一、时态时态是个比较复杂的问题虽然有一般的规则但往往在实际文章中很难把握总体的规则已在前边讲过需要重申的是在同一段落中要避免时态跳跃详见学术论文的写作最常见的描述一般现象的时态是一般现在时有时也用一般过去时或一般将来时需要注意的语法In recent years作时间状语时通常要用完成时In recent years,Plesch and coworkers have concluded that many so-called cationic polymerizations do not proceed through intermediates of an ionic nature.二、数词数也有其复杂化特别是在学术论文里有是很难顾及数上的逻辑但一般不将逻辑上的问题视为语法错误只须注意在一个句子中的数和谓语动词的统一即可以下是需要注意的语法不规则变化的单复数单数复数criterion criteria依据phenomenon phenomena现象medium media介质radius radii半径index indices指数appendix appendices附录stimulus stimuli刺激basis bases基础2synthesis syntheses合成matrix matrices基体Novel biomaterials with improved,specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli.一些数有特殊性的名词data,kinetics通常作复数名词research,work:不可数名词The data in Table1are obtained from the reactions at different temperatures.The kinetics of polymerization within each droplet are the same as those for the corresponding bulk polymerization.Much research has been done to redirect the tropism of retroviruses by engineering the envelope glycoprotein.Most research on poly(ortho esters)has focused on the synthesis of polymers.一些结构的数<;主谓的统一>one of复数名词单数none of复数名词复数none of单数名词/不可数名词单数no复数名词复数no单数名词/不可数名词单数a kind of单数名词单数this/that kind of单数名词单数these kinds of复数名词复数复数名词of this/that kind复数sort与kind类似a type of单数名词单数a series of复数名词复数a class of复数名词复数the number of复数名词单数a number of复数名词复数Ara-C is one of most important antitumor agents,especially used in the treatment of various leukaemias.One of possibilities for enhancing the pharmacological properties is to link it to a carrier. Biocompatibility is one of the main criteria for the selection of a particular biomaterial.3 Controlled drug delivery technology represents one of most rapid advancing areas of science in which chemists are contributing to human health care.Several models have been proposed but none appear to be generally applicable.None of the presently used ones are applied rigorously.Thus far no studies have conclusively demonstrated long-term value of any of the cardiac gene therap approaches.This type of termination is often referred to as spontaneous termination.A number of polymer backbones that are potentially degradable are detailed in the text.The number of mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the stereopecificity of Ziegler-Natta catalysts.*The number of复数名词:整个做主语时谓语应为单数;但此句的动词have是从句的谓语而从句是形容mechanisms.在其它的从句谓语中也是同样如:One of the mechanisms which have been……A series of telomers reported in table1were then synthesized.A diverse range of mechanisms have been developed.Polymers are a promising class of biomaterials that can be engineered to meet specific end-use requirements.The most important class of poly(amides)for controlled release are the poly(amino acids).The majority of poly(anhydrides)are prepared by melt-condensation polymerization.A wide variety of natural and synthetic polymers have been used to fabricate tissue-engineering matrices.后面通常要用复数名词对可数名词而言various differentmost all many severalone of many ofkinds ofa number of the number ofa(wide)variety of a class ofa series of a wide range ofDozens of different types of receptors are present on the average mammalian cell
1. 曾几何时:时间没有过去多久。
2. 曾经沧桑:比喻曾经见过大世面,不把平常事放在眼里。
3. 蚕食鲸吞:用各种方式侵占吞并。(蚕、鲸,名词作状语)
4. 沧海一粟(sù):比喻非常微小。粟,谷子。
5. 从善如流:接受善意的规劝,如同水流向下那样迅速而自然。
6. 大快人心:坏人坏事受到惩罚或打击,使大家非常痛快。
7. 大而无当:虽然大,但是不合用。
8. 大智若愚:某些有才智有才能的人不露锋芒,表面看来好像很愚笨。多含褒义。
9. 大器晚成:指能担当大事的人物要经过长期的锻炼,所以成就比较晚。
10. 当仁不让:遇到应该做的事就要勇于承担,不谦让,不推托。仁,正义,正义的事,引申为应该做的事。
学术论文的语言表达 征求意见稿 总则 语言风格清晰流畅的书面语言 注意向已发表的文章学习语言专业术语必须从该领域的文献中学习避免自创的新奇语句 应注意的问题2. synthesis syntheses 合成 matrix matrices 基体 Novel biomaterials with improved, specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli道客阅读论文投稿过程中用到的一些常用语 - com - stu - zhang的博客 - CSDN博客1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML: I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like tosubmitforpossible publication in the2. Dear Dr. A: Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publicationin the journal of -3. Dear Dr. A: Please find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb.All authors have read and approveCSDN博客文献上发文章用什么语表达 - 资深教育答主答疑 - 问一问在线2239位教育培训答主在线答已服务超1.5亿人5分钟内回复Hi,为您实时解答教育类升学、学科答疑等问题,与高校名师、专家1对1在线沟通文献上发文章用什么语表达马上提问职称论文收费标准103人正在咨询论文的语言110人正在咨询文后参考文献著录规则118人正在咨询职称论文收费标准103人正在咨询问一问学术论文的常见语言表达 - 豆丁网2021年9月24日语言 语言风格清晰流畅的书面语言 注意向已发表的文章学习语言专业术语必须从该领域的文献中学习避免自创的新奇语句注意向已发表的文章学习语言...豆丁网大家还在搜职称论文收费标准写论文的高端词汇论文投稿发邮件,一般要怎么说学术论文的语言特点有哪些论文标题为什么不能用浅谈论文口语化怎么修改论文的文章结构是什么中文论文题目常用学术词汇学术论文的常见语言表达 - 百度文库8页发布时间: 2022年05月07日1. 学术论文的 语言表达 征求意见稿 �总则 语言风格清晰流畅的 书面语言 注意向已发表的文章学习语言专业术语2. synthesis syntheses 合成 matrix matric es 基体 Novel biomaterials with improved,3. Controlled drug delivery technology repres ents one of most rapid advanc百度文库学术论文的常见语言表达(8页) - 原创力文档2021年8月18日总则语言风格清晰流畅的书面语言注意向已发表的文章学习语言专业术语必须从该领域的文献中学习...原创力文档SCI 论文写作中的语言技巧有哪些? - 腾讯新闻10月26日只著录公开发表的文献。公开发表是指在国内外公开发行的报刊或正式出版的图书上发表。在供内部交流的刊物上发表的文章和内部使用的资料,尤其是不...腾讯网
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