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首页 > 学术论文 > 国外教师工资与成效的研究论文

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仅供参考: Aiming at implementing the Compulsory Education Law, in December 2008, State Council approved the Guiding Instructions on Introduction of Performance Related Pay by Schools Providing Compsulory Education. State Council also decided that starting from 1 January 2009, teachers of all schools providing compulsory education are entitled to performance related pay. The decision is meant to ensure that average salary income of teachers are no less than that of local civil servants. The success of the campaign is dependent on whether such decision can be implemented and how performances can be evaluated scientifically. By studying ariched documents, interviewing and survey, the paper looks into the practices of performance appraisal in Y High School of Meizhou City from such aspects as who are the appraisers, what are the evaluation standards, and methods. After after a survey of most teachers in the school and interviewing some senior teachers, the author finds out some of the problems faced by schools in the rural area for the introduction of performance related pay. The author then comes up with some solutions and suggestions to improve the situations of performance related pay for teachers in rural area.

109 评论


亲随译的 你拿去检查修改下 看能不能将就用哈In order to implement Compulsary Education Law and insure the average salary of teachers not lower than the average salary of local public servants, the State Council has passed Directions on Teachers' Merit Pay of Compulsary School in Dec., 2008 and decided to carry it out since Jan. 1st, 2009. Whether the Merit Pay can be successfully put into practice or how to scientifically process the performance assessment has great influences on the result of carring out the Merit Pay. This article, by using approaches of reserching literatures, interviewing and investigating, and taking Y middle school in Mei Zhou as an example, gets to know the performance appraisals from aspect of this school's appraisers, appraisal index and methods. By investigating most teachers and interviewing several senior teachers, we found the problems when launching Merit Pay in rural middle shool in practice and had discussions about them, meanwhile putting forward possible solutions and suggestions, expecting improvement of the Merit Pay of rural area's teachers.

284 评论



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