上修正,结合校准的简化全球气候模型和综合评估模型(IAMs),估计了SC- CH4 。他们对SC- CH4 的多模型平均估计是在高排放情景下每吨CH4933美元,与基于美国联邦政府使用的气候不确定性框架的估计相比减少了22%。在低排放情景下(RCP 2.6),他们的多模型估计平均每吨 CH4 减少到710美元。作者表示,较紧的平衡气候敏感性估计加上先前忽略的气候模型不确定参数之间关系的影响,降低了这些估计。将研究结果扩展到考虑 社会 对公平的关注,得出的SC- CH4 估计在低收入和高收入地区之间相差超过一个数量级。作者对美国的平均加权估计增加到每吨 CH4 8290美元,而对撒哈拉以南非洲的估计减少到每吨 CH4 134美元。


The social cost of methane (SC- CH4 ) measures the economic loss of welfare caused by emitting one tonne of methane into the atmosphere. Here we estimate the SC- CH4 by incorporating the recent upward revision of 25 per cent to calculations of the radiative forcing of methane, combined with calibrated reduced-form global climate models and an ensemble of integrated assessment models (IAMs). Our multi-model mean estimate for the SC- CH4 is US$933 per tonne of CH4 under a high-emissions scenario, a 22 per cent decrease compared to estimates based on the climate uncertainty framework used by the US federal government. Under a low-emissions scenario (RCP 2.6), our multi-model mean decreases to US$710 per tonne of CH4 . Tightened equilibrium climate sensitivity estimates paired with the effect of previously neglected relationships between uncertain parameters of the climate model lower these estimates. Extending our results to account for societal concerns about equity produces SC- CH4 estimates that differ by more than an order of magnitude between low- and high-income regions. Our central equity-weighted estimate for the USA increases to US$8,290 per tonne of CH4 whereas our estimate for sub-Saharan Africa decreases to US$134 per tonne of CH4 .

High and rising economic costs of biological invasions worldwide


作者:Christophe Diagne, Boris Leroy, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, David Roiz, Ivan Jarić, Jean-Michel Salles, Corey J. A. Bradshaw & Franck Courchamp



生物入侵造成了生物多样性的大幅度下降,以及与管理这些入侵相关的 社会 经济损失和资金支出。InvaCost数据库使世界范围内生物入侵货币成本的综合数据能够可靠、全面、标准化和易于更新。





Biological invasions are responsible for substantial biopersity declines as well as high economic losses to society and monetary expenditures associated with the management of these invasions. The InvaCost database has enabled the generation of a reliable, comprehensive, standardized and easily updatable synthesis of the monetary costs of biological invasions worldwide. Here we found that the total reported costs of invasions reached a minimum of US$1.288 trillion (2017 US dollars) over the past few decades (1970–2017), with an annual mean cost of US$26.8 billion. Moreover, we estimate that the annual mean cost could reach US$162.7 billion in 2017. These costs remain strongly underestimated and do not show any sign of slowing down, exhibiting a consistent threefold increase per decade. We show that the documented costs are widely distributed and have strong gaps at regional and taxonomic scales, with damage costs being an order of magnitude higher than management expenditures. Research approaches that document the costs of biological invasions need to be further improved. Nonetheless, our findings call for the implementation of consistent management actions and international policy agreements that aim to reduce the burden of invasive alien species.

222 评论


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