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The goal understands the room air pollution the degree and to the human body health influence. The method October, 2007 to December, to the Dongguan Wan city some plot's 50 varying degree repair, housing less than a half year housing, carries on many item of air pollution target monitor, and to 120 family members has carried on the inquiring survey. Finally the carbon monoxide exceeds the allowed figure more than 1 time; The carbon dioxide exceeds the allowed figure 12 times; The formaldehyde exceeds the allowed figure more than 40 times; The benzene, the toluene, the ethyl benzene, the xylene exceed the allowed figure separately 8-13 times; The bacterium target surpasses standard times. In 120 by the investigation object, some 80 bodies appeared the bad symptom. In the conclusion room air the formaldehyde pollution is most serious, moreover the indoor spatial pollution is harming human body's health directly.

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信息来源:创新医学网 在一篇由文题、摘要、引言、方法、结果、结论和参考文献组成的医学论文中,文题往往是读者最先浏览的部分,有时甚至是唯一浏览的部分。因此,准确、完整、简洁、有效地译好论文文题十分重要。医学论文文题汉译英中有以下一些常见问题,需要引起我们的注意。 1 文题过长 文题应做到用最少的文字反映论文精髓。英文文题要求不超过10~12个英文单词或100个英文字符(含空格和标点)〔1〕。造成文题过长的主要原因是将中文文题中的“研究”、“探讨/初探”、“体会”、“观察”、“意义”等词组逐字译成英文的“Study on”,“Research on”,“Investigation of”,“Exploration of”,“Discussion on”,“Observation of”,“Significance of”等词组。 这类词组被认为是影响文题简洁性的多余词“waste words”,应加以避免〔2〕。 即使是“A Comparative Study on …and…”(“…与…的对比研究”)、“A Correlative Study on…and…”(“…与…的相关性研究”)这类词组也应尽可能简化成“Comparison between…and…”、“Correlation between…and…”。 此外,英文中可数名词泛指一般事物有三种方法:第一,单数名词前加定冠词the;第二,单数名词前加不定冠词a/an;第三,使用名词复数。为了减少多余词,保证文题的简洁性,在翻译人或动物为研究对象时应尽量选择使用名词复数的方法。例如:patients,children,infants,neonates,rats,mice,guinea pigs。 2 词序错误 中、英文在表达方式上除词汇不同外,词序方面也存在差异。例如: (1) 特异性抗心肌抗体 对小儿心肌疾病的 诊断价值 (方法) (对象) (目的) Diagnostic value of specific antiheart autoantibodies (目的) (方法) in children with cardiomyopathy (对象) (2) 上海浦东地区 托幼机构儿童 蛲虫感染的 调查 (地点) (对象) (目的) (方法) Survey of pinworm infection in nursery children in (方法) (目的) (对象) Pudong Shanghai (地点) (3) 1996年夏季 云溪地区 儿童 暴发流行麻疹 调查分析 (时间) (地点) (对象) (目的) (方法) Analysis of the epidemic measles outbreak in children (方法) (目的) (对象) of Yunxi in the summer of 1996 (地点) (时间) 我们在翻译文题时,如果只注意到中、英文词汇的不同,忽视了词序方面的差异,译出来的文题就会是英文单词、中文词序,如把上述例(3)直译为:1996 summer Yunxi children epidemic measles outbreaak analysis。 翻译中文文题时还应注意修饰词组和被修饰词的顺序,一般来说,修饰词组要紧跟在被修饰词的后面,使意思表达得清楚明白。稍不留意,有时会闹出笑话来。例如〔3〕: (1)原 句 Mechanism of Suppression of Nontransmissible Pneumonia in Mice (被修饰词) Induced by Newcastle Disease Virus (修饰词组) 修改句 Mechanism of Suppression of Nontransmissible Pneumonia Induced by Newcastle Disease Virus in Mice 原句给人的错觉是“Newcastle Disease Virus可以诱导出老鼠来”,其实这种病毒诱导的是肺炎而不是老鼠。 (2)原 句 Isolation of Antigens from Monkeys Using (被修饰词) Complement-Fixation Techniques (修饰词组) 修改句 Isolation of Antigens Using Complement-Fixation Techniques from Monkeys 原句给人的错觉是“猴子居然也会应用Complement-Fixation技术”。 (3)原 句 Multiple Infections among Newborns (被修饰词) Resulting from Implantation with (修饰词组) Staphylococcus aureus 502A 修改句 Multiple Infections Resulting from Implantation with Staphylococcus aureus 502A among Newborns 原句给人的错觉是“金葡球菌的植入可导致新生儿的降临”。 以上讨论的是医学论文文题汉译英时常见的一些问题。希望能引起医学论文译、作者和杂志编辑的注意。 〔参 考 文 献〕 〔1〕 Mimi Z. Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. McGraw-Hill, Inc. Health Professions Division〔M〕, 1991, 124~126. 〔2〕 Day RA. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: Appendix 4: Words and Expressions to Avoid〔M〕. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: ISI Press, 1983, 166~169. 〔3〕 Day RA. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: How to Prepare the Title〔M〕. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: ISI Press, 1983, 17~18.

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The purpose is to understand that how the indoor air pollution impact on people's health. Methodology: The investigation was conducted between October and December 2007 in certain community at Wancheng District in Dongwan City. 50 apartments of different decorating conditions, which were not resided more than one half year, were monitored for multiple air pollution index. 120 residents living in the 50 apartments were interviewed face-to-face. At the end of the investigation, averagely, Carbon Oxide level exceeded the provided standard over 100%, Carbon Dioxide level exceeded the provided standard 1200%, Formaldehyde level exceeded the provided standard over 4000%, the level of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Dimethylbenzene exceeded provided standards 800-1300%, and bacterium level exceeded provided standards 290%. 80 from 120 interviewed residents reported somatic symptoms. Hereby we draw the conclusion that Formaldehyde is the most serious pollutant of indoor air pollutants, and indoor air pollution directly harm the residents' health.

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