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我公司生产的 磷酸二酯酶Phosphodiesterase 磷酸二酯酶 PhosphodiesteraseCAS#:9025-82-5蛇毒来源:江浙蝮蛇 (Agkistrodon halys)简介:属于非特异性核酸外切酶,以DNR、RNA为底物,水解DNA、RNA上磷酸二酯键;底物3,-必须含有游离羟基(3,-OH),水解时从3,-端开始逐一水解,生成5,-核苷酸。用途:核酸序列分析。 (产品质量标准)产品名称 磷酸二酯酶 来源 江浙蝮蛇 外观 白色冻干粉 分子量 约110kDa 纯度 ≥90% 生物活性 磷酸二酯酶 I 能从3'-端羟基-核糖-和 核糖-聚核苷酸中水解5'-单核苷酸。 该酶被广泛用作核酸结构和序列分析的工具酶 酶活性 ≥ 单位/mg 蛋白质 单位定义 在pH ,37 °C条件下,一单位每分钟.能水解 μmole硝基苯 磷酸盐 贮存温度 −20°C. 保存期限 24个月 注意事项 本产品仅供实验室研究 使用

339 评论


cAMP磷酸二酯酶抑制剂 cAMP phosphodiestrerase inhibitors 一类能抑制cAMP磷酸二酯酶活性的化合物,是一类具有新机理的强心药。 cAMP磷酸二酯酶是在与Ca2+结合的钙调素激活下分解环腺苷酸的酶。cAMP磷酸二酯酶抑制剂能抑制心肌和血管平滑肌细胞内的第三型磷酸二酯酶的活性,使细胞内cAMP含量增加,从而增强心肌收缩,扩张外周血管,改善心力衰竭病人的血流动力学。 临床短期使用对急性心力衰竭有明显疗效,但长期使用则引起不良后果。根据对不同亚型的cAMP磷酸二酯酶的亲和力,可分成非选择性抑制剂和选择性抑制剂。

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3',5'-环核苷酸磷酸二酯酶[](简称PDE),在生物体内有重要的生化功能。它可水解环核苷酸为5'-核苷酸,并与核苷酸环化酶共同维持细胞内环核苷酸水平。根据性质的不同PDE分为多种形式,但总的可分为两大类:依赖于Ca(上标 2+)的PDE,可被钙调蛋白激活;不依赖于Ca(上标 2+)的PDE,不被钙调蛋白激活。开展对环核苷酸、钙调蛋白及药物杀虫机理的研究都需要分离制备这两类不同形式的PDE。本实验以新鲜的猪心为材料制备分离出这两种PDE,并进行了活性分析。 环核苷酸磷酸二酯酶(PDE)有五类同工酶,它们的结构相似,但各具有不同的生化特性及生理功能,它们的调节方式亦各异。目前开发的许多选择性PDE同工酶抑制剂有可能成为平喘药、强心药、血管扩张药、抗血栓药与抗抑郁药。

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(1)酶促反应动力学(kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions)是研究酶促反应速度及其影响因素的科学。这些因素主要包括酶的浓度、底物的浓度、pH、温度、抑制剂和激活剂等。Kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions is to study the factors that affect the speed of the chemical reaction including the enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, PH, temperature , inhibitor and activator etc. (2) Years of research at DSM allowed its scientists a unique technical insight into the activity of oenological yeast and enzymes and how they can improve specific aspects of a wine's profile. Developed by winemaking experts in close contact with leading oenological universities and institutes, the company produces and supplies a complete range of specially designed wine biotechnology ingredients for selected oenological applications. They have thus developed enzymes and tested enzymatic activity to specifically improve wine quality. Whether producing bulk or super premium wines, these enzymes, wine yeasts and fermentation aids provide solutions tailored to any winemaking style. Rapidase Glucalees, for example, is an effective new enzyme which has the ability to optimize filtration and enhance ageing on lees, and improving the clarification and mouthfeel of wine. “With an in-depth knowledge of grape, wine and yeast constitution, DSM has been able to select the optimum spectrum of enzymatic activities for Rapidase Glucalees, a preparation associating β-glucanases and pectinase,” said Céline Fauveau, product application specialist, DSM Food Specialties. ß-glucans are present in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell walls or found in wines when grapes are affected by Botritis cinerea, the fungus responsible for noble or gray rot. B. cinerea polysaccharides interact with other wine components to increase viscosity and block filtration. However, the hydrolysis of S. cerevisiae cell walls releases numerous compounds into the wine which have positive effects on its stability and organoleptic profile. “The financial benefits of this enzymatic preparation are noteworthy,” continued Fauveau, “as the savings observed in filtration largely exceed the cost of the enzymatic treatment. In ageing on lees, the use of Rapidase Glucalees provides superior results in 3 to 6 weeks compared to many months of traditional ageing, as it allows a greater yield of mannoproteins than would be extracted even after years of ageing on lees.”

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