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杜亚军近年来发表的主要论文:[1].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li. Strategy for Mining Association Rules for Web Pages Based on Formal Concept Analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 2010,10(2),( SCI).[2].YaJun Du,ZhanBing Dong. Focused Web Crawling Strategy Based on Concept Context Graph. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1097-1106(EI: 20094412411886).[3].ShangMing Chen, YaJun Du, QiangQiang Peng. Ontology-Based Query ExPansion In Formal Concept Analysis. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1603-1612(EI: 20094412411945).[4].FuGui Wang, YaJun Du, QingHua Dong. A search Quality Evaluation Based on FCA. International Journal of Digitai Content Technology and Its Applications, 2009, 3(2):55-61.[5].Mingli Feng, Yajun Du Mingjun Feng, Yingyu Wang. Personalized user-query semantic clustering using search click information. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[6].Qiangqiang Peng, Yajun Du,Yufeng Hai,Shaoming. Topic-specific crawling on the Web with concept context graph based on FCA. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[7].Zhen Zhang, YaJun Du, ChengJie Li. AntCrawlers: Focused Crawling Agents Based on the Idea of Ants. The Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009, 250:253.(EI:20094712474494)[8].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, LiBo Jia. The method of Query Expansion Based On Domain Ontology. The Proceeding of Pacific-Asia Congerence on Circuits, Communications and System, 2009, 755-758.( EI:20094512436248)[9].YingYu Wang, YaJun Du, ShaoMing Chen. The understanding between teo agent Crawlers Based on Domain Ontology. The proceeding of Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2009, 47-50.(EI: 20094512430674)[10].YueKui Yang, YaJun Du, YuFeng Hai, ZhaoQiong Gao, A Topic-Specific Web Crawler With Web Page Hierarchy Based on HTML Dom_tree. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 420-423. (EI:20094912527470)[11].ZhaoQiong Gao, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, QiangQiang Peng, YueKui Yang, Incrementally Updating Concept Context Graph(CCG) for Focused Web Crawling Based on FCA. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 40-43. (EI:20094812515462)[11].杜亚军,The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2008,27(6):38-48.[12].Kai Li, Yajun Du, Dan Xiang, Honghua Chen, Zhenwen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359.(EI: 080311023722).[13].Dong QinHua, Du YaJun, Wang FuGui. Scheduling strategy based on the collaboration of agents for MSE. Proceedings - ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management.2008.8: 556-560(EI :084311659247).[14].Li XinChun, Du YaJun. Domain Ontology based Semantic Matching of Concept Lattices. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2008.02:535-540.(EI: 081811231572).[15].Yajun Du, HaiMing Li. An intelligent model and its implementation of search engine. Journal of convergence information technology. 2008, 3(2): 57-66.[16].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, YuTing Wang HaiMing Li. Query Expansion based on Topics. Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD2008,v2:610-614(EI: 20090211845668).[17].YuTing Wang, YaJun Du. Selection of personalized start-URLs based on User Ontology.Journal of Computational Information Systems.2008,v2,3: 899-906. (EI: 083211445080).[18].Qinhua Dong, Yajun Du, Fugui Wang.A MSE Model with Learning Mechanism and FCA Merging,2008, proceedings of ICALIP 2008(EI: 083911587679).[19].Fugui Wang ,Yajun Du,Qinhua Dong. A search quality evaluation based on objective-subjective method. Journal of convergence information technology, 2008, 3,2: 50-56.[20].Yuekui Yang, Yajun Du, Jingyu Sun,Yufeng Hai. A topic-specific web crawler with concept similarity context graph based on FCA, proceeding of icic2008: 840-847.(EI: 084111630427).[21].Yan Bing, Du YaJun, Li ZhanSheng. The new clustering strategy and algorithm based on latent semantic indexing. Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2008, v 1, 486-490.( EI:20085211803858).[22]. Xiang dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707. (EI: 080311026960).[23]. ChunZhi Xie, Liangzhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011. (EI:082911 375286).[24]. Tang, Juan; Du, Ya-Jun; Wang, Ke-Liang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031.(EI: 080311031024).[25]. Yajun Du, Zheng Pei, Haiming Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447.(EI: 080311038602).[26].杜亚军,智能信息处理及其在搜索引擎中的应用,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2007,26(2):1-5.[27].唐娟,杜亚军,王可亮. 一种基于形式概念分析的问答系统答案抽取的研究. 计算机应用. 2007,27(3):653-656.[28].邓波, 杜亚军, 王丽. 基于BAM的用户查询与网页匹配的研究. 河北师范大学学报:自然科学版. 2007:31(5):594-599.[29].YaJun Du, XinChun Li. An Semantic Rank for Web Crawler Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007.10:971-977.[30].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi and YaJun Du. An Algorithm for Fuzzy Concept Lattices Building with Application to Social Navigation. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:950-955.[31].Jing Wang, YaJun Du. A Method of Personalized Web Search Result Clustering Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:983-987.[32].YaJun Du, Zheng Pei, HaiMing Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447(EI: 20080311038602).[33].YaJun Du, The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept. ICIC (2) 2007:489-498.[34].Tang Juan, Du YaJun, Wang KeLiang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031(EI: 20080311031024).[35].Tang Jun, Du YaJun, Qi, Liang. Research on Concept Lattice Based Personalized Information Retrieval. ICMLC.2007:4032-4037(EI: 20080311031025).[36].Kai Li, YaJun Du, Dan Xiang, HongHua Chen, ZhenWen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359(EI 20080311023722).[37].Li Kai, Du YaJun, Dan Xiang. Collaborative Recommending Based on Core-Concept Lattice. ASC2007:583-592.[38].Deng Bo, Du YaJun. Research on matching between user queries and web pages based on BAM. SNPD 2007:81-85(EI: 20074110862678).[39].Xiang Dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707(EI: 20080311026960).[40].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011(EI: 20082911375286).[41]Du YaJun, Li HaiMing, Chen HongHua, Xie Chuan, The analysis of intelligence behavior of search engine. 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT, 563-567(EI: 20083711530362).[42].Hai YuFeng, Du YaJun, Li HaiMing. A New Strategy of Query Expansion using Formal Concept Analysis. Proceedings - Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EI:20073110733126).[43].Cao Long, Du YaJun,Shen JieFeng. Design and implementation of universal print function about grid component in Delphi. Computer Engineering. 31(20), 2005, p 229-230+233(EI:05479500429).[44].Zeng ChuanHua, Xu Yang, Du YaJun, Xie WeiCheng. Knowledge discovery and model structure selection based on rough set theory.Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v 41, n 3, June, 2006, p 324-328(EI: 063310068157).[45].Pei Zhen, Du YaJun, Ying LiangZhong. Decision inference based on extended decision rules of probabilistic information system. Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, v 41, n 1, February, 2006, p 131-134(EI: 06139783852)[46].陈俊华, 慕长龙, 陈秀明, 向成华, 罗成荣, 陈国先, 杜亚军. 基于物元分析的小流域土地利用结构调整及景观格局变化. 生态学报, 2006, 7. 2093-2100.[47]. Du Ya-Jun, Li Hai-Ming, Hao Fei, Xie Chuan. A method checking the correctness of sentence of formal language based on linear resolution. 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 558-562 (EI:20083711530361).[48].Jun Tang, Du YaJun, Shen JieFeng.Research in Concept Lattice based automatic document ranking.2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 5560-5565(EI: 05509539716).[49].Du YaJun, Xu Yang, Pei Zheng, Pen Hong, Li HaiMing. An algorithm retrieving rules from web page based on concept lattice. 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 2368-2372(EI: 05509539134).[50].Shen JieFeng, Du YaJun, Jun Tang. The personalized page recommender system based on meta-search engine, 17th IMACS world congress scientific computation applied mathematics and simulation, 2005.[51].曹龙, 杜亚军. 基于Web Services的个人搜索引擎. 计算机工程与应用,2005年2期: 138-141,175.[52].Zheng Pei, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, Yang Xu, Obtaining a complex linguistic data summaries from database based on a new linguistic aggregation operator, IWANN2005, LNCS,Springer-Verlag, Spain, 771-778,2005. (SCI BCO15)[53].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, Zheng Pei, Hong Peng. Intelligent Spider's Algorithm of Search Engine Based on Keyword. Transactions on Computer and Information technology. 2005 1(01):40--49.[54].沈杰峰,杜亚军,唐俊,基于项目分类的协同过滤算法,第22届全国数据库会议,2004[55].沈杰峰,杜亚军,唐俊,基于蚁群算法的网页推荐,西华大学学报·自然科学版,2005, 24(6), 29-32.[56].唐俊杜亚军沈杰峰. 判断点与区域位置关系的改进算法. 西华大学学报:自然科学, 24(5), 14-17,71.[57].YaJun Du, Yang Xu, LiangZhong Yi, Zheng Pei. Research on Personal Intelligent Search Engine Based on Keywords. Proceeding of International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 2004. Sapporo, Japan. 2004:228--231.(EI:05299224396).[58].YaJun Du, Yang Xu, ZhanShen Li, DongMei Qi. Discussion on Interest Spider's Algorithm of Search Engine. Proceeding of The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2004). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 2004:433--436(EI:05169044887).[59].YaJun Du, Yang Xu, ZhanShen Li, DongMei Qi. Implementation of AN Intelligent Spider's Algorithm for Search Engine.Applied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference:324--327.(EI:04498704428).[60].杜亚军,邱小平,徐扬. 中文搜索引擎智能的探讨. 计算机应用研究. 2004, 21(4), 29-31,35.[61].杜亚军, 严兵宋亮. 爬行虫算法设计与程序实现.计算机应用. 2004,24(1),33-35.[62].齐冬梅, 杜亚军, 李战胜. 计算机应用, 2004, 24(B12),179-182.[63].杜亚军. 计算机科学前沿问题综述与评价. 四川工业学院学报, 2004, 23(4), 46-48.[64].杜亚军, 陈国先, 陈秀明, 陈俊华, 雷效章, 蔡小虎, 彭沛好.川渝77县长防林(一期)工程的综合效益评价与分析. 生态学杂志, 2003,22(1),69-72.[65].杜亚军, 陈国先, 李辉, 蓦长龙, 陈秀明. 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统. 四川工业学院学报, 2003, 22(3),74-76.[66].YaJun Du, Zheng Pei,Yang Xu. The Humanity Research of Seaech Engine Based on Uncertain Reasoning. Proceeding of The Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC'2003). 2003, Xi'an, Volumn 4:447--452 (EI:EIP04128071058).[67].ZhanShen Li,YaJun Du, Yang Xu, YueKun Wang, Dongmei Qi. The Personalized PageRank Based on User Behavoirs, Applied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference:318--323.(EI:04498704427).[68].XiaoPing Qiu, Yang Xu, YaJun Du, Xiaohong Liu, YongChuan Tang, Hua Zhu,A New Special-Domain and Stepwise Intelligent Development Method in Software Engering.Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& Cybernetics, Oct. 2004, Washington:2398--2401 (EI:04458446856).[69].李辉, 杜亚军. 图书资料检索过程的智能行为研究. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004, 23(4).[70].XiaoPing Qiu, Haiming Li, YaJun Du, Yang Xu. Adding Forecast Support to Workflow Management System by Classical Logic Formula Computing. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC'2003). 2003, Xi'an, Volumn 4:2061--2066(EI: 04128072218).[71].XiaoPing Qiu,YaJun Du, FengBin Zheng. An Automated Reasoning Method Used in Workflow Management System. Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man \& Cybernetics. Oct. 2003, Washington: 5016-5021 (EI:03487751505).[72].杜亚军,徐扬. 关系数据库中的关系代数范畴模型的讨论. 西南交通大学学报. 2003, 38(2):703-707.[73].杜亚军, 陈国先. 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统主要功能-小流域结构调整. 四川工业学院学报, 2002, 21(4), 50-53.[74].杨顺军, 郭再平, 杜亚军. 小折射解释程序的研制与应用. 四川地质学报, 2002, 22(3).[75].杜亚军, 刁礼泉. 基于Windows95/98操作系统的软盘加密系统, 四川工业学院学报, 2001, 20(1), 37-38.[76].Du Yajun, Yang Long, He Zhengwei. Reservoir parameter prediction procedure facing to microfacies on the basis of BP artificial neural network. Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25( Suppl), 107-111(EI:1998084339183).[77].Du Yajun, YangLong. Application of the scientific visualization and artificial intelligence to the substratum correlation. Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25(Suppl), 112-117(EI:1998084339184).[78].Yang, Long; Du, Yajun. Visual research into BP neural network and BP intelligence algorithms. Chengdu Ligong Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Chengdu Institute of Technology, 1998, 25(Suppl), 97-106(EI:1998084339182).[79].杜亚军, 杨龙. 线性地质统计学在地质工作计算机化中的作用及意义. 四川地质学报, 1996, 4.[80].杜亚军,田竞亚.李伍铜矿床控矿构造地质特征及演化模式探讨. 四川地质学报, 1996, 16(3), 213-218.

277 评论


近五年来,在国内外学术期刊上公开发表论文30多篇,其中有15篇论文被EI或ISTP收录。出版的教材或专著有:1.《Foxpro实用教程》,南京大学出版社,1994年(主编)2.《用C++建造专家系统》,电子工业出版社,1996年 (副主编)3.《机器学习与智能决策支持系统》,科学出版社,2004年5月(副主编)4.《编译原理》,北京希望电子出版社,2005年11月(主编)5.《现代物流技术》,中国物资出版社,2006年1月(主编)(被评为国家“十一五”规划教材)6.《物流信息系统》,中国物资出版社,2006年2月(副主编)7. 《智能管理技术与方法》,科学出版社,2007年10月(主编)8. 《动态数据挖掘》,科学出版社,2010年8月(主编)近年来,发表的主要学术论文如下: [1] Zhangjun Wu, Xiao Liu, Zhiwei Ni, Dong Yuan, Jinjun Chen, Yun Yang: A Market-Oriented Hierarchical Scheduling Strategy in Cloud Workflow Systems, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 63,Issue 1,pp.256-293,2013.(UT WOS:000313166000013).[2] Xiao Liu,Zhiwei Ni,et al.A Novel Statistical Time-Series Pattern based Interval Forecastting Strategy for Activity Durations in Workflow Systems.Journal of Software and system,2011,(84),354-376.(SCI indexed)[3] Liping Ni, Zhiwei Ni, YaZhuo Gao.Stock trend Prediction Based on Fractal Feature Selection and Support Vector Machine.Expert system with applications,2011,(38),5569-5576.(SCI indexed)[4]Xiao Liu,Zhiwei Ni,et al.A probabilistic strategy for temporal constraint management in scientisfic workflow systems.Concurrrency and Computation :Pratice and Experience,2011,23(16),1893-1919.(SCI indexed) [5] Xiao Liu, Zhiwei Ni, Zhangjun Wu, Dong Yuan, Jinjun Chen, Yun Yang: A Novel General Framework for Automatic and Cost-Effective Handling of Recoverable Temporal violations in Scientific Workflow Systems, Journal of Software and System,2011,(84),492-509. (SCI indexed ) [6]Zhiwei Ni,Junfeng guo ,et al.An Efficient Method for Improving Query Efficiency in Data Warehouse.Journal of software,2011,6(5),857-865.[7]高雅卓, 倪志伟等.连续属性上的OLAP查询建模方法研究.情报学报,2011,30(4),372-379.[8]张以文,倪志伟等.云计算环境下动态虚拟企业伙伴选择模型.计算机科学,2011,38(7),212-215.[9]倪志伟,公维峰等.数据流中随机型分型维数计算方法研究.计算机科学,2011,38(4),209-212.[10]倪志伟,吴昊等.基于改进的经验模态分解的时间序列匹配算法.系统仿真学报,2011,23(11),2395-2399.[11]姜苗,倪志伟等.数据流时间窗口中闭频繁项集的在线挖掘.中国科学技术大学学报,2011,(8),729-745.[12] Zhangjun Wu, Zhiwei Ni, Lichuan Gu, Xiao Liu: A Revised Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Cloud Workflow Scheduling, 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2010), Nanning, China, 11-14 Dec. 2010 (EI indexed) [13] Xiao Liu, Zhiwei Ni, Zhangjun Wu, Dong Yuan, Jinjun Chen, Yun Yang: A Framework for Handling Fine-Grained Recoverable Temporal Violations in Scientific Workflows, 16th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS2010), Shanghai, China, December 7-11, 2010, on Sept. 05, 2010 (EI indexed). [14] Yazhuo Gao, Zhiwei Ni, Yuxiao Zhao.A scheduling strategy for OLAM tasks and its application in a financial BI system Business Intelligence and Financial Engneering .2009会议论文集: 435-440 (EI收录) [15] Zhiwei Ni, Dan Han, Gongrang Zhang, Yazhuo Gao.Extension CBR Retrieval.AICI2009:224—227 (EI收录) [16] Zhangjun Wu, Zhiwei Ni,Chang Zhang, Lichuan Gu. A Novel PSO for Multi-stage Portfolios Planning, IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI2009),71—77 (EI收录) [17] Chang Zhang, Zhiwei Ni, Zhangjun Wu,Lichuan Gu. A Novel Swarm Model with Quasi-Oppositional Particle, International Forum on Information Technology and Applications (IFITA 2009), pp.325-330 (EI收录) [18] Li Fenggang, Wang Xiaolu, Ni Zhiwei, Ni Liping. Semantic Analysis Based Literature Transaction System of Xi-An Medical Authority, Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies (2010),Volume6,No.3 ,219—226 [19] Xiao Liu, Jinjun Chen, Zhangjun Wu, Zhiwei Ni, Dong Yuan, Yun Yang.Handling Recoverable Temporal Violations in Scientific Workflow Systems: A, Workflow Rescheduling Based Strategy,2010,pp.534-537 [20]Chao Wang ,Zhi-wei Ni ,Jun-fen Guo.A Fast Bidirectional Method for Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets,The Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2010),447—450 [21]倪志伟,高雅卓,李伟东,束建华.基于矩阵的增量式关联规则挖掘算法.计算机工程与应用, 2008,44(13):153-155 [22]刘斌,倪志伟,赵敏.基于属性重要性的贪心算法的改进算法.合肥工业大学学报,2010,33(8):1185-1188 [23]王丽红,倪志伟, 高雅卓.改进的蚁群算法求解多目标车间作业调度问题.计算机技术与发展,2008 ,18(10):49—52 [24]吴姗,倪志伟,罗贺,郑盈盈.一种基于密度的无监督联系发现方法.中国管理科学,2008,16:29—32 [25]梁敏君,倪志伟,倪丽萍,杨葛钟啸.基于网格与分形维数聚类算法.计算机应用,2009,29(3):830-833 [26]倪丽萍,倪志伟,吴昊,叶红云.基于分形维数和蚁群算法的属性选择方法.模式识别与人工智能, 2009,22(2):293—298(EI收录) [27]倪志伟,倪丽萍,杨葛钟啸.分形技术在案例库维护中的应用.计算机应用,2009,29(6):1598—1604 [28]倪志伟,吴姗,胡汤磊.联系发现在证券客户划分中的应用研究.计算机工程与应用, 2009, 45(18):201--204 [29]Dan Han, Zhiwei Ni, Gongrang Zhang, Hongyu Wang, Jun Yan. Research and Design the Extension Case BaseBased on CBR. 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