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NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth tooth meets the clinical experience treatmentAbstract: objective to investigate NaQing sexual front teeth tooth overburden match not deep treatment of factors, correction method and the matters needing attention. Methods selection NaQing sex deep overburden front teeth and 18 cases, are not case tooth correction. Results treatment completion time 15 to 21 months, average months. Correction by first teeth together, facial side cover normal appearance was coordination. Conclusion anterior tooth NaQing sex should be repeated in deep choosing good indications fits the tooth under treatment.

346 评论


Clinical Experience in the Non-extraction Correction of Lingual Tripping Deep Bite of the Front : Objective: To explore the factors, methods and matters of caution regarding the non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front : To select 18 cases of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth and conduct relevant non-extraction corrections. Result: The correction work was completed in 15-21 months, the average of each correction was months. The overbite and overjet of the front teeth of patients have become normal and the facial profiles harmonized after the : Non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth should be conducted only on well selected indications. 【英语牛人团】

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医学论文英文摘要常用句型 在那个 创新医学网 上看到过的 应该够详细了吧英文摘要限500个实词左右,一般须以第三人称过去式叙述。用词准确,逻辑性强,结构严谨。结果和结论一般用句子表达;而目的、方法(设计、地点和对象)等,则常用短语表达。(1)英文摘要的时态与语态1)说明研究目的,通常用一般现在时或一般过去时。2)说明方法和结果,一般用一般过去时、第三人称的被动语态表达。3)结论通常用一般现在时、被动语态表达,也可用主动语态表达。(2)常用句型1)表达论文内容的常用句型A 第三人称主动态①This paper(article,report)describes…本文叙述…②This paper (article)reports…本文报告…③This report(paper,article)presents…本文介绍…④This paper(article,report)discusses…本文讨论…常用的动词还有analyze(分析),evaluate(评价),compare(比较),describe(描述)等。B 第一人称主动态⑤We report(on)…我们报告…⑥We describe a case of… 我们描述1例…⑦In this paper,we present… 本文介绍…⑧In this paper,we report… 本文报告…主语除we之外,还可用the authors(作者)等。C 一般现在时被动语态⑨A case is reported in which… 本文报告1例…⑩A study of…is reported本文报告…的研究⑧…is(are)described. 本文描述…⑥In this paper.…is(are)presented. 本文介绍…2)表达目的常用句型A 一般过去时、被动语态①The purpose(aim,objective) of this study was to… 本研究旨在…②The goal(aim) of this investigation was to… 本研究旨在…③This study was designed to… 本研究旨在…④This study was undertaken to… 本研究旨在…⑤This prospective study was performed to… 本前瞻性研究的目的是…⑥A study to…was carried out(during) (在…期间)所作研究的目的是…⑦An attempt has been made to… 为了…而作试验B 动词不定式短语To evaluate,report,investigate,study,analyze…C 一般过去时、主动语态⑧We(the authors)conducted a study to… 为了…我们进行了研究⑨To determine…,we studied… 为了确定…,我们研究了…⑩In an attempt to…,in an effort to…或in order to…,we carried out a pilot study… 为了…,我们进行了…的初步研究表示目的的常用动词有:evaluate(评价),examine(检查,观察),determine(确定,查明),elucidate(阐明),explore(探索),test(测试),compare(比较),estimate(评估),assess(估价),investigate(调查)等。3)表达方法的常用句型A 方法表达研究类型 Prospective, Retrospective, Cohort,Case-control,in vivo, in vitro①Using…(technique),we studied… 我们用…(技术)研究了…②Using…,it was found that… (我们)用…发现了…③…was(were)measured using… (我们)用…测定了…④…was(were)analyzed (reviewed) by… (我们)用…分析(回顾)了…⑤…was(were)treated with… (我们)用…治疗了…⑥…measurements were made of… 测定了…常用的动词还有:study,measure,determine, investigate,isolate,demonstrate,examine,identify等。B 分组(主语通常为patients,subjects,animals)⑦…were randomly divided (grouped) into…groups …被随机分成…组⑧…were separated into…groups based on… 根据…,将…分成…组⑨The groups were as follows: 分组如下:C 治疗或检查方法⑩… was performed(used) in (on)…patients 我们对…患者施行(应用)了…(patients) underwent…endoscopy (患者)进行了…内镜检查Surgical procedures, assay(immunohistochemistry, molecular biology…) 手术方法,测试方法…C 统计学方法Statistical methods: Student’s t test, χ2 … was used for4)表达结果的常用句型A 一般句型①The results showed (demonstrated) that…结果表明…②It was found that… (我们)发现…③It was observed that… (我们)观察到…第②和③句也可改为第一人称:We found that…和We observed that…。B 增加或减少④…decreased by(40%)…降低(40%)…⑤…(a 70%) reduction in…was observed …观察到…降低(70%)⑥There was a(15%) elevation in……增高(15%)⑦…resulted in (a marked) increase in… …导致…(明显)增高⑧…was lowered from…to… …从…下降到…表达增加或减少的常用动词还有rise,raise,decline,drop,fall,lower等。可用by表示是净增减的数或倍数,例如“…increase by 40%”,表示“增加40%”;而to表示增加或减少到某个具体数值。C 相关与差别⑨There was a significant linear correlation between…and… …与…有显著的线性相关性⑩…showed no strong correlation between…and… …显示…与…无密切相关性⑩…correlated positively with… …与…呈正相关⑥A negative correlation was found between…and… 发现…与…呈负相关⑩There was (were)(no)significant difference(s)or (No)significant difference(s)was found(observed) between…and… …与…之间…(无)有显著差别P value P值(需写出具体数字)⑩…was closely related to… …与…密切相关表示相互关系的常用词还有relationship(关系),association(联系),regression(回归)。D 表示改善或保持⑩…demonstrated a significant improvement in… …方面呈明显改善⑩…values returned to (preoperative)levels …值恢复到(手术前)水平⑩…remained at a mean of… …保持在…平均值水平5)表达结论的常用句型A 常用提示句型①These results suggest that…结果提示…②These findings indicate that… 这些发现表明…③The data (study)show the need for… 数据(研究)表明需要…④The results support the concept that… 结果支持…的概念⑤Our observations confirm that… 我们的观察证实…imply(提示),demonstrate(证明)和illustrate(说明)B 做出结论或建议⑥We conclude that… 我们的结论是…⑦We suggest that…我们建议…⑧We believe that… 我们认为…⑨We postulate that…我们设想…⑩It is concluded that… 结论是…⑩It is suggested (proposed)that… 结果提示…,建议…(虚拟语气)⑥It is recommended that… 建议…⑩It is estimated that… 估计……is(are)suggested(recommended)…propose …asC 表示一致性⑩These results accord with… 结果与…一致⑩The results are concordant with…结果与…一致⑧The results agree well with…结果与…一致be consistent with,in accordance with(…与…一致)to parallel(与…相平行)D 结果转向结论⑥Thus,therefore,hence …因此,…⑥In conclusion.…最后,…⑩From this study,we conclude that…根据本项研究,我们的结论是…⑧These findings,coupled with the observation that…,suggest that…这些发现连同对…的观察结果一起,提示…⑨In the light of this experience we therefore conclude that… 根据这个经验,我们得出…的结论E 表达今后方向The mechanisms by which…remain to be investigated关于…的机制仍需研究Further studies are necessary to (evaluate)… 有必要进一步研究,以(评价)…注:按MEDLINE要求,PURPOSE,METHODS,RESULTS,CONCLUSIONS全部用大写,后加冒号。英文必须在半角状态下输入,不能全角、半角混用。

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英文摘要书写技巧信 息 来 源:创 新 医 学 网 英文摘要的内容要求与中文摘要一样,包括目的、方法、结果和结论四部分。但是,英文有其自身特点,最主要的是中译英时往往造成所占篇幅较长,同样内容的一段文字,若用英文来描述,其占用的版面可能比中文多一倍。因此,撰写英文摘要更应注意简洁明了,力争用最短的篇幅提供最主要的信息。第一,对所掌握的资料进行精心筛选,不属于上述"四部分"的内容不必写入摘要。第二,对属于"四部分"的内容,也应适当取舍,做到简明扼要,不能包罗万象。比如"目的",在多数标题中就已初步阐明,若无更深一层的目的,摘要完全不必重复叙述;再如"方法",有些在国外可能早已成为常规的方法,在撰写英文摘要时就可仅写出方法名称,而不必一一描述其操作步骤。 中英文摘要的一致性主要是指内容方面的一致性,目前对这个问题的认识存在两个误区,一是认为两个摘要的内容"差不多就行",因此在英文摘要中随意删去中文摘要的重点内容,或随意增补中文摘要所未提及的内容,这样很容易造成文摘重心转移,甚至偏离主题;二是认为英文摘要是中文摘要的硬性对译,对中文摘要中的每一个字都不敢遗漏,这往往使英文摘要用词累赘、重复,显得拖沓、冗长。英文摘要应严格、全面的表达中文摘要的内容,不能随意增删,但这并不意味着一个字也不能改动,具体撰写方式应遵循英文语法修辞规则,符合英文专业术语规范,并照顾到英文的表达习惯。 选择适当的时态和语态,是使摘要符合英文语法修辞规则的前提。通常情况下,摘要中谓语动词的时态和语态都不是通篇一律的,而应根据具体内容而有所变化,否则容易造成理解上的混乱。但这种变化又并非无章可循,其中存在着如下一些规律: 1、时态:大体可概括为以下几点。 1)叙述研究过程,多采用一般过去时。 2)在采用一般过去时叙述研究过程当中提及在此过程之前发生的事,宜采用过去完成时。 3)说明某课题现已取得的成果,宜采用现在完成时。 4)摘要开头表示本文所"报告"或"描述"的内容,以及摘要结尾表示作者所"认为"的观点和"建议"的做法时,可采用一般现在时。

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