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一般而言,“美国梦”包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。 南北战争前后,美国开始了工业化。欧洲来的移民更多地进入纽约、芝加哥、底特律等新兴的工业城市。从此,“美国梦”有了新的内涵。 这一时期,出现了许多奋斗起家的工商业巨子。比如依靠个人发明而创立通用电气公司的爱迪生,采石油的洛克菲勒,搞银行的摩根,发明汽车生产线的福特。他们的共同特点是:起家寒微,但通过勤奋终于创立了自己庞大的事业,成为传奇人物。 也许,这些“传奇”多少带有后人美化的成分,甚至所谓的“爱迪生发明”,也有不少是助手们的成果。梅勒更是认为,当时美国已处于经济急速膨胀时期,到第一次世界大战前,美国已成为世界经济实力最强的国家,国内的经济运行也处于“无序到有序”的变化阶段,各行业出现巨富寡头,原是应有之义。 到了21世纪的信息时代,微软的比尔·盖茨、雅虎的杨致远以及GOOGLE的三个创立者变成了“美国梦”的新偶像。他们凭借自己的智慧,年纪轻轻就积累了数百亿美元的庞大资产。他们活生生的故事似乎表明,只要有智慧,有天才,在美国就可以成功。 “美国梦”背后的真正动力是什么?一些历史学家认为,就是对财富的渴求和追逐。康涅狄格州立大学历史学教授马修·沃肖尔指出:“对金钱的追求,是‘美国梦’中不变的成分。 然而,“恰恰是对财富的过度追逐,使‘美国梦’也在变味,逐步丧失了对世界各地人们的吸引力。”沃肖尔在他的文章《谁想成为百万富翁——变化中的“美国梦”概念》中敏锐地观察到美国社会风气这几十年的变化。 如果说早期的美国人还提倡“诚实和勤奋”来致富,今天则是越来越热衷于寻求“快速致富”。比如,现在美国人最推崇的致富方式是:与大企业打赔偿官司、去拉斯维加斯赌博或买彩票、以及参加有奖电视竞赛节目。沃肖尔认为,这表明美国社会正在逐渐丧失勤奋劳动的动力。 早期来美国的欧洲移民,信奉的是政治权利平等和宗教平等。而今天,美国的政治也在演变成为金钱的游戏。这一点沃肖尔也不否认:布什家族在美国政治上的成功就是“石油金钱的成功”。在宗教领域,美国所提倡的自由仅限于基督教各教派内部,而少有金钱支持的伊斯兰教,在美国只能处于极度弱势的地位。 梅勒也认为,在时代的变迁中,“美国梦”对世界的吸引力可能越来越小。美国在世界政治中的霸权地位和独断专行,使不少外国人一提及“美国”这个词就充满反感;一个反恐法案堵住了不少移民进入美国的门路;经济的投机化、泡沫化使普通人永远害怕自己的财富突然消失。

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The American Dream is the faith held by many in the United States of America that through hard work, courage, and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself, usually through financial prosperity. These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent generations. What the American Dream has become is a question under constant discussion, and some believe that it has led to an emphasis on material wealth as a measure of success and/or happiness. often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of American immigrants after oceanic voyages from origin of the American Dream stems from the departure in government and economics from the models of the Old World. This allowed unprecedented freedom, especially the possibility of dramatic upward social mobility. Additionally, from the American Revolutionary War well into the later half of the nineteenth century, many of America's physical resources were unclaimed and held out the promise of land ownership and lucky investment in land or industry. The development of the Industrial Revolution combined with the great natural resources of the enormous and as yet unsettled continent created the possibility of achieving early American prospectors headed west of the Rocky Mountains to buy acres of cheap land in hopes of finding deposits of gold. The American Dream was a driving factor not only in the gold rushes of the mid to late 1800s, but also in the waves of immigration throughout that century and the western Europeans escaping the Irish potato famines in Ireland, the Highland clearances in Scotland and the aftermath of Napoleon in the rest of Europe came to America to escape a poor quality of life at home. They wanted to embrace the financial mobility and constitutional freedoms that existed in the United sizable number of Chinese and Japanese immigrants also arrived in the . in the mid 19th century seeking the American Dream. This led to the founding of several Chinatowns in locations such as San Francisco and New York City. Many immigrants from these countries also worked as laborers on the First Transcontinental the mid-to-late 19th century prolific dime novel writer Horatio Alger, Jr. became famous for his novels that idealized the American Dream. His novels about down-and-out bootblacks who were able to achieve wealth and success helped entrench the dream within popular culture. Nearing the twentieth century, major industrialist personalities became the new model of the American Dream, many beginning life in the humblest of conditions but later controlling enormous corporations and fortunes. Perhaps most notable here were the great American capitalists Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. This acquisition of great wealth demonstrated to many that if you had talent, intelligence, and a willingness to work extremely hard, you were likely to be a success in life as a the 19th century, immigrants fled the monarchies of Western Europe and their post-feudal economies, which actively oppressed the peasant class. These economic systems required high levels of taxation, which stymied development. The American economy, however, was built up by people who were consciously free of these in the new world provided hope for egalitarianism. Martin Luther King invoked the American Dream in what is perhaps his most famous speech: "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream."[edit]ImmigrationEllis Island is the historical processing and welcoming center for newly arrived immigrants in New York Island is the historical processing and welcoming center for newly arrived immigrants in New York American dream, along with escape from persecution or war in one's home country, has always been the primary reason for immigrants wanting to come to America. Throughout its history, America has been seen as a place with high opportunity for entrepreneurs relative to other regions of the the turn of the 20th century, the promise of the American Dream had begun to lure substantial numbers of immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe. Huge numbers of Italians, Poles, Greeks, Jews, Russians and others came to find work in industrial cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit. This wave of immigration continued until the outbreak of World War I. Following the war, nativist sentiment led to new restrictions on immigration, which would continue until the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, which allowed larger scale immigration to American Dream appears to have enduring appeal to many in other countries. The United States remains a magnet for immigrants today, receiving 1 million legal entrants annually — the largest influx in the world. Whereas past generations of immigrants tended to come from Europe, a majority of contemporary immigrants hail from Latin America and Asia.[edit]The American Dream todayIn the 20th century, the American Dream had its challenges. The Great Depression caused widespread hardship during the Thirties, and was almost a reverse of the dream for those directly affected. Racial instability did not disappear, and in some parts of the country racial violence was almost commonplace. There was concern about the undemocratic campaign known as McCarthyism carried on against suspected Valley initiated the Computer Age and the dot-com boom. Companies such as Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Intel, Google, Apple, and Oracle remain headquartered Valley initiated the Computer Age and the dot-com boom. Companies such as Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Intel, Google, Apple, and Oracle remain headquartered the end of World War II, young American families have sought to live in relative comfort and stability in the suburbs that were built up around major cities. This led to the rise of the relatively conservative 1950s, when many pursued the "perfect family" as a part or consequence of the American Dream. This period was shattered by a new generation of young people who embraced the hippie values of the 1960s, denying traditional values such as the American Dream. In modern times, the American Dream is seen as a possible accomplishment, as all children can go to school and get an education. Though the drive to it waned during those years, the dream itself has never died the 1990s, the pursuit of the American Dream could be seen in the Dot-com boom. People in ., as well as the world poured their energy into the new Gold Rush - the Internet. It was again driven by the same faith that by one's ingenuity and hardwork, anyone can become successful in America. Ordinary people started new companies from their garages and became millionaires. This new chapter of the American Dream again became the beacon to the world and attracted many entrepreneurial people from China and India to Silicon Valley to form startups, and seek fortune in recent example of the American Dream being realized is the case of Tamir Sapir. An immigrant from the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Sapir arrived in America in 1973 and started as a taxicab driver in New York City. Saving up to buy an electronics store, he catered primarily to Russian clientele. Eventually he made contacts with the Soviet contingent to the United Nations in New York, and traded electronics for oil contracts, which he then sold to American companies. Investing the profits in Manhattan real estate, he became a billionaire by 2002, less than thirty years after arriving penniless in America. Like many rags to riches stories, his is a unique one that would be hard to replicate. Yet today Sapir is becoming known as America's "billionaire cabbie".[edit]CriticismHarvard University offers a free college education to all accepted students from low-income . University offers a free college education to all accepted students from low-income . concept of the American Dream has been the subject of much criticism by, for example, Joseph Stiglitz. The main criticism is that the American Dream is misleading. These critics say that, for various reasons, it simply is not possible for everyone to become prosperous through determination and hard work alone. The consequences of this belief can include the poor feeling that it is their fault that they are not successful. It can also result in less effort towards helping the poor since their poverty is seen as "proof" of their laziness. The concept of the American Dream also ignores other factors of success such as luck, family, language, and wealth one is born into (although proponents of the dream would claim that starting wealth is irrelevant because of the belief that there is no level of poverty one cannot rise from with hard work). It also fails to take inheritable traits such as intelligence quotient and physical attributes including height, shape, and beauty into American Dream is seen by critics as being somewhat superficial or meaningless. Many literary works level exactly that criticism at the American Dream, such as Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman. The play, a classic American work of literature, finds the main character Willy Loman struggling to come to grips with the fact that his American Dream is unattainable. Such arguments are essentially rehashes of the old adage "Money doesn't buy happiness", and that perhaps not everyone's dream should be to achieve great monetary particular some of the criticisms are: * In the . there is wide availability of financial aid, and the poorest students are increasingly being given guarantees of a high proportion (up to 100%) of grants, removing the obligation to pay back their university. Harvard University became the first private university to offer 100% grants to accepted students from . families earning less than US$40,000 a year in 2003, and in 2004 the University of Virginia became the first public university to offer a similar full-grant program, on incomes up to 200% of the poverty line, or about US$37,700 at that time. * Wealth retention – Certain laws allow the wealthy to keep more of their money. For example, the recent lessening of inheritance tax and capital gains taxes may work to further solidify wealth once it is earned. * Economies of scale – It can be difficult to successfully start a business. One reason is because of the economies of scale necessary to survive in a commoditized market, although many markets today are not commoditized. * Genetic lottery – Research has suggested that features like IQ and extroversion may give certain people some advantages over others when it comes to making smart business decisions or career choices, and in establishing a social network. * Ethical differences – As in other countries, actions considered ethical vary between Americans. For example, a CEO who sees certain stock options as excessive monetary gain would find it harder to attain great wealth than one with a different viewpoint.

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美国梦的定义①所谓的美国梦(American Dream),是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤奋、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通常这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。许多欧洲移民都是抱持著美国梦的理想前往美国的。尽管有些人批评美国梦过度强调了物质财富在衡量胜利和快乐上扮演的角色,但许多美国人的确认为,这种获得成功的机会在世界上其他国家是找不到也并不存在的。因为与其他大多数国家不同的是,在美国拥有的经济自由相当多,政府扮演的角色相当有限,这使得美国的社会流动性极大,任何人都有可能透过自己的努力迈向巅峰。从美国独立直至19世纪末期,广大的土地都无人居住和拥有,任何有心人都可以加以占据并投资和开垦。而到了工业革命时期,美国庞大的自然资源和先进的工业技术则使得快速的社会流动变的可能,而且这种趋势仍在一天一天的增加中。依据历史学家的说法,美国快速的经济发展和工业扩张并非只是因为美国的自然资源丰富,更是因为所有人都有机会藉由自己的奋斗获取财富。美国梦成为了吸引世界各地人民移民美国的主要原因—无论过去或现在。在今天,每年有超过一百万的人成为美国公民,是世界上最受欢迎的移民地点。编辑本段美国梦的内涵 五月花号300年前,当英格兰移民乘坐着五月花号横穿大西洋来到马里兰,寻找一块清教徒能居住的“净土”时,“美国梦”(American Dream)已开始悄然萌芽——美国给了全世界每一个人均等的机会,只要努力奋斗,都可以实现自己的梦想。300年后,这个国家已成富饶之邦,然而,“美国梦”并没有消逝,只是随着历史的变迁,它拥有了更多的“内涵”。什么是“美国梦”?“众多历史学家和社会学家观点不一,不同的美国人也有不同的解读。”加州大学洛杉矶分校历史学教授朗·梅勒接受《环球》杂志记者采访时如此回答。不过一般而言,“美国梦”包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。“这些要素是与历史密不可分的,也必须和时代背景结合起来看。”朗·梅勒说。编辑本段土地和黄金的原始梦18~19世纪的欧洲,贵族尚未退出历史舞台、社会等级森严、财富分配不公、宗教歧视严重……孟德斯鸠、笛卡尔等启蒙运动的先驱,开始对美国这块神奇的土地赞颂不已,这也燃起了弱势群体的“美国梦”。18世纪来到美国的移民都是欧洲的弱势者,最典型的是英格兰的清教徒和德国的破产小农民,当他们来到还是殖民地的美国时,政治平等的要求就格外强烈,也自发地落实了民主。于是,“平等权利”成了“美国梦”的一个内涵。梅勒解释道,“人人都能成功”,缘于早期美国土地广袤而人口稀少,移民都能获取大片肥沃的土地。当时的美国还是农业经济为主,不言而喻,“土地就意味着财富,意味着成功”。随着18世纪末、19世纪初美国西部发现多处金矿,有些幸运儿开始因掘金而一夜暴富,这波“淘金潮”的传奇,推动了移民西进的浪潮,也为“美国梦”抹上了浓厚的金黄色彩。不过,这般“美梦”的背后,也是一部血淋淋的历史:欧洲移民的大片土地,是屠杀了数百万印第安人而获得的“无主之地”;高产农田的耕种者,大多是从非洲劫掠来的黑奴;西进掘金的劳力,是血泪交加的华人苦工。可以说,早期的“美国梦”,更多的是欧洲移民的梦。梅勒指出,当代的美国历史学界也有不少人在正视和反思这段历史,这都是“美国梦”不义的一面。编辑本段奋斗加智慧的新榜样南北战争前后,美国开始了工业化。欧洲来的移民更多地进入纽约、芝加哥、底特律等新兴的工业城市。从此,“美国梦”有了新的内涵。这一时期,出现了许多奋斗起家的工商业巨子。比如依靠个人发明而创立通用电气公司的爱迪生,采石油的洛克菲勒,搞银行的摩根,发明汽车生产线的福特。他们的共同特点是:起家寒微,但通过勤奋终于创立了自己庞大的事业,成为传奇人物。也许,这些“传奇”多少带有后人美化的成分,甚至所谓的“爱迪生发明”,也有不少是助手们的成果。梅勒更是认为,当时美国已处于经济急速膨胀时期,到第一次世界大战前,美国已成为世界经济实力最强的国家,国内的经济运行也处于“无序到有序”的变化阶段,各行业出现巨富寡头,原是应有之义。到了21世纪的信息时代,微软的比尔·盖茨、雅虎的杨致远以及GOOGLE的三个创立者变成了“美国梦”的新偶像。他们凭借自己的智慧,年纪轻轻就积累了数百亿美元的庞大资产。他们活生生的故事似乎表明,只要有智慧,有天才,在美国就可以成功。编辑本段褪色和变味的梦想“美国梦”背后的真正动力是什么?一些历史学家认为,就是对财富的渴求和追逐。康涅狄格州立大学历史学教授马修·沃肖尔指出:“对金钱的追求,是‘美国梦’中不变的成分。然而,“恰恰是对财富的过度追逐,使‘美国梦’也在变味,逐步丧失了对世界各地人们的吸引力。”沃肖尔在他的文章《谁想成为百万富翁——变化中的“美国梦”概念》中敏锐地观察到美国社会风气这几十年的变化。如果说早期的美国人还提倡“诚实和勤奋”来致富,今天则是越来越热衷于寻求“快速致富”。比如,现在美国人最推崇的致富方式是:与大企业打赔偿官司、去拉斯维加斯赌博或买彩票、以及参加有奖电视竞赛节目。沃肖尔认为,这表明美国社会正在逐渐丧失勤奋劳动的动力。早期来美国的欧洲移民,信奉的是政治权利平等和宗教平等。而今天,美国的政治也在演变成为金钱的游戏。这一点沃肖尔也不否认:布什家族在美国政治上的成功就是“石油金钱的成功”。在宗教领域,美国所提倡的自由仅限于基督教各教派内部,而少有金钱支持的伊斯兰教,在美国只能处于极度弱势的地位。梅勒也认为,在时代的变迁中,“美国梦”对世界的吸引力可能越来越小。美国在世界政治中的霸权地位和独断专行,使不少外国人一提及“美国”这个词就充满反感;一个反恐法案堵住了不少移民进入美国的门路;经济的投机化、泡沫化使普通人永远害怕自己的财富突然消失。美国梦的代表美国梦的化身:西奥多·罗斯福;美国前总统:约翰·肯尼迪;美国现任总统;巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马;路易斯安那州州长金达尔;布什政府的劳工部长赵小兰;商务部长古铁雷斯;奥巴马政府的能源部长朱棣文;商务部长骆家辉;奥巴马政府内阁秘书卢沛宁;加州州长施瓦辛格;百人会会长傅履仁。————来自百度百科

227 评论


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