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现在技术越来越先进,特别是对于鉴别图片重复问题,例如这篇2004年发表的一区SCI就是因为图片重复使用问题于2021年3月5日被撤稿了,文章发表在 British Journal of Cancer 上, 该期刊属于nature子刊,也是专业内的老牌期刊 。这篇文章多张图片涉嫌与别的文章重复,由于作者没有办法提供原始数据证明就期刊编辑部撤稿了。 文章题目: Retraction Note to: Id-1 stimulates cell proliferation through activation of EGFR in ovarian cancer cells 官方撤稿理由如下: The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article because serious concerns have been raised about integrity of the data. Specifically: Figure 1a—the Id-1 and Actin bands for the Skov3 panel appear to be very similar. The Actin bands in the Ovca433 panel in Figure 1a seem very similar to the Actin bands for the Ovca433 panel in Figure 4a. Figure 1a—it appears that some images have been published earlier with different labels by some of the same authors. In Figure 1b the Actin band for the Ovca420 panel and the Actin band for the Ovca432 panel seem to be mirror images[1,2]. The authors were unable to provide raw data. The data reported in this article are therefore unreliable. S.W. Tsao agrees to this retraction. The editor was not able to obtain a current email address for X. Zhang, M.-T. Ling, H. Feng, Y.C. Wong and X. Wang. 参考文章: 1、Ling, M., Wang, X. S., Ouyang, X., Xu, K., Tsao, S. W. & Wong, Y. C. Id-1 expression promotes cell survival through activation of NF-kB signalling pathway in prostate cancer cells. Oncogene 22, 4498–4508, (2003). 2、Cheung, H. W., Ling, M.-t, Tsao, S. W., Wong, Y. C. & Wang, X. Id-1-induced Raf/MEK pathway activation is essential for its protective role against taxol-induced apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Carcinogenesis 25, 881–887, (2004). 图片重复使用细节问题: 撤稿官网: 参考链接:

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根据网友Elisabeth M Bik提供的论文图片分析情况, 天津医科大学天津生命科学研究中心Hua Tang 课题组40多篇SCI论文涉嫌图片重复使用问题 ,大部分论文由国自然基金资助。具体情况如下: No、1 论文题目: Downregulation of TNFRSF19 and RAB43 by a novel miRNA, miR-HCC3, promotes proliferation and epithelial–mesenchymal transition in hepatocellular carcinoma cells 论文作者: LiMing Guo, Rui Gao, JianChen Gan, YaNan Zhu, JunYi Ma, Ping Lv, Yi Zhang, ShengPing Li,  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(2020) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、2 论文题目: TCDD-induced antagonism of MEHP-mediated migration and invasion partly involves aryl hydrocarbon receptor in MCF7 breast cancer cells 论文作者: Anqi Shan, Ling Leng, Jing Li, Xiu-mei Luo, Ya-jiao Fan, Qiaoyun Yang, Qun-hui Xie, Yang-sheng Chen, Chun-sheng Ni, Li-ming Guo,  Hua Tang , Xi Chen, Nai-jun Tang 出版期刊及年份:Journal of Hazardous Materials (2020) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、3 论文题目: miR-30a reverses TGF-β2-induced migration and EMT in posterior capsular opacification by targeting Smad2 论文作者:  Hua Li, Hui Song, Xiaoyong Yuan, Jun Li,  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份: Molecular Biology Reports(2019) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、4 论文题目: HBV-encoded miR-2 functions as an oncogene by downregulating TRIM35 but upregulating RAN in liver cancer cells 论文作者:  Lili Yao , Yadi Zhou , Zhenhua Sui , Yanling Zhang , Yankun Liu , Hong Xie , Huijie Gao , Hongxia Fan , Yi Zhang , Min Liu , Shengping Li ,  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份: EBioMedicine (2019) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、5 论文题目: miR-639 Expression Is Silenced by DNMT3A-Mediated Hypermethylation and Functions as a Tumor Suppressor in Liver Cancer Cells 论文作者:  Jing Xiao, Yankun Liu, Fuxia Wu, Ruiyan Liu, Yongli Xie, Qian Yang, Yufeng Li, Min Liu, Shengping Li,  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份: Molecular Therapy (2019) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、6 论文题目: GRSF1-mediated MIR-G-1 promotes malignant behavior and nuclear autophagy by directly upregulating TMED5 and LMNB1 in cervical cancer cells 论文作者:  Zhen Yang, Qi Sun, Junfei Guo, Shixing Wang, Ge Song, Weiying Liu, Min Liu &  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份: Autophagy (2019) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、7 论文题目: INPP1 up‐regulation by miR‐27a contributes to the growth, migration and invasion of human cervical cancer 论文作者:  Pu Li, Qiaoge Zhang,  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份:J Cell Mol Med(2019) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: No、8 论文题目: MiR-HCC2 Up-regulates BAMBI and ELMO1 Expression to Facilitate the Proliferation and EMT of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells 论文作者:  Jianying Yi, Yajie Fan, Le Zhang, Hong Wang, Ting Mu, Hong Xie, Huijie Gao, Min Liu, Shengping Li,  Hua Tang 出版期刊及年份:Journal of Cancer (2019) 涉嫌图片重复使用情况: 参考链接: 由于版面问题,本文仅列举了2020年和2019年出版的论文,其实远远不止这个数,一共有40多篇,具体情况可以查看这个链接:

335 评论


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