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AbstractObjective:To ring for the treatment of mixed hemorrhoid surgery, most of the large presence of local damage, post-operative complications and other defects. Observed using different stripping tie ring mixed hemorrhoids surgical treatment efficacy, and to explore the anal sphincter function and circumferential mixed pathogenesis. Surgical techniques: the ring mixed hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids with the sub-stripping, ligation of internal hemorrhoids with injection of non-liquid Xiaozhiling area hemorrhoids ligation method. Circumferential mixed for varicose veins do not release the anal sphincter, and for circumferential mixed connective tissue type to give anal sphincter release. Results: 164 patients were cured and 158 cases, 96%, effective in 6 cases, accounting for 4% of all effective course of 12-21 days, an average of 16 days, one year after surgery follow-up, there are follow-up results of 156 cases, including two cases of occasional wet anus, itching, with no recurrence and secondary anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: The circumferential mixed connective tissue type of patients, the anal sphincter tension, poor flexibility, giving anal sphincter release surgery, after surgery can reduce pain, prevent local edema, but also to prevent anal stenosis after surgery. Circumferential mixed-type patients with varicose veins, the most lax anal sphincter, anal sphincter surgery does not release, it does not cause anal stenosis. Therefore, anal sphincter dysfunction and the pathogenesis of mixed hemorrhoid ring to be : circular mixed hemorrhoid ligation stripping anal sphincter injection Xiaozhiling

201 评论



262 评论


Abstract Objective: the treatment of circular mixed hemorrhoid operation, mostly local injury in operation, complications after multiple defects. Observation of using different stripping ligation operation in the treatment of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids curative effect, and discusses the function of the anal sphincter and the relationship between the onset of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids. Operation method: on circular mixed hemorrhoid by piecewise external dissection, internal hemorrhoid ligation, and hemorrhoid ligation of internal hemorrhoids ichor injection of zone method. For varicose veins not releasable circumferential mixed hemorrhoids anal sphincter, and the connective tissue type annular mixed hemorrhoids give anal sphincter loosening. Results: 164 cases were cured in 158 cases, accounting for 96%, 6 cases, accounted for 4% of all effective, treatment 1221 days, average 16 days after the operation, one year follow-up, with follow-up results of 156 cases, including 2 cases with anal wet, pruritus, with no recurrence and secondary to anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: connective tissue type annular mixed hemorrhoids patients, the anal sphincter tension, poor elasticity, operation for anal sphincter loosening, can reduce the pain after the operation, prevent local edema, and can prevent the operation after anal stenosis. Varicose vein type annular mixed hemorrhoids patients, most of the anal sphincter relaxation, operation is not releasable anal sphincter, also won't cause anal stenosis. The anal sphincter dysfunction and the ring-like mix hemorrhoids the pathogenesis remains to be : Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids ligation of anal sphincter Xiaozhiling injection

134 评论


我做了五年多英语笔译工作,2005年师范计算机教育专业毕业,本科,六级;目前笔译月收入12000元左右(在江西吉安工作),看到您这个问题比较感兴趣,想说几句 随着人工智能和量子计算机技术的发展和成熟,30年后翻译这门古老职业很可能消失 翻译是相当辛苦的工作,对技能要求很高,与IT、金融、通信、建筑、土木等高薪行业比,翻译行业待遇属于中下等;医学翻译需求量暂时比较大,需要具备较扎实的医学背景、扎实的翻译基础、良好的语言转化能力等;建议本科医学相关专业、翻译硕士阶段优先报考医学背景好的MTI院校进修和实践下,再往这方面发展。目前,翻译一般要求硕士,最低学历是本科;至少需达到CATTI 2 以上水平,且有丰富实践经验。 如果您有别的疑惑,欢迎追问或咨询我

194 评论


Abstract Objective: To ring for the treatment of mixed hemorrhoid surgery, most of the large presence of local damage, post-operative complications and other defects. Observed using different stripping tie ring mixed hemorrhoids surgical treatment efficacy, and to explore the anal sphincter function and circumferential mixed pathogenesis. Surgical techniques: the ring mixed hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids with the sub-stripping, ligation of internal hemorrhoids with injection of non-liquid Xiaozhiling area hemorrhoids ligation method. Circumferential mixed for varicose veins do not release the anal sphincter, and for circumferential mixed connective tissue type to give anal sphincter release. Results: 164 patients were cured and 158 cases, 96%, effective in 6 cases, accounting for 4% of all effective course of 12-21 days, an average of 16 days, one year after surgery follow-up, there are follow-up results of 156 cases, including two cases of occasional wet anus, itching, with no recurrencerelease, it does not cause anal stenosis. Therefore, anal sphincter dysfunction and the pathogenesis of mixed hemorrhoid ring to be explored. Keywords circular mixed hemorrhoid ligation stripping anal sphincter injection Xiaozhiling

96 评论



165 评论



246 评论


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