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楼上的大多都是网络翻译过来的。语法都不正确!此论文涉及到专有名词,只有请你的同行高手翻译了。我用软件翻译了一下,效果一样很糟。我们是在无能为力!Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drugs. Xuesaitong major components for the PNS, with Huoxue casual addiction, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirm that the goods have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibiting platelet aggregation, lower blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, cerebral vascular hemorrhage after-effects, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. Through research Xuesaitong injection of pharmacological properties, clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee.

82 评论


肾内科 nephrology department肾内科医生: néphrologue;nephrologue例句吴开木:主任医师,教授,著名内分泌、肾内科专家,血液净化肾移植中心主任。Wu Binghuang: Famous expert of acupuncture in our country, former dean, professor, professor of treatment of the Acupuncture &Massage Department of Fujian college of traditional Chinese medicine.首先,在我刚接触肾内科的时候,就对它很感兴趣。俗话说,兴趣是第一任老师。First of all, when I first came into Nephrology at the time, I became interested in it right away.昨日,武汉市中医院肾内科医生王建华提醒说,服用过问题奶粉的宝宝可以试试中药促进排尿。Yesterday, the Chinese medicine hospital in Wuhan renal physician Wang Jianhua said that the issue had taken the baby milk powder can try traditional Chinese medicine to promote urination.

93 评论


The heart cerebrovascular disease has become the high morbidity, the thrombosis passes the inoculation fluid is one of hospital clinical care heart cerebrovascular disease's main medications. The thrombosis passes the principal constituent is 37 total soap glucoside, has invigorates the blood to disperse the hobby, promotes blood circulation the detachable effect. The pharmacology research confirmed that this has the enhancement crown arteries blood stream quantity, the expansion blood vessel, to reduce the arterial blood pressure, to reduce the cardiac muscle oxygen consumption capacity, to suppress the blood platelet accumulation, to reduce the blood viscosity function. Uses in the cerebrovascular disease including the acute anemic cerebrovascular disease, the blood vessel of brain hemorrhage sequela, the paralysis and disease's and so on retina the vein blocking treatments. passes the inoculation fluid through the research thrombosis the pharmacology property, the clinical practice, aspects and so on untoward effect and prevention measure, pass the inoculation fluid for the thrombosis the reasonable medication to provide the basis, provides the guarantee safely for the clinical medication. key word: The thrombosis passes the inoculation fluid, clinical practice, untoward effect, prevention measure

87 评论


Department of nephrology

242 评论


用得最多的是Urology Department(也解释为泌尿科)其次是nephrologie再次是Department of Nephrology

217 评论


您好!urology department

124 评论


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