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Now the humanity already started to transform the nature, the artificial selection had already replaced the `natural selection ', the humanity may the species which does not like casual one kind of top the `harmful insect ', the `weed '. And declared that wants them, except that. The humanity and other species are the same, is the natural biology, but not god product. The natural selection, its executor was in the nature species, between the species mutual diversion only then causes to choose the possibility, choice another intention is lets all species maintains the competitiveness, maintained the improved seed. Superior win and the inferior wash out forever is the natural first choice. Therefore, the artificial selection is also the natural selection one kind. In very long before competes is refers to between the species and the species carries on. Now this kind of competition has been monopolized by the humanity, the humanity already high became in the nature most to have the competitive species.

214 评论


这个好像不能发那麼多字的文章呀Humanity when consciousness daybreak time, discovered that oneself must receive the natural control, since said that must adapt the nature, therefore he wants to break through this kind of condition. This is possesses is entrusted with the self-awareness the biology general character. 10000 years ago to the present, humanity continuously in toward this goal advance, but now already was one kind of altitude, has achieved one kind of level.

189 评论


CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each country. If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit framework. In contrast, private companies in the . are not required to comply with public company GAAP. Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the . must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company marketplace. Survey research in the . indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit effective. In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP. While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the . Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of variousprivatecompanystakeholders. The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the .结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。如果公共和私人公司有相同的财务报告的要求,在许多国家,并在此基础上,需要IASB进行为独立的私人公司公认会计准则的称义在适当的财政框架。相比之下,私营企业在美国也不需要符合上市公司一般公认会计原则。鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求. variousprivatecompanystakeholders微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国

160 评论


口语学习的提高就是坚持每天多说英语 我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天卞英语还行 课程是帮我量身制定的,我觉得介格还是不错的 这样的学习也应该能够提供给你很大的进步,我就进步很多了;挫折并不可怕,而且挫折是人生的必修课,所以我们应该正视挫折。我们不仅不应该害怕挫折,反而应该感谢挫折,你想想看,是不是挫折使你明白生命的内涵?他告诉我们生活的八字真诀:正视、不屈、沉着、奋进。挫折是福:顺境中人们看到的是鲜花和笑脸,然而,习惯于喜悦侵润的心灵往往承受不起打击的负荷,只有迎向挫折,尝遍人间酸甜苦辣,感受世态冷暖炎凉,才能有更多一层对生活的领悟,更了解人生的真谛。塞翁失马,焉知非福!碰到挫折不要畏惧,不要厌恶,从某方面说,挫折对我们来说是一件历练意志的好事,惟有挫折与困境才能使一个人变得坚强,变得无故。挫折可以锻炼我们克服困难的种种能力,森林中的大树,不同暴风骤雨搏击过千百回,树干就不会长得十分结实,人不遭遇种种挫折,其人,本领就不会走向成熟,一切的磨难忧苦与悲哀,都足以帮助我们成长,锻炼我们。挫折足以燃起一个人的热情,唤醒一个人的潜力,而使他达到成功,有本领,有骨气的人,能将“失望”变成“动力”像蚌壳那样,将烦恼的沙烁化成珍珠。挫折和失败都是成功的向导。挫折也是一所人生的好学校,挫折是一所每个人都必须经历的学校,在这所学校里,将学会怎样做人,你将学会独立思考,怎样选择,这一切都决定你一生的命运。心理学家认为:对挫折的体验,能培养人从容应付风险的能力,一旦发现自己能在风险中挺过来,对失败的恐惧就更少了。不经历风雨怎能见彩虹?没有失败的人生绝不是完美的人生,当你战胜失败时,你会对成功有更深的感悟,就是在这样一次次的感悟中,你走出了一个完美的人生。哲学家科林说:“不经历挫折,成功也只能是暂时的表象,只有历经挫折的磨难,成功才能像纯金一样发出光来。挫折并不可怕,可怕的是,经历了挫折却不知道总结挫折的教训,暂时的挫折不应该是消沉的原因,而应该是继续奋斗的起点。逃避挫折是解决不了问题的,最好的办法就是与挫折相处,不怕挫折,勇于面对他,接受他,并从挫折中吸取人生的经验和营养,从而使自己在不断经历和克服挫折的过程中逐渐成长,壮大,直至走向成功。我忠心希望你可以正视挫折,藐视挫折,勇敢的面对挫折,最终走向成功。为了自己的快乐,为了成功后的快乐,努力吧。加油。我们共同为了快乐而努力。

200 评论


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