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【媒体及名人推荐】 你一定要阅读此书,它让你情不自禁地尝试学术写作。 ——⸺布赖恩•博伊德(新西兰奥克兰大学教授) 索德的方法打破旧有常规,令人耳目一新,为百般挣扎的学者们提供了巧妙的、一劳永逸的解决方案。 ——《 高等教育纪事报》 本书依照学位论文章节与格式,提供论文写作的“通关密码”,一方面期能增进大学生,尤其是研究生论文写作的研究素养,另一方面则希望能减轻指导教授不必要的工作负担。作者以指导学生论文写作的理论与实际经验,本着“同是天涯沦落人的同情理解”,特别从协助学生的观点,分享论文写作的“锦囊妙计”,针对论文写作学术之旅的“迷宫关卡”之各种迷障歧途与苦海困境,提供可明智脱离苦海困境的“通关密码”。研读本书后,学生们将可“如获至宝”,立即增强论文写作的研究素养,了解论文写作学术之旅的全部旅程,预知论文写作的六道“迷宫关卡”及可脱离“迷宫关卡”的六组“通关密码”,并经由论文写作学术之旅的“首部曲”与“练习曲”之修练,活用论文写作学术之旅的“通关密码”,而能早日脱离各种迷障歧途与苦海困境,顺利通过论文写作学术之旅的考验,荣登学术研究殿堂。 本书可说是论文写作的葵花宝典,也可说是论文写作随身修练的武功秘笈,同时也是论文写作学术之旅必携的旅游指南,本书含括各种论文写作不可不知的过关致胜锦囊,如同诸葛亮给赵子龙救刘备的“锦囊妙计”,非常适合作为各大学、研究所开设论文写作、研究方法、书报讨论、专题研究及独立研究等课程与教学之参考用书。 《学术论文撰写与发表》根据笔者长期从事科学研究和学术期刊工作的经验,并结合前人的经验和著述,系统介绍了科技学术论文撰写与发表的相关知识、实际过程、操作技巧及注意事项等。内容主要涉及文献资料搜集与整理、研究报告和文献综述的写作技巧、电子稿件制作技术、投稿诀窍等。 法学论文写作,有普遍的规范和共通的方法。本书作者在英国读书写论文时,曾在名师指导下受过专门的学术训练,此后在《中国社会科学》做过编辑,对于论文写作有深入的了解。 本书分选题、文献、调查、论证、部件、行文、伦理七个部分,每部分从学生最常见的问题入手,用通俗易懂且轻松有趣的 语言,用详实的例子,细致讲解了法学论文的写作。本书对于法学本科、研究生以及博士生都有重要的参考价值。 本书面市后,将会成为最为实用和贴心的论文写作指南。 《语言文学专业学术论文写作导引》在论述了语言文学专业学术论文写作基础知识的基础上,重点对语言文学专业的分支学科如文艺学、中国古代文学论、中国现当代文学、中国少数民族语言文学、比较文学与世界文学、语言学、语文教学论等学科学术论文的写作方法与技巧进行了详细的阐述,为学习者提供理论和实践上系统而实在的指导,以使通过训练将掌握的知识转化为能力。 《史学论文写作教程》是专门针对历史学专业本科生如何写作规范论文的教材。教程从史学论文的选题入手,按照论文的构成要素,分章对论文的标题、摘要、关键词、引言、正文、结语进行详细的论述,就如何写作规范的论文进行了有针对性的讲解。教程最大特点是通过丰富、翔实的案例来具体说明“如何写”,所讲的方法大都是从这些案例中推导出来的,清晰明白,易于学生理解和接受,体例完全不同于以往的文科论文写作教程。教程所举之例皆从学者新近发表的文章中选取。为了尊重知识产权,教程使用的范文皆为西北师大历史系教师的论文。教程还对论文写作经常混淆的注释与参考文献做了对比说明,有利于初学者较好地掌握不同的注释方法。最后,教程就如何应对毕业论文的答辩作了介绍,并将《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《标点符号用法》等内容附后。本教材由田澍在多年教学实践基础上编写完成。 《文学解读和论文写作:指南与范例》(第7版)涉及文学解读和阐释性写作的各种关键环节,从基本功到高级的文学批评,从涉及文学阅读的简单的“人之常情”到复杂的文学解读类论文,几乎面面俱到,是一本关乎人文训练的有效指南。书中配有练习,每章后面都有“关于……的清单”,清清楚楚地确立了一系列行之有效的步骤和规则,并且提供了大量范例。 This book is designed to enable non-native English speakers to write science research for publication in English. It is a practical, user-friendly book intended as a fast, do-it-yourself guide for those whose English language proficiency is above intermediate. The approach is based on material developed from teaching graduate students at Imperial College London and has been extensively piloted. The book guides the reader through the process of writing science research and will also help with writing a Master's or Doctoral thesis in English. Science writing is much easier than it looks because the structure and language are conventional. The aim of this book is to help the reader discover a template or model for science research writing and then to provide the grammar and vocabulary tools needed to operate that model. There are five units: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion/Conclusion and Abstract. The reader develops a model for each section of the research article through sample texts and exercises; this is followed by a Grammar and Writing Skills section designed to respond to frequently-asked questions as well as a Vocabulary list including examples of how the words and phrases are to be used. 作者: Kate L. Turabian A little more than seventy-five years ago, Kate L. Turabian drafted a set of guidelines to help students understand how to write, cite, and formally submit research writing. Seven editions and more than nine million copies later, the name Turabian has become synonymous with best practices in research writing and style. Her "Manual for Writers" continues to be the gold standard for generations of college and graduate students in virtually all academic disciplines. Now in its eighth edition, "A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations" has been fully revised to meet the needs of today's writers and researchers. The Manual retains its familiar three-part structure, beginning with an overview of the steps in the research and writing process, including formulating questions, reading critically, building arguments, and revising drafts. Part II provides an overview of citation practices with detailed information on the two main scholarly citation styles (notes-bibliography and author-date), an array of source types with contemporary examples, and detailed guidance on citing online resources. Authoritative guidance on all matters of style, updated to reflect "The Chicago Manual of Style", sixteenth edition. Thorough coverage of scholarly citation: standard practices, an expanded array of digital sources, and hundreds of new examples. Comprehensive guidelines - vetted by dissertation officials nation-wide - for formatting research papers, theses, and dissertations and preparing them for submission. The final section treats all matters of editorial style, with advice on punctuation, capitalization, spelling, abbreviations, table formatting, and the use of quotations. Style and citation recommendations have been revised throughout to reflect the sixteenth edition of "The Chicago Manual of Style". With an appendix on paper format and submission that has been vetted by dissertation officials from across the country and a bibliography with the most up-to-date listing of critical resources available, "A Manual for Writers" remains the essential resource for students and their teachers. As a scientist, you are a professional writer: your career is built on successful proposals and papers. Success isn't defined by getting papers into print, but by getting them into the reader's consciousness. Writing Science is built upon the idea that successful science writing tells a story. It uses that insight to discuss how to write more effectively. Integrating lessons from other genres of writing with those from the author's years of experience as author, reviewer, and editor, the book shows scientists and students how to present their research in a way that is clear and that will maximize reader comprehension. The book takes an integrated approach, using the principles of story structure to discuss every aspect of successful science writing, from the overall structure of a paper or proposal to individual sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words. It begins by building core arguments, analyzing why some stories are engaging and memorable while others are quickly forgotten, and proceeds to the elements of story structure, showing how the structures scientists and researchers use in papers and proposals fit into classical models. The book targets the internal structure of a paper, explaining how to write clear and professional sections, paragraphs, and sentences in a way that is clear and compelling. The ideas within a paper should flow seamlessly, drawing readers along. The final section of the book deals with special challenges, such as how to discuss research limitations and how to write for the public. Writing Science is a much-needed guide to succeeding in modern science. Its insights and strategies will equip science students, scientists, and professionals across a wide range of scientific and technical fields with the tools needed to communicate effectively. 哥伦比亚大学教师三十年教学经验锤炼而成, 人手必备的实用写作宝典,二百余个写作模板即学即用 ……………… ※编辑推荐※ 如何在最紧急的情况下,快速写出一封能切实解决问题的商务致歉信?如何在毫无准备的情况下,顺利写出一篇精彩而鼓舞人心的演讲稿?如何在阻力重重的环境中,轻松写出一份让人过目不忘的简历?无论你打算写什么,本书都给出了最简单、直接的建议,明确每种文体的特点、合理规划写作路径、精准掌握读者的心理,本书将颠覆你的写作思维,重塑你的写作习惯! ……………… ※媒体推荐※ 这是一本绝对实用的写作指南。如果你在工作或生活中需要用文字传递信息,那毫无疑问,你需要这本书。 ——伯恩特·施密特 哥伦比亚大学商学院教授 必须说,这是一本值得拥有的参考书!对写好商业邮件、投诉信、道歉信等等方面,布朗提供了简单而直接的建议。在每个案例旁加上“怎样做”和“不要做”版块的确相当有用。 ——娱乐周刊 劳拉·布朗写出了一本终极写作指南,旨在让你的写作变得更简洁凝练、更有说服力,更具沟通性。学生、商务人士,甚至是经验丰富的专业作家都应该随时带着这本书,它和字典、辞典同等重要。 ——米歇尔·斯内尔 文学代理人,作家 《完全写作指南》是在这个数字通信如此发达的时代中,我所看到的第一本指向写作核心的书。书中的讲解适合每一个人。 ——玛丽·奥尔森 数字商务设计与开发先锋 作为一个有三十年教学经验的写作教师,我非常了解年轻写作者们的需求。劳拉·布朗回答了最困难的问题:关于怎样开始写作,怎样针对目标读者调整技艺,怎样充实简单的内容,怎样精通表达与辩论。 ——罗杰·马赫妮 帕萨迪纳市立学院助理教授 ……………… ※内容简介※ 希望投资人资助你开展一个特别项目,应该怎样写一封具有说服力的电子邮件?准备申请大学,如何才能写出一篇引人注目的自我陈述?同事的母亲去世了,怎样用最好的方式表达你的哀悼之情? 无论科技多么进步,即时通讯变得多么快速便捷,用文字进行交流和表达永远是现代人必须掌握的技能。但不可否认的是,很多人在摊平稿纸、打开电脑准备“写作”的时候,却常常感到思维混乱,不知从何开始。 这本《完全写作指南》告诉我们,只要思路清晰、流程顺畅、有好的方法和习惯,写作并不是困难的事。本书从写作的核心——写作思维入手,分析每一种实用写作的思维要点,以读者的角度反观写作的关键。按照作者所精心规划的写作流程,只要经过“确定写作目标、深度了解读者、展开头脑风暴、组织结构、打初稿、修改”这六个步骤,无论多棘手的写作难题,都能够得到顺利解决。通过阅读本书,读者能真正学会如何进行清晰、简洁、得体的写作。同时,本书更总结了二百多个方便参照、易于使用的写作模板,囊括了工作、学习、个人生活的方方面面,可以随查随用,让你真正做到“从提笔就怕到什么都能写”。 Covering the writing waterfront-from basics on verb tense to the value of forming a "support group"-Poynter Institute vice president Clark offers tips, tricks and techniques for anyone putting fingers to keyboard. The best assets in Clark's book are in the "workshop" sections that conclude each chapter and list strategies for incorporating the material covered in each lesson (minimize adverbs, use active verbs, read your work aloud). Though some suggestions are classroom campy ("Listen to song lyrics to hear how the language moves on the ladder of abstraction" and "With some friends, take a big piece of chart paper and with colored markers draw a diagram of your writing process"), Clark's blend of instruction and exercise will prove especially useful for teachers. One exercise, for instance, suggests reading the newspaper and marking the location of subjects and verbs. Another provides a close reading of a passage from The Postman Always Rings Twice to look at the ways word placement and sentence structure can add punch to prose. Clark doesn't intend his guide to be a replacement for classic style guides like Elements of Style, but as a companion volume, it does the trick. Research Methodology 作者: Bora Pajo A complete course in the art of writing and an essential reference for any working or would-be writer of any kind. Step-by-step it shows how to come up with ideas, get past writer's block, create an irresistible opening, develop an effective style, choose powerful words and master grammar, rewrite, and much, much more.

276 评论


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100 评论


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