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Huang J, Ru B, Zhu P, Nie F, Yang J, Wang X, Dai P, Lin H, Guo FB, Rao N. MimoDB : a mimotope database and beyond. Nucleic Acids Research 2012; 40(Database issue): in J, Ru B, Dai P. Bioinformatics resources and tools for phage display. Molecules 2011; 16(1): B, Huang J*, Dai P, Li S, Xia Z, Ding H, Lin H, Guo FB, Wang X. MimoDB: a New Repository for Mimotope Data Derived from Phage Display Technology. Molecules 2010; 15(11): J, Ru B, Li S, Lin H, Guo F. SAROTUP: Scanner And Reporter Of Target-Unrelated Peptides. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2010; 2010: J, Xia M, Lin H, Guo F. Information loss and noise inclusion risk in mimotope based epitope mapping. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(iCBBE2009), 2009: J, You Z. Differential performance between structural and functional B-cell epitopic residue prediction. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008), 2008: J, Honda W, Kanehisa M. Predicting B cell epitope residues with network topology based amino acid indices. Genome Informatics, 2007; 19: J, Kawashima S, Kanehisa M. New amino acid indices based on residue network topology. Genome Informatics, 2007; 18: J, Gutteridge A, Honda W, Kanehisa M. MIMOX: a web tool for phage display based epitope mapping. BMC Bioinformatics, 2006; 7: J, Honda W. CED: a conformational epitope database. BMC Immunol, 2006; 7: J, Cai MY, Wei DP. HLA class I expression in primary hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol, 2002; 8(4): H, Liu L, Guo FB, Huang J, Lin H. Identify Golgi Protein Types with Modified Mahalanobis discriminant Algorithm and Pseudo Amino Acid Composition. Protein Pept Lett, 2011; 18: FB, Ning LW, Huang J, Lin H, Zhang HX. Chromosome translocation and its consequence in the genome of Burkholderia cenocepacia AU-1054. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010; 403(3-4): H, Ding H, Guo FB,Huang J. Prediction of subcellular location of mycobacterial protein using feature selection techniques. Molecular Diversity, 2010; 14(4): ZL, Xia Q, Liang FR, Tang YJ, Xu CL, Huang J, Zhao L, Zhang WZ, He JJ. Effects on the expression of GABAA receptor subunits by jujuboside A treatment in rat hippocampal neurons. J Ethnopharmacol, 2010; 128(2): FB, Lin H, Huang J. A plot of G + C content against sequence length of 640 bacterial chromosomes shows the points are widely scattered in the upper triangular area. Chromosome Res, 2009; 17(3): H, Ding H, Guo FB, Zhang AY,Huang J. Predicting subcellular localization of mycobacterial proteins by using Chou's pseudo amino acid composition. Protein Pept Lett, 2008; 15(7): 739-744.

83 评论


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