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Why should the initiative to open one day a month a small car? Person in charge of Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, said it was because of harmful substances emitted by vehicles running over the destructive environmental and human health. These harmful substances are very complex components, mainly including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and so on. Carbon monoxide is a combustion of fuel in the engine is not entirely the product of the combination of hemoglobin with the human body is far stronger than the binding of oxygen and hemoglobin. Seriously weakened the hemoglobin transport oxygen to body tissues the capacity of great impact on the human body Cancer is the most human beings fear the most horrible disease, you have under you unknowingly contracted the disease, this disease can be a long time to enter in your body slowly deteriorated slightly, if not pay attention to human beings, disease it will take away a life. Are often distributed in the car out of hydrocarbons, he is burning the fuel in the engine and fuel volatilization not completely formed. It includes a variety of hydrocarbon compounds, some carcinogenic hydrocarbon compounds have entered the human body resulting from chronic poisoning. Nitrogen oxides are in the engine, the air nitrogen and oxygen react to form a variety of compounds. Nitrogen oxides can be formed within a wide range of variety of environment and health problems. It in the air, water and other substances the reaction of acid, the formation of acid rain, acid fog, acid snow or dry acidic particles, corrosion cars, buildings and historical and cultural relics, and to acidification of rivers and lakes, not suitable for the survival of fish and so on; It is in the water with air, ammonia and other compounds, the reaction of the body containing nitric acid fine respirable particulate matter, respirable particulate matter easily lead to respiratory infections, heart disease, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, emphysema and other diseases affecting the human body health; sulfur dioxide has a strong odor stimulus, can irritate the eyes, respiratory damage, especially sulfur dioxide is oxidized to sulfur trioxide, and then combine with water vapor, can form sulfuric acid mist, resulting in large areas of the forests die, and to corrosion of the construction complex; human inhalation of carbon monoxide will cause loss of oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin; nitrogen oxides recognize more serious respiratory tract irritation, and can lose their hemoglobin nitrification occurred physiological function, the concentration is large will enable people were killed and nitrogen dioxide can transform for the nitric acid rain, harm plant growth; hydrocarbon hazards are many, some of which are considered carcinogenic substances. Pollutants in the air along with increasing human activities, then these substances have come to where they are going? First, the wind was blowing from one place to another place. Should there be calm wind weather, that is, almost no wind, the weather, then the city of pollutants can not be blown over, but stay in the local sky; second case of rain or snow weather, air pollution, As the precipitation falls on the ground material through surface runoff into the sea or the infiltration into the soil, the soil of pollutants into the part absorbed by plants, there are still some on the left in the soil; third is the surface of falling buildings in cities , and then washed with the rain falling into the ground; 4 is to be animals and plants, or even the lives of people entering through the respiratory system, endangering the ecological balance and human health. Five of the most serious cause of children's concentration and learning decline will severely affect the intellectual development of children. People have been lead pollution damage is irreversible. Motor vehicle is a major source of nitrogen oxide pollution. Car fast running, constantly burning fuel. Within the engine under the conditions of high temperature and high pressure in the air nitrogen and oxygen react to form a variety of nitrogen and oxygen compounds, collectively known as nitrogen oxides. Beijing's research results indicate that mobile sources (motor vehicles) Champa peri-urban areas the total emissions of nitrogen oxides by 64%. It should be noted that the vehicles are low emission sources, its contribution rate of the concentration of air pollution is much higher than its proportion of total emissions. In Beijing urban and suburban areas in various types of pollution sources, motor vehicle nitrogen oxide concentration in the atmosphere the contribution rate of as high as 74%. Reduce vehicle pollution, 15 strokes Although the car so much harm, but whether it can be completely away from the urban population? Away is unrealistic, so learn science and to drive a car, reduce pollution is very necessary. Therefore, the experts proposed to motorists to reduce pollution from motor vehicles 15 strokes: The timely detection of leakage, automotive lubricants and other liquid leakage of air pollution significantly. Sufficient air to tires should be at least once every two weeks check the tire pressure (in the tires fully cooled state examination) Car air conditioner to prevent leakage, a year for the car air conditioner to conduct a thorough inspection to prevent leakage of refrigerant Check valve, stop valve fitted too loose, causing the engine short of oil, making the car very difficult to launch; blocking valve fitted too tightly, so that the influx of large amounts of fuel.

333 评论



【摘要】目的:探讨血液内科护理风险因素的种类及对应的风险管理对策。 方法 :回顾性分析我院42例血液内科疾病的护理风险存在因素,分析风险管理的研究。结果:42例血液内科疾病患者得到有效护理,2例输液渗漏,2例经济纠纷,投诉率。结论:实施风险管理可最大程度减少风险发生,利于患者病情改善。


【Abstract】Objective:Kind and corresponding risk discussing the blood internal medicine nursing risk factor manage a countermeasure。Method: Retrospect sex there exists a factor in the nursing risk analysing my 42 regular yard blood internal medicine disease, research analysing the risk administration。Result.:42 regular blood internal medicine diseases patient gets the effective nursing , 2 regular infusion leakage , 2 regular economy disputes , complaint rate 。Conclusion: Put risk administration into practice but maximal degree reduces risks happening , is good for patient state of illness improvement.

【Keyword】Blood internal medicine Nursing riskStudy a countermeasure

医疗是一个高风险行业。护理风险是指在护理过程中的不确定性有害因素导致病人伤残或死亡后果的可能性,具有风险水平高、风险不确定性、风险后果严重等特性[1]。血液内科患者逐年增多,及时发现和有效处理护理过程中的各类风险因素已成为血液内科护理管理的新方向。我院血液内科自2007年开始对该科护理风险因素寻求其防范对策,降低了风险事件,护理缺陷、护理差错和纠纷的发生。分析 报告 如下:


一般资料 选取我院2007年1月至2009年12月42例血液病患者男26例、女16例。年龄12~62岁,平均37岁。再生障碍性贫血17例, 特发性血小板减少性紫癜15例,慢性粒细胞白血病3例,血友病2例,凝血功能障碍2例, 其它 病种3例。


主观性个人因素 护士的责任心不强,执行 规章制度 不严,护理核心制度未严格执行所造成的护理缺陷是一种发生率较高、损失较大的风险[2]。血液科输血治疗较多,因护士个人因素输错血或输错液体等,化疗药物渗漏未能及时发现及时处理。护理文件记录不及时、欠准确或字迹潦草,内容不符不连贯,随意涂改也易导致护理纠纷

专科知识及 经验 缺乏不能及时掌握新理论、新技术、新护理方法。抢救仪器的使用不熟练,对各种恶性血液性疾病不能及时判断。

感染预防意识淡薄 诊疗护理行为都可能存在医院内感染的隐患,护理操作时未注意按先洁后污的原则,从而易发生交叉感染引发纠纷。

医患沟通缺乏 对病情、护理行为没有履行告知义务或告知技巧不当致护理纠纷或投诉


主观性病人因素 血液病病人自身心理负担较重,情绪焦虑不安,对治疗及生活失去信心,产生悲观绝望情绪。客观性疾病自身因素血液病是原发于造血系统的疾病,以贫血、出血、发热为特征的疾病,与感染,生活因素相关。血液病病人是医院感染高发人群,病种感染率约12%,而肿瘤化疗病人可达35%左右[3]。如白血病化疗后骨髓抑制期、严重贫血的病人容易有眩晕、乏力等症状情况,加上凝血功能障碍,病人容易出现意外。血液科病人大多经静脉输注化疗药物,此药杀伤或抑制癌细胞的同时也损害正常组织细胞及引起药物性静脉炎[4,5]。增加了护理人员静脉穿刺难度,甚至导致肢体功能障碍,容易发生医疗纠纷。其它因素如病房噪音 病房内用物摆放不合理


重点抓好制度落实,更新护理人员风险管理意识。提高护理人员主观能动性, 提高专业技术水平,规范护理记录,护理人员履行告知义务,让病人享有知情同意权[6]。血液病化疗药物使用较多,要求护士掌握化疗专科知识及技术,如化疗药物的毒副反应、机制及其护理应对方法、化疗血管的选择与化疗中的监护、外周中心静脉置管的护理、化疗急症的抢救等。


从细节上落实各项 措施 到位,加强护理风险监控。如加强病区环境安全管理 ,加高床栏,将危险物品远离患者,保持地面干燥。

加强院内感染 认真执行无菌技术操作、消毒隔离制度,降低院内感染发生率。












[ 7 ]蔡学联.护理实务风险管理[M].第2版.北京:军事医学科学出版社,2005:5



【中图分类号】R575 【文献标识码】B【 文章 编号】1004-4949(2014)03-0134-01



血液病分好多种,有的是原发的,大多数是因为造血功能缺陷或骨髓成分的恶性改变;有的是继发的,某些疾病如营养缺乏、代谢异常及物理化学因素等会对骨髓系统造成不良影响,导致血液或骨髓成分明显改变。血液内科患者是医院内感染的高危人群,目前,已知引起血液病的因素包括:化学因素、物理因素、生物因素、遗传、免疫、污染等,都可以成为血液病发病的诱因或直接原因,加之抗生素的广泛应用,以及新病原菌的出现等因素使其医院内感染率逐年升高。 同时这些感染也是造成血液病患者死亡的常见原因之一。



收集2010年1-12月川北医学院附属医院2974例血液内科住院患者,男性1885例,女性1090例,年龄3~79岁,其中急性白血病 685例,慢性白血病1066例,缺铁性贫血816例,再生障碍性贫血204例,多发性骨髓瘤94例,其他109 例。


白血病患者75例,占到 %;血友病患者25例,占到 %;淋巴瘤患者28例,占到 %;骨髓增殖性疾病患者50例,占到。










数据用 软件进行统计,采用χ2检验,以 P<为差异有统计学意义。


血液内科主要疾病感染分布 2974 例血液内科住院患者中发生医院内感染 164 例,发生率为,以急性白血病(感染率 )和再生障碍性贫血(感染率 )较高,与其它血液内科疾病感染率差异有统计学意义(P<)不同时间血液内科医院内感染部位分布感染部位以呼吸道感染最多(),其次为口腔( )、胃肠 道( )、血 液 ( )、 肛 周()、泌尿道及其他部位。其中冬春季呼吸道感染高发,夏秋季胃肠道和口腔感染常见。病人住院时间、侵袭性操作、有无放化疗、抗生素的使用等均与医院内感染的发生相关,以侵袭性操作发生的感染率最高。引起医院内感染的病原菌主要是条件致病菌,其中以革兰阴性杆菌为主,真菌主要为白色假丝酵母菌。本组病例就诊后24h内即明确诊断者100(),就诊后2~4d内明确诊断者78例()。178例血液内科急诊患者中,白血病患者急诊抢救成功65例,死亡10例;血友病患者急诊抢救成功20例,死亡5例;淋巴瘤患者急诊抢救成功23例,死亡5例;骨髓增殖性疾病患者急诊抢救成功41例,死亡9例。合计总共急诊抢救成功149例,死亡29例,急诊抢救成功率为,死亡率。其中23例死于急诊室,6例死于住院期间。


按国际疾病法(ICD)命名血液系统疾病,血液病可以分为造血干细胞病、红细胞疾病、白细胞疾病和出血性疾病等几大类:造血干细胞病包括再生障碍性贫血、骨髓增生性疾病(如骨髓纤维化、慢性粒细胞白血病、真性红细胞增多症、原发性血小板增多症)、骨髓增生异常综合征(如难治性贫血、环形铁粒细胞性难治性贫血、慢性粒单细胞白血病等)、阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿。红细胞病则包括贫血和红细胞增多症。其中贫血的种类也很多,有缺铁性贫血、营养性巨幼细胞性贫血、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶缺乏性溶血性贫血、自身免疫溶血性贫血、地中海贫血、阵发性睡眠血红蛋白尿、失血性贫血等。血液病并不可怕,也并非都是恶性的,某些类型的血液病只要及时治疗,可以完全治愈。因此,疾病确诊以后,要及时到学术力量强,治疗经验丰富的专科医院接受系统治疗,这是战胜血液病的关键。本研究结果显示,本院血液内科患者医院内感染的发生率为 ,较国内部分医院所做该科室感染率研究低,这与本院开展目标性监测,监督各项感染控制措施,如手卫生、隔离多重耐药菌感染患者、环境清洁与消毒等工作的落实有关。综上所述,必须加强对血液内科患者医院内感染的监控并做好预防措施。应严格掌握抗生素用药有效指征,合理有效使用各种药物,鼓励患者适当进行体育锻炼,增强机体免疫力,防止医院内感染发生。




[1] 李晓屏,血液内科护理风险因素分析与风险管理[J],全科护理,2009

312 评论



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