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Morbidity这个词指“患病的状态(the state of being ill)”,在流行病学里特指“患病的严重程度/某疾病对身体的危害程度”。比如小明患了轻度感冒,小刚患了白血病,那么就可以说小刚的Morbidity(患病程度)比小明要高。Morbility这个词英语里不存在,你可能是指Mortality,这个词在流行病学里一般和Morbidity放在一起使用。Mortality是指疾病造成的死亡。比如一个人患癌症去世了,就可以说Mortality due to cancer (因为癌症造成的死亡)。一个相关的词组是Mortality rate (死亡率)注意Morbidity(患病的严重程度)和致死性不一定成正比。例如某人患有类风湿性关节炎这种慢性病,可以病得很重,行动困难,非常痛苦,Morbidity很高,但是却一般不会因为这个病直接导致死亡。而有些病平时表面症状很轻,病人没什么感觉,但是突然发作却致死性很强。流行病学上说,女性相对于男性,女性的生病概率高,Morbidity高(患病程度也高),但是mortality却比男性少,就是这个道理
Motivation:Epidemiological studies is a crowd of diseases and health status and influence factors, this paper explores how to prevent disease control, promoting public health science, it is an important branch of preventive medicine. Along with the change of medical model and several people's health concept also changed, epidemiology and clinical medicine has become a closely integrated disciplines and draws more and more attention. I hope very much in epidemiological studies aspects. First, it's research is not only related to infections, such as influenza pandemic, research H1N1 SARS, tuberculosis and some chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and smoking, obesity, and may even become its research. In addition, epidemiological studies for public health significance, is a door to direct of public service. Through the study of epidemiological studies, I can understand disease in time and space distribution of the population (through the statistics and grasp the crowd support) for health, provide clues for disease control, to provide reference for health my 5 years professional medical study practice to grasp the solid foundation of medical knowledge. Especially in preventive medicine, infectious diseases, mathematics, statistics, the related subjects I have achieved good results. This makes me for disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and imaging findings have a preliminary understanding and clear. I've been to participate in the school team, the topic of discussion in the northeast region has iodine intake and thyroid disease epidemic studies of relationship between college ", "the heart pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome relations. Through the investigation and analysis of consulting case-control study, I understand the disease and its influence factors, obtained the relationship between research experience, such as the use of computer analyzes the data. The most important is to cultivate themselves in put medical epidemiology (interest). In addition, I from 2009 September in heilongjiang university of traditional Chinese medicine clinical practice, during the accumulated valuable clinical experience, consolidate the medical theory knowledge, by the guide teacher's praise. These are in the field of study for pandemic made of the correlation factors affecting its diseases such as diabetes and dietary habit, the correlation between. In addition to the spread of the disease, the scope of the prediction and control and speed, such as how to effectively for people to avoid certain immune to the spread of the parents are in hospitals and health departments, I received their influence, and hope in the health care work. So I'm going to come back from abroad, in the hospital or the centers for disease control and prevention. In addition, the administrative department of statistics in cases of epidemic disease prevention work or is my ideal career direction.
大学英语四级作文一直是考生重点关注的部分,也是考试的重难点,在平时复习备考的时候,建议同学们多掌握一些英语四级作文范文,考试的时候可以帮助自己提高作文水平,预祝同学们考试顺利通过。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Epidemics. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)流行病在我们的生活中随处可见2)流行病会带来哪些危害3)对此我们应采取哪些措施 【思路点拨】本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点要求描述目前社会上出现的一种问题,提纲第2点要求说明这一问题会带来哪些危害,提纲第3点则要求提供解决方法,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述流行病在我们的生活中随处可见的现象;阐述流行病会带来哪些危害;说明我们对此应该采取哪些措施。 【参考范文】Epidemics Epidemics are rampant throughout the whole human history, and they have caused the most devastating impacts on us. Each year, numerous epidemics break out on earth and they have such characteristics as fast spreading and infectious。 Epidemics are harmful in many ways. For one thing, it will make people and animals seriously ill or dead, which is a great loss to the country. For example, the outbreak of SARS once killed lots of people and brought great economic loss to the whole country. For another, there is no cure for many kinds of epidemic diseases. Once we are infected by one of them, it is difficult to be cured。 To avoid the outbreak of some kind of epidemics as possible as we can, we should first change some unhealthy habits or customs. For example, meals served individually should be encouraged, which would reduce the possibility of the spread of germs. On the other hand, the government should learn how to deal with emergencies when an epidemic broke out. I believe as long as we treat and prevent epidemics in the right way, we will finally conquer them。
英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的关于h7n9的英语作文翻译:人感染H7N9禽流感诊疗方案,供大家参考! H7N9来势汹汹,人感染H7N9禽流感是由H7N9亚型禽流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病。现在我们需要了解H7N9的根本然后来做出相对应的预防措施,下面让我们来了解一下吧。 H7N9 break in in full fury, human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza is an acute respiratory tract caused by avian influenza H7N9 virus infection. Now we need to understand the H7N9 fundamental and then make the corresponding preventive measures, let us to know about it. 一、病原学 A, etiology 禽流感病毒属正粘病毒科甲型流感病毒属。禽甲型流感病毒颗粒呈多形性,其中球形直径80~120nm,有囊膜。基因组为分节段单股负链RNA。依据其外膜血凝素(H)和神经氨酸酶(N)蛋白抗原性不同,目前可分为16个H亚型(H1~H16)和9个N亚型(N1~N9)。禽甲型流感病毒除感染禽外,还可感染人、猪、马、水貂和海洋哺乳动物。可感染人的禽流感病毒亚型为H5N1、H9N2、H7N7、H7N2、H7N3,此次报道的为人感染H7N9禽流感病毒。该病毒为新型重配病毒,其内部基因来自于H9N2禽流感病毒。 Avian influenza virus belonging to Orthomyxoviridae influenza a virus. Avian influenza A virus particles were polymorphic, the spherical diameter of 80 ~ 120nm, capsule. Genome is segmented negative-stranded RNA. On the basis of the outer membrane of hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) proteins are antigenically different, can be divided into 16 subtypes of H (H1 to H16) and 9 N subtypes (N1 ~ N9). Avian influenza A virus in avian, can also be infected people, pigs, horses, mink and marine mammals. Infection of human avian influenza virus subtype H5N1, H9N2, H7N7, H7N2, H7N3, the reported human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza virus. This virus was a new reassortant virus, its internal genes from H9N2 avian influenza virus. 禽流感病毒普遍对热敏感,对低温抵抗力较强,65℃加热30分钟或煮沸(100℃)2分钟以上可灭活。病毒在较低温度粪便中可存活1周,在4℃水中可存活1个月,对酸性环境有一定抵抗力,在的条件下也具有一定的存活能力。在有甘油存在的情况下可保持活力1年以上。 Avian influenza virus is sensitive to heat, strong resistance of low temperature, 65 ℃ for 30 minutes or boiling (100 ℃) for more than 2 minutes can be inactivated. The virus in the lower temperature in feces can survive for 1 weeks, in 4 ℃ water can survive for 1 months, have a certain resistance to the acidic environment, but also has a certain ability to survive under the conditions of . In the presence of glycerol can keep the activity of 1 years. 二、流行病学 Two, epidemiology (一)传染源。目前尚不明确,根据以往经验及本次病例流行病学调查,推测可能为携带H7N9禽流感病毒的禽类及其分泌物或排泄物。 (a) the source of infection. It is not clear, according to a survey of past experience and the epidemiological, presumably to carry the H7N9 avian influenza virus in poultry and its secretion or excretion. (二)传播途径。经呼吸道传播,也可通过密切接触感染的禽类分泌物或排泄物等被感染,直接接触病毒也可被感染。现尚无人与人之间传播的确切证据。 (two) transmission. Spread through the respiratory tract, and also can be infected through close contact with infected birds secretion or excretion, direct contact with the virus can also be infected. There is no evidence of communication between now and the. (三)易感人群。目前尚无确切证据显示人类对H7N9禽流感病毒易感。现有确诊病例均为成人。 (three) the susceptible population. At present there is no conclusive evidence of human H7N9 avian influenza virus susceptibility. The confirmed cases were adult. (四)高危人群 。现阶段主要是从事禽类养殖、销售、宰杀、加工业者,以及在发病前1周内接触过禽类者。 (four) high risk population. At the present stage is mainly engaged in poultry breeding, slaughter, processing, sales, as well as in the 1 week prior to the onset of contact with poultry. 三、临床表现 Three, clinical manifestation 根据流感的潜伏期及现有H7N9禽流感病毒感染病例的调查结果,潜伏期一般为7天以内。 Based on the results of the investigation during the incubation period and the existing H7N9 avian influenza virus infection, incubation period is generally 7 days. (一) 一般表现。 (a) the general performance. 患者一般表现为流感样症状,如发热,咳嗽,少痰,可伴有头痛、肌肉酸痛和全身不适。重症患者病情发展迅速,表现为重症肺炎,体温大多持续在39℃以上,出现呼吸困难,可伴有咯血痰;可快速进展出现急性呼吸窘迫综合征、纵隔气肿、脓毒症、休克、意识障碍及急性肾损伤等。 Patients typically present with flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, less sputum, accompanied by headache, muscle pain and malaise. Patients with severe illness development is rapid, manifested as severe pneumonia, mostly persistent temperature over 39 ℃, difficulty in breathing, may be accompanied by hemoptysis sputum; rapid progress in acute respiratory distress syndrome, mediastinal emphysema, sepsis, shock, disturbance of consciousness and acute kidney injury. (二)实验室检查。 (two) laboratory. 1.血常规。白细胞总数一般不高或降低。重症患者多有白细胞总数及淋巴细胞减少,并有血小板降低。 1 blood. Total white cell count in general is not high or lower. Many patients with severe and the total number of lymphocytes decreased white blood cells, and platelets. 2.血生化检查。多有肌酸激酶、乳酸脱氢酶、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶、丙氨酸氨基转移酶升高,C反应蛋白升高,肌红蛋白可升高。 2 blood biochemical examination. There are many creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase elevated C, elevated C-reactive protein, myoglobin can increase. 3.病原学检测。 Study 3 pathogen detection. (1)核酸检测。对患者呼吸道标本(如鼻咽分泌物、口腔含漱液、气管吸出物或呼吸道上皮细胞)采用real time PCR(或RT-PCR)检测到H7N9禽流感病毒核酸。 (1) nucleic acid detection. In patients with respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal secretions, oral gargle, tracheal aspirate or respiratory epithelial cells) using real time PCR (or RT-PCR) to the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid detection. (2)病毒分离。从患者呼吸道标本中分离H7N9禽流感病毒。 (2) virus isolation. The separation of H7N9 avian influenza virus from patients with respiratory tract specimens. (三)胸部影像学检查。发生肺炎的患者肺内出现片状影像。重症患者病变进展迅速,呈双肺多发磨玻璃影及肺实变影像,可合并少量胸腔积液。发生ARDS时,病变分布广泛。 (three) the chest imaging. Pneumonia patients of lung lamellar image. In patients with severe lesions rapidly, a double multiple pulmonary ground-glass opacity and consolidation of lung image, with a small amount of pleural effusion. The occurrence of ARDS, lesions are widely distributed. (四)预后。人感染H7N9禽流感重症患者预后差。影响预后的因素可能包括患者年龄、基础疾病、合并症等。 (four) the prognosis. Of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza patients with poor prognosis. Prognostic factors may include patient age, underlying diseases, complications. 四、诊断与鉴别诊断 Four, diagnosis and differential diagnosis (一)诊断。根据流行病学接触史、临床表现及实验室检查结果,可作出人感染H7N9禽流感的诊断。在流行病学史不详的情况下,根据临床表现、辅助检查和实验室检测结果,特别是从患者呼吸道分泌物标本中分离出H7N9禽流感病毒,或H7N9禽流感病毒核酸检测阳性,可以诊断。 (a) diagnosis. According to the epidemiological contact history, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, can make the diagnosis of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza. In the history of epidemiology of unknown circumstances, according to the detection results of clinical manifestation, auxiliary examination and laboratory, especially H7N9 avian influenza viruses isolated from patients with respiratory tract secretion samples, or nucleic acid of H7N9 avian influenza virus detection, diagnosis. 1.流行病学史。发病前1周内与禽类及其分泌物、排泄物等有接触史。 1 epidemiological history. 1 week prior to the onset of poultry and its secretion and excretion, contact history. 2.诊断标准。 2 diagnostic standards. (1)疑似病例:符合上述临床症状及血常规、生化及胸部影像学特征,甲型流感病毒通用引物阳性并排除了季节性流感,可以有流行病学接触史。 (1) cases of suspected: meet the characteristics of the clinical symptoms and blood routine, biochemical and imaging of the chest, influenza virus a universal primer positive and eliminate the seasonal flu, can have the epidemiological contact history. (2)确诊病例:符合疑似病例诊断标准,并且呼吸道分泌物标本中分离出H7N9禽流感病毒或H7N9禽流感病毒核酸检测阳性。 (2) cases with suspected cases: diagnostic criteria, and respiratory secretion were isolated from H7N9 avian influenza virus or avian H7N9 influenza virus nucleic acid detection positive. 重症病例:肺炎合并呼吸功能衰竭或其他器官功能衰竭者为重症病例。 Severe cases: pneumonia complicated with respiratory failure or other organ failure in severe cases. (二)鉴别诊断。应注意与人感染高致病性H5N1禽流感、季节性流感(含甲型H1N1流感)、细菌性肺炎、传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)、新型冠状病毒肺炎、腺病毒肺炎、衣原体肺炎、支原体肺炎等疾病进行鉴别诊断。鉴别诊断主要依靠病原学检查。 (two) the differential diagnosis. Attention should be paid to the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, seasonal flu and human infection (including the influenza a H1N1 influenza), bacterial pneumonia, infectious atypical pneumonia (SARS), a novel coronavirus pneumonia disease, adenovirus pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumonia, differential diagnosis. Differential diagnosis should mainly rely on the etiological examination. 五、治疗 Five, treatment (一)对临床诊断和确诊患者应进行隔离治疗。 (a) for clinical diagnosis and diagnosed patients should be treated in isolation. (二)对症治疗。可吸氧、应用解热药、止咳祛痰药等。 (two) for symptomatic treatment. Application of oxygen, can be antipyretic, cough expectorant. (三)抗病毒治疗。应尽早应用抗流感病毒药物。 (three) antiviral treatment. Early application of antiviral drugs. 1.神经氨酸酶抑制剂:可选用奥司他韦(Oseltamivir)或扎那米韦(Zanamivir),临床应用表明对禽流感病毒H5N1和H1N1感染等有效,推测对人感染H7N9禽流感病毒应有效。奥司他韦成人剂量75mg每日两次,重症者剂量可加倍,疗程5-7天。扎那米韦成人剂量10mg,每日两次吸入。 1 neuraminidase inhibitors: use oseltamivir or zanamivir (Oseltamivir) (Zanamivir), clinical application shows that effective against avian influenza virus H5N1 and H1N1 infection, speculated that the effective of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza virus. Oseltamivir adult dose of 75mg two times a day, severe dose may be doubled, treatment 5-7 days. Zana Mi Vee adult dose 10mg, two times daily intake. 2.离子通道M2阻滞剂:目前实验室资料提示金刚烷胺(Amantadine)和金刚乙胺(Rimantadine)耐药,不建议单独使用。 2 M2 ion channel blocker: the laboratory data suggest that amantadine and rimantadine (Amantadine) (Rimantadine) resistance, is not recommended to use alone. (四)中医药治疗。 (four) treated with traditional Chinese medicine. 1.疫毒犯肺,肺失宣降 1 disease drug lung, lung loses Xuan drop 症状:发热,咳嗽,少痰,头痛,肌肉关节疼痛。 Symptoms: fever, cough, less sputum, headache, muscle and joint pain. 治法:清热宣肺 Method: heat Xuanfei 参考处方: Reference prescription: 桑叶 金银花 连翘 炒杏仁 生石膏 知母 芦根 青蒿 黄芩 生甘草 Mulberry leaf honeysuckle and Forsythia Chao Xingren Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Phragmitis gypsum Artemisia Scutellaria Radix Glycyrrhizae 水煎服,每日1—2剂,每4—6小时口服一次。 Shuijianbi, daily 1 - 2, every 4 - 6 hours once oral. 加减:咳嗽甚者加枇杷叶、浙贝母。 Addition and subtraction: cough worse add loquat leaf, Zhejiang fritillaria. 中成药:可选择疏风解毒胶囊、连花清瘟胶囊、清开灵注射液。 Proprietary Chinese medicine: can choose Shufengjiedu capsule, Lianhua Qingwen capsule, Qingkailing injection. 2.疫毒壅肺,内闭外脱 The 2 epidemic disease in the lung, unconsciousness and collapse 症状:高热,咳嗽,痰少难咯,憋气,喘促,咯血,四末不温,冷汗淋漓,躁扰不安,甚则神昏谵语。 Symptoms: fever, cough, sputum less difficult to argue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, hemoptysis, four end not warm, cold sweat, manic disturbed, even Shenhun delirium. 治法:清肺解毒,扶正固脱 Treatment: the Qingfei detoxification, strengthening the body resistance 参考处方: Reference prescription: 炙麻黄 炒杏仁 生石膏 知母 鱼腥草 黄芩 Chinese ephedra Chao Xingren gypsum Anemarrhena Houttuynia Scutellaria 炒栀子 虎杖 山萸肉 太子参 Fried Gardenia Polygonum cuspidatum Cornus heterophylla 水煎服,每日1—2剂,每4—6小时口服或鼻饲一次。 Shuijianbi, daily 1 - 2, every 4 - 6 hours of oral or nasal feeding time. 加减:高热、神志恍惚、甚至神昏谵语者,上方送服安宫牛黄丸;肢冷、汗出淋漓者加人参、炮附子、煅龙骨、煅牡蛎;咯血者加赤芍、仙鹤草、侧柏叶;口唇紫绀者加三七、益母草、黄芪、当归尾。 Addition and subtraction: high fever, trance, and even coma, above take of Angong Niuhuang Pill; cold limbs, sweating profusely with ginseng, Cyperus rotundus, calcined keel, calcined oyster; hemoptysis and radix paeoniae rubra, agrimony, Oriental Arborvitae; cyanosis plus three seven, motherwort, astragalus, angelica tail. 中成药:可选择参麦注射液、生脉注射液。 Proprietary Chinese medicine: choice of Shenmai injection, Shengmai injection. (五)加强支持治疗和预防并发症。注意休息、多饮水、增加营养,给易于消化的饮食。密切观察,监测并预防并发症。抗菌药物应在明确继发细菌感染时或有充分证据提示继发细菌感染时使用。 (five) to strengthen support for the treatment and prevention of complications. Pay attention to rest, more water, increase nutrition, to easily digestible diet. Close observation, monitoring and prevention of complications. Antimicrobial agents should be sufficient evidence of secondary bacterial infection in clear secondary bacterial infection or. (六)重症患者的治疗。重症患者应入院治疗,对出现呼吸功能障碍者给予吸氧及其他相应呼吸支持,发生其它并发症的患者应积极采取相应治疗。 (six) in treatment of severe patients. Patients should be hospitalized, support oxygen and other relevant respiration to respiratory dysfunction, patients with other complications should actively take corresponding treatment. 1.呼吸功能支持: 1 respiratory support: (1)机械通气:重症患者病情进展迅速,可较快发展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。在需要机械通气的重症病例,可参照ARDS机械通气的原则进行。 (1) mechanical ventilation: the progression of severe patients rapidly, which can rapidly developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In need of mechanical ventilation in severe cases, can consult ARDS mechanical ventilation principle. ①无创正压通气:出现呼吸窘迫和(或)低氧血症患者,早期可尝试使用无创通气。但重症病例无创通气疗效欠佳,需及早考虑实施有创通气。 The noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: respiratory distress and (or) hypoxemia in patients with early, can try to use noninvasive ventilation. But severe cases of noninvasive ventilation poor efficacy, they should consider implementing invasive mechanical ventilation. ②有创正压通气:鉴于部分患者较易发生气压伤,应当采用ARDS保护性通气策略。 ② invasive positive pressure ventilation: given that some patients are more prone to barotrauma, should adopt the ARDS protective ventilation strategies. (2)体外膜氧合(ECMO):传统机械通气无法维持满意氧合和(或)通气时,有条件时,推荐使用ECMO。 (2) the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): conventional mechanical ventilation is unable to maintain satisfactory oxygenation and (or) ventilation, conditional, recommend the use of ECMO. (3)其他:传统机械通气无法维持满意氧合时,可以考虑俯卧位通气或高频振荡通气(HFOV)。 (3) other: conventional mechanical ventilation is unable to maintain satisfactory oxygenation, can consider the prone position ventilation or high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). 2.其他治疗:在呼吸功能支持治疗的同时,应当重视其他器官功能状态的监测及治疗;预防并及时治疗各种并发症尤其是医院获得性感染。 2 other treatment: in the respiratory support therapy at the same time, should pay attention to monitoring and treatment of other organs of state; prevention and timely treatment of complications especially hospital acquired infection. 六、其它 Six, other 严格规范收治人感染H7N9禽流感患者医疗机构的医院感染控制措施。遵照标准预防的原则,根据疾病传播途径采取防控措施。具体措施依据《人感染H7N9禽流感医院感染预防与控制技术指南(2013年版)》的相关规定。 Strictly regulate the patients medical H7N9 avian influenza were hospital infection control measures. In accordance with the standards of the precautionary principle, control measures according to the disease transmission. "Specific measures on the basis of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza prevention and control of hospital infection technical guide (2013 Edition)" the relevant provisions. 看完了以上的措施和规定,不知你是否已经明白了呢?快去告诉身边的人吧,预防禽流感,人人有责! After reading the above measures and regulations, I do not know whether you understand? Go and tell the people around it, to prevent bird flu, is everyone's responsibility!
英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的关于h7n9的英语作文翻译:人感染H7N9禽流感诊疗方案,供大家参考! H7N9来势汹汹,人感染H7N9禽流感是由H7N9亚型禽流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病。现在我们需要了解H7N9的根本然后来做出相对应的预防措施,下面让我们来了解一下吧。 H7N9 break in in full fury, human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza is an acute respiratory tract caused by avian influenza H7N9 virus infection. Now we need to understand the H7N9 fundamental and then make the corresponding preventive measures, let us to know about it. 一、病原学 A, etiology 禽流感病毒属正粘病毒科甲型流感病毒属。禽甲型流感病毒颗粒呈多形性,其中球形直径80~120nm,有囊膜。基因组为分节段单股负链RNA。依据其外膜血凝素(H)和神经氨酸酶(N)蛋白抗原性不同,目前可分为16个H亚型(H1~H16)和9个N亚型(N1~N9)。禽甲型流感病毒除感染禽外,还可感染人、猪、马、水貂和海洋哺乳动物。可感染人的禽流感病毒亚型为H5N1、H9N2、H7N7、H7N2、H7N3,此次报道的为人感染H7N9禽流感病毒。该病毒为新型重配病毒,其内部基因来自于H9N2禽流感病毒。 Avian influenza virus belonging to Orthomyxoviridae influenza a virus. Avian influenza A virus particles were polymorphic, the spherical diameter of 80 ~ 120nm, capsule. Genome is segmented negative-stranded RNA. On the basis of the outer membrane of hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) proteins are antigenically different, can be divided into 16 subtypes of H (H1 to H16) and 9 N subtypes (N1 ~ N9). Avian influenza A virus in avian, can also be infected people, pigs, horses, mink and marine mammals. Infection of human avian influenza virus subtype H5N1, H9N2, H7N7, H7N2, H7N3, the reported human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza virus. This virus was a new reassortant virus, its internal genes from H9N2 avian influenza virus. 禽流感病毒普遍对热敏感,对低温抵抗力较强,65℃加热30分钟或煮沸(100℃)2分钟以上可灭活。病毒在较低温度粪便中可存活1周,在4℃水中可存活1个月,对酸性环境有一定抵抗力,在的条件下也具有一定的存活能力。在有甘油存在的情况下可保持活力1年以上。 Avian influenza virus is sensitive to heat, strong resistance of low temperature, 65 ℃ for 30 minutes or boiling (100 ℃) for more than 2 minutes can be inactivated. The virus in the lower temperature in feces can survive for 1 weeks, in 4 ℃ water can survive for 1 months, have a certain resistance to the acidic environment, but also has a certain ability to survive under the conditions of . In the presence of glycerol can keep the activity of 1 years. 二、流行病学 Two, epidemiology (一)传染源。目前尚不明确,根据以往经验及本次病例流行病学调查,推测可能为携带H7N9禽流感病毒的禽类及其分泌物或排泄物。 (a) the source of infection. It is not clear, according to a survey of past experience and the epidemiological, presumably to carry the H7N9 avian influenza virus in poultry and its secretion or excretion. (二)传播途径。经呼吸道传播,也可通过密切接触感染的禽类分泌物或排泄物等被感染,直接接触病毒也可被感染。现尚无人与人之间传播的确切证据。 (two) transmission. Spread through the respiratory tract, and also can be infected through close contact with infected birds secretion or excretion, direct contact with the virus can also be infected. There is no evidence of communication between now and the. (三)易感人群。目前尚无确切证据显示人类对H7N9禽流感病毒易感。现有确诊病例均为成人。 (three) the susceptible population. At present there is no conclusive evidence of human H7N9 avian influenza virus susceptibility. The confirmed cases were adult. (四)高危人群 。现阶段主要是从事禽类养殖、销售、宰杀、加工业者,以及在发病前1周内接触过禽类者。 (four) high risk population. At the present stage is mainly engaged in poultry breeding, slaughter, processing, sales, as well as in the 1 week prior to the onset of contact with poultry. 三、临床表现 Three, clinical manifestation 根据流感的潜伏期及现有H7N9禽流感病毒感染病例的调查结果,潜伏期一般为7天以内。 Based on the results of the investigation during the incubation period and the existing H7N9 avian influenza virus infection, incubation period is generally 7 days. (一) 一般表现。 (a) the general performance. 患者一般表现为流感样症状,如发热,咳嗽,少痰,可伴有头痛、肌肉酸痛和全身不适。重症患者病情发展迅速,表现为重症肺炎,体温大多持续在39℃以上,出现呼吸困难,可伴有咯血痰;可快速进展出现急性呼吸窘迫综合征、纵隔气肿、脓毒症、休克、意识障碍及急性肾损伤等。 Patients typically present with flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, less sputum, accompanied by headache, muscle pain and malaise. Patients with severe illness development is rapid, manifested as severe pneumonia, mostly persistent temperature over 39 ℃, difficulty in breathing, may be accompanied by hemoptysis sputum; rapid progress in acute respiratory distress syndrome, mediastinal emphysema, sepsis, shock, disturbance of consciousness and acute kidney injury. (二)实验室检查。 (two) laboratory. 1.血常规。白细胞总数一般不高或降低。重症患者多有白细胞总数及淋巴细胞减少,并有血小板降低。 1 blood. Total white cell count in general is not high or lower. Many patients with severe and the total number of lymphocytes decreased white blood cells, and platelets. 2.血生化检查。多有肌酸激酶、乳酸脱氢酶、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶、丙氨酸氨基转移酶升高,C反应蛋白升高,肌红蛋白可升高。 2 blood biochemical examination. There are many creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase elevated C, elevated C-reactive protein, myoglobin can increase. 3.病原学检测。 Study 3 pathogen detection. (1)核酸检测。对患者呼吸道标本(如鼻咽分泌物、口腔含漱液、气管吸出物或呼吸道上皮细胞)采用real time PCR(或RT-PCR)检测到H7N9禽流感病毒核酸。 (1) nucleic acid detection. In patients with respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal secretions, oral gargle, tracheal aspirate or respiratory epithelial cells) using real time PCR (or RT-PCR) to the H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid detection. (2)病毒分离。从患者呼吸道标本中分离H7N9禽流感病毒。 (2) virus isolation. The separation of H7N9 avian influenza virus from patients with respiratory tract specimens. (三)胸部影像学检查。发生肺炎的患者肺内出现片状影像。重症患者病变进展迅速,呈双肺多发磨玻璃影及肺实变影像,可合并少量胸腔积液。发生ARDS时,病变分布广泛。 (three) the chest imaging. Pneumonia patients of lung lamellar image. In patients with severe lesions rapidly, a double multiple pulmonary ground-glass opacity and consolidation of lung image, with a small amount of pleural effusion. The occurrence of ARDS, lesions are widely distributed. (四)预后。人感染H7N9禽流感重症患者预后差。影响预后的因素可能包括患者年龄、基础疾病、合并症等。 (four) the prognosis. Of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza patients with poor prognosis. Prognostic factors may include patient age, underlying diseases, complications. 四、诊断与鉴别诊断 Four, diagnosis and differential diagnosis (一)诊断。根据流行病学接触史、临床表现及实验室检查结果,可作出人感染H7N9禽流感的诊断。在流行病学史不详的情况下,根据临床表现、辅助检查和实验室检测结果,特别是从患者呼吸道分泌物标本中分离出H7N9禽流感病毒,或H7N9禽流感病毒核酸检测阳性,可以诊断。 (a) diagnosis. According to the epidemiological contact history, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, can make the diagnosis of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza. In the history of epidemiology of unknown circumstances, according to the detection results of clinical manifestation, auxiliary examination and laboratory, especially H7N9 avian influenza viruses isolated from patients with respiratory tract secretion samples, or nucleic acid of H7N9 avian influenza virus detection, diagnosis. 1.流行病学史。发病前1周内与禽类及其分泌物、排泄物等有接触史。 1 epidemiological history. 1 week prior to the onset of poultry and its secretion and excretion, contact history. 2.诊断标准。 2 diagnostic standards. (1)疑似病例:符合上述临床症状及血常规、生化及胸部影像学特征,甲型流感病毒通用引物阳性并排除了季节性流感,可以有流行病学接触史。 (1) cases of suspected: meet the characteristics of the clinical symptoms and blood routine, biochemical and imaging of the chest, influenza virus a universal primer positive and eliminate the seasonal flu, can have the epidemiological contact history. (2)确诊病例:符合疑似病例诊断标准,并且呼吸道分泌物标本中分离出H7N9禽流感病毒或H7N9禽流感病毒核酸检测阳性。 (2) cases with suspected cases: diagnostic criteria, and respiratory secretion were isolated from H7N9 avian influenza virus or avian H7N9 influenza virus nucleic acid detection positive. 重症病例:肺炎合并呼吸功能衰竭或其他器官功能衰竭者为重症病例。 Severe cases: pneumonia complicated with respiratory failure or other organ failure in severe cases. (二)鉴别诊断。应注意与人感染高致病性H5N1禽流感、季节性流感(含甲型H1N1流感)、细菌性肺炎、传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)、新型冠状病毒肺炎、腺病毒肺炎、衣原体肺炎、支原体肺炎等疾病进行鉴别诊断。鉴别诊断主要依靠病原学检查。 (two) the differential diagnosis. Attention should be paid to the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, seasonal flu and human infection (including the influenza a H1N1 influenza), bacterial pneumonia, infectious atypical pneumonia (SARS), a novel coronavirus pneumonia disease, adenovirus pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumonia, differential diagnosis. Differential diagnosis should mainly rely on the etiological examination. 五、治疗 Five, treatment (一)对临床诊断和确诊患者应进行隔离治疗。 (a) for clinical diagnosis and diagnosed patients should be treated in isolation. (二)对症治疗。可吸氧、应用解热药、止咳祛痰药等。 (two) for symptomatic treatment. Application of oxygen, can be antipyretic, cough expectorant. (三)抗病毒治疗。应尽早应用抗流感病毒药物。 (three) antiviral treatment. Early application of antiviral drugs. 1.神经氨酸酶抑制剂:可选用奥司他韦(Oseltamivir)或扎那米韦(Zanamivir),临床应用表明对禽流感病毒H5N1和H1N1感染等有效,推测对人感染H7N9禽流感病毒应有效。奥司他韦成人剂量75mg每日两次,重症者剂量可加倍,疗程5-7天。扎那米韦成人剂量10mg,每日两次吸入。 1 neuraminidase inhibitors: use oseltamivir or zanamivir (Oseltamivir) (Zanamivir), clinical application shows that effective against avian influenza virus H5N1 and H1N1 infection, speculated that the effective of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza virus. Oseltamivir adult dose of 75mg two times a day, severe dose may be doubled, treatment 5-7 days. Zana Mi Vee adult dose 10mg, two times daily intake. 2.离子通道M2阻滞剂:目前实验室资料提示金刚烷胺(Amantadine)和金刚乙胺(Rimantadine)耐药,不建议单独使用。 2 M2 ion channel blocker: the laboratory data suggest that amantadine and rimantadine (Amantadine) (Rimantadine) resistance, is not recommended to use alone. (四)中医药治疗。 (four) treated with traditional Chinese medicine. 1.疫毒犯肺,肺失宣降 1 disease drug lung, lung loses Xuan drop 症状:发热,咳嗽,少痰,头痛,肌肉关节疼痛。 Symptoms: fever, cough, less sputum, headache, muscle and joint pain. 治法:清热宣肺 Method: heat Xuanfei 参考处方: Reference prescription: 桑叶 金银花 连翘 炒杏仁 生石膏 知母 芦根 青蒿 黄芩 生甘草 Mulberry leaf honeysuckle and Forsythia Chao Xingren Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Phragmitis gypsum Artemisia Scutellaria Radix Glycyrrhizae 水煎服,每日1—2剂,每4—6小时口服一次。 Shuijianbi, daily 1 - 2, every 4 - 6 hours once oral. 加减:咳嗽甚者加枇杷叶、浙贝母。 Addition and subtraction: cough worse add loquat leaf, Zhejiang fritillaria. 中成药:可选择疏风解毒胶囊、连花清瘟胶囊、清开灵注射液。 Proprietary Chinese medicine: can choose Shufengjiedu capsule, Lianhua Qingwen capsule, Qingkailing injection. 2.疫毒壅肺,内闭外脱 The 2 epidemic disease in the lung, unconsciousness and collapse 症状:高热,咳嗽,痰少难咯,憋气,喘促,咯血,四末不温,冷汗淋漓,躁扰不安,甚则神昏谵语。 Symptoms: fever, cough, sputum less difficult to argue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, hemoptysis, four end not warm, cold sweat, manic disturbed, even Shenhun delirium. 治法:清肺解毒,扶正固脱 Treatment: the Qingfei detoxification, strengthening the body resistance 参考处方: Reference prescription: 炙麻黄 炒杏仁 生石膏 知母 鱼腥草 黄芩 Chinese ephedra Chao Xingren gypsum Anemarrhena Houttuynia Scutellaria 炒栀子 虎杖 山萸肉 太子参 Fried Gardenia Polygonum cuspidatum Cornus heterophylla 水煎服,每日1—2剂,每4—6小时口服或鼻饲一次。 Shuijianbi, daily 1 - 2, every 4 - 6 hours of oral or nasal feeding time. 加减:高热、神志恍惚、甚至神昏谵语者,上方送服安宫牛黄丸;肢冷、汗出淋漓者加人参、炮附子、煅龙骨、煅牡蛎;咯血者加赤芍、仙鹤草、侧柏叶;口唇紫绀者加三七、益母草、黄芪、当归尾。 Addition and subtraction: high fever, trance, and even coma, above take of Angong Niuhuang Pill; cold limbs, sweating profusely with ginseng, Cyperus rotundus, calcined keel, calcined oyster; hemoptysis and radix paeoniae rubra, agrimony, Oriental Arborvitae; cyanosis plus three seven, motherwort, astragalus, angelica tail. 中成药:可选择参麦注射液、生脉注射液。 Proprietary Chinese medicine: choice of Shenmai injection, Shengmai injection. (五)加强支持治疗和预防并发症。注意休息、多饮水、增加营养,给易于消化的饮食。密切观察,监测并预防并发症。抗菌药物应在明确继发细菌感染时或有充分证据提示继发细菌感染时使用。 (five) to strengthen support for the treatment and prevention of complications. Pay attention to rest, more water, increase nutrition, to easily digestible diet. Close observation, monitoring and prevention of complications. Antimicrobial agents should be sufficient evidence of secondary bacterial infection in clear secondary bacterial infection or. (六)重症患者的治疗。重症患者应入院治疗,对出现呼吸功能障碍者给予吸氧及其他相应呼吸支持,发生其它并发症的患者应积极采取相应治疗。 (six) in treatment of severe patients. Patients should be hospitalized, support oxygen and other relevant respiration to respiratory dysfunction, patients with other complications should actively take corresponding treatment. 1.呼吸功能支持: 1 respiratory support: (1)机械通气:重症患者病情进展迅速,可较快发展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。在需要机械通气的重症病例,可参照ARDS机械通气的原则进行。 (1) mechanical ventilation: the progression of severe patients rapidly, which can rapidly developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In need of mechanical ventilation in severe cases, can consult ARDS mechanical ventilation principle. ①无创正压通气:出现呼吸窘迫和(或)低氧血症患者,早期可尝试使用无创通气。但重症病例无创通气疗效欠佳,需及早考虑实施有创通气。 The noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: respiratory distress and (or) hypoxemia in patients with early, can try to use noninvasive ventilation. But severe cases of noninvasive ventilation poor efficacy, they should consider implementing invasive mechanical ventilation. ②有创正压通气:鉴于部分患者较易发生气压伤,应当采用ARDS保护性通气策略。 ② invasive positive pressure ventilation: given that some patients are more prone to barotrauma, should adopt the ARDS protective ventilation strategies. (2)体外膜氧合(ECMO):传统机械通气无法维持满意氧合和(或)通气时,有条件时,推荐使用ECMO。 (2) the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): conventional mechanical ventilation is unable to maintain satisfactory oxygenation and (or) ventilation, conditional, recommend the use of ECMO. (3)其他:传统机械通气无法维持满意氧合时,可以考虑俯卧位通气或高频振荡通气(HFOV)。 (3) other: conventional mechanical ventilation is unable to maintain satisfactory oxygenation, can consider the prone position ventilation or high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). 2.其他治疗:在呼吸功能支持治疗的同时,应当重视其他器官功能状态的监测及治疗;预防并及时治疗各种并发症尤其是医院获得性感染。 2 other treatment: in the respiratory support therapy at the same time, should pay attention to monitoring and treatment of other organs of state; prevention and timely treatment of complications especially hospital acquired infection. 六、其它 Six, other 严格规范收治人感染H7N9禽流感患者医疗机构的医院感染控制措施。遵照标准预防的原则,根据疾病传播途径采取防控措施。具体措施依据《人感染H7N9禽流感医院感染预防与控制技术指南(2013年版)》的相关规定。 Strictly regulate the patients medical H7N9 avian influenza were hospital infection control measures. In accordance with the standards of the precautionary principle, control measures according to the disease transmission. "Specific measures on the basis of human infection with the H7N9 avian influenza prevention and control of hospital infection technical guide (2013 Edition)" the relevant provisions. 看完了以上的措施和规定,不知你是否已经明白了呢?快去告诉身边的人吧,预防禽流感,人人有责! After reading the above measures and regulations, I do not know whether you understand? Go and tell the people around it, to prevent bird flu, is everyone's responsibility!
我帮你找了一下相关素材 你可以看看:希望对你有所帮助!祝你中考顺利!
Evidence is increasing that common influence influenza viruses are becoming resistant to the may main drug used to treat them. The drug is oseltamivir, also known as tamifluTamiflu. 越来越多的证据表明,普通的流感病毒正开始对其主要的治疗药物产生抗药性。这种药是oseltamiviu,,也就是人们常说的Tamilur. The most common seasonal flu virus found in the United States this year is type AH1N1A(H1N1). During the last flu season, 12% of H1N1 viruses tested in the United States were resisten resistant to tamifluTamiflu. This year, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say , resistance is close to 100%. Still, they say early reports show that flu activity has been low so far this year. 今年在美国发现的最常见的季节性流感病毒是A(H1N1),在上一个流感季节,在美国被检测流感病毒有12%对Tamiflu有抗药性。今年,疾病控制和防治中心的研究人员称,这种抗药性已接近100%。而且,他们还指出,早期的报告显示今年的流感活动下降了很多。 The research team is reporting its findings in the Journal of The the American Medical Association. Alicia Fry led the team. Doctor Fry says , it is better to prevent the flu than to have to treat it, and . And the best form of prevention, she says, is getting vaccinated each year against influenceinfluenza. Viruses change, or mutate, so flu vaccines must be reformulated each year to target the most common threats. 研究小组在《美国医药协会》杂志上发表了他们的研究结果。Alicia Fry领导该小组。Fry博士称,比起治疗流感,想办法预防它会更好。同时,她说,预防的最好办法是每年接种一次流感役苗。病毒会转变会变异,因此流感役苗也需要每年变换以应对最常见的威胁。
World AIDS Day, observed December 1 eachyear, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS caused by the spread of HIV infection. Itis common to hold memorials to honor persons whohave died from HIV/AIDS on this day. Governmentand health officials also observe the event, oftenwith speeches or forums on the AIDS topics. Since 1995, the President of the United Stateshas made an official proclamation on World AIDS Day. Governments of other nations havefollowed suit and issued similar announcements.
AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007, and an estimated on people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007, making it one of the most in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment andcare in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic claimed an estimated 2 million lives in2007, of which about 270,000 were children.
Started in 1988, World AIDS Day is not just about raising money, but also about, education and fighting prejudice. World AIDS Day is also important in that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.
AIDS, stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a deadly disease. It malfunctions the human body's defence system, making the infected person extremely vulnerable to diseases, and eventually cause death.
AIDS can be spread in many ways, but the main medium is through having unprotected intercourse with an infected person. Apart from that, AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby, or sharing of needles, shaving blades, or any means of blood contact.
Once infected, it may take years for the person to notice, and in these years, the infected person may not know and can infect many more, who in turn go and infect others, just like an exponential growth.
What is HIV?
HIV is human immunodeficiency virus. It can infect the immune system cells, destroy or damage its function, cause the immune system to undergo progressive decline, and finally appear "immune deficiency", that is, the immune system can not resist infection and disease.
What is AIDS?
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a monitoring term defined by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention and the European Center for the epidemiology of AIDS. At the last stage of HIV infection, any infection of more than 20 opportunistic infections, or any tumor associated with HIV, can be defined as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
How does the HIV virus spread?
The AIDS virus infection through unprotected sexual intercourse and oral sex, input by HIV contaminated blood, sharing of contaminated needles, HIV needles or other sharp and other means of communication, but also by HIV infected mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation transmitted to the baby.
How long has the virus infected people to develop into AIDS patients?
There is a large individual difference in the time of developing the infected person to the patient. If no corresponding treatment has been obtained, most of the infected people have the signs of HIV related diseases within 5 to 10 years after the infection. Antiretroviral therapy can slow down the progress of the disease by reducing the viral load of the infected person.
Can HIV infection be cured?
HIV infection is not curable, but if adherence to antiretroviral therapy and treatment compliance is good, the progress of the virus in the body can be reduced to a very low level. Infected people can also maintain a good state of life, and maintain the ability to work and prolong life.
What are the care needs of the HIV infected people?
In addition to antiretroviral therapy, people with HIV / AIDS often need to be consulted and psychological support. Good nutrition, safe drinking water and basic sanitary conditions can also help the infected people to keep their normal life.
Motivation:Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive medicine. The changes in life conditions and circumstances have widened the disease spectrum so dramatically that people’s health concept keeps on developing. Thus more and more attentions are drawn to the study of Epidemiology that is considered a cornerstone methodology of public health research, and is highly regarded in evidence-based medicine for identifying risk factors for disease and determining optimal treatment approaches to clinical practice. It is my aspiration to devote myself to the subject of Epidemiology as I am interested in studies of its broad field, ranging from outbreak investigation to study design, data collection and analysis. The researches concern not only communicable diseases such as H1N1 Flu A, SARS, but also non-communicable ones related to . diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, the magnitude of Epidemiology in promoting public health in order to serve the public has motivated me specially. I am convinced that through the dedication I am able to conduct researches with methodological and analytic knowledge, which are of help in preventing and controlling diseases.
医学论文是医学科学研究工作的文字记录和书面总结,是医学科学研究工作的重要组成部分。医学论文报道医学领域领先的科研成果;是医学科学研究工作者辛勤劳动的结晶,是人类医学科学发展和进步的动力。尤其是SCI论文,能使成果向国际上展示,并有可能被人采用和传播,为人类造福,因此,更具有意义与价值,那么一篇好的英文SCI医学论文改怎么写呢?今天小编就为大家一步步分析。英文SCI医学论文应注意的几大环节:写前准备Preparation, 论文结构 Structure, 论文文题Title, 摘要Abstracts, 引言Introduction, 文章主体Body of Paper, 结论 Conclusion, 和致谢Acknowledgement。1、Preparation就是收集资料,找出灵感和方向,主要依靠的是期刊和文献journal in library。2、Structure是重点,文章的结构应该:选题要宽,研究方向要窄,然后最后的结论又发散开来。在文章主体前后都必须有声明(declarativestatement),用最少的字句表达出自己的观点,吸引读者。3、Title必须清晰简短(clear,short),以提升读者的阅读兴趣,然而文题中切记不能出现缩略语和自己的结论。4、Abstracts 是文章的一个缩影,一定要简明扼要(可为一段文字,篇幅<200字),按照文章顺序介绍主要研究对象(subject)、实验设计 (design)、实验步骤(procedures)以及最后结果(results),这种介绍必须让非专业的人员能够看懂。5、引言同样要保证简短,顺序是一般背景介绍、别人工作成果、自己的研究目的及工作简介,其中介绍别人工作时只需介绍和自己最相关的方面,而对自己的工作介绍不用说明细节,因为这个要放到文章正文中去。不要忘记在介绍自己工作之前要有一个声明。6、Body部分可以分为方法methods、讨论discussion和结果result三个部分:(1) Methods,详尽的介绍自己的实验方案以便于他人能够重复自己的实验过程,对于通用的实验方案可以简略,重点要放到自己的独创方案上面,按照实验的先后顺序介绍,为了文章的阅读方便,不要使用过多层次的副标题subheadings。(2)Discussion,这个部分是为了以后的study ,在其中提出自己的 problem 或者是hypothesis,和别人的成果进行比较,暗示自己的主要收获,为后面的conclusion做准备。(3)Result,使用text、table、figure等手段表达出来,其中table不要使用过多,而 figure必须保证图线清楚、注解明确,必要的时候还要对于自己的结论进行解释说明。7、Conclusion中不要包含文章未涉及的信息,保持简洁;如果此文章只是项目的一部分,稍做说明。在写完之后回头看看是否有逻辑上的错误,是否考虑到了读者兴趣等。8、Acknowledgement,不要忘记,这个不仅反应了一个人的个人品质,还一定程度体现了研究水平。
据学术堂了解,英文医学科研论文一般分为引言、方法、结果、讨论和结论等。今天给大家分享一些经验,笔者根据自身的撰写、审阅英文科研论文的经验,分析了此类论文的结构与特点,总结了英文医学科研论文主体部分的写作方法。1. 引言本部分一般采用漏斗式的顺序来撰写,从宽泛的研究话题逐渐过渡到本研究拟解决的关键问题。以传染病防控研究相关论文为例, 引言一般包括3部分:拟研究问题的重要性、必要性和研究目的。首先,阐述拟研究疾病的严重危害、主要分布和造成的影响等内容,突出该研究的重要性。然后,综述相关研究的进展,包括当前研究成果、存在的不足和未解决的问题,提出该研究的必要性和研究假说。最后,根据拟解决的问题提出研究目的并细化,分类别或分步骤提出拟实施的研究框架。例如,一篇有关某种疾病在某地区横断面调查的文章,其重要性一般需包括该病的定义、流行范围、全球疾病负担和该地区的疾病负担;必要性要描述该病流行病学相关研究的进展、存在问题和造成这些问题的原因,未解决问题(3—5个)或未调查过的区域;然后提出本研究拟解决的问题(1—2个)和调查范围,研究结果可能解决的现实问题(例如,为制定治疗方案提供科学依据),以此来揭示本研究的必要性,从而回答科学假说所需要开展的哪几方面研究,包括调查的范围和影响因素以及如何开展,引出后面的方法等部分。2. 研究方法这部分内容缺乏科学依据或表述不当是造成稿件被拒的主要原因之一。正确撰写研究方法的诀窍是按照一定的逻辑顺序尽可能详细具体地描述整个研究开展的条件和过程。研究方法的写作一般以时间顺序展开,首先提供一个总体研究框架,包括研究设计的内容、 实验流程或者现场调查过程。然后描述开展研究所需材料的详细信息或流行病学背景信息,如各种实验材料的供应商和联系方式,样本或参与者的相关信息等。接下来描述该研究的技术和步骤,如研究对象的选取方法、治疗方案、干预措施、实验或数据分析方法等,选择某一技术的理论依据或建模方法也需阐明。例如,要研究蚊类的各项生物学指标,就要说明这些指标的测量方法和总体数据的分析依据。如果方法中涉及实验设计,最好提供技术路线图,清楚简洁地表述研究设计全貌;如是现场研究,最好用地图标出研究地点。若方法部分较为复杂,可分部分来撰写,每个部分提供一个小标题。在研究开展过程中,需要充分考虑到医学伦理问题。如果研究涉及到人,需在方法部分提供研究对象知情同意的相关声明;若涉及动物,需在此部分陈述关于对此研究道德批准的声明。3. 研究结果以研究目的为导向,总结研究成果,阐明各分支研究的关系,描述发展趋势。撰稿人要高度凝练对实验或观察结果的描述,突出具有代表性和科学意义的数据。主要数据通常以图表的形式呈现,如使用配对图呈现临床试验中复杂患者样本的主要研究结果;运用基线对比描述几个对照组的数据。图表需具有自明性,可以在图表下附上说明性文字。以研究成果的重要性或产出时间为顺序,围绕研究假说和拟解决的问题,从方法部分的几个研究指标来陈述研究结果。例如,在某一疾病的横断面调查结果中,对数据的描述大致分为人群患病率、儿童新发病率、疾病三间分布(包括时间分布、空间分布和人群分布)以及流行因素等。如果涉及治疗内容,则对诊疗(包括内科、外科治疗等)指标都应该进行统计分析,这样才能统计出调查区域内需内科治疗或外科治疗的人数以及各占多少比例,为讨论治疗策略提供必要的证据。结果分析还可将某些指标变化进行不同时段或不同区域间的比较,这样使结果更为丰富。而现场实验研究则必须阐明样本数量,分散度指标和集中趋势指标等关键统计数据。4. 讨论和结论如果论文引言部分是点明某一研究的重要性和必要性,讨论部分则主要论证该研究结果的科学性与推广意义,主要分3步进行论证。首先,根据研究目的总结主要研究结果,解释这些结果的意义和重要性;然后与其他已发表结果进行比较或对比,解释本研究的不同之处和独特意义,说明本研究的局限性;总结回应研究的问题、假说或目的,表明本研究结果的实用价值,对实际工作的启示和对整个领域研究的影响。例如,疾病横断面调查结果若要为制定疾控政策服务,就需根据该疾病的患病率,引用已发表的论据,来判定其在全球范围内属于高、中、低的哪种流行区, 讨论造成这一流行强度的原因,也可讨论不同类型的疾病患病率高低的原因和潜在分布区域,与已发表的相关研究结果和实际作用相比较,出正确的推理,回答研究背景中提出的假说,为制定疾控策略提供科学依据。英文科研论文的结论部分更要围绕研究目的来总结,对研究目的作出明确的回应,重申研究成果及新增的科学意义,阐明应用价值或提出对今后工作建议。因此,结论需要简洁、明确、有针对性。
Evidence is increasing that common influence influenza viruses are becoming resistant to the may main drug used to treat them. The drug is oseltamivir, also known as tamifluTamiflu. 越来越多的证据表明,普通的流感病毒正开始对其主要的治疗药物产生抗药性。这种药是oseltamiviu,,也就是人们常说的Tamilur. The most common seasonal flu virus found in the United States this year is type AH1N1A(H1N1). During the last flu season, 12% of H1N1 viruses tested in the United States were resisten resistant to tamifluTamiflu. This year, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say , resistance is close to 100%. Still, they say early reports show that flu activity has been low so far this year. 今年在美国发现的最常见的季节性流感病毒是A(H1N1),在上一个流感季节,在美国被检测流感病毒有12%对Tamiflu有抗药性。今年,疾病控制和防治中心的研究人员称,这种抗药性已接近100%。而且,他们还指出,早期的报告显示今年的流感活动下降了很多。 The research team is reporting its findings in the Journal of The the American Medical Association. Alicia Fry led the team. Doctor Fry says , it is better to prevent the flu than to have to treat it, and . And the best form of prevention, she says, is getting vaccinated each year against influenceinfluenza. Viruses change, or mutate, so flu vaccines must be reformulated each year to target the most common threats. 研究小组在《美国医药协会》杂志上发表了他们的研究结果。Alicia Fry领导该小组。Fry博士称,比起治疗流感,想办法预防它会更好。同时,她说,预防的最好办法是每年接种一次流感役苗。病毒会转变会变异,因此流感役苗也需要每年变换以应对最常见的威胁。
Leaders of poor countries appear to be completely unaware of the global connections between the health of their populations and the security and stability required to ensure that they do not fall prey to unforeseen health catastrophes. The dearth of strong and transparent leadership among the world's poorest nations augurs poorly for the health of those nations, and of the world.贫困落后国家的领袖们似乎完全无法觉察出,确保本国老百姓的健康、避免成为疾病重灾区和全球的安全稳定有着息息相关的连带关系。这些地区因为缺乏强有力而政策透明的领导,让自身乃至全世界人民的健康都蒙上了阴影。Meanwhile, the rich countries also continue to think about pandemics in a very linear and scientific way, which fails to account for the comprehensive economic and political chaos that would accompany a major pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control, and, for that matter, the Gates Foundation and other donors, are concentrating their efforts on vaccines and, in the case of the WHO, antiviral stockpiles for a possible outbreak of avian flu. Plans are also being developed for isolation and quarantine, running through scenarios for stopping air traffic and the like. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that the pathogens will be as responsive to our efforts as we hope they will be, leading to widespread chaos, morbidity and mortality.与此同时,富强国家对全球性流行病的思维也仍然很狭隘地单纯停留在科学层面,没有把重大全球性流行病将带来的政治经济后果纳入通盘考量。世界卫生组织、疾病防控中心和包括盖茨基金会在内慷慨解囊的其他捐款者正把大部分人力财力注入疫苗(在WTO而言则是防病毒药物)的开发和储备,以防禽流感的可能再度爆发。正在规划中的应急方案还包括隔病患离带的建立和执行,沙盘推演诸如全面停止空中交通等等措施。很不幸地,病原体对我们种种防范举措的反应可未必尽如人意,而将带来全面的混乱、发病和死亡。At a time when oil shocks have the ability to globally increase food insecurity, it may be worthwhile to consider how a pandemic could push people living on the edge into poverty and starvation. With food production suffering greatly, the urban centers that are dependent on daily imports of food could rapidly fall victim. If this sounds a bit like Jared Diamond's arguments in Collapse, it's intentional. The world is interconnected, but poor countries are hanging by a thread, and it's a thread that could quickly break if a pandemic hits hard enough.在经验过油价上升造成的全球粮食供应不稳定后,我们真得考虑一下可能伴随重大流行病而来的后果,那会将原本就生活拮据的人们推往赤贫甚至饥饿边缘。当粮食严重减产时,平时每天仰赖粮食进口度日的大都会老百姓很快就会遭难。如果这听起来与 Jared Diamond 在“Collapse" 中描述的情景有些雷同,是刻意如此安排的。全世界都是同船合命的共同体,而那些贫困国家就像是命若悬丝般一息尚存,当强度够大的流行病风卷而至的时候,那根细丝将迅速绷断。Adding to the threat, it may well be that the worst pandemics on the planet are not emerging, but have simply been with us so long that we've grown accustomed to their presence and therefore have done little to address them. Women across sub-Saharan Africa continue to stand a 1 percent chance of dying in childbirth--is that a pandemic? Five hundred thousand kids die from measles every year. Africans suffer from an astonishing estimated 300 million episodes of malaria annually, with a death toll of one million. And now throughout the developing world silent killers like heart disease and diabetes are taking hold.再往深处想想,或许地球上最严峻的流行病并非是才刚窜起的这些,而是早就存在但我们习以为常视若无睹因而不曾好好看待的问题。非洲撒哈拉沙漠南部妇女们长久以来始终承受着百分之一因难产死亡的风险,这该也能纳入“流行”的范畴吧?每年约有50万孩童死于麻疹。非洲百姓骇人的每年估计约三亿人次的霍乱病例和随之而来的100万人死亡。还有诸如心脏病、糖尿病这些现在正在开发中国家肆虐的隐形杀手。In the best of cases, pursuing a business-as-usual approach, the wealthy countries may get lucky: the spread of contagion may be stopped at borders and when it crosses, advanced, expensive treatment may be available. But no matter what, the economic and potential political destabilization that would result would cross these borders and be felt in everyone's bank accounts. The moral implications of continuing to adopt a merely defensive stance will guarantee that developing countries will suffer millions dead and may also cultivate the pathogens for future pandemics that will evade the best weapons the richer countries can throw at them.在最好的情况下,如果抱着一种见招拆招的态度,那些富庶的先进国家也许够幸运:先设法把传染病带菌者阻绝在边境口岸,即便闯进来了耗资不菲但高端的医疗手段也能应付得过。但不管怎样,接踵而至的经济上和潜在政局上的动荡仍将不分国界地对所有人的荷包带来影响。从道德蕴藏的因果玄机看,持续采取那种”自扫门前雪“的作风最终将注定会导致开发中国家数以百万计的生命流逝,而且可能孕育出那种即便是富裕国家最先进的医疗科技(武器)都无计可施的新一代流行病原体。Some might see the call for health improvement in poor nations in order to save our own skins as either a Machiavellian ploy to help poor people or a sad and ironic commentary on the state of humankind. Whatever the case, rich nations must begin taking health systems for the poor seriously because: new bugs and the resurgence of old ones are likely to emerge where people are sickest or treatment is inconsistent; when pandemics strike, they'll do the most harm to those without health services; and when sicknesses like a new strain of influenza inevitably come, the health personnel in these settings will be much-better equipped to identify and contain them.有些人也许会把为贫困国家百姓改善健康以达到自救目的,以”人溺己溺“为号召的这种呼吁当成是一种拯救穷人的奸巧阴谋,或是对人类社会现况既悲哀又矛盾的一段旁白。不论持什么观点,强国必须开始对穷人的医疗保健更加重视一些,因为:新品种细菌病毒和已知病毒新一代变种的复出即有可能在人们病得最严重时或疗效最不稳定的那刻涌现;流行病一旦横行肆虐,受到最大打击的就是那些得不到医疗照顾的群体;此外,当新一代的流感病毒无可避免地到来时,身负重任的医疗科研团队起码能更有力地指认和解决它们。
The first is to ensure that no ingestion of contaminated food and water. Especially drinking water, areas where conditions permit local authorities to obtain drinking water disinfection tablets, boiling and then drinking after , avoid sharing towels, utensils, and wash water. Tableware used as boiling water disinfection 3 .Third, garbage and feces as far as possible away from the hedge, the same time not to dispose of the water nearby. Regions where conditions permit, you can use bleaching powder for disinfection of the surrounding environment. Of the stagnant water breeding mosquitoes, can Dichlorvos for disinfection. At the same time, you can put in some rodent bait, to prevent the spread of diseases caused by rats. 4 . a hedge to be seen around the bodies of animals and to stay away from hedge to deep water sources, and has been corruption, the best and then burned deep. 5 . a positive commitment to prevention function is found around the family, friends, infectious disease symptoms appear, the timely reporting of health and epidemic prevention departments. 6. good and the right attitude. Earthquake prone to outbreaks of infectious diseases, and even high, but as long as the correct way to take pro-active prevention, large-scale infectious disease is not likely to appear large, is entirely preventable; around family and other small emerging infectious diseases, as long as the treatment of in a timely manner, it will not cause pop, so do not be too nervous.