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由于研究方向和所在的管理职位,我差不多每周都能收到10多封套磁信,主要来源于中国、大印度、马来、印尼、中东、还有荷兰。估计由于模板的存在,大多数套磁信还是有礼有节。主要给我印象比较深刻的问题只有如下几个:1.)最让人火大的莫过于,收到一份情真意切的套磁信,正准备电话询问细节,结果1个小时之内,从好几个同事那边转发过来,说:“我觉得这个申请人的背景比较适合你的研究组”。或者完全提不起兴趣而删除套磁信,到了中午,2、3个同事同时跑过来说:“我要了这个申请人!”老兄,群发套磁信,也别给同一个系里面的人群发啊!第一种情况,伤害了老板的心啊;第二种呢,还想挑起内斗,玩个二桃杀三士么?所以切记:套磁信,同一个大学不要同时套2个以上的老板。2.) 不诚实,夸大成果。一般你说了你发表了几篇一般文章,老板也懒得去查细节;但是有人在CV 中说发表了3篇IEEE TRANSACTIONS。眼睛一亮,看看他做的什么吧,结果找啊找啊找,什么也找不到。电话给他的导师,发现是投稿过3篇IEEE TRANSACTIONS,都被拒了。这样的申请人啊,在学术圈估计真混不长。3.)不回复老板的回信。这个问题主要是中国申请人的。也许因为大家习惯了用QQ、微信等,没有意识到许多国外大学EMAIL才是官方的通讯渠道。对感兴趣的申请人,许多老板都会在看到套磁信后,马上EMAIL回复。我对感兴趣的博士后申请人,经常在看到套磁信的2分钟内就回复说,“本组现在没有经费雇佣你为博士后,但是你如果想过来3个月做访问学者,我还是可以提供支持的。” 结果许多申请人,如泥牛入海,完全没有回响。即使你对我没有兴趣,哼唧一下表示礼貌,总不会累死吧!套磁信那么长都憋出来了,一句回复也能累死你?其实,老板很少直接把不熟悉的人直接招为2、3年博士后的,一般是给2、3个月的RA或者访问学者,试试看。4.)套磁信完全没有针对性,如果把套磁对象换个其他名字,这封信还可以使用。先举两个博士后套磁信的例子:===========================Dear Dr. XXX,My name is XXX, and I am writing to inquire about the availability of obtaining a postdoctoral position in your institution. I received my Ph.D. degree from XXX in June XXX. My Ph.D. dissertation title is “XXXXXXX”.My research interests focus on xxxxxx and system engineering. My Ph.D. dissertation focuses on XXX by means of xxxx. I have published XXX papers in SCI journals, XXX papers in EI journals along with one paper under revision.With many years of rich experience in study on operational research and xxxx, I master solving fuzzy XXXXXX. With deep understanding of xxxxx related basic theory of knowledge and technology, thanks to my research activities, I have a strong academic background on xxxx xxx, xxxxxxx, etc. Additionally, I have participated in several xxxxx projects which endow me rich engineering experiences.I believe that I am a xxxxxxx, as well as a good collaborator with excellent communication and writing skills. Also, I believe that exciting discoveries often come from multi-disciplinary researches and a training opportunity in your lab would help me advance greatly. I would be highly grateful if you could give me a chance.Attached please find my CV with the statement of my research interest and the contact information. If needed, I can send you a hard copy of the materials. I am more than willing to answer any of your questions concerning my application and research. I am looking forward to your response.Sincerely,===========================Dear Dr. XXX,My name is XXX XXX, and I am writing to look for any opportunities for a postdoctoral position in your team. Your advices will be greatly appreciated.I got my doctoral degree in year XXX, and now I am working as a teacher and master instructor in XXX University. From year XXXX, I’m the XXXX committee member of the XXXX, and from XXX to now, I’m the XXXX.I have published several papers and monographs, as well as presided over a number of research projects, such as the project named “XXXXX” funded by Ministry of XXXXX, and the "XXXXX" scientific research project of XXXXXX.I have strong passion for XXX XXX, with proactive stance in synergetic learning research and a desire to make a positive change in online technologic applying analysis. I eagerly hope you could consider my application and offer me a chance to improve myself both on academic and research ability.Looking forward to your news.Yours Sincerely,===========================整个信在内容、英文方面没有明显漏洞。但是呢,实际上效果不佳,因为:a). 一般老板首先会看,这个套磁信和我有什么关系呢?你介绍了一通自己,我知道你很厉害,但是你熟悉我这个实验室么?知道我这里是做什么的么?你的技能和知识对我的实验室有什么帮助啊?通篇没有提到和我有关的东西,为什么我要花时间看你的附件CV啊,删除!b). 博士生的话,可以提training opportunity,本来博士就是一个训练过程;但是博士后呢,老板一般是期望你召之即来、来之能战,另外,为什么老板需要花钱雇佣你来HELP YOU ADVANCE GREATLY或者IMPROVE YOURSELF呢?c). 最后一个问题是,从老板的角度来讲,找博士后其实是卖方市场,优秀博士毕业生旁边经常就有老板求着说,到我这边来做博士后吧,能量大的老板可能直接就给了tenure track position。老板好不容易弄到的研究基金,当然希望能够找到个高手博士后。即使你的水平就那么多,也不能做出begging状,所以,要小心使用这个词 if you can give/offer me a chance. 有水平的话,架子还是需要摆一摆的;水平不够摆架子的话,也别低三下四。其实,不论是博士生或者博士后申请,套磁可以很简单直白的,特别是能够做到对你套磁的老板的组比较熟悉,让老板给你回信问细节,那就达到目的了。来看2个正面的例子:下面这封离开模板千里,但是我直接打电话问他的情况了,其中的一个关键是:他看了我研究组的网站,知道我的组做什么,卖点是什么。===========================Dear Dr XXXX,I am a student at XXXXX with a major in XXXX. I am a master honor student and will be graduating this December.I am planning to attend graduate school in XXXXX, with a focus on XXXXX. I have been exploring XXXX graduate programs when I am working on XXXX project, and I am particularly interested in your research interest, XXXX.I hope you don’t mind my getting in touch, but I’d like to inquire whether you are currently accepting PhD students. If you are, would you willing to talk to me a bit more by email. I have explored your website in detail, and it seems like an excellent fit for me because of its emphasis on XXXX.I know you’re very busy so I appreciate any time you can reply me. Thanks very much,Sincerely,===========================再来看个印度学生的套磁信,信件写的很感人,但是可能印度IIT的统一模板就是这个,因为差不多到了每年某个时候,我就可以收到一大堆这种架构的信。其实内容还是很勾人的呢。Dear Professor XXXXX,I read your paper 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX' and the experience was quite overwhelming as well as enriching.(你看,我知道你的亮点文章,其实谁知道看没看呢。)I am a pre-final year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) XXXX, India pursuing my B.S-M.S Dual degree in XXXX. While browsing through your profile, I came to know about your Research work.I have had quite a few research experiences in past which include research internships with Princeton University (U.S.A), IBM research (India) and University of Greifswald (Germany).(牛校走过一番啊,营造出哄抢气氛:你不要我,有的是人要我呢。)I wish to pursue a research project under your guidance/or otherwise would be glad even if I could assist you in any currently ongoing project during XXX . I am interested and enthusiastic to carry out productive research so as to enhance and exploit my skills and to contribute positively to the research going on in these fields. I think that my efforts and new ideas could be quite helpful to what the project/research topic demands.(我对你干的事情会有帮助的呢:说不定有new idea哦)I tried to contact you a few months back also but there was some issues with my email server leading to some difficulties in receiving emails.(前几个月我EMAIIL过你的,但是你没理我,算啦,我就给你个台阶,说也许我大学邮件服务器不给力:给老板造成内疚感,你不理我!其实呢,老板也记不清是不是收到过了,一般都删除的,对吧?)Should you require any more information, I would be glad to provide. My Curriculum Vitae is attached along with for your kind perusal.Thanking you for your kind consideration and looking forward to receiving your favorable response on the subject.Best Regards,===========================平心而论,这封套磁信属于典范级别的了。不过由于IIT的学生差不多每人都这个套路,许多老板都看厌倦了,所以你还是需要小心使用。按照思路,自己改编个具有中国特色的吧。先写这么多,下次有心情了再来添加。加一个印度学生的实习申请例子~~ (30/3/2015)Dear XXXXI came to know about you from your research paper "XXXXXX".I am a final year student in the M.Sc (Integrated) program of Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Indian Institute of Technology, XXXXXX currently in my last semester of academic program. My cumulative performance index after 9 semesters is 8.3/10.I would like to pursue research in statistics and machine learning and have a keen interest in statistical inferences, bayesian statistics and machine learning. I have been a summer research assistant at the XXXXX Lab, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo under Prof. XXXXX in XXXX and at Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University in XXXX.I complete my studies at IIT XXXXX in April and would really like to make the most of the break by gaining some useful research experience under your guidance. While browsing, I was intrigued by your work and found that my interest was in line with the research work that you do. I would be really glad if I could get an opportunity to do a research project under your guidance or would be glad even if I could assist in any ongoing project from XX'15 to XXX'15 (for a XXXX week period).I would love to build on these works and I look forward to cultivate something striking out of my acquaintance with these concepts by doing some research work so that I can broaden my horizons.I would be grateful if you could please consider my application. I have attached my CV along with for your perusal.Thanking you.With best regards,

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