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梁文慧教授,女,澳门城市大学副校长 ,大学校董会成员,兼任国际旅游与管理学院院长。梁文慧教授现职澳门城市大学副校长,大学校董会成员,兼任国际旅游与管理学院院长。曾任澳门科技大学旅游管理教授、博士生导师、国际旅游学院院长兼持续教育学院总监以及澳门大学校外课程中心主任等职务。她分别在澳大利亚中央昆士兰大学取得教育博士学位、英国伯明罕大学取得酒店管理硕士学位、美国鲍尔州立大学取得成人教育硕士学位以及澳大利亚伊迪云斯大学取得旅游管理学士学位。留学美国期间,获该届毕业生最高学术优异奖和完美 “GPA”(学业成绩总平均)嘉奖。梁教授获美国酒店业协会授与认证酒店业导师的专业资格(CHE)、获加拿大专业协会授与问题赌徒辅导员专业资格 (CGC),美国国际会展协会授与专业会展经理资格(CEM)及全球展览业协会(UFI)和德国合作教育大学会展管理(EMD)专业资格。在工作期间,曾赴美国哈佛大学商学院和康奈尔大学酒店管理学院进修,分别获得全球跨文化谈判代表证书和款待业管理硕士文凭。更获意大利博可尼商学院与复旦大学商学院合发奢侈品和时尚管理进阶证书等国际享誉的资格。 梁教授创办的国际旅游管理学士课程在2007年三月荣获联合国世界旅游组织颁发 “TEDQUAL”优质旅游教育认证。她创办的国际旅游学院连续三年获得 “中国旅游饭店十佳教育培训基地”殊荣。自2008年以来,梁教授更连膺三年 “中国旅游饭店教育培训界最具影响的十大名师” 和 “全国旅游院校最具影响力十大名师” 殊荣。其创办的另一学院持续教育学院在去年首获得2010年中国酒店十佳院校特殊贡献奖,表彰其对酒店管理专业培训的贡献。足见其在学术国际认证和教学品质保证的工作卓有成效。 梁教授长期从事旅游管理及教育相关的研究。曾经带领研究团队成功优质地完成了澳门政府委托十多项大型研究专案。荣获多项优秀学术研究成果奖、国际研讨会最佳/优秀论文奖。 曾在国际和国内期刊发表关于教育及旅游会展领域论文八十多篇、出版专着五本,主编专论三本。梁教授曾创办和成功申办多个国际/区域品牌研讨会。例如会展旅游教育与产业发展国际研讨会、成人教育与社会发展国际研讨会、现代服务业发展论坛和中国继续教育年会等;还多次应邀出访欧洲、美国、澳大利亚、东南亚和港澳台等国家及地区参加国际旅游规划与会展管理专业会议演讲及交流,与海内外众多的旅游、管理、科研教学机构及企业的专家学者建立了广泛的交流管道和联系 。


英文原名《American Economic Review》,1911年创刊,现为美国经济学界最古老、最受人尊敬的经济学专业期刊之一,也是世界公认的经济学领域最具声望最权威的顶级刊物之一,对现代经济学的发展起到了重要引领和助推作用。其中不少文献的作者是诺贝尔经济学奖得主。该刊早期是每季发行一次,2011年之后改为双月刊。




英文原名《Journal of Political Economy》,简称《JPE》,1892年创办,由美国芝加哥大学出版社出版,现为经济学领域的国际核心期刊、顶级期刊,常年位居世界十大经济期刊前五;主要发表高水平的分析、解释和实证研究论文。该刊现与本文提到的“美国经济评论、计量经济学、经济学季刊、经济研究评论”并称为经济学五大期刊,是公认的世界顶级经济期刊。


英文原名《Quarterly Journal of Economics》。该刊由美国哈佛大学经济系主编、牛津大学出版社出版,是经济学历史最悠久的顶级国际英文学术期刊之一。其内容涉及经济学研究领域的各个方面,侧重从微观理论到基于经验和理论的宏观经济学研究。2011年,该刊影响因子5.920,在320个期刊的经济学类别中位居第二。


英文原名《Review of Economic Studies》,简称《RES》,于1933年由多位英美经济学家创立,旨在鼓励经济学家开展理论和应用经济学研究,始终致力于发表经济学各个领域的优秀研究论文。该刊现已被广泛认为是国际权威经济学期刊。1949至2021年间,中国境内机构共在该刊发表14篇论文,主要来自9所高校:上海财大、复旦、清大、上海交大、北大等。


英文原名《Review of Economics and statistics》,由哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院主办,拥有百年办刊历史,主要刊发实证经济学以及计量应用的文章。在中国,该刊已是中央财经大学经济学院认定的A类期刊、浙江大学经济学院认定的国际A+类期刊,还是教育部认可的12本经济学国际顶级期刊之一,2020年期刊影响因子达6.548。


英文原名《Games and Economic Behavior》。这是博弈论领域的世界顶级经济期刊,研究领域包括但不限于博弈论、经济学、政治学、生物学、计算机科学、数学、心理学等。2021年6月18日,该刊主编Hervé Moulin教授举办线上讲座,中国学者与其进行了亲切交流。


英文原名《Journal of Economic Theory》。这是理论经济学领域国际公认的顶级期刊,1969年创刊,刊登论文主题包括决策理论、机制设计、货币经济学、宏观经济学等。CNPP编辑了解到,中国已有不少学者在该刊发表论文/研究成果,例如北大王鹏飞教授、武大孙祥教授、上海交大文一特聘教授等。


英文原名《Rand Journal of Economics》,是产业组织经济学领域的国际核心期刊。1970年由AT&T公司的贝尔实验室创刊,当时刊名为《贝尔经济学与管理科学杂志》,1975年改名为《贝尔经济学杂》,1984年转为兰德公司主办后改为现名。其内容涵盖应用微观经济学领域,集中支持和鼓励产业组织领域相关主题的研究,包括理论的与实证的研究。


英文原名《European Economic Review》,1969年创办,为欧洲历史相对悠久的综合性经济学期刊之一,旨在成为所有经济学领域的理论和实证研究的主要出版物。该刊每年收到大约700份投稿,编辑会及时下达编辑决定。不过首次做出决定的平均周转时间约为60天,接受率约10%。投稿需要自付费用。


产业升级相关外文文baidu.com/=http://www.jiaoyuda.com:BAIR, J., and GEREFFI, G. (1998) Interfirm networks and regional divisions of labor: Employment and upgrading in the apparel commodity chain, paper presented at Conference on GlobalProduction and Local Jobs, ILO, Geneva, March.BAZAN, L., and NAVAS-ALEMAN, L. (2001) The underground revolution in the Sinos Valley - acomparison of global and national value chains, paper presented at Workshop on LocalUpgrading in Global Chains, Brighton, Institute of Development Studies, February.www.ids.ac.uk/ids/global/vw.htmlBELL, M. (1984) Learning and the accumulation of industrial technological capability in developing countries, in FRANSMAN, M. and KING, K. (Eds), Technological capability in the thirdworld, pp. 187-209. Macmillan, London.BRACZYK, H.-J., COOKE, P., and HEIDENREICH, M. (eds.) (1998) Regional innovationsystems. UCL Press, London.BRUSCO, S. (1990) The idea of the industrial district: Its genesis, in PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Industrial districts and inter-firm cooperation in Italy, pp.10-19. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.BRUSCO, S. (1996) Global systems and local systems, in COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., andSENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Local and regional response to global pressure: The case ofItaly and its industrial districts, pp. 147-58. International Institute for Labour Studies,Geneva.CASSIOLATO, J., and LASTRES, H. (2000) Local systems of innovation in Mercosur countries,Industry and Innovation 7 (1) , 33-53.COOKE, P., and MORGAN, K. (1998) The associational economy: Firms, regions andinnovation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1996) Local and regionalresponse to global pressure: The case of Italy and its industrial districts. InternationalInstitute for Labour Studies, Geneva.DOEL, C. (1996) Marketing development and organisational change: The case of the food industry, in WRIGLEY, N. and LOWE, M. (Eds), Retailing, consumption and capital: Towards thenew retail geography, pp. 48-67. Longman, Harlow.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2000) Governance and trade in fresh vegetables: The impact of UK supermarkets on the African horticulture industry, Journal of Development Studies 37(2), 147-76.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2001) Changing governance patterns in the trade in freshvegetables between Africa and the United Kingdom, Paper submitted to the InternationalFood and Agricultural Management Review, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.EDQUIST, C. (1997) Systems of innovation: Technologies, institutions and organizations. Pinter,London and Washington.FREEMAN, C. (1995) The national system of innovation in historical perspective, CambridgeJournal of Economics 19 (1), 5-24.GEREFFI, G. (1994) The organisation of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. Retailersshape overseas production networks, in GEREFFI, G. and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (Eds),Commodity chains and global capitalism, pp. 95-122. Praeger, Westport.GEREFFI, G. (1999) International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain,Journal of International Economics 48 (1), 37-70.GEREFFI, G., and KAPLINSKY, R. (eds) (2001) The value of value chains, IDS Bulletin 32 (3)(special issue)GEREFFI, G., and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (eds.) (1994) Commodity chains and global capitalism.Praeger, Westport.GIBBON, P. (2001) At the cutting edge: UK clothing retailers and global sourcing, CDR WorkingPaper No. 01.4, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen.HOBDAY, M. (1995) Innovation in East Asia: The challenge to Japan. Edward Elgar,Cheltenham.15HUMPHREY, J., and SCHMITZ, H. (2000) Governance and upgrading: Linking industrial cluster and global value chain research, IDS Working Paper No. 120, Institute of DevelopmentStudies, University of Sussex, Brighton.JONES, C., HESTERLY, W., and BORGATTI, S. (1997) A general theory of network governance: Exchange conditions and social mechanisms, Academy of Management Review 22 4, 911-45.KAPLINSKY, R. (2000) Globalisation and unequalisation: What can be learned from value chain analysis?, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 117-46.KEESING, D., and LALL, S. (1992) Marketing manufactured exports from developing countries:Learning sequences and public support, in HELLEINER, G. (Ed.) Trade policy,industrialisation and development, pp. 176-93. Oxford University Press, Oxford.KISHIMOTO, C. (2002) The Taiwanese personal computer clusters: Trajectory of its production and knowledge systems, DPhil Thesis, Institute of Development Studies, University of SussexKRUGMAN, P. (1995) Development, geography and economic theory. MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.LALL, S. (1991) Marketing barriers facing developing country manufactured exporters: A conceptual note, Journal of Development Studies 27 (4), 137-50.LEE, J.-R., and CHEN, J.-S. (2000) Dynamic synergy creation with multiple business activities:Toward a competence-based growth model for contract manufacturers, in SANCHEZ, R. andHEENE, A. (Eds), Theory development for competence-based management, advances inapplied business strategy, pp. 209-28. JAI Press, Stanford, CT.LUNDVALL, B.-A. (1993) Explaining interfirm cooperation and innovation: Limits of thetransaction-cost approach, in GRABHER, G. (Ed.) The embedded firm - on the socio-economics of industrial networks, pp. 52-64. Routledge, London.MAILLAT, D. (1996) From the industrial district to the analyses of territorialized productiveorganisations, Working Paper No. 9606b, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Regionales,Université de Neuchâtel,MARKUSEN, A. (1996) Sticky places in slippery space: A typology of industrial districts, Economic Geography 72, 293-313.MASKELL, P., and MALMBERG, A. (1999) Localised learning and industrial competitiveness,Cambridge Journal of Economics 23 (2), 167-85.MORRIS, M. (2001) Creating value-chain cooperation, IDS Bulletin 32 (3), 127-36.NADVI, K. (1999) The cutting edge: Collective efficiency and international competitiveness inPakistan, Oxford Development Studies 27 (1), 81-107.NADVI, K., and SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Industrial clusters in developing countries, WorldDevelopment 27 (9) (Special issue)PALPACUER, F. (2000) Competence-based strategies and global production networks: A discussionof current changes and their implications for employment, Competition and Change 4, 353-400.PIORE, M., and RUIZ DURÁN, C. (1998) Industrial development as a learning process: Mexican manufacturing and the opening to trade, in KAGAMI, M., HUMPHREY, J., and PIORE, M.(Eds), Learning, liberalisation and economic adjustment, pp. 191-241. Institute ofDeveloping Economies, Tokyo.PORTER, M. (1990) The competitive advantage of nations. Macmillan, London.PORTER, M. (1998) Clusters and the new economics of competition, Harvard Business Review, 77-90.POWELL, W. (1990) Neither market nor hierarchy: Network forms of organisation, Research inOrganizational Behaviour 12, 295-336.PYKE, F. (1992) Industrial development through small-firm cooperation. International Institutefor Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1990) Industrial districts andinter-firm cooperation in Italy. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1992) Industrial districts and local economicregeneration. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.16RABELLOTTI, R. (1997) External economies and cooperation in industrial districts. Acomparison of Italy and Mexico. Macmillan, London.RABELLOTTI, R. (2001) The effect of globalisation on industrial districts in Italy: The case ofBrenta, IDS Working Paper 144, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.REARDON, T., CODRON, J.-M., BUSCH, L., BINGEN, J., and HARRIS, C. (2001) Global change in agrifood grades and standards: Agribusiness strategic responses in developing countries,International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2.RICHARDSON, G. (1972) The organisation of industry, The Economic Journal 82, 883-96.SCHMITZ, H. (1995a) Collective efficiency: Growth path for small-scale industry, Journal ofDevelopment Studies 31 (4), 529-66.SCHMITZ, H. (1995b) Small shoemakers and Fordist giants: Tale of a supercluster, WorldDevelopment 23 (1), 9-28.SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Global competition and local co-operation: Success and failure in the SinosValley, Brazil, World Development 27 (9), 1627-50.SCHMITZ, H., and KNORRINGA, P. (2000) Learning from global buyers, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 177-205.SCOTT, A.J. (1996) Regional motors of the global economy, Futures 28, 391-411.STORPER, M. (1995) The resurgence of regional economies, ten years later, European Urban and Regional Studies 2, 191-221.STURGEON, T., and LEE, J.-R. (2001) Industry co-evolution and the rise of a shared supply-base for electronics manufacturing, paper presented at Nelson and Winter Conference, Aalborg, June.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1979) Transaction-cost economics: The governance of contractual relations,Journal of Law and Economics 22, 233-61.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1975) Markets and hierarchies. Free Press, New York. 参考资料:baidu.com/=


产业升级相关外文文baidu.com/=http://www.jiaoyuda.com:BAIR, J., and GEREFFI, G. (1998) Interfirm networks and regional divisions of labor: Employment and upgrading in the apparel commodity chain, paper presented at Conference on GlobalProduction and Local Jobs, ILO, Geneva, March.BAZAN, L., and NAVAS-ALEMAN, L. (2001) The underground revolution in the Sinos Valley - acomparison of global and national value chains, paper presented at Workshop on LocalUpgrading in Global Chains, Brighton, Institute of Development Studies, February.www.ids.ac.uk/ids/global/vw.htmlBELL, M. (1984) Learning and the accumulation of industrial technological capability in developing countries, in FRANSMAN, M. and KING, K. (Eds), Technological capability in the thirdworld, pp. 187-209. Macmillan, London.BRACZYK, H.-J., COOKE, P., and HEIDENREICH, M. (eds.) (1998) Regional innovationsystems. UCL Press, London.BRUSCO, S. (1990) The idea of the industrial district: Its genesis, in PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Industrial districts and inter-firm cooperation in Italy, pp.10-19. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.BRUSCO, S. (1996) Global systems and local systems, in COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., andSENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Local and regional response to global pressure: The case ofItaly and its industrial districts, pp. 147-58. International Institute for Labour Studies,Geneva.CASSIOLATO, J., and LASTRES, H. (2000) Local systems of innovation in Mercosur countries,Industry and Innovation 7 (1) , 33-53.COOKE, P., and MORGAN, K. (1998) The associational economy: Firms, regions andinnovation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1996) Local and regionalresponse to global pressure: The case of Italy and its industrial districts. InternationalInstitute for Labour Studies, Geneva.DOEL, C. (1996) Marketing development and organisational change: The case of the food industry, in WRIGLEY, N. and LOWE, M. (Eds), Retailing, consumption and capital: Towards thenew retail geography, pp. 48-67. Longman, Harlow.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2000) Governance and trade in fresh vegetables: The impact of UK supermarkets on the African horticulture industry, Journal of Development Studies 37(2), 147-76.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2001) Changing governance patterns in the trade in freshvegetables between Africa and the United Kingdom, Paper submitted to the InternationalFood and Agricultural Management Review, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.EDQUIST, C. (1997) Systems of innovation: Technologies, institutions and organizations. Pinter,London and Washington.FREEMAN, C. (1995) The national system of innovation in historical perspective, CambridgeJournal of Economics 19 (1), 5-24.GEREFFI, G. (1994) The organisation of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. Retailersshape overseas production networks, in GEREFFI, G. and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (Eds),Commodity chains and global capitalism, pp. 95-122. Praeger, Westport.GEREFFI, G. (1999) International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain,Journal of International Economics 48 (1), 37-70.GEREFFI, G., and KAPLINSKY, R. (eds) (2001) The value of value chains, IDS Bulletin 32 (3)(special issue)GEREFFI, G., and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (eds.) (1994) Commodity chains and global capitalism.Praeger, Westport.GIBBON, P. (2001) At the cutting edge: UK clothing retailers and global sourcing, CDR WorkingPaper No. 01.4, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen.HOBDAY, M. (1995) Innovation in East Asia: The challenge to Japan. Edward Elgar,Cheltenham.15HUMPHREY, J., and SCHMITZ, H. (2000) Governance and upgrading: Linking industrial cluster and global value chain research, IDS Working Paper No. 120, Institute of DevelopmentStudies, University of Sussex, Brighton.JONES, C., HESTERLY, W., and BORGATTI, S. (1997) A general theory of network governance: Exchange conditions and social mechanisms, Academy of Management Review 22 4, 911-45.KAPLINSKY, R. (2000) Globalisation and unequalisation: What can be learned from value chain analysis?, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 117-46.KEESING, D., and LALL, S. (1992) Marketing manufactured exports from developing countries:Learning sequences and public support, in HELLEINER, G. (Ed.) Trade policy,industrialisation and development, pp. 176-93. Oxford University Press, Oxford.KISHIMOTO, C. (2002) The Taiwanese personal computer clusters: Trajectory of its production and knowledge systems, DPhil Thesis, Institute of Development Studies, University of SussexKRUGMAN, P. (1995) Development, geography and economic theory. MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.LALL, S. (1991) Marketing barriers facing developing country manufactured exporters: A conceptual note, Journal of Development Studies 27 (4), 137-50.LEE, J.-R., and CHEN, J.-S. (2000) Dynamic synergy creation with multiple business activities:Toward a competence-based growth model for contract manufacturers, in SANCHEZ, R. andHEENE, A. (Eds), Theory development for competence-based management, advances inapplied business strategy, pp. 209-28. JAI Press, Stanford, CT.LUNDVALL, B.-A. (1993) Explaining interfirm cooperation and innovation: Limits of thetransaction-cost approach, in GRABHER, G. (Ed.) The embedded firm - on the socio-economics of industrial networks, pp. 52-64. Routledge, London.MAILLAT, D. (1996) From the industrial district to the analyses of territorialized productiveorganisations, Working Paper No. 9606b, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Regionales,Université de Neuchâtel,MARKUSEN, A. (1996) Sticky places in slippery space: A typology of industrial districts, Economic Geography 72, 293-313.MASKELL, P., and MALMBERG, A. (1999) Localised learning and industrial competitiveness,Cambridge Journal of Economics 23 (2), 167-85.MORRIS, M. (2001) Creating value-chain cooperation, IDS Bulletin 32 (3), 127-36.NADVI, K. (1999) The cutting edge: Collective efficiency and international competitiveness inPakistan, Oxford Development Studies 27 (1), 81-107.NADVI, K., and SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Industrial clusters in developing countries, WorldDevelopment 27 (9) (Special issue)PALPACUER, F. (2000) Competence-based strategies and global production networks: A discussionof current changes and their implications for employment, Competition and Change 4, 353-400.PIORE, M., and RUIZ DURÁN, C. (1998) Industrial development as a learning process: Mexican manufacturing and the opening to trade, in KAGAMI, M., HUMPHREY, J., and PIORE, M.(Eds), Learning, liberalisation and economic adjustment, pp. 191-241. Institute ofDeveloping Economies, Tokyo.PORTER, M. (1990) The competitive advantage of nations. Macmillan, London.PORTER, M. (1998) Clusters and the new economics of competition, Harvard Business Review, 77-90.POWELL, W. (1990) Neither market nor hierarchy: Network forms of organisation, Research inOrganizational Behaviour 12, 295-336.PYKE, F. (1992) Industrial development through small-firm cooperation. International Institutefor Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1990) Industrial districts andinter-firm cooperation in Italy. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1992) Industrial districts and local economicregeneration. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.16RABELLOTTI, R. (1997) External economies and cooperation in industrial districts. Acomparison of Italy and Mexico. Macmillan, London.RABELLOTTI, R. (2001) The effect of globalisation on industrial districts in Italy: The case ofBrenta, IDS Working Paper 144, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.REARDON, T., CODRON, J.-M., BUSCH, L., BINGEN, J., and HARRIS, C. (2001) Global change in agrifood grades and standards: Agribusiness strategic responses in developing countries,International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2.RICHARDSON, G. (1972) The organisation of industry, The Economic Journal 82, 883-96.SCHMITZ, H. (1995a) Collective efficiency: Growth path for small-scale industry, Journal ofDevelopment Studies 31 (4), 529-66.SCHMITZ, H. (1995b) Small shoemakers and Fordist giants: Tale of a supercluster, WorldDevelopment 23 (1), 9-28.SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Global competition and local co-operation: Success and failure in the SinosValley, Brazil, World Development 27 (9), 1627-50.SCHMITZ, H., and KNORRINGA, P. (2000) Learning from global buyers, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 177-205.SCOTT, A.J. (1996) Regional motors of the global economy, Futures 28, 391-411.STORPER, M. (1995) The resurgence of regional economies, ten years later, European Urban and Regional Studies 2, 191-221.STURGEON, T., and LEE, J.-R. (2001) Industry co-evolution and the rise of a shared supply-base for electronics manufacturing, paper presented at Nelson and Winter Conference, Aalborg, June.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1979) Transaction-cost economics: The governance of contractual relations,Journal of Law and Economics 22, 233-61.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1975) Markets and hierarchies. Free Press, New York. 参考资料:baidu.com/=


产业升级相关外文文baidu.com/=http://www.jiaoyuda.com:BAIR, J., and GEREFFI, G. (1998) Interfirm networks and regional divisions of labor: Employment and upgrading in the apparel commodity chain, paper presented at Conference on GlobalProduction and Local Jobs, ILO, Geneva, March.BAZAN, L., and NAVAS-ALEMAN, L. (2001) The underground revolution in the Sinos Valley - acomparison of global and national value chains, paper presented at Workshop on LocalUpgrading in Global Chains, Brighton, Institute of Development Studies, February.www.ids.ac.uk/ids/global/vw.htmlBELL, M. (1984) Learning and the accumulation of industrial technological capability in developing countries, in FRANSMAN, M. and KING, K. (Eds), Technological capability in the thirdworld, pp. 187-209. Macmillan, London.BRACZYK, H.-J., COOKE, P., and HEIDENREICH, M. (eds.) (1998) Regional innovationsystems. UCL Press, London.BRUSCO, S. (1990) The idea of the industrial district: Its genesis, in PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Industrial districts and inter-firm cooperation in Italy, pp.10-19. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.BRUSCO, S. (1996) Global systems and local systems, in COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., andSENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Local and regional response to global pressure: The case ofItaly and its industrial districts, pp. 147-58. International Institute for Labour Studies,Geneva.CASSIOLATO, J., and LASTRES, H. (2000) Local systems of innovation in Mercosur countries,Industry and Innovation 7 (1) , 33-53.COOKE, P., and MORGAN, K. (1998) The associational economy: Firms, regions andinnovation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1996) Local and regionalresponse to global pressure: The case of Italy and its industrial districts. InternationalInstitute for Labour Studies, Geneva.DOEL, C. (1996) Marketing development and organisational change: The case of the food industry, in WRIGLEY, N. and LOWE, M. (Eds), Retailing, consumption and capital: Towards thenew retail geography, pp. 48-67. Longman, Harlow.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2000) Governance and trade in fresh vegetables: The impact of UK supermarkets on the African horticulture industry, Journal of Development Studies 37(2), 147-76.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2001) Changing governance patterns in the trade in freshvegetables between Africa and the United Kingdom, Paper submitted to the InternationalFood and Agricultural Management Review, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.EDQUIST, C. (1997) Systems of innovation: Technologies, institutions and organizations. Pinter,London and Washington.FREEMAN, C. (1995) The national system of innovation in historical perspective, CambridgeJournal of Economics 19 (1), 5-24.GEREFFI, G. (1994) The organisation of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. Retailersshape overseas production networks, in GEREFFI, G. and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (Eds),Commodity chains and global capitalism, pp. 95-122. Praeger, Westport.GEREFFI, G. (1999) International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain,Journal of International Economics 48 (1), 37-70.GEREFFI, G., and KAPLINSKY, R. (eds) (2001) The value of value chains, IDS Bulletin 32 (3)(special issue)GEREFFI, G., and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (eds.) (1994) Commodity chains and global capitalism.Praeger, Westport.GIBBON, P. (2001) At the cutting edge: UK clothing retailers and global sourcing, CDR WorkingPaper No. 01.4, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen.HOBDAY, M. (1995) Innovation in East Asia: The challenge to Japan. Edward Elgar,Cheltenham.15HUMPHREY, J., and SCHMITZ, H. (2000) Governance and upgrading: Linking industrial cluster and global value chain research, IDS Working Paper No. 120, Institute of DevelopmentStudies, University of Sussex, Brighton.JONES, C., HESTERLY, W., and BORGATTI, S. (1997) A general theory of network governance: Exchange conditions and social mechanisms, Academy of Management Review 22 4, 911-45.KAPLINSKY, R. (2000) Globalisation and unequalisation: What can be learned from value chain analysis?, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 117-46.KEESING, D., and LALL, S. (1992) Marketing manufactured exports from developing countries:Learning sequences and public support, in HELLEINER, G. (Ed.) Trade policy,industrialisation and development, pp. 176-93. Oxford University Press, Oxford.KISHIMOTO, C. (2002) The Taiwanese personal computer clusters: Trajectory of its production and knowledge systems, DPhil Thesis, Institute of Development Studies, University of SussexKRUGMAN, P. (1995) Development, geography and economic theory. MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.LALL, S. (1991) Marketing barriers facing developing country manufactured exporters: A conceptual note, Journal of Development Studies 27 (4), 137-50.LEE, J.-R., and CHEN, J.-S. (2000) Dynamic synergy creation with multiple business activities:Toward a competence-based growth model for contract manufacturers, in SANCHEZ, R. andHEENE, A. (Eds), Theory development for competence-based management, advances inapplied business strategy, pp. 209-28. JAI Press, Stanford, CT.LUNDVALL, B.-A. (1993) Explaining interfirm cooperation and innovation: Limits of thetransaction-cost approach, in GRABHER, G. (Ed.) The embedded firm - on the socio-economics of industrial networks, pp. 52-64. Routledge, London.MAILLAT, D. (1996) From the industrial district to the analyses of territorialized productiveorganisations, Working Paper No. 9606b, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Regionales,Université de Neuchâtel,MARKUSEN, A. (1996) Sticky places in slippery space: A typology of industrial districts, Economic Geography 72, 293-313.MASKELL, P., and MALMBERG, A. (1999) Localised learning and industrial competitiveness,Cambridge Journal of Economics 23 (2), 167-85.MORRIS, M. (2001) Creating value-chain cooperation, IDS Bulletin 32 (3), 127-36.NADVI, K. (1999) The cutting edge: Collective efficiency and international competitiveness inPakistan, Oxford Development Studies 27 (1), 81-107.NADVI, K., and SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Industrial clusters in developing countries, WorldDevelopment 27 (9) (Special issue)PALPACUER, F. (2000) Competence-based strategies and global production networks: A discussionof current changes and their implications for employment, Competition and Change 4, 353-400.PIORE, M., and RUIZ DURÁN, C. (1998) Industrial development as a learning process: Mexican manufacturing and the opening to trade, in KAGAMI, M., HUMPHREY, J., and PIORE, M.(Eds), Learning, liberalisation and economic adjustment, pp. 191-241. Institute ofDeveloping Economies, Tokyo.PORTER, M. (1990) The competitive advantage of nations. Macmillan, London.PORTER, M. (1998) Clusters and the new economics of competition, Harvard Business Review, 77-90.POWELL, W. (1990) Neither market nor hierarchy: Network forms of organisation, Research inOrganizational Behaviour 12, 295-336.PYKE, F. (1992) Industrial development through small-firm cooperation. International Institutefor Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1990) Industrial districts andinter-firm cooperation in Italy. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1992) Industrial districts and local economicregeneration. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.16RABELLOTTI, R. (1997) External economies and cooperation in industrial districts. Acomparison of Italy and Mexico. Macmillan, London.RABELLOTTI, R. (2001) The effect of globalisation on industrial districts in Italy: The case ofBrenta, IDS Working Paper 144, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.REARDON, T., CODRON, J.-M., BUSCH, L., BINGEN, J., and HARRIS, C. (2001) Global change in agrifood grades and standards: Agribusiness strategic responses in developing countries,International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2.RICHARDSON, G. (1972) The organisation of industry, The Economic Journal 82, 883-96.SCHMITZ, H. (1995a) Collective efficiency: Growth path for small-scale industry, Journal ofDevelopment Studies 31 (4), 529-66.SCHMITZ, H. (1995b) Small shoemakers and Fordist giants: Tale of a supercluster, WorldDevelopment 23 (1), 9-28.SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Global competition and local co-operation: Success and failure in the SinosValley, Brazil, World Development 27 (9), 1627-50.SCHMITZ, H., and KNORRINGA, P. (2000) Learning from global buyers, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 177-205.SCOTT, A.J. (1996) Regional motors of the global economy, Futures 28, 391-411.STORPER, M. (1995) The resurgence of regional economies, ten years later, European Urban and Regional Studies 2, 191-221.STURGEON, T., and LEE, J.-R. (2001) Industry co-evolution and the rise of a shared supply-base for electronics manufacturing, paper presented at Nelson and Winter Conference, Aalborg, June.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1979) Transaction-cost economics: The governance of contractual relations,Journal of Law and Economics 22, 233-61.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1975) Markets and hierarchies. Free Press, New York. 参考资料:baidu.com/=


产业升级相关外文文baidu.com/=http://www.jiaoyuda.com:BAIR, J., and GEREFFI, G. (1998) Interfirm networks and regional divisions of labor: Employment and upgrading in the apparel commodity chain, paper presented at Conference on GlobalProduction and Local Jobs, ILO, Geneva, March.BAZAN, L., and NAVAS-ALEMAN, L. (2001) The underground revolution in the Sinos Valley - acomparison of global and national value chains, paper presented at Workshop on LocalUpgrading in Global Chains, Brighton, Institute of Development Studies, February.www.ids.ac.uk/ids/global/vw.htmlBELL, M. (1984) Learning and the accumulation of industrial technological capability in developing countries, in FRANSMAN, M. and KING, K. (Eds), Technological capability in the thirdworld, pp. 187-209. Macmillan, London.BRACZYK, H.-J., COOKE, P., and HEIDENREICH, M. (eds.) (1998) Regional innovationsystems. UCL Press, London.BRUSCO, S. (1990) The idea of the industrial district: Its genesis, in PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Industrial districts and inter-firm cooperation in Italy, pp.10-19. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.BRUSCO, S. (1996) Global systems and local systems, in COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., andSENGENBERGER, W. (Eds), Local and regional response to global pressure: The case ofItaly and its industrial districts, pp. 147-58. International Institute for Labour Studies,Geneva.CASSIOLATO, J., and LASTRES, H. (2000) Local systems of innovation in Mercosur countries,Industry and Innovation 7 (1) , 33-53.COOKE, P., and MORGAN, K. (1998) The associational economy: Firms, regions andinnovation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.COSSENTINO, F., PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1996) Local and regionalresponse to global pressure: The case of Italy and its industrial districts. InternationalInstitute for Labour Studies, Geneva.DOEL, C. (1996) Marketing development and organisational change: The case of the food industry, in WRIGLEY, N. and LOWE, M. (Eds), Retailing, consumption and capital: Towards thenew retail geography, pp. 48-67. Longman, Harlow.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2000) Governance and trade in fresh vegetables: The impact of UK supermarkets on the African horticulture industry, Journal of Development Studies 37(2), 147-76.DOLAN, C., and HUMPHREY, J. (2001) Changing governance patterns in the trade in freshvegetables between Africa and the United Kingdom, Paper submitted to the InternationalFood and Agricultural Management Review, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.EDQUIST, C. (1997) Systems of innovation: Technologies, institutions and organizations. Pinter,London and Washington.FREEMAN, C. (1995) The national system of innovation in historical perspective, CambridgeJournal of Economics 19 (1), 5-24.GEREFFI, G. (1994) The organisation of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. Retailersshape overseas production networks, in GEREFFI, G. and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (Eds),Commodity chains and global capitalism, pp. 95-122. Praeger, Westport.GEREFFI, G. (1999) International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain,Journal of International Economics 48 (1), 37-70.GEREFFI, G., and KAPLINSKY, R. (eds) (2001) The value of value chains, IDS Bulletin 32 (3)(special issue)GEREFFI, G., and KORZENIEWICZ, M. (eds.) (1994) Commodity chains and global capitalism.Praeger, Westport.GIBBON, P. (2001) At the cutting edge: UK clothing retailers and global sourcing, CDR WorkingPaper No. 01.4, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen.HOBDAY, M. (1995) Innovation in East Asia: The challenge to Japan. Edward Elgar,Cheltenham.15HUMPHREY, J., and SCHMITZ, H. (2000) Governance and upgrading: Linking industrial cluster and global value chain research, IDS Working Paper No. 120, Institute of DevelopmentStudies, University of Sussex, Brighton.JONES, C., HESTERLY, W., and BORGATTI, S. (1997) A general theory of network governance: Exchange conditions and social mechanisms, Academy of Management Review 22 4, 911-45.KAPLINSKY, R. (2000) Globalisation and unequalisation: What can be learned from value chain analysis?, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 117-46.KEESING, D., and LALL, S. (1992) Marketing manufactured exports from developing countries:Learning sequences and public support, in HELLEINER, G. (Ed.) Trade policy,industrialisation and development, pp. 176-93. Oxford University Press, Oxford.KISHIMOTO, C. (2002) The Taiwanese personal computer clusters: Trajectory of its production and knowledge systems, DPhil Thesis, Institute of Development Studies, University of SussexKRUGMAN, P. (1995) Development, geography and economic theory. MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.LALL, S. (1991) Marketing barriers facing developing country manufactured exporters: A conceptual note, Journal of Development Studies 27 (4), 137-50.LEE, J.-R., and CHEN, J.-S. (2000) Dynamic synergy creation with multiple business activities:Toward a competence-based growth model for contract manufacturers, in SANCHEZ, R. andHEENE, A. (Eds), Theory development for competence-based management, advances inapplied business strategy, pp. 209-28. JAI Press, Stanford, CT.LUNDVALL, B.-A. (1993) Explaining interfirm cooperation and innovation: Limits of thetransaction-cost approach, in GRABHER, G. (Ed.) The embedded firm - on the socio-economics of industrial networks, pp. 52-64. Routledge, London.MAILLAT, D. (1996) From the industrial district to the analyses of territorialized productiveorganisations, Working Paper No. 9606b, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Regionales,Université de Neuchâtel,MARKUSEN, A. (1996) Sticky places in slippery space: A typology of industrial districts, Economic Geography 72, 293-313.MASKELL, P., and MALMBERG, A. (1999) Localised learning and industrial competitiveness,Cambridge Journal of Economics 23 (2), 167-85.MORRIS, M. (2001) Creating value-chain cooperation, IDS Bulletin 32 (3), 127-36.NADVI, K. (1999) The cutting edge: Collective efficiency and international competitiveness inPakistan, Oxford Development Studies 27 (1), 81-107.NADVI, K., and SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Industrial clusters in developing countries, WorldDevelopment 27 (9) (Special issue)PALPACUER, F. (2000) Competence-based strategies and global production networks: A discussionof current changes and their implications for employment, Competition and Change 4, 353-400.PIORE, M., and RUIZ DURÁN, C. (1998) Industrial development as a learning process: Mexican manufacturing and the opening to trade, in KAGAMI, M., HUMPHREY, J., and PIORE, M.(Eds), Learning, liberalisation and economic adjustment, pp. 191-241. Institute ofDeveloping Economies, Tokyo.PORTER, M. (1990) The competitive advantage of nations. Macmillan, London.PORTER, M. (1998) Clusters and the new economics of competition, Harvard Business Review, 77-90.POWELL, W. (1990) Neither market nor hierarchy: Network forms of organisation, Research inOrganizational Behaviour 12, 295-336.PYKE, F. (1992) Industrial development through small-firm cooperation. International Institutefor Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., BECATTINI, G., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1990) Industrial districts andinter-firm cooperation in Italy. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.PYKE, F., and SENGENBERGER, W. (eds.) (1992) Industrial districts and local economicregeneration. International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva.16RABELLOTTI, R. (1997) External economies and cooperation in industrial districts. Acomparison of Italy and Mexico. Macmillan, London.RABELLOTTI, R. (2001) The effect of globalisation on industrial districts in Italy: The case ofBrenta, IDS Working Paper 144, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.REARDON, T., CODRON, J.-M., BUSCH, L., BINGEN, J., and HARRIS, C. (2001) Global change in agrifood grades and standards: Agribusiness strategic responses in developing countries,International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2.RICHARDSON, G. (1972) The organisation of industry, The Economic Journal 82, 883-96.SCHMITZ, H. (1995a) Collective efficiency: Growth path for small-scale industry, Journal ofDevelopment Studies 31 (4), 529-66.SCHMITZ, H. (1995b) Small shoemakers and Fordist giants: Tale of a supercluster, WorldDevelopment 23 (1), 9-28.SCHMITZ, H. (1999) Global competition and local co-operation: Success and failure in the SinosValley, Brazil, World Development 27 (9), 1627-50.SCHMITZ, H., and KNORRINGA, P. (2000) Learning from global buyers, Journal of Development Studies 37 (2), 177-205.SCOTT, A.J. (1996) Regional motors of the global economy, Futures 28, 391-411.STORPER, M. (1995) The resurgence of regional economies, ten years later, European Urban and Regional Studies 2, 191-221.STURGEON, T., and LEE, J.-R. (2001) Industry co-evolution and the rise of a shared supply-base for electronics manufacturing, paper presented at Nelson and Winter Conference, Aalborg, June.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1979) Transaction-cost economics: The governance of contractual relations,Journal of Law and Economics 22, 233-61.WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1975) Markets and hierarchies. Free Press, New York. 参考资料:baidu.com/=

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