Results � 2 181 cirrhotic patients with the infection rate of 101 cases of infection. infection rate was , of nosocomial infection. � infection sites were 101 cases of infection times for a total of 133 cases of infection occurred. 4 cases of which three infections, 24 cases of infection of two parts, one part of the remaining 73 cases of infection. By the frequency of infection sites were as follows : 59 cases of primary peritonitis time, 15 cases of intestinal infection. 12 cases of upper respiratory tract infection, bacteremia nine cases meeting, lung infection and pleurisy meeting of the eight cases. Biliary tract infection, urinary tract infection and oral infection five times, four cases of skin and soft tissue infections time, 3 cases of septic shock. � incidence of infection-related factors causing infection and liver function grades of Child - Section 101 cases of infection. A, B and C patients respectively 11 cases, 41 cases and 49 cases. 80 cases of non-infected group, A, B and C patients respectively 26 cases, 39 cases and 15 cases. Child-C infection in patients with cirrhosis group were significantly higher than non-infected patients. significant difference between the two groups (x2=, ) is shown in Table 1. � liver function Child-grade comparison group (X2) A B C Total infected groups of 11 (20. 6) 41 () 49 () 101 non-infected group, 26 () 39 ( ) 15 () 81 Total 37 80 64 181 Note : Theoretical data for the number of brackets (T) nosocomial infection and hospital stay time "in January. Ointment and "half of those on the incidence of nosocomial infection rates were , , . Cirrhotic patients at the hospital, "hospital occurred in January were significantly higher than the chances of infection" in January (P <) in Table 2. Nosocomial infections of the relationship between length of stay and hospital infection cases of infection "half 5 1 Ointment 3 , "January 31 nosocomial infections and 133 cases of invasive operation between infection , the number of patients with invasive operation in the first three places respectively : 25 cases of deep venous catheter infection received before the operation. 14 patients with abdominal paracentesis, four cases Thoracentesis. � add : pathogenic bacteria has been detected in the culture of Escherichia coli bacteria are : (ascites); aeruginosa (ascites); Klebsiella foul nose (blood, phlegm, bedsore pus), fungal prima Sisha (blood jugular vein cannulation), grape skin bacteria (sputum), Candida albicans (sputum, feces throat), Rumsfeld Xidixi bacteria (sputum). Staphylococcal ears (urine). � vesting who died 29 cases of infection occurred, the mortality rate for infected persons died in 2002 two cases did not occur. mortality rate of . The remaining 72 cases were infected in pathogen detection based on the rational use of antibiotics and protective, and diuretic therapy, etc., maintain a clean mouth and skin care benefit under both improved infection control discharged The average hospital stay was days for the few. No infection in the other 78 cases under treatment and care are reasonable discharged improved, the average length of stay was days. Mortality was significantly higher than non-infected patients with cirrhosis infected. (X2= ) Table 3 � infected and non-infected group compared mortality improvement in the number of death cases Total number of infected cases, 29 () 72 () 101 non-infected group 2 () 78 ( ) 80 Total 31 150 181 difference between the two groups is statistically significant
论文题目: 浅谈外伤性小肠破裂临床护理体会
摘要: 目的 探讨外伤性小肠破裂的临床护理措施。方法 回顾分析本院2006年1月至2009年1月90例外伤性小肠破裂病例,进行总结分析。结果 本组治愈65例,死亡7例,死亡原因:创伤性休克3例,感染性休克2例,多脏器功能性衰竭2例;并发切口感染8例,切口裂开4例,肠粘连3例,肠 瘘 2例,腹腔脓肿1例。结论 在处理小肠破裂的同时,要注意全身情况和进行必要的术前准备,包括止痛、输液、胃肠减压,早期使用抗生素,积极治疗合并伤。加强术后护理,防止术后并发症,才能使患者尽快早日康复。
关键词: 外伤性;小肠破裂; 护理
1 资料与方法
临床资料 本组病例选自我院2006年1月至2009年1月90例外伤性小肠破裂病例资料。其中男78例,女12例。年龄6~74岁。平均40岁;受伤至入院时间:~120 h。
创伤类型 开放性损伤35例,闭合性损伤55例;交通创伤62例,坠落伤12例,撞击伤6例,挤压伤8例,刀刺伤1例,爆炸伤1例.
损伤及合并伤 小肠破裂1处49例,2处21例,2处以上20例,空肠破裂20例,回肠破裂15例,空肠、回肠均破裂55例。合并其他脏器损伤32例。脾破裂17例,十二指肠破裂2例,胃破裂2例,结肠破裂2例,肝破裂3例,膀胱破裂并骨盆骨折1例,颅脑损伤3例,肋骨及四肢骨折2例。
临床表现及辅助检查 患者皆有不同程度的腹痛,伴腹胀62例,恶心、呕吐31例;有典型腹膜炎体征81例;腹腔穿刺检查,首穿阳性79例,复穿阳性40例。腹部X线平片,发现膈下游离气体30例,B型超声波检查阳性57例。
诊断依据 有明确的开放和闭合腹部外伤史;不同程度的腹痛,伴腹胀、恶心、呕吐;不同程度急性腹膜炎体征;腹腔穿刺检查阳性;腹部X线、B型超声波检查阳性。
确诊时间 3 h内确诊手术24例,3 h后确诊手术61例。5例是在受伤12 h后得到确诊。
2 治疗及结果
单纯肠修补62例,肠管部分切除端端吻合28例。对合并脏器伤进行手术,脾切除10例,脾修补7例,结肠修补2例,胃修补2例,膀胱修补1例,肝修补3例。术后放置腹腔引流。本组治愈65例,死亡7例,死亡原因:创伤性休克3例,感染性休克2例,多脏器功能性衰竭2例;并发切口感染8例,切口裂开4例,肠粘连3例,肠 瘘 2例,腹腔脓肿1例。
3 护理
基础护理 保持病室及空气清新,做好口腔护理及皮肤护理,保持床单清洁干燥,加强饮食指导;术后根据病情鼓励并协助患者做适当的活动,注意保暖,建议并帮助患者戒烟,严密观察病情;保持床铺整洁,无皱褶、渣屑,预防褥疮再发生。皮肤后涂搽龙胆紫,避免大小便污染;按摩足跟、背部受压部位,加强营养,保持床铺整洁,无皱褶、渣屑,预防褥疮再发生。
心理护理 护士要重视患者心理变化对疾病的影响,做好心理护理。建立良好的护患关系,对待患者积极热情,取得患者的信任。对患者的心理细心呵护,积极安抚,向患者讲解术后的恢复过程,使患者消除恐惧心理,以更好的接受治疗。
引流管护理 引流是为了将腹腔内的渗液排出体外,使残留的炎性反应得以局限、控制和吸收。妥善固定腹腔引流管,防止引流管折叠、扭曲或受压,注意保持引流管通畅,特别要注意引流液的性质、颜色、量。
肺部并发症的`护理 早期应用抗生素控制感染,加强口腔护理;术后鼓励患者做深呼吸,并协助患者咳嗽、咳痰;保持呼吸道通畅,及时清除分泌物,确保有效供氧;术后密切注意肾功能变化,根据生化报告调整补液;对于疼痛者,给予止痛剂,咳嗽用力时,用双手从两侧压住患者伤口,以减轻伤口疼痛;尽早改变体位,鼓励患者早期离床活动;保持室内空气清新,定时开窗通风,同时注意保暖。
切口护理 密切观察病情,保持切口敷料干燥,及时更换敷料,使用一次性药碗和敷料,严格无菌操作。应用腹带包扎,胃肠减压,加强支持疗法,及时补液,纠正贫血、营养不良,预防性应用抗生素;术后患者应取半卧位,避免过早剧烈活动,指导患者咳嗽、打喷嚏,避免便秘,用力排便时应用双手保护切口两侧腹壁,防止和避免切口裂开和切口疝。
预防并发症 及时禁食、持续胃肠减压,中药灌肠、低压温盐水灌肠、中药散剂脐部外敷。足量有效地使用抗生素,尽快纠正水、电解质平衡,注意钾、钠、镁的补充,正规的全胃肠外营养支持,以促进肠 蠕 动,协助患者早日起床活动。做好呕吐和腹胀的护理工作;做好出院饮食调理指导等;严格掌握导尿指征,严禁膀胱冲洗,改善患者全身状况,增加抵抗力,重视医护人员手的清洁,加强留置尿管的基础护理。以防止病毒感染而导致肠梗阻、尿 潴 留、尿路感染;术后8 h未排尿者,检查患者膀胱区有无膨胀;做好患者的心理护理,对于有尿意者应采取各种诱导措施;用温水冲洗会阴部,热敷膀胱区,膀胱按摩,无菌导尿术,针刺治疗等帮助其自行排尿。
4 小结
The result � Infect with 181 cirrhosises of the occurrence rate sufferer the merger infects with 101, infecting with of the occurrence rate, the infection rate inside the hospital is .� Infection occurrence the part 101 infections totally take place a time of various infection is among those exampleses infect with for 3 parts,24 the examples infect with for 2 parts, Rest 73 the examples infect with for a with the part press occurrence the 频 degree is high and low one by one in order is:At first the peritonitis 59 times of hair, the bowel way infects with 15, topBreathe the way infects with 12 times, the disease 9 times of the germ blood, an infection of lung and pleuritis 8 for each infection of 胆 , urine the road infects with to infect with 5 for each time with mouth cavity, The soft organization of skin infects with 4 times, the shock 3 times of infection.� Occurrence related factor � of the A 101 of the relation infection of the infection and the liver function child- pugh , B and the C class sufferer's numbers distinguish to 11,41 example and with 80 of set not, A, B and the C class sufferer's numbers distinguish to 26,39 examples and cirrhosis merger infects with the C class of child- pugh in setThe number of the sufferer is obvious and precious sight more to infect with the set not, two relatively differ to show the 著 ( x2=, P<) to see the table very much 1.�Two livers function child- pugh ratings compare( X2)Set do not the A B C is totalInfect with the set 11()41()49()101Infect with the set not 26()39()15()81Total 378064181Note:The data inside the brackets counts for the theories of each number( T) Hospital inside infection and hospitalization time relation hospitalization time> January,1/2-1 months and<1/ February hospital inside infection the occurrence rate is respectively, the sufferer of the cirrhosis stay in the hospital> January the opportunity of the infection inside the occurrence hospital is obvious high in< the of January sees the table 2. Hospital inside infect with and stay in the hospital the horary relationStay in the hospital the time infection number infection rate<1/ of 1/2-1 months> of Infection inside the hospital with encroach upon sex operation to relate to in 133 infections, accept to encroach upon sex to operate sufferer's number before list on 3 respectively is:25 exampleThe infection accepted the deep vein to place to take care of the 术 before,14 belly cavities wore to stab the 术 ,4 chests wore to stab the 术 .�Problem complement: The cause learns the germs that the germs development have already examine to have:Rare germ( the stomach water) of the large intestine 埃 ;False single afterbirth germ( the stomach water);Smelly nose gram thunder 伯 surname germ(Blood, phlegm, the bedsore 脓 liquid), 普 in the hair 斯 sand fungi( the blood, the neck vein puts the tube), the epidermis grape germ( phlegm), white beads germ( phlegm, muck,Swallow to wipe the son), pull the surname west germ( phlegm), the ear grape germ( urine).� The one who turn return to take place the infection dies of illness 29, the death rate is ;Don't the one who take place infection die of illness 2, death rate 72 infectionsLearn to examine the foundation in the cause up the reasonable usage antibiotics and protect the liver, the benefit urine etc. treatment, keep patient's mouth cavity and the whole body skin to sweep for the convenience of control infection descend all turn for the better the hospital discharge, the average hospitalization number is not take place the infection of other 78 example at reasonable treatment and nursing under all turn for the better the hospital discharge, evenAll stay in the hospital the day to count to merger infection death rate obvious high in not the one who infect with.( X2= Ps<) see 3 �s of tableInfect with with not infect with death rate compareThe set do not die the number amendment number to add upInfect with the set 29()72()101Infect with the set not 2()78()80Total 31150181Two differences show the 著 meaning
1.新辅助化疗对腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术后吻合口并发症及远期预后的影响摘要: 目的:分析新辅助化疗对腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术后吻合口并发症的发生及吻合口并发症对远期预后的影响。方法:回顾性分析2010年1月至2020年1月在青岛大学附属烟台毓璜顶医院行腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术的1199例胃癌患者的临床病理资料及术后吻合口并发症发生情况,包括吻合口漏、吻合口狭窄和吻合口出血。根据患者是否接受过新辅助化疗将其分为新辅助化疗组(170例)和非新辅助化疗组(1029例)。分析术前新辅助化疗与腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术后吻合口并发症发生率的关系及吻合口并发症对胃癌预后的影响,并使用倾向性评分匹配(PSM)消除两组的潜在混淆偏差后,比较两组吻合口并发症发生率的差异及吻合口并发症与远期预后的关系。结果:PSM之前,新辅助化疗组和非新辅助化疗组的吻合口并发症的发生率,包括吻合口漏、吻合口狭窄和吻合口出血,均没有明显差异(P > )。PSM之后,新辅助化疗组和非新辅助化疗组的吻合口并发症的发生率,包括吻合口漏、吻合口狭窄和吻合口出血,均没有明显差异(P > )。二分类Logistic回归分析显示,贫血、肺炎是腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术后吻合口漏的独立危险因素(P < ),新辅助化疗并不是术后吻合口漏的独立危险因素(P > )。根据有无吻合口并发症,将1199名患者分为2组,构建生存曲线并进行生存分析,结果发现无吻合口并发症患者较吻合口并发症患者的5年生存率更好( (), P < )。结论:新辅助化疗对腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术后吻合口并发症的发生率没有明显影响,发生吻合口并发症的患者预后不良。文章引用:于彬, 姚增武, 鉴谧, 崔洪铭, 刘传绪, 赵扬, 姜立新. 新辅助化疗对腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术后吻合口并发症及远期预后的影响[J]. 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(1): 113-121. 表达水平与机体免疫在肺部感染性疾病中的研究进展摘要: 程序性死亡蛋白-1 (programmed death 1, PD-1)是在免疫细胞上表达的免疫抑制分子,通过参与程序性细胞凋亡过程,对活化的T淋巴细胞进行负性调控,它与程序性死亡蛋白配体1 (programmed death ligand 1, PD-L1)组成的信号通路在自身免疫调节、肿瘤免疫及慢性病毒感染中均起着重要的作用,是自身免疫性疾病和肿瘤的潜在药物治疗靶点。同时,T细胞持续性表达PD-1可使免疫耗竭,导致人体免疫功能下降,T细胞耗竭发生在许多肿瘤及慢性病毒感染中。本文综述了T细胞中PD-1表达水平在肺部感染性疾病治疗过程中的变化,并对未来肺部感染性疾病的临床评估和治疗提出展望。文章引用:张龙志, 程曼曼, 王娴玮. PD-1表达水平与机体免疫在肺部感染性疾病中的研究进展[J]. 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(1): 218-225.
3 讨论 本组肝硬化患者感染发生率,肝硬化肝功能失代偿child—pugh C级患者合并感染者明显增多。院内感染总发生例次率,住院时间超过1月者发生院人感染机会明显增加,住院期间由于诊冶需要而行各种创伤性操作也增加了医源性感染的机会。肝硬化验室患者肠道内菌群上移,而小肠段肠壁较薄,门脉压增高使肠壁淤血,淋巴流量增多,导致肠壁水肿,致使肠壁屏障被破坏〔3〕。肝硬化患者肝细胞坏死、纤维化的同时,肝脏的单核—巨噬细胞系统功能亦显著受损,使来自肠腔的细菌不能被清除,易发生肠源性感染。本资料已培养检测到的细菌以条件致病菌居多,治疗选用抗菌药物最多的是甲硝唑和头孢第三代类。本组发生感染者病死率%,明显高于无合并感染者的病死率%。提示肝硬化合并感染是造成病情加重,导致死亡的重要原因。这主要与机体免疫功能低下,高胆红素血症、白蛋白明显下降及肝功能衰竭有关。而感染又常诱发生上消化道出血,肝性脑病及肝肾综合征等严重并发症,使肝硬化进展为慢性重型肝炎、肝功能衰竭甚至多脏器功能衰竭而死亡,病死率明显增高。因此,肝硬化患者住院后应抓紧时间检诊,在诊治过程中加强消毒隔离,严格无菌操作及掌握各种侵袭性操作的适应症,尽量减少医源性感染的诱因。对肝功能child—pughC级患者采取绝对卧床休息、给予高热量、适量蛋白质(以植物蛋白为主)、丰富维生素等易消化饮食,并应细嚼慢咽,绝对戒烟酒,加强口腔及皮肤护理,病情稳定后尽早出院。发现感染征兆如不明原因的持续低热,黄疸明显升高,顽固性腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、腹水量明显增多或利尿剂无效等,应及早作细菌培养,合理应用抗菌药物,加强支持利退黄治疗,积极预防和控制感染及严重并发症的发生
牛布病临床症状 本病潜伏期为 l 个月至 1 年,多数病牛呈现隐性感染,临床症状不明显,部分患牛发生关节炎、黏液囊炎、淋巴结炎、关节肿痛、跛行或卧地不
题选C 因为氢化可的松属于促肾上腺皮质激素药,简单的说也就是促使机体产生大量的糖皮质激素,而糖皮质激素的作用 1抗炎作用 2抑制炎性因子的合成。 3 抗休克作用
异丙肾上腺素(isoprenaline) [作用] 激动β1和β2受体, 对α受体几无作用。 1、兴奋心脏,心输出量显著加 2、舒张冠状血管、骨骼肌和腹腔