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1A DNA polymerase is an enzyme that catalyzes the polymerization of deoxyribonucleotides into a DNA strand. DNA polymerases are best-known for their role in DNA replication, in which the polymerase "reads" an intact DNA strand as a template and uses it to synthesize the new strand. The newly-polymerized molecule is complementary to the template strand and identical to the template's original partner strand. DNA polymerases use a magnesium ion for catalytic polymerase can add free nucleotides to only the 3’ end of the newly-forming strand. This results in elongation of the new strand in a 5'-3' direction. No known DNA polymerase is able to begin a new chain (de novo). DNA polymerase can add a nucleotide onto only a preexisting 3'-OH group, and, therefore, needs a primer at which it can add the first nucleotide. Primers consist of RNA and DNA bases with the first two bases always being RNA, and are synthesized by another enzyme called primase. An enzyme known as a helicase is required to unwind DNA from a double-strand structure to a single-strand structure to facilitate replication of each strand consistent with the semiconservative model of DNA correction is a property of some, but not all, DNA polymerases. This process corrects mistakes in newly-synthesized DNA. When an incorrect base pair is recognized, DNA polymerase reverses its direction by one base pair of DNA. The 3'->5' exonuclease activity of the enzyme allows the incorrect base pair to be excised (this activity is known as proofreading). Following base excision, the polymerase can re-insert the correct base and replication can polymerases have highly-conserved structure, which means that their overall catalytic subunits vary, on a whole, very little from species to species. Conserved structures usually indicate important, irreplicable functions of the cell, the maintenance of which provides evolutionary viruses also encode special DNA polymerases, such as Hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase. These may selectively replicate viral DNA through a variety of mechanisms. Retroviruses encode an unusual DNA polymerase called reverse transcriptase, which is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (RdDp). It polymerizes DNA from a template of polymerase (EC ) is an enzyme whose central function is associated with polymers of nucleic acids such as RNA and DNA. The primary function of a polymerase is the polymerization of new DNA or RNA against an existing DNA or RNA template in the processes of replication and transcription. In association with a cluster of other enzymes and proteins, they take nucleotides from solvent, and catalyse the synthesis of a polynucleotide sequence against a nucleotide template strand using base-pairing is an accident of history that the enzymes responsible for the catalytic production of other biopolymers are not also referred to as particular polymerase, from the thermophilic bacterium, Thermus aquaticus (Taq) (PDB 1BGX, EC ) is of vital commercial importance due to its use in the polymerase chain reaction, a widely-used technique of molecular well-known polymerases include:Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TDT), which lends diversity to antibody heavy chains Reverse Transcriptase, an enzyme used by RNA retroviruses like HIV, which is used to create a complementary strand to the preexisting strand of viral RNA before it can be integrated into the DNA of the host cell. It is also a major target for antiviral drugs. 3RNA polymerase (RNAP or RNApol) is an enzyme that produces RNA. In cells, RNAP is needed for constructing RNA chains from DNA genes as templates, a process called transcription. RNA polymerase enzymes are essential to life and are found in all organisms and many viruses. In chemical terms, RNAP is a nucleotidyl transferase that polymerizes ribonucleotides at the 3' end of an RNA of the process of gene transcription affects patterns of gene expression and, thereby, allows a cell to adapt to a changing environment, perform specialized roles within an organism, and maintain basic metabolic processes necessary for survival. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the activity of RNAP is both complex and highly regulated. In Escherichia coli bacteria, more than 100 transcription factors have been identified, which modify the activity of can initiate transcription at specific DNA sequences known as promoters. It then produces an RNA chain, which is complementary to the template DNA strand. The process of adding nucleotides to the RNA strand is known as elongation; In eukaryotes, RNAP can build chains as long as million nucleosides (the full length of the dystrophin gene). RNAP will preferentially release its RNA transcript at specific DNA sequences encoded at the end of genes known as of RNAP include:Messenger RNA (mRNA)—template for the synthesis of proteins by ribosomes. Non-coding RNA or "RNA genes"—a broad class of genes that encode RNA that is not translated into protein. The most prominent examples of RNA genes are transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), both of which are involved in the process of translation. However, since the late 1990s, many new RNA genes have been found, and thus RNA genes may play a much more significant role than previously thought. Transfer RNA (tRNA)—transfers specific amino acids to growing polypeptide chains at the ribosomal site of protein synthesis during translation Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)—a component of ribosomes Micro RNA—regulates gene activity Catalytic RNA (Ribozyme)—enzymatically active RNA molecules RNAP accomplishes de novo synthesis. It is able to do this because specific interactions with the initiating nucleotide hold RNAP rigidly in place, facilitating chemical attack on the incoming nucleotide. Such specific interactions explain why RNAP prefers to start transcripts with ATP (followed by GTP, UTP, and then CTP). In contrast to DNA polymerase, RNAP includes helicase activity, therefore no separate enzyme is needed to unwind and initiationRNA Polymerase binding in prokaryotes involves the α subunit recognizing the upstream element (-40 to -70 base pairs) in DNA, as well as the σ factor recognizing the -10 to -35 region. There are numerous σ factors that regulate gene expression. For example, σ70 is expressed under normal conditions and allows RNAP binding to house-keeping genes, while σ32 elicits RNAP binding to heat-shock binding to the DNA, the RNA polymerase switches from a closed complex to an open complex. This change involves the separation of the DNA strands to form an unwound section of DNA of approximately 13 bp. Ribonucleotides are base-paired to the template DNA strand, according to Watson-Crick base-pairing interactions. Supercoiling plays an important part in polymerase activity because of the unwinding and rewinding of DNA. Because regions of DNA in front of RNAP are unwound, there is compensatory positive supercoils. Regions behind RNAP are rewound and negative supercoils are present. ElongationTranscription elongation involves the further addition of ribonucleotides and the change of the open complex to the transcriptional complex. RNAP cannot start forming full length transcripts because of its strong binding to promoter. Transcription at this stage primarily results in short RNA fragments of around 9 bp in a process known as abortive transcription. Once the RNAP starts forming longer transcripts it clears the promoter. At this point, the -10 to -35 promoter region is disrupted, and the σ factor falls off RNAP. This allows the rest of the RNAP complex to move forward, as the σ factor held the RNAP complex in 17-bp transcriptional complex has an 8-bp DNA-RNA hybrid, that is, 8 base-pairs involve the RNA transcript bound to the DNA template strand. As transcription progresses, ribonucleotides are added to the 3' end of the RNA transcript and the RNAP complex moves along the DNA. Although RNAP does not seem to have the 3'exonuclease activity that characterizes the proofreading activity found in DNA polymerase, there is evidence of that RNAP will halt at mismatched base-pairs and correct addition of ribonucleotides to the RNA transcript has a very similar mechanism to DNA polymerization - it is believed that these polymerases are evolutionarily related. Aspartyl (asp) residues in the RNAP will hold onto Mg2+ ions, which will, in turn, coordinate the phosphates of the ribonucleotides. The first Mg2+ will hold onto the α-phosphate of the NTP to be added. This allows the nucleophilic attack of the 3'OH from the RNA transcript, adding an additional NTP to the chain. The second Mg2+ will hold onto the pyrophosphate of the NTP. The overall reaction equation is:(NMP)n + NTP --> (NMP)n+1 + PPi TerminationTermination of RNA transcription can be rho-independent or rho-dependent:Rho-independent transcription termination is the termination of transcription without the aid of the rho protein. Transcription of a palindromic region of DNA causes the formation of a hairpin structure from the RNA transcription looping and binding upon itself. This hairpin structure is often rich in G-C base-pairs, making it more stable than the DNA-RNA hybrid itself. As a result, the 8bp DNA-RNA hybrid in the transcription complex shifts to a 4bp hybrid. These last 4 base-pairs are weak A-U base-pairs, and the entire RNA transcript will fall off

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[1] 袁勤生. 应用酶学[M]. 上海: 华东理工大学出版社,1994.[2]Nair S U,Singhal R S,Kamat M Y.Induction of pullulanase production in Bacillus cereus FDTA 213 [J].Biores.Technol. ,2007,98( 4) : 856 -859.[3]Park H S,Park J T,Kang H K,et al. .TreX from sulfolobus solfataricus ATCC 35092 displays isoamylase and 4-alphaglucanotransferase activities[J].Biosci.Biotechol.Biochem. ,2007,71( 5) : 1348 -1352.[4] 乔宇, 丁宏标 , 王海燕, 常敏. 普鲁兰酶的研究进展[J]. 生物技术进展2011 年第1 卷第3 期189 ~194.普鲁兰酶是一种在低pH值下应用的热稳定脱支酶,与糖化酶一起使用,可由液化淀粉浆来生产高葡萄糖浆和高麦芽糖浆。这是一种由经过基因工程改造的地衣芽胞杆菌制得的酶。该酶在高温酸性下稳定,并可水解液化淀粉中的α—1.6—D糖苷键而产生包含(1,4-α-D)葡糖键的直链多聚糖。此酶符合联合国粮农组织(FAO)/世界卫生组织(WHO)及食品化学药典(FCC)所推荐的食品级酶制剂。在美国,被认为是可以放心使用产品。 名称 普鲁兰酶 其他名称 茁酶多糖酶 来源 微生物(产气杆 菌等) 作用键 水解支链淀粉和糖原等分支点的α—1, 6 糖苷键 底物 支链淀粉, 普鲁兰糖 产物 麦芽三糖, 麦芽糖 该酶在55~65℃范围内活性较强, 其中60℃为其降解普鲁兰糖的最适温度。普鲁兰酶在低于70℃时稳定性较好, 残余活力在90%以上, 温度高于70℃后, 酶活力开始迅速下降。最适pH 值为。在pH 值 范围内, 普鲁兰酶稳定性较高, 活力损失较少, 酶的残余活力在90%以上。Fe3+对普鲁兰酶活性有激活作用;Cu2+、Ag+ 、Hg2+、Pb2+对酶活性有强烈的抑制作用;Zn2+、Mg2+、Ni2+也有一定的抑制作用,其他金属离子对该酶活性影响不明显。普鲁兰酶与其他淀粉酶协同作用或单独作用, 使食品质量提高,降低粮耗,节约成本,减少污染。普鲁兰酶能分解支链的特性决定了他在食品工业中的广泛应用,已成为淀粉酶制剂中一个很有前途的新品种,具有广阔的开发和应用前景,其在食品工业中的应用研究也将日趋广泛和深入,目前国际上普鲁兰酶的工业化生产被丹麦垄断,我国仅局限于实验室研究,且酶活较低,所以开发普鲁兰酶对食品加工领域具有重要的工业价值。

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