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首页 > 学术期刊 > 经济学类论文英语摘要的对比研究

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Summary: West residents ' income gap in China is obvious, of moderate income gap is beneficial for economic growth and social stability, but beyond a certain limit can cause negative effects. This article in existing of theoretical basis and research of Foundation Shang, first on in recent years East Western area residents per capita income gap status and changes trend for intuitive analysis, then from East Western area in the select has representative of provinces data as sample, application multiple regression model for statistics analysis, select 1995-2008 years of per capita domestic economic production worth, and agricultural output accounted for than, and population by education degree, and Government financial expenditures, and import and export trade lines, related sample data for empirical analysis, last by analysis results came narrow income gap of views.Key words: per capita income gap per capita disposable income of regression analysis

357 评论


Analysis on the present situation and development approach of the chinese private enterprises's brand strategy---taking the Wangzhihe brand strategy for example.AbstractIn the world today,with the further development of the market economy,the quality and price competition among the enterprises are under-developed,instead,the enterprises' comprehensive qualities like the images and service level gradually become the competition spots,and the brand strategy is making a big difference in these competition.Concluding from the reality,most of the chinese private enterprises are lack of the perception towards the brand strategy,however,the good news is that some enterprises find the vast potential for future development by putting the brand strategy into practice,and the Beijing Wangzhihe food Holdings Limited is a good example.By taking the Wangzhihe for example as well as analyzing its brand strategy,the paper sums up experience and lessons,besides,important ways of completing the brand strategy are put forward in the paper as well.Keywords:brand strategy,Wangzhihe,private enterprise,way.希望能帮上你!!

187 评论


In the economic developing small and medium-sized enterprise plays a very important role. Help the growth of national economy, small and medium-sized enterprises at present has become the mainstay of scientific and technological progress and innovation, become the employment pressure relieve important channel. But in recent years sme financing channel is narrow, financing quantity, less financing structure unreasonable, financing costs is high, cause the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper analyzes the financing way of small and medium-sized enterprises, summarized the sme financing difficulty of financing environment situation and reasons, and then puts forward some solving countermeasures of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. 在经济发展中中小企业起着非常重要作用。 In the economic developing small and medium-sized enterprise plays a very important role. 有助于国民经济的增长,目前中小企业已经成为科技进步和创新的主力军,成为就业压力缓解的重要渠道。 Help the growth of national economy, small and medium-sized enterprises at present has become the mainstay of scientific and technological progress and innovation, become the employment pressure relieve important channel. 但是近些年中小企业融资渠道狭窄、融资数量少、融资结构不合理、融资成本高,造成中小企业融资困难。 But in recent years sme financing channel is narrow, financing quantity, less financing structure unreasonable, financing costs is high, cause the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. 本文对中小企业融资方式进行分析,总结出中小企业融资环境现状及融资难的原因,并提出相应解决中小企业融资难的对策。 This paper analyzes the financing way of small and medium-sized enterprises, summarized the sme financing difficulty of financing environment situation and reasons, and then puts forward some solving countermeasures of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. 希望能够帮到楼主、20分给我就好了

333 评论



131 评论


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