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引用名词可在后面加that, to do或wh词,通常用名词或形容词引述的时候,不会用到原文,而是用自己的话来描述被引用的观点事实

1. 当遇到acknowldgement, advice, allegation, announcement, answer, argument, comment, decision, explanation, forecast, guarantee, indication, observation, promise, recommendation, reply, speculation, statement, suggestion, threat, warning,用名词+that从句的形式,且that通常不能省略。

例:The claim is often made that smoking causes heart disease.

The jury came to the conclusion that the woman was guilty.

2. 遇到名词decison, invitation, encouragement, instruction, order, promise, recommendation, refusal, threat, warning,通常用名词+to do从句,其中部分名词后面也可以跟that从句

例: I accept Luisa's invitation to visit her in Rome.

He gave me every encouragement to take up painting again.

They carried out their threat to dismiss workers on strike. (或...their threat that tehy would dismiss workers on strike.)

遇到名词question, issue, explanation, discussion, problem时,用名词+wh从句,且名词后通常加of

例:Juan raised the question of when the money would be collected.

Our previous meeting looked at the issue of how to increase income.

以上很多名词还可以在后面+as to+wh从句或as to+wh词+to do来引出问题或话题,as to也可以被对应的介词替代

例: She asked my advice as to what subject she should study at university. (或...advice on...)

There was some discussion as to whether the price included tax or not. (或...discussion of...)

Before we left we gave them strict instructions as to how to cook it. (或者...about how to...)


1. 引述某人的感受或观点时可以用形容词+that从句,此类形容词除以下例句还有adamant, agreed, angry, annoyed, grateful, insistent, sure

例:The builders are certain that they'll be finished by the end of next week.

2. 表示不确定的形容词后跟wh从句,这类形容词除以下例句还有doubtful(通常跟wheter),uncertain, not certain, unsure

例:Scientists aren't sure where the remains of the satellite will land.

3. 某些形容词后面通常跟介词+名词短语,这类形容词又apologetic, comlimentary, insulting, tactful(+about), dismissive, scornful(+of), abusive, sympathetic(+to/towards)

例:Today's newspapers are very critical of the President's decision to appoint Mr Walters.

175 评论


一、英文论文的标题一篇较长的英文论文(如英文毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。如果该篇英文论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为(论文其他部分行距同此)。就学生而言,如果英文论文篇幅较短,亦可不做标题页(及提纲页),而将标题页的内容打在正文第一页的左上方。第一行为作者姓名,与打印纸顶端距离约为,以下各行依次为教师学衔和姓、课程编号(或名称)及日期;各行左边上下对齐,并留出左右的页边空白(下同)。接下来便是论文标题及正文(日期与标题之间及标题与正文第一行之间只需隔行打印,不必留出更多空白)。二、英文论文提纲英文论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出。各数字或字母后均为一句点,空出一格后再打该项内容的第一个字母;处于同一等级的纲目,其上下行左边必须对齐。需要注意的是,同等重要的纲目必须是两个以上,即:有Ⅰ应有Ⅱ,有A应有B,以此类推。如果英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码)。三、英文论文正文有标题页和提纲页的英文论文,其正文第一页的规范格式为:论文标题居中,其位置距打印纸顶端约5cm,距正文第一行约。段首字母须缩进五格,即从第六格打起。正文第一页不必标页码(但应计算其页数),自第二页起,必须在每页的右上角(即空出第一行,在其后部)打上论文作者的姓,空一格后再用阿拉伯数字标出页码;阿拉伯数字(或其最后一位)应为该行的最后一个空格。在打印正文时尚需注意标点符号的打印格式,即:句末号(句号、问号及感叹号)后应空两格,其他标点符号后则空一格。四、英文论文的文中引述正确引用作品原文或专家、学者的论述是写好英文论文的重要环节;既要注意引述与论文的有机统一,即其逻辑性,又要注意引述格式 (即英文论文参考文献)的规范性。引述别人的观点,可以直接引用,也可以间接引用。无论采用何种方式,论文作者必须注明所引文字的作者和出处。目前美国学术界通行的做法是在引文后以圆括弧形式注明引文作者及出处。现针对文中引述的不同情况,将部分规范格式分述如下。1.若引文不足三行,则可将引文有机地融合在论文中。如:The divorce of Arnold's personal desire from his inheritance results in “the familiar picture of Victorian man alone in an alien universe”(Roper9).这里,圆括弧中的Roper为引文作者的姓(不必注出全名);阿拉伯数字为引文出处的页码(不要写成);作者姓与页码之间需空一格,但不需任何标点符号;句号应置于第二个圆括弧后。2.被引述的文字如果超过三行,则应将引文与论文文字分开,如下例所示:Whitman has proved himself an eminent democratic representative and precursor, and his “Democratic Vistas” is an admirable and characteristic diatribe. And if one is sorry that in it Whitman is unable to conceive the extreme crises of society, one is certain that no society would be tolerable whoses citizens could not find refreshment in its buoyant democratic idealism.(Chase 165)这里的格式有两点要加以注意。一是引文各行距英文论文的左边第一个字母十个空格,即应从第十一格打起;二是引文不需加引号,末尾的句号应标在最后一个词后。3.如需在引文中插注,对某些词语加以解释,则要使用方括号(不可用圆括弧)。如: points out that“he [Charles Darw in] has been an important factor in the debate between evolutionary theory and biblical creationism”(9).值得注意的是,本例中引文作者的姓已出现在引导句中,故圆括弧中只需注明引文出处的页码即可。4.如果拟引用的文字中有与论文无关的词语需要删除,则需用省略号。如果省略号出现在引文中则用三个点,如出现在引文末,则用四个点,最后一点表示句号,置于第二个圆括弧后(一般说来,应避免在引文开头使用省略号);点与字母之间,或点与点之间都需空一格。如:Mary Shelley hated tyranny and“looked upon the poor as pathetic victims of the social system and upon the rich and highborn...with undisguised scorn and contempt...(Nitchie 43).5.若引文出自一部多卷书,除注明作者姓和页码外,还需注明卷号。如:Professor Chen Jia's A History of English Literature aimed to give Chinese readers“a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20thcentury”(Chen,1:i).圆括弧里的1为卷号,小写罗马数字i为页码,说明引文出自第1卷序言(引言、序言、导言等多使用小写的罗马数字标明页码)。此外,书名 A History of English Literature 下划了线;规范的格式是:书名,包括以成书形式出版的作品名(如《失乐园》)均需划线,或用斜体字;其他作品,如诗歌、散文、短篇小说等的标题则以双引号标出,如“To Autumn”及前面出现的“Democratic Vistas”等。6.如果英文论文中引用了同一作者的两篇或两篇以上的作品,除注明引文作者及页码外,还要注明作品名。如:Bacon condemned Platoas“an obstacle to science”(Farrington, Philosophy 35).Farrington points out that Aristotle's father Nicomachus, a physician, probably trained his son in medicine(Aristotle 15).这两个例子分别引用了Farrington的两部著作,故在各自的圆括弧中分别注出所引用的书名,以免混淆。两部作品名均为缩写形式(如书名太长,在圆括弧中加以注明时均需使用缩写形式),其全名分别为 Founder of Scientific Philosophy 及The Philosophy of Francis Baconand Aristotle。7.评析诗歌常需引用原诗句,其引用格式如下例所示。When Beowulf dives upwards through the water and reaches the surface, “The surging waves, great tracts of water, / were all cleansed...”().这里,被引用的诗句以斜线号隔开,斜线号与前后字母及标点符号间均需空一格;圆括弧中小写的1是line的缩写;21不必写成1621。如果引用的诗句超过三行,仍需将引用的诗句与论文文字分开(参见第四项第2点内容)。五、英文论文的文献目录论文作者在正文之后必须提供论文中全部引文的详细出版情况,即文献目录页。美国高校一般称此页为 Works Cited,其格式须注意下列几点:1.目录页应与正文分开,另页打印,置于正文之后。2.目录页应视为英文论文的一页,按论文页码的顺序在其右上角标明论文作者的姓和页码;如果条目较多,不止一页,则第一页不必标出作者姓和页码(但必须计算页数),其余各页仍按顺序标明作者姓和页码。标题Works Cited与打印纸顶端的距离约为,与第一条目中第一行的距离仍为;各条目之间及各行之间的距离亦为,不必留出更多空白。3.各条目内容顺序分别为作者姓、名、作品名、出版社名称、出版地、出版年份及起止页码等;各条目应严格按各作者姓的首字母顺序排列,但不要给各条目编码,也不必将书条与杂志、期刊等条目分列。4.各条目第一行需顶格打印,回行时均需缩进五格,以将该条目与其他条目区分开来。现将部分较为特殊的条目分列如下,并略加说明,供读者参考。Two or More Books by the Same Author Brooks, Cleanth. Fundamentals of Good Writing: A Handbook of Modern Rhetoric. NewYork: Harcourt, Hidden God: Studies in Hemingway, Faulkner, Yeats, Eliot, and Warren. New Haven: Yale UP,1963.引用同一作者的多部著作,只需在第一条目中注明该作者姓名,余下各条目则以三条连字符及一句点代替该作者姓名;各条目须按书名的第一个词(冠词除外)的字母顺序排列。An Author with an Editor Shake speare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Ed. Louis B. Wright. New York: Washington Square, 1959.本条目将作者 Shakespeare 的姓名排在前面,而将编者姓名(不颠倒)放在后面,表明引文出自 The Tragedy of Macbeth;如果引文出自编者写的序言、导言等,则需将编者姓名置前,如:Blackmur, Richard . The Art of the Novel: Critical Prefaces. By Henry James. New York: Scribner's, .如果引言与著作为同一人所写,则其格式如下例所示(By后只需注明作者姓即可):Emery, Donald. Preface. English Fundamentals. By Emery. London: Macmillan, . A Multivolume WorkBrowne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed. Geoffrey Keynes. 4 vols. London: Faber, , Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed. Geoffrey Keynes. . London: Faber, 1928. 4 vols.第一条目表明该著作共4卷,而论文作者使用了各卷内容;第二条目则表明论文作者只使用了第2卷中的内容。A Selection from an Anthology Abram, M. H.“English Romanticism: The Spirit of the Age.” Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. New York: Columbia UP,.被引用的英文论文名须用引号标出,并注意将英文论文名后的句点置于引号内。条目末尾必须注明该文在选集中的起止页码。Articles in Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers Otto, Mary L.“Child Abuse: Group Treatment for Parents.” Personnel and Guidance Journal 62(1984): 336-48.报刊杂志名需划线,但其后不需任何标点符号。62为卷号或期号,如既有卷号,又有期号,则要将二者以句号分开。如:();1984为出版年份,应置于圆括弧中。Arnold, Marilgn.“Willa Cather's Nostalgia: A Study in Ambivalance.”Research Studies .月刊或双月刊须同时注明出版年月;23-24,28表示该文的前一部分刊于第23和24两页,后一部分则转至第28页。Gorney, Cynthia.“When the Gorilla Speaks.”Washington Post 31 July,1985:B1.引用日报上的英文论文必须同时注明报纸出版的年、月、日。B1为该文在报纸中的版面及页码。

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一、英语论文的文中引述正确引用作品原文或专家、学者的论述是写好英语论文的重要环节;既要注意引述与论文的有机统一,即其逻辑性,又要注意引述格式 (即英语论文参考文献)的规范性。引述别人的观点,可以直接引用,也可以间接引用。无论采用何种方式,论文作者必须注明所引文字的作者和出处。目前美国学术界通行的做法是在引文后以圆括弧形式注明引文作者及出处。现针对文中引述的不同情况,将部分规范格式分述如下。1.若引文不足三行,则可将引文有机地融合在论文中。如:The divorce of Arnold's personal desire from his inheritance results in “the familiar picture of Victorian man alone in an alien universe”(Roper9). 这里,圆括弧中的Roper为引文作者的姓(不必注出全名);阿拉伯数字为引文出处的页码(不要写成);作者姓与页码之间需空一格,但不需任何标点符号;句号应置于第二个圆括弧后。2.被引述的文字如果超过三行,则应将引文与论文文字分开,如下例所示:Whitman has proved himself an eminent democratic representative and precursor, and his “Democratic Vistas”is an admirable and characteristicdiatribe. And if one is sorry that in itWhitman is unable to conceive theextreme crises of society, one is certainthat no society would be tolerable whosescitizens could not find refreshment in itsbuoyant democratic idealism.(Chase 165) 这里的格式有两点要加以注意。一是引文各行距英语论文的左边第一个字母十个空格,即应从第十一格打起;二是引文不需加引号,末尾的句号应标在最后一个词后。3.如需在引文中插注,对某些词语加以解释,则要使用方括号(不可用圆括弧)。如: points out that“he [Charles Darw in] has been an important factor in the debate between evolutionary theory and biblical creationism”(9).值得注意的是,本例中引文作者的姓已出现在引导句中,故圆括弧中只需注明引文出处的页码即可。4.如果拟引用的文字中有与论文无关的词语需要删除,则需用省略号。如果省略号出现在引文中则用三个点,如出现在引文末,则用四个点,最后一点表示句号,置于第二个圆括弧后(一般说来,应避免在引文开头使用省略号);点与字母之间,或点与点之间都需空一格。如:Mary Shelley hated tyranny and“looked upon the poor as pathetic victims of the social system and upon the rich and highborn...with undisguised scorn and contempt...(Nitchie 43).5.若引文出自一部多卷书,除注明作者姓和页码外,还需注明卷号。如:Professor Chen Jia's A History of English Literature aimed to give Chinese readers“a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20thcentury”(Chen,1:i).圆括弧里的1为卷号,小写罗马数字i为页码,说明引文出自第1卷序言(引言、序言、导言等多使用小写的罗马数字标明页码)。此外,书名 A History of English Literature 下划了线;规范的格式是:书名,包括以成书形式出版的作品名(如《失乐园》)均需划线,或用斜体字;其他作品,如诗歌、散文、短篇小说等的标题则以双引号标出,如“To Autumn”及前面出现的“Democratic Vistas”等。6.如果英语论文中引用了同一作者的两篇或两篇以上的作品,除注明引文作者及页码外,还要注明作品名。如:Bacon condemned Platoas“an obstacle to science”(Farrington, Philosophy 35).Farrington points out that Aristotle's father Nicomachus, a physician, probably trained his son in medicine(Aristotle 15).这两个例子分别引用了Farrington的两部著作,故在各自的圆括弧中分别注出所引用的书名,以免混淆。两部作品名均为缩写形式(如书名太长,在圆括弧中加以注明时均需使用缩写形式),其全名分别为 Founder of Scientific Philosophy 及 The Philosophy of Francis Baconand Aristotle。7.评析诗歌常需引用原诗句,其引用格式如下例所示。When Beowulf dives upwards through the water and reaches the surface,“The surging waves, great tracts of water, / were all cleansed...”().这里,被引用的诗句以斜线号隔开,斜线号与前后字母及标点符号间均需空一格;圆括弧中小写的1是line的缩写;21不必写成1621。如果引用的诗句超过三行,仍需将引用的诗句与论文文字分开(参见第四项第2点内容)。二、英语论文的文献目录论文作者在正文之后必须提供论文中全部引文的详细出版情况,即文献目录页。美国高校一般称此页为 Works Cited, 其格式须注意下列几点:1.目录页应与正文分开,另页打印,置于正文之后。2.目录页应视为英语论文的一页,按论文页码的顺序在其右上角标明论文作者的姓和页码;如果条目较多,不止一页,则第一页不必标出作者姓和页码(但必须计算页数),其余各页仍按顺序标明作者姓和页码。标题Works Cited与打印纸顶端的距离约为,与第一条目中第一行的距离仍为;各条目之间及各行之间的距离亦为,不必留出更多空白。3.各条目内容顺序分别为作者姓、名、作品名、出版社名称、出版地、出版年份及起止页码等;各条目应严格按各作者姓的首字母顺序排列,但不要给各条目编码,也不必将书条与杂志、期刊等条目分列。4.各条目第一行需顶格打印,回行时均需缩进五格,以将该条目与其他条目区分开来。现将部分较为特殊的条目分列如下,并略加说明,供读者参考。Two or More Books by the Same Author Brooks, Cleanth. Fundamentals of Good Writing: A Handbook of Modern Rhetoric. NewYork: Harcourt, Hidden God: Studies in Hemingway, Faulkner, Yeats,Eliot, and Warren. New Haven: Yale UP,1963.引用同一作者的多部著作,只需在第一条目中注明该作者姓名,余下各条目则以三条连字符及一句点代替该作者姓名;各条目须按书名的第一个词(冠词除外)的字母顺序排列。An Author with an EditorShake speare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Ed. Louis . New York: Washington Square, 1959.本条目将作者 Shakespeare 的姓名排在前面,而将编者姓名(不颠倒)放在后面,表明引文出自 The Tragedy of Macbeth;如果引文出自编者写的序言、导言等,则需将编者姓名置前,如:Blackmur, Richard . The Art of the Novel:Critical Prefaces. By Henry James. New York: Scribner's,i-xxxix.如果引言与著作为同一人所写,则其格式如下例所示(By后只需注明作者姓即可):Emery, Donald. Preface. English Fundamentals. By : Macmillan, Multivolume WorkBrowne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Keynes. 4 vols. London: Faber, , Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Keynes. . London: Faber, 1928. 4 vols. 第一条目表明该著作共4卷,而论文作者使用了各卷内容;第二条目则表明论文作者只使用了第2卷中的内容。A Selection from an AnthologyAbram, M. H.“English Romanticism: The Spirit of the Age.”Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. NewYork: Columbia UP,.被引用的英语论文名须用引号标出,并注意将英语论文名后的句点置于引号内。条目末尾必须注明该文在选集中的起止页码。Articles in Journals, Magazines, and NewspapersOtto, Mary L.“Child Abuse: Group Treatment for Parents.”Personnel and Guidance Journal 62(1984): 336-48.报刊杂志名需划线,但其后不需任何标点符号。62为卷号或期号,如既有卷号,又有期号,则要将二者以句号分开。如:();1984为出版年份,应置于圆括弧中。Arnold, Marilgn.“Willa Cather's Nostalgia: A Study inAmbivalance.”Research Studies .月刊或双月刊须同时注明出版年月;23-24,28表示该文的前一部分刊于第23和24两页,后一部分则转至第28页。Gorney, Cynthia.“When the Gorilla Speaks.”Washington Post31 July,1985:B1.

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参阅网页:约翰 弥尔顿的《失乐园》Paradise Lost Bridges' Analysis of Milton's Later Work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John Milton's Paradise Lost, by looking at the changes in Milton's practice with ... Bridges' Analysis of Milton's Later Work. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... 网页: Relaxation of the Rules of Elision - The Prosody and Rhythm of Samson Agonistes - Inversions of the first two feet '_Analysis_of_Milton's_Later_Work参考资料:'_Analysis_of_Milton's_Later_Work

309 评论


I am from America. Hope this helps!Paradise Lost is the famous epic by 17th-century English poet John Milton. Published in 1667, the poem tells the story of Satan's rebellion against God, his expulsion from Heaven along with the rest of the rebel angels, and how he tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and fall from grace (hence the title). Its sequel, Paradise Regained, tells the story of Jesus' temptation in the wilderness by Satan and how he resisted the Devil's blandishments, thereby passing on humanity's behalf the test which Adam and Eve failed. Paradise Lost is an epic in every sense of the word: vast and ambitious in scope, powerful and moving in its language, vivid in its depictions, its plot proceeding inevitably from the first couple's initial bliss to their ultimate tragic fall. Milton's Satan is one of the most three-dimensional characters in anything I have ever read. As a work of fiction, it is superb. However, as a depiction of actual events, I find it not just false, but unacceptable. Though inadvertently, Milton's work has almost perfectly enumerated the reasons why I am not a Christian, to wit: its infinitely unjust conception of infinite punishment for finite sins; its inexplicably incompetent deity who allows his omnipotent will to be so easily thwarted; its flagrant and revolting sexism in repeatedly styling women the inferior of men in every respect; its anti-humanistic outlook that values blind faith and obedience and denigrates knowledge and understanding; and the many logical contradictions inherent in the Christian system. I can appreciate its artistic merit, but I wholeheartedly reject its viewed as two parts of a whole, Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained give a very consistent message. That message is this: Doubt is evil. Critical thinking is evil. Reason is to be denied and denigrated. Seeking to understand the world is at best unprofitable and pointless and at worst a straight road to eternal torment. Instead, virtue consists of absolute obedience and blind belief: as Satan mused, ignorance is indeed "the proof of [our] obedience and [our] faith". As has been noted, the arguments given by Satan in these books make sense, more so than the replies. Why should God have let the devils out of Hell when the only purpose that served was to allow them to drag others down to damnation? Why should God value ignorance and envy those who gain knowledge? Yet we are not to give these arguments any serious consideration; the appropriate response is to dismiss them out of hand. In Milton's theology, moral goodness consists of rejecting the desire to learn, ignoring all contrary arguments, and when doubt arises, overcoming it by redoubling one's belief. For those who do seek to question and learn, the story of others who did the same and fell into misery for it - bringing upon us all the misery that anyone has ever experienced in the process - is presented as a cautionary tale. The message is as subtle as a sledgehammer blow. As human beings, we should all be appalled by this kind of willfully ignorant superstition. Our rational, reasoning mind is the most precious thing we possess, and used in the right ways, it can achieve astounding things. In the centuries that have passed since Milton first set pen to paper, the previously inconceivable advances we have made as a result of our dedicated quest to understand the universe through science more than vindicate the humanist philosophy and discredit anti-intellectualism such as this. Even Milton's own epic shows that knowledge is superior to ignorance. Raphael's long monologue telling Adam who and what Satan is and warning against listening to him does not appear in Genesis. Is this Milton's tacit admission that in the Eden story as written, God is left culpable by not providing humanity with sufficient warning? Has it occurred to him that Adam and Eve's enforced ignorance was the very thing that made them so vulnerable to Satan's guile? Even in an epic where the author offers himself ample opportunity for apologetics and self-justification, the logical problems with this theology shine through. God's defenses of his actions are insufficient, and Jesus' responses to Satan's arguments are often patently weak and flawed, but Milton always depicts Satan as being stung and left overwhelmed and speechless by them. Of course, in real debates against knowledgeable opponents where the outcomes cannot be so easily scripted and controlled, Christian apologists rarely fare as well. I am aware that not all Christians believe the same as John Milton. I realize that many reject the doctrines of the inequality of women, condemnation for honest questioning, and the literal interpretation of Genesis altogether. I applaud this courage, but it cannot be denied that many of these ideas are explicitly taught in the Bible. The solution is not merely to discard them and retain belief in the rest of the Bible - the solution is to set the Bible and its anti-humanistic claims aside entirely. There was no past Paradise from which we fell for the crime of wanting to understand the world. There is no future Hell awaiting those who dare to question and think for themselves. There is nothing for an honest investigator to fear. We are not fallen, we are not sinners, we are not wretches. We are human beings, all equal, and when we finally awake from the mythological dreams of our past, we will know and understand the much brighter light of the world as it truly is - and in that understanding lie the true keys to an earthly paradise.

168 评论


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    你列举的感觉并不是引述句啊,引述一般都是要用你的话把别人的话转一道。你列的不就是直接引用吗 引用句有时会直接引用名词和形容词 引述名词 引用名词可在后面加tha

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    小葛先森 3人参与回答 2023-12-08